Reverend Insanity

: Section 179: Water Magic, Fangyuan 1 language is amazing

Sudden changes have changed the color of everyone.

"What happened? Where did they go?"

"It has disappeared!"

"Is this level, don't you have a mystery?"

Everyone guessed that there was a lot of discussion.

Black Loulan frowned and confused.

Sun Huohan’s face was cloudy and uncertain, and he seemed to think of something. He said in a hesitant tone: “Is this a fight?”

"Do you want to fight?" In an instant, almost everyone’s line of sight was concentrated on Sun Huohan’s body.

In the eyes of the black Loulan, the mans flashed, Shen Sheng said: "This is indeed a locust, but if it is empty, then the elders are dangerous."

"The battle has disappeared for so many years, I can't think of reappearing here." Taibaisheng sighed and seemed to have confirmed.

He received the inheritance of the immortality from the old man, and his natural knowledge was extraordinary.

"What is the fight in the end?" everyone asked.

Ye Lusang looked calm, he is also the contemporary patriarch of the super-powered Yelu family, but because of the defeat, he has no choice but to join the black family.

He is full of mysterious Yan Dao Xian, who has a profound knowledge of home. At this time, he explained: "The so-called fighting space is a five-turn locust. Once it is activated, it can pull both the enemy and the enemy into another space. Go there. There is a deadly battle between the enemy and the enemy. Only when the winners and losers are separated, or when the time is over, they can go out of the space."

"Hey, I didn't think that the flying bear actually still harbors such a locust!" Hei Loulan sighed in the sky and sighed with regret.

Everyone’s face was so heavy that they were worried about the rapids.

The flying bear virtual image is so powerful. The power of all the people is not killed. How can it be its opponent?

The result of this duel. Anyone can easily guess that it must be a flying bear win, and a great loss.

Although there are a series of means of escape such as water, such as 蛊 但 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

The torrent has exhausted the means of escape, and sooner or later it will be caught by the virtual bear. Kill.

Unless he has a locust locust can be restrained.

However, the torrent is a waterway sergeant, which is well known.

Even the strong players on the scene do not have a genre of yudao. Therefore, there is nothing to do with the fight.

"Maybe there is hope. The yeah patriarch just said ‘point out the winner, or wait for the time to end’. What does this ‘time end’ mean?” asked Tang Miaoming.

Yelu Sang sighed: "Oh, this time is over. It is said to the sorcerer. It is necessary to constantly consume the real yuan. If you use it all the time, you will wait until the real yuan is exhausted. Disappeared."

This time everyone lost hope completely.

The empty space on the flying bear's virtual image is a wild donkey.

The wild scorpion takes the vitality of the air, and the vitality here is endless. It is impossible to count on the end of time.

"If we can completely absorb the vitality of the air, can we not?" Bian Sixuan made a very good idea. Let everyone shine.

But it didn't work.

The people negotiated for a moment and found that they had to deal with the invisible and inferior. Airway means are required.

But the airway is an ancient genre that was once popular, but was replaced by the power of formation.

Up to now, the strength has been so faint, let alone airway.

The airway can be said to have been extinct.

Very few can see an airway master.

Taibaiyunsheng has been walking in Beiyuan for so many years and has only seen three airways. One of the most recent ones is also the strongest one. It is Liu Wenwu’s one of the brothers of the righteousness.

However, this person has already followed Liu Wenwu and returned to Liu Jia. How could he work under the black Loulan account?

Even if he can be asked to shoot, he is a good at attacking the attacker, and may not be able to withstand the strength. Even if you have the ability, today’s Wang Tingfu’s outsiders can’t get in.

"There is no airway, but it is also important. The key is to break the connection between vitality and fighting space. It is not necessary to empty the vitality here." Taibaisheng caressed and said.

But this, everyone can do nothing.

The relationship between vitality and wild donkey is a good thing for the Forbidden Road.

The forbidden road is also a partial genre, and the number of forbidden sects is equally rare.

None of the people present were forbidden.

"Hey, I have played the best customs clearance before. In the secret library of the 88-degree Zhenyang Building, I found that the forbidden road worms are broken, so I can use them here. Unfortunately, I can expect this. Changed something else." Lu Shuang patted the big lame, very sorry.

Fang Yuan embraced his arms and stood blank, standing on the side without opening.

"Think about the way, there must be a way." The black Loulan voice just fell, the air swayed, suddenly appeared a huge figure of the flying bear virtual image.

It opened its mouth and screamed.

Everyone's heart sank, and quickly looked at the rapids of Zhang Wanghao.

Live to see people die to see the body, but there is no torrent of corpses.

"You look at the corner of the flying bear!" Sun Huohan is the reconnaissance sergeant, the first to discover the clues.

When everyone looked at the sound, they found that the corners of the bear's mouth were mixed with obvious blood. When the mouth was wide open, the broken teeth were also entangled with broken cloth.

The fabric looked familiar, and everyone quickly thought that the torrent was not wearing this clothes?

Suddenly realized.

The original torrent was actually chewed by the flying bear and swallowed!

Poor and torrent, the famous magical powerhouse, known as "water magic." In the battle of Wang Ting, the result is dead here.

The impermanence of fate, the cruelty of reality, makes it inevitable that everyone will have the feeling of sorrow and sorrow.

Too Baiyun’s life is also at a loss.

