Reverend Insanity

: Section 195: Nothing is true!

"There is no double true biography!" Looking at the incandescent light group in the distance, Fang Yuan's eyes are bright.

He quickly took out the special trick and took out a big soul bug.

He condensed a will, poured it on the big soul worm, watching it fly to the true mission.

"There is no match between the true biography, to be above the ordinary biography, I have to look at it, what is the difference." Fang Yuan has an excited expectation.

But something unexpected happened.

The distance between the big soul worm and the true light ray group is getting closer and closer, but Fang Yuan feels that the connection between himself and the big soul worm is getting weaker.

When the big soul worm has not approached three hundred steps, it completely disconnected from Fangyuan.

"This, what is going on?" Fang Yuan was taken aback and watched the unparalleled true biography follow the previous trajectory and flew away. The big soul bug that he released was still. It is not appropriate to say that it is ruined, but no matter how Fangyuan mobilizes it, it is quietly suspended, without a trace of noise.

"Hey? This unparalleled true biography is not simple, you have to be careful." In the mind, Mo Yao will also sigh with a sigh, warning.

"What is going on?" Fang Yuan was curious, rushed to the big soul worm, approached carefully, picked it up and examined it in detail.

The great soul bug did not have any damage, but the will instilled in it was dissipated.

The big soul worm is a two-turn cockroach, refining it by Fang Yuan, and expelling its far-reaching wild will.

The will of Fangyuan occupies its body, so it can be mobilized, such as the arm.

But now the will of the source of it, including the special intentions of concise and deliberate, has inexplicably collapsed, leaving no trace.

The big soul worm becomes a blank thing, and anyone who permeates a will will be able to refine it instantly.

This is why Fangyuan can't mobilize it.

A few times ago. Fang Yuan used special intentions to test the true biography and skillfully evaded the test of true biography. With this method, it is not a good idea. I did not expect that I had not yet discovered the true story, but I planted it.

This unparalleled true biography. What is hidden? Will Fang Yuan’s will be clear?

"Oh, I remembered it! It turned out to be it." When the source was hesitant. Mo Yao suddenly opened.

Immediately, she smiled a few times: "Boy, should you say that you are lucky, or unfortunately good? There are not many and many people who have a lot of truths. You have encountered the most special one."

"Please advise." Fang Yuan calmed down.

"I have seen this true biography, and I have also left a deep impression on me. At the beginning, I spent a lot of thoughts on approaching it. Hehehe, here is a seven-turn revolving of Juyang Xianzun. Fairy, named popular. Wei can be mysterious, even can be said to be weird, even if I was the original. It also cost a lot of money to explore and understand." Mo Yao tone.

Before the death of Moyao, it was the fairy of the seven turns of the immortals and the spirits. He is famous.

But it is not a small price to get close to this true biography. Fang Yuan is now only a mortal, and the connection is close to it, and it is reasonable.

"Popularity..." Fang Yuankou chewed this key name.

He suddenly realized that he was asked: "Is it related to Cheng Xian?"

"Kid, you guessed it well." Mo Yao sighed and explained, "Zhu Xian Cheng Xian, pay attention to the heavens and the earth. When the immortal, you must completely smash the air, accept the weather and the atmosphere. Weather, atmosphere The more you accept, the higher the achievement of Zhu Xian. But the weather and the atmosphere cannot be absorbed indefinitely, and must be equal to the popularity."

"The popularity is the sum of the accumulation of the teacher. The strength of the teacher, the tyranny, the deep soul, the familiarity with the locusts, the recognition of the heavens and the earth, the awakening of the self temperament, and the luck, talent, Qualification talents, experience, inspiration experience, etc., will be transformed into popularity when the immortal."

“The more you accumulate, the more people you have. The more people you have, the more you can accept the world. The more you achieve, the more popular. The only thing that makes people popular is to absorb the popularity of others and transform them into purity. At the moment of ascension, blessing himself, greatly enhancing the possibility of becoming a celestial being and deepening the foundation and potential of the celestial being."

The words of Mo Yao make Fang Yuan open his eyes.

He couldn't help but admire: "There is such a fairy, such a whimsy! Great!"

In the history of the Terran, the number of Zhu Xian has always been extremely rare. The difficulty of becoming a fairy, the 10,000-year-old martial artist is often afraid of only one, can succeed.

Among the key to Chengxian, one of the first things is the accumulation of the teacher.

Many of the celestial beings are not deep in their accumulation. In the process of ascending the celestial, there is very little condensed popularity, but the atmosphere of heaven and earth comes a lot. In this way, the balance is not achieved, the two atmospheres of the heavens and the earth, the annexation of popularity, and ultimately the Yanshi was assimilated by the heavens and the earth.

But if you have a popular fairy, you can eliminate this difficulty.

Collecting the popularity of others, purifying and transforming, focusing on key candidates, even if the accumulation is insufficient, it does not matter.

It can be said that with the popular fairy, it can greatly improve the success of Shengxian and increase the number of Zhuxian.

