Reverend Insanity

: Section 239: Do not make the same mistake (on)


Fang Yuan said, a sneer in the bottom of his heart, suddenly asked Mo Yao will: "Don't you always want me to use it?"

"Well? Fangyuan kid, what do you mean by this? I know where you have Spring and Autumn!" Moyao will be a sigh, and immediately denied.

"Hehehe..." Fang Yuan smiled for a while. "Mu Yao, I am cautious in life. I have never been worried about it. I will lose it first! So I started from the first day that you are hiding in my mind. The worst situation."

What is the worst case?

"That is, I have Spring and Autumn, and the secret of rebirth is known to you. I think, when I first entered the near water platform, your will has learned the secret?"

Mo Yao’s will appeared in Fang’s mind. She looked sincere and shook her head: “Fang Yuan Xiaozi, have you misunderstood what?”

Regardless of her, Fang Yuan continued: "You know this secret, but pretend to be ignorant, and take the initiative to show up. Then, you pretend to disappoint the spirit of the sacred sacred, deliberately handed me a near water platform to the spiritual fasting The task. In fact, this is just a scorpion for you."

"In order to win my trust, you can use your heart and mind. You help me to conceive the six-armed corpse king, teach me to indulge in the refining and killing tricks, help me sneak into the Zhenyang Building, and repeatedly warn you in the battle. Acting as a staff member. These behaviors are all reducing my vigilance. At the same time, you have been tampering with my thoughts, subtly affecting my thinking, really sinister!"

The momentum of the Moyao is raised, and the face is unpleasant: "Little guy. What happened to you? Actually thinking about me, you have the wrong medicine?"

"Hehehe. Moyao, you are very amazing. I have planted a small head on you. You performed very vividly, I almost always take it seriously. When the giant will awakens, you advise me to stay away from the water, Going back to Zhongzhou, while affecting my thinking, I made the choice to continue to take risks."

"In the face of Ma Hongyun. You persuaded me to help Ma Hongyun, but the other side falsified my thoughts and stimulated my murder. It caused my anger and fanaticism, and let me impulsively kill Ma Hongyun, leading me to black. The suffocating air is soaring. In all fairness, I calculate the benefits under normal conditions. How can it be so brainless?"

"I first saw Wang Ting Ling Ling cream jade peacock. I learned the conditions of the confession. After the Zhenyang Building, I actually recalled some things from previous life, a certain character... my own character is not weak enough. Oh, these are the memories of my past life in the deepest part of my heart. You are also your handwriting! You want to secretly shoot, squinting at my heart and micro-microwave, spying on the memories of my past life!"

Mo Yao’s willing eyes are wide and his tone is not good. He is full of grievances from the beggar: “Fangyuan Xiaozi. All this is obviously your choice. You are now falling to this end. Actually refused to admit your failure, but it will come to me. The body is coming!"

Fang Yuan smiled and said: "Ha ha ha, admit defeat, of course, I must admit defeat! My foundation is still shallow, especially compared with your Moyao, and Juyang, experience and vision are not my advantage. But you know Where is your biggest flaw?"

Moyao will scream with cold arms and arms around his chest: "Boy, you say this again, I have to be angry! I am helping you all the way, are you treating your benefactor like this?"

Fang Yuan turned a deaf ear and said to himself: "Your biggest flaw is that you actually use the near-water platform to actively hit seven turns and no match."

"You give me this task, you have to return the water tower to the spiritual fast."

"Why are you at a critical juncture, but you have to give up the water tower and protect me?"

"Is it true that these days have made you change the principle and inclined to me? Oh, I asked myself that the charm has not been so great."

"This will fully prove that your return task is simply your nephew!"

Fang Yuan’s tone is dull, and Mo Yao’s willing voice is like a thunder.

She fell silent.

This time, she did not refute!

Fang Yuan smiled and continued: "In addition to this, you have other flaws. First, you will be attached to the water near the water, but you will conceal this point. Obviously it is a bad heart. I want to use this seven turns at a critical moment. The fairy house restricts me."

"Second, if you really want to cooperate with me, why bother to conceal your will? This shows that once your will identity is exposed, it will inevitably lead to my doubts."

"The third, you deliberately estimate the time limit, let me transform into the body of the six-armed corpse! I became a zombie, I feel disheartened, this is also your hands and feet."

"Fourth, you have been swearing ghosts many times, secretly affecting my thoughts, and I have repeatedly used the idea of ​​urging the Spring and Autumn Period. I will always be firm, do not hesitate, and then move, and once decided, it will be implemented. How is it possible? Three times and five times, what is the same idea?"

"Five, since you are rare, I have achieved Zhu Xian, why not take the initiative to lend the water tower early? Obviously there is no calculation."

