Reverend Insanity

: Section 67: You can rest assured that I will spare you.

The tree, rooted in the mountains, stretches the green hand to the sky.

A thick tree trunk, facing each other. The lush foliage is staggered in midair.

Surrounded by these trees, there is a wooden house.

The wooden house is made of thick trunks, revealing a solid taste. The wooden house was not newly built, but it was already some years old, so the surface of the wooden house climbed with moss, and even some of the trunks had tender branches.

The wooden house is a tall bamboo fence surrounded by green spear bamboo. The front and back are all vegetable fields, and the center of the vegetable field is a well.

At this time, a young and beautiful girl was playing with water at the well.

Although the clothing on her is extremely simple, it is difficult to cover her face. She is twenty-eight years old, with a pair of big eyes, black and white, pure and crystal.

The sun shines through the luxuriant leaves and shines on her face, reflecting her skin as white snow, showing a transparent blush and warmth.

Her black hair bun, playfully hangs down, and hides the cute earlobe.

The pink lips were squatting at this moment, biting a bite, and the face was a hard look.

She struggled to lift the bucket full of buckets from the depths of the well. He also took a breath and moved the wooden bucket to the gray brick floor at the well.

"Call!" The girl whipped up the pink gangster, spit out a sigh of gas, and stretched out the white hand as a fan, fanning the wind against her cheek.

Hearing the sound of the barrel on the ground, the door of the wooden house opened and he walked out of the old man.

The old man's hair is black and white, the face is wrinkled, and the old eyes are vicissitudes, but occasionally they will flash a slap. It’s like an old tiger. Although it’s old, Huwei is still there.

"Shantou, this bucket is too heavy, and all said that let's mention it. How do you sneak a dish with me?" The old man looked at the girl next to the well, his face showing a loving look.

“Hey!” the girl screamed sweetly. “You came back so late yesterday. You will sleep a little more this morning. It’s just a bucket. You see, I’m not here?”

"You, you love it!" The voice of the old man was helpless, and his eyes were filled with pets.

He took a big stride and walked to the well, reaching out a hand, and grabbed the bucket easily: "Come, hoe, simmer with you."

The air is filled with the fragrance of wild grass wildflowers, the summer wind, blowing warmly over, over the treetops, it turns into a fresh and deep.

On the vegetable field in front of the wooden house in the mountain, the daughter scooped the water, bent over and carefully poured the vegetables. The father is responsible for the water, and the two buckets are exchanged in turn. The warm atmosphere of a family is permeated in this small space.

"Oh, after all, it’s getting old. After a few mentions, I can’t move it.” After a moment, the old man stood by the well, rubbed the sweat on his head and sighed deeply.

The girl turned back and smiled like a flower. She said, "Hey, you finally know it. I have been on the age, I love it all day long, tell you how many times, hunting, let the second brother go, you are this age. It’s time to lie at home and enjoy the blessings.”

"Hehehe." The old man smiled and nodded. "According to your brother's ability, it is enough to sway this mountain. Especially his hand archery is better than when I was young. But one thing I still have. Don't worry about him, his heart is too wild, he is self-defeating, and he wants to fly. Hey, young people love fantasy, and there are some problems with this."

"Oh..." The girl dragged the tone.

The old man smiled more happily, and joked: "Yes, there is you. You are not too young, you should find a husband's family. You are looking for a good job, the prostitute is the only one of this piece. I can't find a good family!"

The girl’s face suddenly raised two red clouds, and she was too shy to speak.

The old man looked at the sky, as if he had seen a beautiful future, he sighed: "When your second brother eats a little, he converges on the temper, I will stop, never go up the mountain again. I will find you a good wife." Look at you to marry a life, it is best to have a big fat boy, hey, you will bring me a grandson, you will be satisfied. It is really not easy for people to live in this life. Can you have a few good beginnings and ends? Hey, the younger partner has not been there until now, and you are left to me."

"Hey. You said this wrong." The girl smiled and comforted. "What is left of you, you are not with us."

"Oh... um?" The old man smiled, just about to talk, suddenly heard the movement, and suddenly looked back.

The bamboo fence door was slammed open from the outside.

"You are Wang Laohan?" Fang Yuan looked cold and his eyes were faint. He held the moonlight on his right hand and came first.

The old man was shocked and saw the moonlight in Fang Yuan’s hands, and quickly fell to the ground: “The old man met the Master!”