Increasing the number of immortals is the ability to significantly increase a domain.

Undoubtedly speaking, this is a locust that can change the overall situation of the five domains! As long as the news is revealed, any super power will be fanatical and rushing.

However, the popular fairy is too strong, and the number of revolutions is as high as seven turns, which is higher than the current spring and autumn.

The body of Fangyuan mortal can't bear the prestige of the popular fairy.

His will, just approached the fairy, was swallowed up by the immortal, purified to a slight popularity, stored.

If it is not for Mo Yao to provide information, Fang Yuan is still in the dark and does not know the truth.

"Popularity is good, but it is not suitable for me." Fang Yuan regretted to look at the last glance of the incandescent light group, sighed, shook his head, gently turned a direction, leaving without leaving nostalgia.

The popularity of the number of revolutions is too high, Fang Yuan is not qualified to control.

Man is the spirit of all things, and the earth is really fine. For the teacher, it is a tool. But the popular fairy is too strong, like an ice blade. In comparison, Fangyuan is a baby. If it is not close, it will be frostbitten by the cold ice.

"The most important thing is that I don't use popular fairy. I want to be promoted to Zhu Xian. I have to break through from mortals, and I can't control the popularity. If I become a celestial being, what else should I do? Help others?"

Popular fairy tales are not suitable for the source of loneliness. Only those super forces. I will need it.

Unless Fang Yuan builds his own power.

In the true secret world. Long flight.

Fang Yuan gradually realized that he was silent for a while. He said: "Mu Yao, I understand the crisis you said."

"Hehehe." Moyao chuckled, she was not surprised, "The sorcerer entered the real secret. Every time I contacted a real biography, or the longer the stay, the faster the speed of these true transmissions. Therefore, urge the sergeant to choose as soon as possible. In the end, the true biography is as fast as a meteor, and it is impossible for the teacher to capture it. Moreover, the teacher has the worry of life."

I got a meal. Moyao continued: "The crisis of life comes from the true biography. Just the unparalleled true biography, you have already seen it. The popular fairy is not yet close. Your will is transformed into popularity. Think about it, when it is like Meteors are generally flying like you, and if you don’t do it, what will happen?"

Fang Yuan snorted.

This scenario is completely imaginable.

If the body of a mortal is hit by an incandescent light group, regardless of the will of the soul, I am afraid that it will be completely melted and transformed into popularity.

"As I said before, you are too weak, only the realm of mortals. The ordinary truth here, every test is a difficult situation for you. It is even harder to pass the unparalleled inheritance. Tell you the truth, in the unparalleled true biography. Above, there is also the highest level of inheritance, known as - no real biography." Moyao broke out.

"Nothing is true?!"

"In the whole real secret world, there are only three true stories." Mo Yao is so sorrowful at the moment that he seems to indulge in the deepest part of his memory. "For mortals, it is impossible to get these three true stories. It is impossible." The difficulty is already more difficult than that of Shengxian. It is because Wang Tingfu is forbidden to enter and exit. This is why, the 88-degree Zhenyang Tower stands for so long, of which 88 are true, and still most of them remain. Here is it."

Fang Yuan thought about it and agreed with Mo Yao.

It is very difficult to enter the real secret world, and the opportunity is extremely good. First of all, it must be the winner of the ten-year Wang Ting battle. Secondly, it has to get through at least ten layers of Zhenyang Building. After the final entry, it has to successfully pass the test of true biography.

That is to say, in the past ten years, only one of the many heroes in Beiyuan stood out and took control of the landlord.

It is not enough to control the landlord alone. It is also necessary to ask the winners to have strong forces around them. They cannot lose too much in the battle of Wang Ting. There must be enough strong people around them, and they must be comprehensive enough to involve various genres so that they can hope to get through. Floor Zhenyang Building.

After being lucky enough to enter the real world, the test of the true biography will brush a group of people out.

It’s extremely difficult to test the true biography. Rao is a reborn stranger like Fang Yuan, and it’s almost in the way, let alone those people?

What is even more perverted is that even if it passes the test of true biography, is this true biography very coincidentally suitable for itself?

not necessarily.

Those who can do this step are usually the dragon in the dragon, the phoenix in the phoenix, the hero of the male, the talent, the temperament and the opportunity. Such a person, with a high level of mind, will naturally want to see more, choose more So, when you can't stay in the real secret, you will regret it later.

Maybe, I will die here.

"The speed of the real flight is getting faster and faster, and you have the last chance. No matter what the truth is, take it quickly... um?! No, go!" Mo Yao is persuading, suddenly the tone changes. A scream.

When Fang Yuan turned around and saw it, he saw a true biography, adult size, blooming colorful light, whistling toward him. In the secret of black secluded, drag a long flame tail.

The sea bowl-sized light group is an ordinary true biography.

The size of the washbasin is a true pass.

So what is the size of an adult-sized light group?

In Fang Yuan’s mind, the electric light flashed and four words appeared – no uploading!

In the whole truthful secret world, there are only three true stories, and now there is one that comes to Fangyuan!

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