Reverend Insanity

: Section 176: Rising 6 horns, hard to find someone to try

Fang Yuan is cautious and always thinks that everyone else in the world can't rely on it. The only one who can really rely on it is himself. Therefore, when he got the six-armed corpse king to kill, he set about to study.

This killing was originally based on his repairs. Coupled with these days, Fang Yuan is under the guidance of Mo Yao, and the refining of the road is deep and deep, and the horizon is not the same.

Therefore, his understanding of the six-armed corpse king is well understood and clear.

At this moment, he saw this perfect killing, no need to test, then know that this move has been extremely perfect.

On the basis of the original, Moyao deleted a lot of auxiliary locusts, and the core and the six pillars of the locusts did not change, and added several auxiliary mites to enter.

Perceived the ingenuity of it, Fang Yuan praised.

In my mind, Mo Yao’s will introduce: “This is also due to the minds of Pan Chang’s two people. With their detailed experience and experience, I can repair to such a degree. This killing has been perfected to the extreme, as long as No more than a musk time, no matter how frequent the number of urging, it will not accumulate corpse in the body, resulting in corpse spots."

Fang Yuan nodded, knowing that Mo Yao was true.

This killing is indeed perfect to the extreme, according to this line of thinking, has done the best. Unless you add cedar in the future, or replace the core mites.

However, adding the immortality to enter, will inevitably break the original system, to re-reorganize, and face the whole truth.

If you replace the core mites, wait until you change the whole idea. The idea has changed. The whole killing was unrecognizable after the reconstruction. It is not so much a "six-armed corpse king", but rather a new killing trick.

On the whole, the six-armed corpse king, whether it is the core scorpion, the pillar locust, or the auxiliary mites, has achieved the ultimate and perfect match. There is no place to modify it.

Although there are still sequelae - more than a musk time, the corpse will cause damage to the body of the sergeant. It’s too long, and it will even turn the sergeant into a zombie.

But this is due to the improper use of the teacher, and it can be avoided. Because there are more uses, it will not accumulate plaques. The sergeant can frequently mobilize to get the effect of prolonging the murder.

However, Fang Yuan is such a huge achievement. Still somewhat dissatisfied.

"If you have any other ideas for perfecting the killings, this master can listen to your ears." Mo Yao gave a sneer.

"To achieve this step, the six-armed corpse king is already the ultimate, there is no place to improve. But there is still a little, I am not satisfied, that is the aftereffect of this killing." Fang Yuandao.

"After perfection. Now the six-armed corpse king, the power has turned over again, the time is up to a fragrant incense. It is enough for you to cope with all the challenges of the mortal. What are you dissatisfied? You have to know, any killing It is a combination of locusts, which is not only the use of locusts. There must be drawbacks. The sequela of killing is inevitable, but it is serious. Some are weak. Such force killing, powerful, in me Memory is also among the top five. Kid, you don't want people to swallow the elephant." Mo Yao teaches.

Fang Yuan snorted.

His imaginary enemy is the immortality, surpassing the mundane existence!

With the six-armed corpse king, Fang Yuan can arbitrarily dust even if he does not need to abandon the slave. But dealing with Zhu Xian is not enough.

In the battle of immortals, this goal is too arrogant and too sensational. Fangyuan disdain, it is not convenient to inform Mo Yao.

Immediately, he continued: "Everything is forewarned, not foreseeable. In case one day, the situation is special, I used too much killing, how to do it into a zombie? I also know that the six-armed corpse king The killing can no longer be improved. Next, I have to solve this sequela."

Mo Yao Yao understood the meaning of Fang Yuan, she fell silent.

Fang Yuan has a young age, and Mo Yao didn't expect him to have such a cautious side. To be honest, this makes the source of Mo Yao Yao look a bit stunned -

"This kid, talented, resourceful, organic, more character and perseverance, can be able to bend and stretch. On the one hand, brave and daring, on the other hand, but also consider the stability and prudence, worry about it. This kid, sooner or later, will be famous in the world. ”

The silence was very short. Soon, Moyao said: "To solve this sequela, there is some trouble. The six-armed corpse king is not an ordinary zombie. The corpse is extremely rich, and once the teacher changes, he can't even use the yin and yang to turn around! ”

"You have no way to be a master of the refining sect?" Fang Yuan did not believe.

Moyao is not inspired by Fangyuan, and the tone is still very gentle: "I need a five-turn sergeant, completely transformed into a six-armed corpse king, and then on his (her) body, experiment. I need this tester Fully coordinated, always mastering his or her state: physical aspects, emotional feelings, feelings of understanding... These are important reference information."

Mo Yao is not willing to think deeply and wear out too much. She re-applied her skills and intended to use the living experiment to replace her deep thinking and difficult process.

Fang Yuan frowned: "Five turns to the teacher? Also he (she) fully cooperate?"

