Reverend Insanity

: Section 64: Dark things are good, hard things are difficult

These days, the temperature is getting higher and higher.

At noon, the sun is shining and the enthusiasm is swaying.

The caravan went away and the business in the inn was deserted.

Fang Yuan stepped into the dining hall and immediately caught the attention of the guys.

A familiar face immediately ran over, and his face was filled with a charming smile: "Hey, son, you are coming! Please sit inside."

"Give me a jar of wine, then cut a pound of beef, and then a few side dishes." Fang Yuan stepped into the dining hall and walked to the old position of the window.

The face of the man is hard to see: "Don't be embarrassed, the last time the caravan came over, the shopkeepers sold the green bamboo wine. Now there is no such wine here."

Fang Yuan nodded, but it was not unexpected: "Take me a bar of rice, tell the shopkeeper by the way, this year, brew more green bamboo wine, I have to book a hundred altars. As for how much deposit, you first calculate, Report it to me again."

Now that the worms have been exposed, there is no suspicion, and there is no need to worry about buying wine.

"Well, this must be brought to a small size! You can relax your mind with a hundred sons." The buddy patted his chest and his voice was chiseled.

Soon, the dishes are coming up.

Fang Yuan looked at the window while eating and drinking.

The hot weather, plus the time of eating, the streets are scarce.

The sun shines on the ground, and the green oil is on the bamboo floor.

Some mortal farmers with bare feet and muddy waters, either carrying a shovel or carrying a pole, walked in front. Obviously just finished the farm work, and now go home.

Two young children, holding a small windmill with a bamboo frame in front, rushed for a calf. Chasing behind, crying. It seems that the urchin in front of the robbed the windmill.

At this time, the two young sorcerers, wrapped in a blue belt, walked hurriedly and acted in a hurry.

"Get out, don't block!" A sergeant slammed the farmer ahead.

The farmers rushed to avoid it.

"Oh." The two young sergeants walked coldly and proudly.

Fang Yuan looked at it, and there was a slight loss of sight in his eyes. Some of his mind had already been divided into the open air.

In the open air, the water film flows silently, and the bronze waters of the true yuan are destroyed.

The worms in the Yuanhai are loaded with heavy loads, sometimes they are swaying comfortably, and sometimes they are completely round.

Chunqiu fell into a deep sleep, hiding his body shape.

The rounded white pelicans fluttered in the sky and hovered.

The white pheasant and the cockroach are the same, and they are all rare locusts in a turn. Their price on the market is higher than that of worms.

However, although they have the same effect and similar appearance, they have different promotion routes.

The scorpion and the blue silk are combined into a two-turn black scorpion, and the promotion is a three-turn steel shovel.

And Bai Hao, the best promotion route is to practice with the jade skin, and to refine the white jade, and then to the three-turned canopy.

The steel shovel can make the hair of the sergeant hard as a steel needle, attack and defense. The canopy makes the whole body's skin hard as white jade, and at the same time cuts the attack effect like the moon blade.

Fang Yuan’s heart is filled with a touch of joy.

Getting a day is only one aspect. What really makes him happy is the inheritance of the power of the wine drinker.

"White peony can enhance the strength, and the wine drinker has set up a boulder to block the road. It seems that I am refining this white scorpion. In the future, I will have the strength to push the boulder and move on. This should be the first test. It is."

"Following the heart of the wine drinker to arrange this level, you can speculate that in the next inheritance, there must be a second, third level. The most crucial thing is to be sure that the power set by him is not The pit trap is very sincere."

"With this inheritance, I will be able to reach three turns faster, leave this Qingmao Mountain, go out and sway, take the lead!"

What is the most needed for the practice of Yanshi?

The answer is only two words - resources.

If Fangyuan wants to practice, it needs resources. But the resources of the family are limited. If you want resources, you have to compete.

Not only do you need to compete, but you must also win in the competition.

For him, the more competition, the more victorious, the more his cards are exposed, the more taboo he is.

If the jealousy accumulates to a certain extent, it will form a pressure to stop him from advancing.

Fang Yuan killed the slave, why didn't the criminals pursue it? Robbery of all their peers, why are those elders not asking for sins? Fangyuan resists the family and does not enter the system. Why does the patriarch choose to be tolerant?

