Reverend Insanity

: Section 3: Goodbye Wisdom蛊

There is only one source in the cave, and Baiyunsheng has left.

He sat on the stone bench, and some of the eight huge strange arms hang down naturally, some back in the back, some in the chest, and then with his tall body, just sitting, it seems to be awkward, so Looking at the heart.

How to deal with Taibaisheng, Fangyuan has been well thought out.

Fangyuan only believes in himself and never really believes in others.

If you kill Taibaisheng, he will get people like Xianxian, Jiangshan, such as Xianxian, and Zhoudao six turn to Xian. But this use is not the maximization of benefits.

I have to admit that Taibaisheng is a very good piece.

This "useful" is reflected in two aspects.

In the first aspect, he is useful. When he was not a fairy, he was the master of treatment of the North Plains. Now that he has made six turns of the Tao, the blessed land is the best blessing. Don't forget, he is still a master of flight. The value of use is great.

In the second aspect, he is very well controlled. Fang Yuan once searched the soul for him, so he knew the truth and understood thoroughly. Taibaisheng is a good old man with a conscience and a good faith report. Fang Yuan was very kind to him. He helped him three times and five times in Zhenyang Building. In particular, he finally took him away from Datong, and returned the two great immortals to him. He has already won the trust of Taibaisheng. .

This can be seen from the time when Mrs. Baiyunsheng chose a seat.

There are quite a few stone piers in the cave. Fang Yuan’s image is ugly and tall, and ordinary people close to Fangyuan feel pressure and will subconsciously choose to avoid. However, too Baiyunsheng chose it, and sat down from the nearest position of Fangyuan.

this means. In his heart, Fang Yuan has become one of the closest people. No one is worried that Fangyuan will harm him.

Taibaisheng had once suffered the life of Gao Yang and Zhu Zai. This is the most crucial point!

The instinct to survive has occupied the upper hand at one time. This is human nature. After the event, too, Baiyun was born with enthusiasm, nostalgia, and was described as suffering. Under the frame of Fang Yuan, he was almost enchanted and impulsive. The original purpose was to find death.

Because of his sorrow and death, he can see his conscience.

By chance, Taibaisheng was helped by the will of the giant yang. Successfully climbed the fairy, then fell into a coma.

Fang Yuan used the main command of the Liuli Building to go deep into the level of Zhenyang Building and wake him up. At this critical moment. Tell him the "secret" of the teacher. This just hit the soft knot of the white clouds.

Too Baiyunsheng denied himself. Therefore, I am extremely painful and extremely confused.

At this time, Fang Yuan happened to be there, gave him the martial organization, gave him a sense of belonging, and gave him a sense of security and warmth. After that, he went to and out of his sermon, and gave him the custody, which gave him initial trust.

after that. Suffering in the Zhenyang Building, everything that happened. Let Taibaisheng completely believe in Fangyuan. In a certain sense, I would also like to thank Mo Yao for disturbing Fang Yuan’s thoughts. Otherwise, how could it be so trusted by Baiyunsheng?

"Tai Baiyun has killed the lives of Gao Yang and Zhu Zai. This matter has greatly violated his values ​​and has always been worried. He feels that he is not such a person, but he has done such a thing. Now I am his benefactor. He owes me a certain amount of money and will pay me back thousands of times. This is not only because of his graciousness, but also gives him the opportunity to prove himself to be a good person!" Fang Yuan calmly analyzed.

Of course, the bad guys will not know how to report, and even will enmity. The more Bai Taisheng’s future sacrifices for Fangyuan, the more he proves that he is a good person. In this way, he can offset his embarrassment to Gao Yang and Zhu Zai. This involves the balance and compensation psychology in psychology on Earth.

In a certain sense, Fangyuan gave Taibaiyun a new opportunity to prove his chance and live again.

Fang Yuan knows this very well, so he saved the Baiyunsheng, and gave it to others as well as Jiangshan.

"There are too many immortals in my hands, and the cost of feeding will be very high. At this time, it is undoubtedly better to throw people to Taibaisheng as if they were, and at the same time, Xianyu is dead and can no longer produce Xianyuan. I There are only 19teen Qingxianxianyuan, the less they are used. Although some white foxes are available, they can use the Qingxianxianyuan of Taibaisheng. Why not?

Fang Yuan was a headache when he thought of the feeding of Xian.

If you raise a locust, you can't afford it. Since Fang Yuan has a fox fairy blessing, feeding is not a problem. But now that he has so many cents, Fox Fairy can't support such high prices.

This is really a happy worry!

Many of the immortals do not have a fairy in their hands, and they are searching hard. Fang Yuan’s past life was also struggling for a spring and autumn. After hard work, he was smashed by the encirclement.

Now Fangyuan is suffering from brains for how to feed so many cents.

Fang Yuan sat quietly, trying to find inspiration from past memories, trying it for a while, but he gave up.