"Wang Laohan, your son actually dared to offend me, has been killed by me. Bring his body up!" Fang Yuan is condescending, staring at the old man on the ground, straight to the door.

His voice just fell, and two young hunters came in from outside the fence. They were alone, and one was carrying the body of Wang Er.

Seeing this corpse, Wang Laohan’s body trembled fiercely!

"Second brother -!" The girl screamed in a bleak, immediately rushed over, slammed the body of Wang Er, and burst into tears.

"Wang Jiameizi..." Two young hunters, seeing the woman in her heart crying so much in front of her, I can't bear it in my heart, I want to persuade something, but I can't say it.

"Wang Laohan, I heard that you are a headhunter, the most famous hunter in several nearby villages. When you are so old, you can go hunting in the mountains, and every time you have a rich harvest. This is good."

Fang Yuan said that he paused here and continued with a blank expression: "You will draw a picture of me now, indicating all the trap positions on the mountain nearby, as well as the beasts you have observed during the hunting process over the years. Distribution. When you draw, I will forgive your son to offend my sin. Can't draw it - hehe."

These villages are controlled by the ancient moon cottage. The villagers in the village are the serfs of the ancient moon family.

Now Wang II commits the crime and offends the master. According to the family rules, the whole family has to be implicated!

Wang Laohan’s body trembled again and almost fell to the ground. Such a blow is too big and too sudden for him.

"The murderer, you are the murderer of my second brother! You are killing people, but also come to the teacher to ask for sin? I have to avenge my second brother!!" The girl shouted, the voice filled with the hatred and anger of the other source, she rushed To Fang Yuan.

But she was still on the way, and she was saved by a figure and blocked.

It was not the two young hunters who blocked her, but her old father.

"Miscellaneous things!" Wang Laohan made a low roar, slap a hand, slamming, and knocked the girl down to the ground.

"Your second brother is already dead. Do you want to die too? Do you want me to be embarrassed, lonely and old?!" The old man said this, and the old tears were violently shaking.

"Hey!" The girl was awake, her eyes were full of tears, and her voice was filled with pain, intransigence, grievances, pity, hatred, and helplessness.

The old man turned around and faced Fang Yuan. His knees were soft and he fell to the ground, and his forehead touched the ground and bowed deeply at the foot of Fang Yuan. His voice choked and shivered: "The Master is on the top, my son offended you, and it is indeed dead! You can draw a map for you, you are generous, please spare us."

Fang Yuan’s face was mild, and he looked at the old man in a condescending manner: “You can rest assured that as long as you paint it, I will spare you. But you better not lie to me. If I find a trace of doubt, your Life is hard to protect!"

"The old man understands that the old man understands." Wang headhunting is not only a slap in the face, "please ask the teacher to be an adult, and let the small back go to get the paper and the pen."

"No." Fang Yuan waved his hand and looked at the two young hunters who had been forced by this trip. Commanded You went to the house and found me a pen and paper and brought it out. ”

"Yes, Master Yan." Two young people trembled, under the deterrent of Fangyuan, did not dare to defy the slightest.

"Adult, paper and pen are on the kitchen table." Wang Laohan was on the sidelines.

Fang Yuan’s eyes flashed silently and did not speak.

The two hunters broke into the log cabin and quickly took the pen and paper out.

The paper here in southern Xinjiang is made of special bamboo paper, the paper is very hard, and the paper color is faint green. This kind of paper is suitable for the humid climate in southern Xinjiang.

If it is rice paper, I am afraid that it will be wet by the tide after seven or eight days.

The old man took the pen and squatted on the ground, drawing a black line. Or bend, or straight.

He drew more than a dozen pieces of bamboo paper. After a while, he handed these bamboo papers to Fangyuan.

Fang Yuan hurriedly took a look at the two bamboos and handed them to the two young hunters: "Look, what is wrong with you. Every time I find a mistake, I will reward you with a piece of stone!"

(ps: As the preface says, the book will be very evil. Everyone can see it as a pure story. There is no need to substitute it into reality. There is another question to explain. The story of the ancestors is a dark line. It is not for the purpose of educating everyone. Without this thought, there is no such effort, and there is no such capital. It is only a kind of world view, a description of the world's heritage, and through this myth, it will also throw some of the book's settings. The story of the ancestors will continue throughout the book. Everyone will look at it, skip it if you don't like it. Or this It is not necessary to substitute too deep, it will be cool to see. Wrong, substituting mistakes is to find guilty. Of course, do not rule out the big abusers. Haha...)

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