Although he is ashamed of others, he has to have the target of his display. Nowadays, the corpse of the torrent is swallowed by the flying bear and swallowed into the stomach.

How can he save?

The morale of the sergeants fell.

"The flying bear virtual image is too ferocious. How can this be played?"

"The battle is small. There are five rows of bear skins, wind tigers, dragons, stars and rivers, and heroic flurry. If it is a single-on-one, who can be its opponent?"

“It’s not expected. This last level is hard to get to this point!”

The level of the 88-degree Zhenyang Building is more difficult. In the end, the hundredth is the hardest.

Nowadays, the 88-degree corner of Zhenyang Building has been condensed into more than ten layers. The squadrons have been working hard to get through the various levels, but most of them are stuck in the last ninety-level.

This last level is still the first time everyone has been swaying.

"Oops. Morale fell to a low point, it is difficult to fight again. Could it be that you have to return to the feathers this time?" Hei Loulan looked blue.

This time it’s a big fan. It hurts a master and can't get anything. This is definitely a big blow to his prestige.

This is all right, He Loulan wants to force the fairy. It is necessary to be the main commander of the first corner.

I can't get through this layer. In his hands, there is only an ordinary hornless building master.

If you give up this layer and re-select other layers, it will take a lot of time.

When I am not waiting, Hei Loulan can't wait!

Just as the military was uncertain, Fang Yuan looked calm and slowly said: "How difficult is it to kill the flying bear?"

This words suddenly exchanged dozens of gaze shifts.

But very quickly, these eyes are hanging down.

The Wolf King is not the Wolf King in the previous rumors.

The former wolf king Chang Shanyin. It is the hero of the famous name of Beiyuan Dingding, and the power of one person to annihilate the legend of the harps.

The current wolf king. It is a master of flight and a master of slavery. It is the first great player recognized by the North Palace in this session. At the time of the decisive battle, the enemy troops were defeated in the battle of Yu Wanqian, and they were able to turn the tide!

He is more arrogant, even savage and cruel. He said that he started to do it, and the black embroidered clothes that he almost killed were examples in front of everyone.

Looking further, there is another example. It is the sun and the cold.

He used to be Changshan Yin, openly slapped, and all eyes were under his feet. What dignity and face are lost.

Only the black Loulan eyes cast tightly. There is only a "black tyrant" in the field. "Don't be afraid of acting, and the yin and arrogance of Changshan Yin."

"Shanyin brother, a certain willing to listen to your tricks!" Black Loulan arched.

Fang Yuan chuckled: "I can't talk about it, it's not worth mentioning."

He paused and continued: "This is an amazing battle, but it is only a five-turn, there must be a range of restrictions. In my opinion, only need to fight, avoid the scope of the battle."

Black Loulan stayed, this is really a word to wake up the dreamer!

In the eyes of everyone, they are all in the same light. Some people slap their heads and excite themselves: "I was scared by the name of the empty space."

This is true, as long as it is a locust, it has a range of effects.

The scope of the battle should not be wide. Otherwise, why is it that when the torrent is approaching, will it be launched?

Of course, the battlefield is a wild donkey, and the specific scope needs further measurement.

"Next, it is up to me to manipulate the wolves and besieged the bears. You are on the periphery and carry out the distant battle." Fang Yuan commanded.

Hei Loulan was overjoyed. He commanded Fangyuan. Now Fangyuan took the initiative to participate in the war. He quickly said: "Just do it according to the Wolf King!"

The battle started again.

The wolves are surrounded by flying bears. The sergeants are on the periphery, and they are hit by a rain-like offensive wave.

In this way, a pattern like the ant colony is formed.

The flying bear roars constantly, and from time to time triggers the stars and rivers, the wind and the tigers, the dragons and the dragons, the violent dances, etc., causing the wolves to suffer heavy casualties.

And a dry teacher, but it is safe and sound, no casualties.

Black Loulan first, there are some fears that Fangyuan will be removed midway because of the huge casualties of the wolves.

However, Fang Yuan’s performance was tough, and the death war did not retreat. He even turned a blind eye to the wolves everywhere.

Hei Loulan natural doubts ~ ~ thought about it, the reason for Fang Yuan's death and death is attributed to his previous promise, once the customs clearance, the Wolf King can get 50% of the reward!

He did not know that Fang Yuan really cares about the landlord’s order in the hands of Hei Loulan.

Hei Loulan wants to upgrade the landlord order in his hands, which is exactly what Fangyuan means. When his landlord makes a promotion to the four corners, Fang Yuan will shoot and snatch, thus forming the ten-corner mastermind and gaining a giant Yangzhen biography.

Because of Fang Yuan’s shot, the victory of the balance gradually tilted toward the side of the sergeant.

The flying bear is getting heavier and heavier, and the blood is flowing, like a waterfall on the mountain.


Suddenly, the flying bear screamed again and spit out a transparent bubble.

Five turns of empty space, triggered again.

The sergeants were prepared, and quickly retreated. The transparent bubbles were only aimed at a **** wolf.


A soft bang, the flying bear and the **** wolf suddenly disappeared.

"What is the use of the technique?" Someone saw this and immediately laughed.

"As long as we don't get close to it, what are you afraid of?" Hahaha!"

"Give me shut up!" Hei Loulan screamed, but his face looked annoyed.

Not only him, Fang Yuan, Tai Baiyun, etc., but also his eyes. (To be continued) If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, the monthly pass, your support is my greatest motivation. )

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