Reverend Insanity

: Section 8: Oriental Changfan Fangzhongshan

Wisdom halo, the cave stone wall is colorful.

During the quiet standing of Fang Yuan, for a long time, he opened his eyes and slowly stepped out of the range of the halo.

The will in my mind is almost exhausted. The will to be born out of the shackles is very limited, and it is difficult to compete with the wise minds.

"But I decided to calculate the failure of Xianhemen this time, but it is not enough, but the clues are not enough." Fang Yuan reflected in his heart.

Over the past few days, he has used the light of wisdom many times and summed up his experience.

Wisdom and teacher law are naturally different.

Wisdom is the light of wisdom, giving endless inspiration to the teacher. But the result of thinking is based on the user's knowledge and the evidence factor of the calculation.

Fang Yuan had just calculated the plot of Xianhemen against Fox Fairyland, which failed because the evidence collected was too small.

To sum up, the deeper the user's knowledge, the more evidence is collected, and the more the calculations, the better the results.

Of course, the more evidence, the more factors that need to be referenced, the more thoughts and willingness to consume. In particular, the calculation of the immortal side, too many factors to consider, the will to consume will be extremely large.

The teacher's law is natural, it is a precious experience when the teacher is rising to the immortal.

In this process, the teacher asks the heavens and the earth, and the heaven and earth directly give the answer, and there is no need for the teacher to think.

Take examples of mathematical problems on Earth, such as solving a multivariate equation.

If the teacher uses wisdom, it is the speed of thought, the inspiration, and the many ways to solve problems. Some of these routes are dead ends. Some can only figure out the wrong result. A few are the right way to figure out the correct result.

The natural law is equivalent to giving the correct answer directly.

The user gets the correct answer. But I don't know how it was solved.

Therefore, when the law is natural, you cannot ask questions about the world. Fangyuan will not directly ask how to live forever. Maybe Heaven and Earth will give an answer, but he can't understand it.

It is like a child who has not yet studied mathematics. He has seen a linear equation and certainly will not understand this answer.

To understand this answer. Young children have to learn every number, unknown, positive and negative, and so on. But this is only the basis of the foundation.

For the sergeant. Too deep a question, even if it is answered, cannot be understood and cannot be used.

Even if the law is natural. Ask about all aspects of the answer to this puzzle. Learning can help to understand the foundation, which will take too much time, the amount of information will be extremely large, and the mind may not be able to withstand it.

Therefore, the most effective way to use the natural methods of the teacher is to firmly base the foundation according to its own reality. Progressively.

"However, there is also a wise mind in the Zhidao. There is also a fairy singer who can directly get the answer directly from the celestial celestial being. That is the celestial temperament. The sergeant does not need to think about collisions, and without derivation, he can grasp the celestial plane and get the answer directly. Historical records, this It was created by the music fairy goddess. He once had an eight-turn heavenly fairy, and after the death, the heavenly immortal disappeared without a trace. I have never heard of any related news."

Fang Yuan suddenly thought of Tianji Xianyu.

The use of locusts is single, even if it is nine turns of wisdom. The higher the number of locusts, the greater the power, and if the wisdom is really motivated, the performance will be terrible. But even if it is stronger, it will not achieve the effect of heaven.

"The rumored tales are the most versatile nine-turner. The celestial temperament is the result of his attempt to sense the heavens and the earth. It is also the result of his attempt to re-enact the nature of nature. If I have a chance, then Can form a wonderful cooperation with wisdom. If others use the sky to speculate on me, I am afraid that all my secrets will be exposed..."

The celestial machine is to ask the teacher to directly ask the world.

As long as it is happening in the heavens and the earth, there is no world that does not know.

As the **** knows, you know that I know.

As for other Zhidao locusts, Fangyuan is temporarily worry-free. All of them were assimilated by the Datong Wind, and all the traces of Fang Yuan’s work in Wang Tingfu’s land were erased.

There is no such thing as a genius. The wise mentor is going to calculate according to the department. It is necessary to collect evidence, and the more evidence, the better.

They can't search for key evidence from Wang Tingfu, they can only start from Wang Ting's dispute. In this way, it is not impossible to calculate the true identity of the source, but the probability is small and the time required is also large.

Beiyuan, Bitan Fudi.

From the high-altitude bird's-eye view, the blessed land is filled with large and small deep pools, and the green and blue are handed over, thousands of people.

Headed by the tribes of the tribes of the tribes, the nearly ten immortals of the North Plains Road, from the heights.

"The aristocratic Bitan Futian, really chic and fresh. This thousand thousand Bitan, like the sky and the stars, beautiful and beautiful." A female immortal, now strolling in the sky, feels. She has long hair like a cloak, and she drags her two or three feet long and attracts attention.

"In this Bitan, there are different water quality, and there are countless aquariums. The fish and water plants of the Eastern tribe are famous in Baohuang Tianzhong." A male 蛊仙, with a third vertical eye on his forehead At this moment, the eyes are full of strange light, constantly scanning the Bitan.

