Reverend Insanity

: Section 226: Making a fortune

The six fingers did not appear to be too sudden, Fangyuan only had time to look up.

The light blue glow shines on his face.

His entire vision was filled with huge, pale blue giants.

There is no pause in the hands, no effort to grasp, squeeze into a fist, completely shrouded Fang Yuan's body shape.

"Teacher!" Taibaisheng was exclaimed.

But in the next moment, this six-finger, no-fist, was released and spread into the palm of his hand.

Fang Yuan’s figure is not far from the five hundred steps.

It turned out that the six fingers did not catch each other.

It’s shimmering!

This is the Yudao mobile 蛊, although it is five turns, but it is also rare. Fang Yuan also spent a lot of energy, and finally bought it in Baohuang Tianzhong.

"Call..." Too Baiyunsheng saw this, spit out a smoldering gas, and the boulder that was lifted up in his heart fell.

He knew that Fang Yuan had just come out and ate a loss that he could not respond. In fact, with the masters of flying masters, it is not a problem to avoid these ignorance.

"Good insurance!" Fang Yuan was really shocked by a cold sweat.

He knows better than others, so he is more aware of the dangers!

"No match is the signature killing of the thief, from one finger to nine fingers, you can **** one turn to nine turn worms! Whether it is the life or not, it will be taken right. The six fingers are really true. I caught up with me, and I will lose one in the Spring and Autumn Period and Dingxian Tour on my body... My path is really bad, and there is such a disaster!"

Fang Yuan was full of dying, while evading the pursuit of no match. While watching the surroundings.

The true secret world has completely fallen into a huge chaos.

The true meteor, no match, filled with eyes, and the division was flying around. Some of them are avoiding no match, some locusts are screaming and mourning, while others are desperately attacking those who have no fists.

"It seems that they have already discovered it! Once you have caught the locust, you will clench your fists. At this moment, you can break it! But when it is in the palm of your hand, it is almost immune to all attacks and can only dodge."

Fang Yuan’s heart has revealed relevant information about no match.

He is very familiar with the no-hands.

Because of the five hundred years ago. Ma Hongyun has successively obtained the inheritance of Juyang Xianzun and Pirates of Heaven, and has similar means of catching locusts. He used it many times in the five-domain war, so many strong enemies were smashed. Failed to escape.

Fang Yuan therefore has a lot of research.

Fangyuan continued to dodge, Shuo 蝺蛊, Fenghua 蛊, Ying Yang 蛊 and so on, and finally pulled the distance, so that the six fingers behind him did not change the target.

He immediately separated a part of the mind. Into the body of the fairy.

In the true secret world. There is a residue of heaven and earth.

Since the source of Fangyuan, Xianyu has madly absorbed these two worlds and has grown rapidly.

Soon, the space of Xianyu expanded to more than three million acres and is still growing.

At the same time, the time flow rate in Xianyu has also changed from the outside world of Beiyuan, from the original one to one, climbing to one to six.

"Oops." After watching it. Fang Yuan suddenly frowned, his face changed slightly.

The change of Xianxuan is normal. The situation appeared in the first open air, more precisely, it appeared in the spring and autumn.

The spring and autumn 蝉 蝉 rapid recovery, huge pressure filled, the first empty space has been difficult to carry!

"Not good! When Xianxu was created, it was not only the expansion of space, but also the change of time and flow rate. The root of the latter's change is that Xianyu has made a small world and introduced a tributary of the long rivers! The spring and autumn are the rivers of the long rivers. Food, now the water tower is the first month, swallowing a lot of river water, speeding up the recovery speed!"

Fang Yuan knew the truth in an instant.

Since the last time, Chunqiu has been successful and has been slowly recovering.

The trip to Beiyuan took a long time, and the Spring and Autumn Period gradually recovered, and the pressure on the first air was also increasing.

The original first open space is already the peak of five turns. According to Fang Yuan’s estimate, it can still be supported for some time. But now this change, but the time limit is greatly advanced!

Since the rebirth, the Spring and Autumn Period has always been a hidden danger of Fangyuan. Now Fangyuan Shengxian immediately expanded this hidden danger into a serious internal worry and directly pushed it to Fangyuan.

"Damn." Fang Yuan clenched his teeth tightly, his body slammed down, and a non-handed hand only rubbed his hair and flung.

At present, Fang Yuan has no time to help.

Fairy must be generated, otherwise it will be a loss, all efforts will be ruined. Without the power of the immortal, it is even more impossible to compete.

But the Spring and Autumn Period must not be ignored.


The loud noise echoed in the real secret, as if something matter was broken, and the voice was heart-wrenching.

The crowds were slightly stagnation, looking up in their busy schedule.

The true secret of the secret is like a cracked eggshell, forming numerous cracks. The crack rapidly expands and the outside light is incident through the crack.

At the same time, many of the no-hands are also squeezed through the cracks. The seven fingers appeared.

Seeing so many light blue giants, many of the teachers shouted.

"How many giant hands, how can there be so much?"

"Oops, look at it, there is a seven-finger giant squeezed in!"