"Yes, it is best for him or her to be willing. Because of the use of slaves, etc., controlling him or her will interfere with the correct bursting of emotions and destroy the experience and feelings of being transformed into zombies."

This is hard!

If Fang Yuan tries to solve the problem of the sequela of the six-armed corpse, he must find a five-turn sergeant, and he or she needs his willingness to listen to it, risking death and death. The whole experiment.

Where does Fangyuan find such a person? !

Three days later.

Central office.

From the vortex of the ink, the landlord lifted up and slowly flew to the hands of Fangyuan.

Once again, the refining road was spurred to kill the ink, and the Pentagon’s main command has been upgraded to a hexagon.

Fang Yuan is mixed.

The good news is that he now has the main command of the Hexagonal Building. He only waits for the landlord in the hands of Hei Loulan to rise to the four corners. He will be able to take it and make it into the ten-corner building.

With the commander of the Ten Corners, you can inherit the true biography of a giant Yang Xianzun!

Immortal true biography, the temptation for anyone is quite large.

The worry is that for this sixth ink, Fang Yuan really hollowed out the old bottom. In order to raise funds, he once again sold the former Xianyi remnants, resulting in no more value for these remnants.

At the same time, he also sold a large number of stone people, foxes, wolves, locusts, and even precious Mao people, as well as a small number of bubble fish.

For example, the previous four-turn poetry, the golden dragonfly, the golden wind to send the cool, the five-turned spring egg tarts, the diamond glare, the golden plaque, the pine bones, the black scorpion, the clasps are also sold out. .

"Now in my hands, there are only two locusts in the open space. In the fox fairy land, there is a **** skull that is one of the blood ancestors' true biography. Three turns of flesh and blood, and already used The haze, only the yin and yang of Yangshuo turned around. There are also some auxiliary mites such as the star sill, the hole scorpion, the Tongtian scorpion, the **** chanting, and the burial soul."

Some of these tricks are important and cannot be easily flowed out. Some are essential and need to be used.

"The Fox Fairy has almost been drained by me and needs to be rehabilitated for a while. But I have a hexagonal building commander in my hand that can control any of the six floors in the 88-degree Zhenyang Building. Each of these six levels rewards. I can take it away at will. This wealth is extremely rich. If I do it, my wealth will be more than 60 times on the original basis!"

Fang Yuan has his own calculations.

But now, these wealth cannot be moved.

Black Loulan gathered a large number of good players, and now has pushed the fifth floor to the last level.

In the near future, he will be able to own a corner of the main command.

With this order in hand, he will be able to view the awards in any of the first-level checkpoints in the 88-degree Zhenyang Building.

If Fang Yuan is taking away the rewards, isn’t it just revealing it?

"When the final period is over, Wang Tingfu will soon be closed, and when the people are sent out, they will draw rewards. At that time, God will be unaware of it."



The bear's paw was heavily beaten, and immediately the mountain was shaken, and the stone splashed around like a cannonball.

The smoke and dust dissipated, and the five or six carriage-like giant bears slowly lifted up, leaving a huge deep pit on the ground.

Unfortunately, the four-turner who was shot by the bear's paw became a bright red meat mud, mixed with bone marrow and brain.

"The speed is too fast! It is simply unresponsive."

"The last level is really harder than going to heaven..."

"This is just a virtual image of a flying bear. It is only half the power of the real body. If we change to be a wild beast, we can't escape even!"

All the sorcerers on the battlefield, each with injuries, were embarrassed and worried.

The one who guards the first hundred levels of the fifth floor is the virtual image of a wild beast flying bear.

It is huge in size and looks like a hill. A white hair, clean if frosty snow. The body is complete and well-equipped. It is fierce offensive, but it is light and fast, and it is as fast as electro-optical, and it does not match its slightly bloated body. This time, when the battle was less than a fragrant time, the Shaoguan sergeants had already suffered heavy losses.

"The patriarch adult We still withdraw. This time we are mainly tempted, now the locusts on the flying bear have been almost explored. Our purpose has actually been reached." Sun Huohan Station Beside the black Loulan, persuade.

Black Loulan frowned and glanced at the battlefield.

He is a man who knows the good and the war, and immediately understands his morale is low.

"Since I was in Shaoyang, the 80-degree corner of Zhenyang Building, the strongest opponent I encountered was this flying bear virtual image. To destroy it, it is not enough to rely on us, we have to call more helpers. ”

Hei Loulan thought about it a little, and snorted, spit out a word: "Withdraw."

Sun Huohan’s heart suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, not only him, but the rest of the sergeant had already retired, but it was only because of the fierce name of the black tyrant, he dared not come up.

(ps: Look at the edge of the movie tomorrow, set a bit like Spring and Autumn, recommend everyone to look at it, you can help understand this book.) (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point to vote, monthly pass Your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile users please go to m. Read.)

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