"Hehehe..." Moyao will raise his head and ask, "Fangyuan kid, you are a preface. You don't forget, your life is saved by me. No me urging. Near the water floor, you have been killed by the giant will! You now say, I deliberately frame you, estimate the time limit, let you become the six-armed corpse king. This saves you, but also hurts you, I am sick? ?"

"Of course you are not sick, you are always sober! Both harm me and save me. This is your plan. Oh, as long as you think about it, you can change your mind and think about it. Your motivation is not difficult to guess."

After a meal, Fang Yuan continued. "If I am a will, I have been in the world for a long time, but the body has died, and the loved one has also failed. At this time, if I see the Spring and Autumn, What will I do?"

"The answer is self-evident. Of course, I want to use the Spring and Autumn Festival, and the river will flow in the opposite direction. The effect of the Spring and Autumn Festival is to sacrifice all of the Master's sacrifices, and only to keep the consciousness of the Master on the locusts. At the crucial moment, I Mix in the Spring and Autumn Period, destroy the will of the priest, and replace it with the past, return to the past, regenerate and change your own history!"

Fangyuan throws a voice to analyze it eloquently, demonstrating the extraordinary temperament of self-confidence.

Mo Yao will shrink his pupil and fall into silence again.

Fang Yuandao: "However, if you want to achieve this goal, it is very difficult. There are two major difficulties."

"First, you are just the will. No matter what the will, most of the locusts can't be motivated. Spring and Autumn 蝉 are not only here, but also need more, it needs the sorcerer to blew, the real yuan, flesh and blood, body The other locusts are sacrificed as a force to push. The stronger this power, the more it will be able to return to the older past."

"Second, the Spring and Autumn Period is my locust, and it is the life of the scorpion. It is not the same. You are not incompetent. It is not good to take it away. Later, I found many locust locusts, which can produce a variety of wills. You are more difficult to snatch."

"In this way, you have to use it to succumb to me and act on the plane. On the one hand, you must strengthen me, help me, improve my heritage, and let me gain stronger strength to promote the Spring and Autumn Period." You have to take advantage of the situation to create a desperate situation, so that I can't take great risks and have to use the Spring and Autumn!"

Speaking of this, Fangyuan sighed: "I was alert to you before, but as you gradually influenced my thinking, I gradually fell into your calculations and arrangements. You secretly influenced me and made me in Zhenyang Building. In the midst of constant danger, I also encouraged me to deal with Ma Hongyun, against the will of the giant yang, to deal with the black Loulan. Many things clearly show poor returns, not sensible, but I am again and again, and then impulsive. You let me erect everywhere The enemy is to create a desperate situation."

"But on the other hand, you are afraid that one can't handle it well and make me die. So, at the time of crisis, I am destined to hang on the line. You have to shoot, expose the water near the tower, and help me to avoid the fatal one of the will of the giant yang. hit."

"So, when I want to be caught by no one, you drive the near-water tower to take the initiative, but you are afraid that it will randomly take my spring and autumn, and worry about the exposure of the Spring and Autumn."

The exchange between the wills, though the content is many, is quick and incomparable.

However, Fang Yuan finished this time, but the Mo Yao will not respond for a long time.

There is silence in my mind.

The number of wills of the outside world has been counted from ten to six.

Finally, Mo Yao broke the silence, applauded and laughed: "Hehehehe, good, good analysis! It is really smearing, and it is well-organized. I can't think of it, I have been planning for so long, after all, I still haven't deceived you. You really told me to look at him, boy, Even if you are a born-again person, talent is also excellent. If it is a year of life, we may become good friends, and maybe we can. Unfortunately, it is a pity."

Fangyuan is thorough, and Mo Yao will showdown.

The Moyao will no longer be able to disguise it. At this moment, she chose to confess!

Her figure is face is black, although it is the will, but like a night lotus that is quiet and open, the style is excellent and the temperament is excellent.

It is worthy of the 36th generation of the fairy tales of the original Lingyuan, the seven turns of the immortals, the master of the refining. Even if he was exposed in his own face, he was not embarrassed. Seeing the hope of continuing to conceal, she is calm and very simple.

She sighed: "At the beginning, my body ventured into the 88-degree Zhenyang Building, and harvested a true biography in the true secret world, which created my will. Leaving the mounds on the one hand, on the one hand, to prepare for the future, keep the refining. On the other hand, it is also a trap, mainly for the spiritual sacred. In the past, I had betrayed the sect for the sake of thin green. I just did not expect that after ten thousand years, the people waiting for you are you."

"Actually, as early as when you rehearsed the disaster, I discovered the spring and autumn scorpion on your body. I was the master of the refining sect, and the process of refining the sacred refinement was touched by me. There is my will to ambush. This arrangement was originally intended to deal with the chase of Lingyuanzhai, because no one found the opportunity to refine the fairy, instead of clinging to it."

Ps: Congratulations to the "Ji Yu" classmates as the first ally of this book, thank you for your support. Today's two more, there will be one more later. (To be continued...)

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