Constantly, there are light blue giants flying into the real secret world, and the situation of all people is even more precarious.

The black floor of the blue floor is like a water, even if it is too white clouds, the heart feels a strong sense of oppression.

The flight master is not omnipotent.

So many no match, greatly increased the difficulty of flying dodge.

And it will always be lost, always in a state of high tension, who has no mistakes?

"Oops!" Too Baiyun’s heart sank, fearing what was coming, and at the crucial moment, he made a mistake.

Losing the last chance, the six did not match each other and blocked his only escape direction.

At the end of the crisis, too, Baiyunsheng gnawed his teeth and ran directly toward a three-finger.

No one can grab it, too, Baiyunsheng can not move immediately.

But this time is extremely short. Soon, the three fingers flew away with no fists, and too, Baiyunsheng got out of trouble. The maximum speed broke out immediately, leaving the remaining five unsuccessful hands.

The thrill of the situation made Taibaiyun give birth to a cold sweat.

Even Taibaiyunsheng is in such a position, let alone other people?

The sergeants were all embarrassed, and even a heavy locust was left.

Without locusts, the combat strength of the sergeant fell to a low point. Even if there are more real yuan, it is useless.

"Save me!" A sorcerer looked at him with a horror and slammed into him.

He is covered in smooth and smooth. All the mites have been taken away without any hand.

At the end of his life, he shouted for help and his arm swam. But this speed of movement is almost the same as that of a snail compared to the actual pass.

The surrounding teachers are not the ones who hear the cry for help, but at the moment they are also helpless.


The unlucky master was not surprised. The real pass that was hit was directly crushed. Into a pile of flesh and blood.

This blue true pass, after breaking the sergeant, the speed did not stop, and immediately flew.

On the way, one did not come to each other to block, the true mission group continued to dodge.

The wild will of the locusts is also aware of the strong threat of annihilation, and naturally avoids escape.

But the will of the locust. There is no human spirituality.

The blue true pass did not catch up with each other, and finally was caught by a five on the way.

No hands clenched into a fist. But did not stop in place.

The speed of the true mission group is too fast, with a huge inertia, and it still flies all the way, but the speed is greatly reduced.

The five fingers robbed the locusts and flew away. But more of no match, flying, covered in the true mission group.

If one hand is not enough, there are two three. Soon, there were only a few bees, and they gathered together to wrap the true mission group tightly.

The true light group is getting slower and slower until it stops in midair.

The hands of each other suddenly spread out, and they all became fist-like and rushed out in all directions.

There is nothing in the original place, and there is still a blue true biography, which has already been robbed.

At this time, Fang Yuan snorted and flew away, caught the target that had already been fancy, and launched a storm.

A phaseless punch was crushed by him to reveal the flaws inside.

Fang Yuan saw the machine very fast, and immediately grabbed it.

This is a five-turn mortal, and he is refining and refining in his pocket.


Subsequently, his figure disappeared into the distance, and suddenly appeared three hundred steps. It just happened to be on the side of another no-fist.


He smashed his fists and smashed them after three punches. He grabbed the locusts and left.

It is a fairy!

Almost the next moment, a palm of your hand rushed over and naturally returned without success.

Fang Yuan is shaped like electricity, and sometimes it is like a swan, and sometimes it looks like a long eagle.

While he was dodging his hands, he took the opportunity to make a fortune and captured a lot of locusts in the real biography.

However, the speed of no phase punches is fast and the opportunities are fleeting.

The blue true pass is a good opportunity for Fang Yuan, but he only has time to let him break three of them, and seized two Fan, a fairy.

Taking advantage of this effort, the rest of the non-phase fists have already flown far and wide, and Fangyuan can't catch up.


Fang Yuan mobilized the will in his mind, injected it into the locusts, and temporarily suppressed it.

He has no time to refine these locusts, and naturally he can't even talk about the magical use of these locusts.

In flight, Fang Yuan suddenly had a blue light.

Xu is too prosperous in Fangyuan, and there are actually eight people who have no chance to attack each other.

Fang Yuan’s heart jumped and he quickly evaded.

He suddenly stopped and went, madly turned, his vision changed dramatically, and suddenly the sky suddenly went underground, almost turning himself off.

He spent a lot of effort and finally got out of trouble.

Just stabilized, and the wind screamed!

A hand-free hand hits the front directly Fang Yuan just wants to dodge, suddenly the pupil suddenly expands. This is no phase punch!

He laughed happily, fluttering six wings and punching. After breaking the phaseless fist, he won a five-fifth turn.

The locust trembled in his hands, struggling, trying to escape.

Fang Yuan mobilized a will to go in, but it was impossible to suppress.

He suddenly frowned, knowing that this is not a wild donkey, but a locust of other sorcerers. Because the locusts have the will of others, the difficulty of refining is several times that of the wild donkeys, and the difficulty of temporary suppression is also increasing!

"Put down my cockroach!" A familiar snoring came from the ear.

Fang Yuan looked at the sound and suddenly smiled.

He saw that Hei Loulan flew anxiously and angrily, his eyes fixed on the shackles of Fang Yuan.

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