"Oh, after becoming a zombie, the thinking is really rigid. Just talking to Taibaiyun, I feel that thinking is slow and dragging. Now thinking about the problem, I can't keep up with the original rhythm."

He evokes the little fox of the earth: "What is the situation of wisdom? Where is it now?"

The little fox is a blessed land, and all the changes and circumstances of the blessed land are basically in her grasp.

"Master, wisdom is brought in by you, deep into the ground, found a stone cave, it seems to be dormant." Xiao Huxian closed his eyes, after a little sense, immediately opened the eyes of the water Road.

Fang Yuan nodded and ordered: "Take me."

The underground cave of wisdom and dormancy is quite large. Fangyuan is moved in by the little fox fairy, and the body of the two feet can also move freely.

Perceived the arrival of Fangyuan, the wisdom flashed a colorful Huaguang.

The little fox sat on Fang Yuan’s shoulder and stared curiously at the wisdom.

This is a nine-turn wisdom!

Although the little fox can sense every place of the blessed land, it is still a small number of such close contact.

"Wisdom, I am taking you to escape the trap and save your life. According to the agreement we have reached before, it is time for you to fulfill part of the content." In the gloomy cave, echoing the sound of interference from Fangyuan.

Wisdom is quiet, and after a few moments, it slowly floats and stops in the air.

At the same time, it propels up the wisdom glow.

"It's so beautiful!" Xiao Huxian’s eyes flashed and he immediately laughed.

The spherical wisdom glow, constantly flashing colorful, wrapped Fangyuan and Xiaohuxian into it.

Fang Yuan suddenly felt the thoughts collide quickly, thinking like electricity, and getting the result of thinking at a very fast speed.

"This feeling... very comfortable." Xiaohuxian slowly squinted his eyes, staying stunned, immersed in the thrill of wisdom.

But after a few breaths, her figure began to fade.

"Little Fox Fairy, you are obsessed with the mind, although combined with the power of heaven and earth, but still under the restraint of wisdom. Here you can not wait, go back." Fang Yuan extended a finger, facing the little fox The head was a little lighter and awakened her.

The little fox fairy squatted on the small head melon, and the white scorpion's face rose to make two excited blushes.

"Master, master, the original people can become so smart. Great wisdom!" She cried, like a child found a new toy, very happy.

"The master is the best, even the wisdom can get it! Let people stay for a while, is it good?" She actually began to shoot Fangyuan's flattering.

Fang Yuan haha ​​smiled: "It seems that wisdom has started your little brains and hurry out." Said, stretched out **** and gently pressed the head of Xiao Huxian.

The cute little head of the little fox fairy was pressed by Fang Yuan’s finger and pressed a little.

Xiaohuxian suddenly wrinkled Qiongniu and licked his head: "Master, then I am leaving."

She did not dare to violate the source, and the next moment flashed away.

The underground cave calmed down, and Fangyuan did not sit on it. Anyway, the body of the zombie was hard and thick, and there was no difference in standing and sitting.

He stood directly in the halo. The first thing he did was to observe the will of the Murray who was suppressed in Xian.

The Moyao will not be affected by any wisdom halo.

Although I have observed it before the Datong air curtain, Fang Yuan has confirmed again that this will put the heart down.

"The immortality is a small world. The wall of the fairy scorpion is the wall of the heavens and the earth, and the internal and external forces are isolated. The external forces can hardly affect the inside."

Fang Yuan closed his red eyes and began to quietly think about feelings.

He has become a zombie, and the speed of production in his mind has dropped several levels, and his thinking has become rigid. Wisdom and halo, but let the thoughts quickly sway, crashing at a rapid speed, consume a lot of thoughts in a short period of time to produce thinking results.

If it is a normal zombie, if you are in it, I am afraid that I will be smart in an instant, and then I will become an idiot.

But Fang Yuan’s mind is but there is still will.

These wills are all produced by the wisdom of the locusts, but they can also be considered.

Before Fang Yuan, in order to deal with Moyao, he studied Zhidao and purchased locusts such as deliberate, deliberate, and savvy. These wills helped him a lot at the last moment of his trip to Beiyuan.

Now Fangyuan’s mind can’t keep up, and can only be replaced by these wills.

He is infinitely unlimited and his will is almost infinite. Under the guise of the light of wisdom, the originally stable will of the stock is immediately like the snow that sees the rapid melting of the sun, and the smaller and smaller.

What followed was a flash of inspiration, and the dusty memories became clear. As long as Fangyuan concentrates on spiritual memories, these huge and complex memories will come back to life in a vivid way.

At this moment, the world seems to be bright.

Although the real results have not been considered, Fangyuan has many solutions to the problem. As long as you follow these roads, Fangyuan firmly believes that he will find the most suitable solution to the problem! (To be continued...)

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