Reverend Insanity

: Section 223: Kaohsiung Black Loulan

In the true secret world, Fang Yuan was shrouded in a thick three-color air mass, and his body shape was completely covered.

"Teacher, you must hold it. I am not worried that you can't cope with the fluctuations of emotions. I am afraid that you will be young and ambitious, and you will forget the bottom line and forget the world." Worried.

Heaven and Earth have spread to him, and he has to slowly fly away from Fangyuan.

With him, he is competing for the will of the sacred yang that belongs to the true biography. At this time, the pace seems to be slowing down.

The pressure of Taibaiyun was slightly reduced and the situation was getting better.

"The **** thief, there are so many popularity. Damn, how has it not been unbalanced yet?" Changhe Juyang will cursing his teeth.

Not only does it look forward to it, but Heloulan and others are also looking forward to it.

"This guy, not very old, can balance three breaths for so long!"

"He and Tai Baiyun are commensurate with the brothers and sisters. The origins are inevitably extraordinary. Is it true that the achievements will not be achieved?"

"No! It's so easy to make a fairy. You are a ancestor of the giant yang?"

Everyone secretly communicated with each other and did not dare to act rashly. Such a strong world of heaven and earth, once it is reversed, it is by no means a joke.

Fang Yuan is in the air mass, but it is a smile that is calm and calm.

"Miao, wonderful..." He closed his eyes and muttered. All kinds of avenues are wonderful, such as the stocks and clear springs flowing in his heart.

Fang Yuan’s previous life was promoted to the sacred, and he was the second time.

With valuable experience and experience, he is almost more than any teacher in the world. Be calm and calm. Also know the true meaning of this than the ordinary teacher.

Man is the spirit of all things, the highest spirituality. You are the best in heaven and earth. It is the carrier of the Avenue of Law.

Any place where Changsheng Avenue is detached.

To be detached, it is necessary to accumulate.

The most basic means of accumulation is learning.

The sorcerer used the scorpion, the scorpion, and the smelt to learn the mystery of the heavens and the earth indirectly.

The Yanshi Shengxian is a direct communication with the heavens and the earth.

This opportunity for communication. Very precious, often for the rest of his life, there is only one such opportunity.

Fang Yuan cherished this opportunity. Hold tight and try your best to get it.

The mystery of heaven and earth is even more profound than the ocean. Fang Yuan has self-knowledge, and there is no unnecessary exploration. But to work on this point. Constantly deepen the sentiment and experience the essence.

In the end, he is only a predecessor and a repairer. Although he has practiced in this life, he is also quite short.

The original state of power, really speaking strictly, is only a master of Zhunli.

But with this opportunity, his understanding of the power is skyrocketing and flying into the sky! quickly. Break through the threshold of the masters of the power master. Advance to the master level.

Fang Yuan also had to do this.

The second empty piece of his broken, this life is a four-turn effort to go. This is a subordinate force, first put in the third step, will help Fangyuan to achieve strength.

However, there is no five turns in this trip, and the number of revolutions is a bit low. Fangyuan can only make up for it with the power of the superiors. Otherwise, the risk is great when the third step is put aside. The immortality will not be blown out, and the ascension will completely fail.

Outside the Zhenyang Building.

The wind is raging, and the electricity is flying!

The natural disasters were robbed into a cocoon scorpion, and the air mass was huge and no one, and the entire 88-degree corner of Zhenyang Building was enveloped.

After Fang Yuan’s smashing, the disaster caused a new terror.

In order to protect the 88-degree Zhenyang Building, Juyang will retreat and resist, and it has reached a critical moment!


In the whistling whistling sound, nine white and white chaotic teeth were emitted together, and the electric shot came down.

The speed is fast, leaving nine lightning-like lights directly in the air.

Juyang will already be mentally prepared and wait for a long time.

Wrapped in the eighty-eight-corner Zhenyang Building, the armor will be thickened several times to reach the level of three feet.

At the same time, Juyang will also divide dozens of willers, open the palms, and stop in the air.

Nine chaotic teeth flew down and collided with each other, causing the route to change dramatically, from left to right, and casually.

Willing to fly around, hard to resist.

Indiscriminately, the teeth wear a big hand, and immediately shoot the main will of the giant yang, and pierce nine deep holes on the armor of the will that is harder than steel.

The giant yang sighed and the main body of the will was disordered, and it was calmed down.

Looking back at the wound, Juyang will not be able to take a look.

Nine wounds vary in depth, and two of them are more than two feet deep, and almost all of them will endanger the 88-degree Zhenyang Building. It can be described as dangerous and dangerous.

"Fortunately, I did not hesitate to pay a heavy price to destroy half of the chaotic teeth in advance. If eighteen chaotic teeth fly together, the dynamic route is hard to estimate, how can it weaken them in midair?"

After the great yang will be glad, the roar and hatred of the other source will deepen one more layer: "The Fangyuan thief should be a thousand knives! He rises to the fairy, but let me come to the top tank! As long as I slow down a little, I will Take him...hey!"

Juyang will be shocked to see that there are eighteen vortex formations in the sky.

"There is still a second wave of chaotic teeth?!" Seeing this scene, Juyang will be so angry that he wants to smoke seven times.

In order to resist the chaotic teeth, it consumed one-sixth of the mind before and after. Now comes the second wave!