It is because he is weak, he is C and other qualifications.

They are self-proclaimed and do not bother to kill the weak. Under the family system, and the weak source of the source, not only shameful, but also make people feel cold and ruthless, destroying their own communication network.

Weakness is the current layer of umbrella for Fangyuan.

But with the constant competition for resources, Fangyuan will be more and more powerful. This will make everyone notice, taboo, and draw. Regardless of which side of the party chooses, he will be suppressed and pinned by another camp.

And containment and suppression will slow down his growth.

Fang Yuan is very clear about his situation at this time. His current situation is very mysterious. He seems to have offended everyone. In fact, he has not offended anyone.

But as time goes by, the improvement of cultivation will produce this contradiction, which will intensify.

Fang Yuan knows that this contradiction will intensify sooner or later, but the later the intensification will be more beneficial to his growth.

Therefore, the power of this wine drinker is inherited, it is really wonderful!

With this power heritage, he has invisible resources. With this resource, he can free himself from the system, take his own route, practice with ease, and secretly accumulate strength.

Once you enter the system, you must stand on the team. Even if you don't have any disputes, you will definitely be implicated in politics and party struggle.

The person who entered the system is the chess piece. You must first become a qualified piece, and others will use it with confidence. If you use your heart with confidence, you will have the opportunity to climb up. When you climb, you have to be careful. Don't be regarded as abandon.

Fang Yuan knows this process too clearly. Even if there is a thousand wisdoms, there is no such thing as this. This is the rule!

The most important thing is that he only has C and other qualifications. For the family, there is no desire to invest in him. It is often possible to be abandoned.

Therefore, the best development route is to develop on its own, so that most of the competition can be avoided. In the high-level heart of the cottage, the previously carefully created image can also be maintained.

"The things in this world are all secret things to do, and it is difficult to make things clear. I can use the power of the wine drinkers to inherit, and I can secretly practice, accumulate strength, not attract attention, and do not invite to suppress. But robbery and blackmail still have to Continued, suddenly interrupted, will cause doubt, and I also need Yuanshi." Fang Yuan thought about the future plans.

He does need Yuan Stone.

Other peers started to refine and feed the second aphid. He refining the little light and getting white. There are four aphids in total.

He used to feed moonlight and wine worms, and nearly one stone per day. Now he feeds the mites, and counts down, the daily consumption of Yuanshi is a little more than two!

In calculating his practice, there is still a living cost. At the end of the day, Yuanshi needs at least five pieces!

Five yuan stone, enough for a mortal family of three, five months of living expenses.

Although he has hundreds of Yuanshi on his hand, he can't help such long-term expenses.

More importantly, the more you go to the later stage, the greater the cost of your teacher. Especially after the second turn, the locusts are a lot of money.

Thinking of this, Fangyuan is worried.

Yuan Shi is a problem. The robbery of blackmail and the savings on hand can only delay the outbreak of this problem.

In addition, he still has a problem, that is, feeding white.

The white food is pork.

The word 豕 is the meaning of the pig. The food of the 豕蛊 series is all pork.

The amount of food in black and white is very large. Every five days, every meal has to eat the meat of an adult pig.

The price of pork in this world is not cheap. Only when the mortal is in the New Year will a pig be slaughtered. Without the large-scale farming technology on the earth, the price of pork and beef, etc., is omnipotent. At the same time, the terrain of Qingmao Mountain is steep, the living area is small, and how much space can be raised for livestock?

By the mountains, eating the mountains and relying on water to eat water, the pork that the mountain people usually can occasionally eat, most of them are wild mountain pigs that the hunters have killed.

"It seems that in the future I have to hunt myself and kill the pigs to take the meat." Fang Yuan flashed a glimmer of light.

Buying pork in the cottage alone, the first cost of Yuanshi, the second will lead to doubtful eyes, even if you love pork, you will not eat so often, eat so much?

If you hunt yourself, not only will this trouble be solved, but it will also ease the economic pressure to a greater extent.

"Man, check out!" Thinking of this, Fangyuan did not hesitate, after the account was settled, he walked out of the inn.

These days, the school has been on holiday, the purpose is to let the students refine the second locust. Fang Yuan decided that he just used this time, went out to the cottage, figured out the situation, and then killed the pig to take the meat.

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