"Murong Qingsi, Guanshen according to two adults praised, my family's Bitan Fudi only operated for more than 6,000 years, on Shengjing than the Murong family's yin and yang sacred land, on the tenth blessings that are even less than the home." In the former emperor's understanding of the fairy, the smile was calm and answered, with the modest tone of the oriental tribe.

Bitan Fudi is the base of the super-powerful, golden tribe oriental family.

A group of immortals landed slowly.

This is a place that is not in the eye.

Next to Bitan, there is a small hut.

In front of the hut, an old man is sitting in the pool and fishing.

"This is actually a meditation." Guan Shen swept his forehead and looked at the scene in the deep pool, muttering.

The rest of the people heard that some people's faces could not help but move slightly.

"Mr. Dongfang, we have not seen it for more than ten years. I thought that in the past, we all smashed the snowy mountains and fought side by side. The time was rushing and dying..." The people stood up and repaired as the highest ancestors. Opening.

"Tongzu adults, you are still the style is still the same. And the old man is going to be on the wood, not to be as good as you." The old man fishing slowly stood up, it is the Oriental Changfan, the first Zhidao of the North Plains.

The East stood by Changfan’s side, and the latter said: “Today’s oriental home is full of glory, and it’s a great honor to have your guests to visit the Hanshe. You are pleased.”

Dongfang Changfan introduced everyone to the hut.

There is a vast space in the hut, with a square and a large hall. In the square, there are sixteen stone statues arranged in order like disorder. They are different in distance and subtle in appearance, as if they imply a certain magical law.

"This is the six-turn fairy house in the East - the grass house? It really is extraordinary." When even someone praised it.

The Oriental Changfan introduced everyone to the House of the Assembly and settled one by one. The Northern Plains is on the right side of the Immortal, and the representatives of the various forces represent one.

Oriental Changfan sat in the main position and looked around at everyone. He smiled and said: "This time, the old man took the initiative to invite all of you to come and want to make a deal with you."

Guan Shenzhao and others looked at each other and did not speak. They still responded to Tongzu’s opening: "Mr. Dongfang has been counting for decades, but not for others. But in the letter, he said that he can make exceptions for me and calculate the true yang. The collapse of the building is fierce, or other aspects. I don’t know what to pay for this transaction?”

The Eastern Chang Cough sighed a few times and sighed: "The old man will die, and his heart will not be hopeful. But before leaving, the heart is worried. One is the tribal cause, the other is the descendants, and I hope to make a deal with you. The old man is extrapolating once for each of you. After the old man dies, ask all of you to form an alliance with my oriental family."


"Yes, the detailed covenant husband has already prepared it. You can browse and view it. If there is any objection, you can modify it in the same place." Dongfang Changfan took out two east windows and handed it to the public.

The celestial beings browsed one after another, and the conditions for the alliance were very relaxed. The Eastern Changfan did not even ask the allies to help each other, but only asked him to protect the Eastern tribes for fifty years after his death. During the period, the forces of the parties must not target, suppress or attack the eastern tribes.

The crowds are unsuccessful.

The Oriental Chang Fan is the contemporary Beiyuan, recognized as the first Zhidao Xianxian. No one is more likely than him to figure out the true murder of the collapse of Zhenyang Tower!

Zhu Xian practice, who will not encounter some problems in spiritual practice, or do you need to deduct the disabled? With the East Changfan shot, these problems can be solved.

More importantly, Wang Tingfu’s land was shattered. After the collapse of the 88-year-old Zhenyang Building, a large number of locusts were brought to the north of the country by the incomparable boxing. In many places, there was a scent of scent, which led to competition among the parties.

At this time, as long as the Oriental Changfan calculates the position of the fairy, then it is very likely to get the fairy!

When everyone is in the heart, they can't help but admire the savvy of the East.

If you change to ordinary times, the contribution of Dongfang Changfan will be somewhat lighter. But now, a chance of calculation is likely to represent a fairy. This makes the crowds feel excited.

"Well, Mr. Dongfang, your condition is that we only promise you the tribe."

The first was the opening of the Tongzu, and later the representatives of the Black House and the Murong family agreed to come down.

This situation does not come out of the expectation of the East. His smile is even more prosperous: "If this is the case, then please ask Lishan Fairy to shoot Lishan Fairy?"

When everyone was surprised, they saw a six-turn female fairy coming from the back hall and appearing in front of everyone.

"Lishan Fairy, don't you come to nothing?" Someone immediately said hello.

Another singer smiled and said: "Mr. Dongfang is really prepared, even Lishan fairy is invited. It is just this Bitan blessed land, but there are no mountains and rivers, how can we swear?"

At this time, I kept silent, and I stood by the side of the fairy, and said: "Don't worry, look at it."

As he said, he spread his palms and his palms were full of brilliance, revealing a miniature mountain.

"Is this - Fang Congshan?!" Murong Qingsi, Dai Xiu, first responded, incredulously cried.

"Exactly." The East was modest and laughed, but the pride in the bones could not be hidden.

The crowds are in vain. (To be continued.)

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