"Wait a minute, this is?!"

Between the eighteen vortexes, eighteen new vortices gradually formed.

Seeing this scene, even the will of the giant Yang felt a suffocation.

"The third wave of chaotic teeth, actually came with the second wave?!" It roared in the sky, the main body of the armor was fluctuating, almost to collapse. If it can vomit blood, it must have vomited blood three thousand liters.

Just resisting nine disorganized teeth, the will of the giant yang has already used all efforts.

Now there are a total of thirty-six whirlpools and thirty-six sinister teeth. The power of this horror is not a simple superposition between numbers!

"Fangyuan thief, you must not die!!" This moment of Juyang will almost abandon the 88-degree Zhenyang Building. Go directly to the door, regardless of everything to kill Fangyuan.

But it is not anger, but deliberate.

It has to take care of the big picture. It is necessary to protect the inheritance and treasures of the 88-degree Zhenyang Tower.

It had to contact other wills and mobilize all the forces to counter the catastrophe.

"What! The main will will send me to resist the robbery?" In the true secret world, Changhe Juyang will still wait for reinforcements, but the result will wait until the news of the return to the main body, and the moment I pull out the cold, just like falling into the ice.

"I hate it!" and Tai Baiyunsheng compete for the will of the great yang that belongs to the true biography. I also regretted that I had to extract most of my troops to support the main body.

However, in order to prevent the 88-degree Zhenyang Tower from being completely taken away by Taibaisheng, there is still a part of the giant Yang will to maintain the situation in the true mission.

Too Baiyunsheng has thus suffered a sudden drop in pressure. Greatly relieved.

"Juyang will finally stop expanding! Your younger brother, your back hand has received good results. It seems that the three days of robbery and disaster, the power can be terrible, even if the will of the giant will have to use full defense. You are not a disciple of the teacher. You have to hold on. The third step is to give up, it is the most important thing, success or failure will look at this!"

As time went on, the three-color air mass that enveloped the source of the source gradually narrowed down until it completely shrunk into the broken source of the source.

"He actually finished the gas, and he has to make the final step!" He Loulan and others have been hanging aside, and they will see the Yangtze River will withdraw. Suddenly a panic.

"What should I do now? Do you want to sit and watch him achieve success?!" Yelusan yelled.

"The source of Fangyuan is no longer the world, we will kill it now." Bian Sixuan proposed. But did not leave.

Everyone, you look at me, I look at you, all are suspicious and embarrassed.

Fang Yuan’s side, there is too Baiyunsheng this fairy.

The pressure of Taibaiyun was suddenly reduced. One hand carried the true mission group, and the other side was facing the black Loulan and others, and a pair of dead guards.

"Too Baiyun is not afraid of it. Once the other party rises to the immortal, it is troublesome. He is not such a weak treatment for Baiyunsheng..." Hei Loulan squeezed his fists and the fierce light flashed.

After calculating it, his mind must be sure, suddenly burst into a burst: "hands!"

As a matter of fact, the giants of the imaginary shadows took steps and attacked.

Too Baiyun’s heart is also bitter, and He Loulan’s offensive he would never dare to resist. He just shouted: “You dare! As soon as you withdraw, I will use the supreme truth in my hand to hit the true pass. See how you go to Juyang. Will account for it!"

The people have just mobilized the war, and they were threatened by Taibaisheng. They immediately took a look and morale was blocked.

"Don't listen to him, leave a few people to protect the true pass of the road, the rest of people come with me!" Hei Loulan snorted and said immediately.

Too Baiyun’s heart suddenly sinks, and the situation in front of him is difficult to stop.

"Ha ha ha..." behind him came the laughter of Fang Yuan.

He has already opened his eyes at the moment: "No problem! Come and chase me. It is necessary to see how many of you are masters of flying!"

The eagle eagle has been destroyed, but how can he have no spare mites when he is cautious?

Fang Yuan is sitting on the fox fairy land, and can also communicate the source of Bao Huangtian.

This sentence is more powerful than morale. When I think of Fang Yuan or the master of flight, and in the vast space like the true secret, the fighting spirit of everyone will almost fall to the bottom.

Black Loulan blinked a bit, but it was unmoved.

In the end, he is the owner of this royal court. He is very talented and ruthless, and he can not send it in one or two sentences.

"If you can't catch up, you have to chase. I have to see what leisure time you have to do to promote the immortal!" He Loulan said a word, but also excited people.

Fang Yuan's face sinks no longer speaks.

Hei Loulan said the key.

Normally, Xianxian Shengxian, there is a natural disaster to rob the body. Even if the enemy wants to stop, it is afraid that it will be plagued by the disaster.

But now the giant will will block the disaster, but it will give the opportunity to Heloulan and others.

In this true secret world, although there are also remnants of the heavens and the earth, it can cause the rumors to fight back.

However, He Loulan and others use Fan Yi, Fang Yuan uses the Fan Yi, the opposite is the same.

For a time, the situation changed.

Although Juyang will withdraw, he will fully resist the disaster. However, Fangyuan did not go smoothly.

Hei Loulan is not the hero of the hero, the person among them, look at the timing, immediately dispatched.

Fang Yuan Sheng Xian, but was stuck between the second and third steps, not up and down, into a crisis.

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