Reverend Insanity

: Section 23: The problem of feeding 仙蛊

Three days later, Fang Yuan woke up.

There is peace in the heart, no sense of exhaustion and impetuousness before.

"It seems that the body of the zombie is a little less lively. My soul is more vulnerable to fatigue and irritability." Fang Yuan discovered another drawback of the zombie's body.

The soul is weak, you can use your courage to know the soul, which is easy to solve. There is a lot of courage in the mountains of the Dangling Mountains. This is the best way to make a strong soul.

But if the soul is restless and restless, you need to reassure the soul. The best way to calm down is to indulge in the water of the lake in the dead. This water is recorded in the middle, and it is the best of the sun.

Fangyuan can not have the water of the lake, even if there is, do not dare to drink. He used the old method and was sleeping with obvious methods.

"If I am a normal person, I only need to sleep for a while, I can calm the impetuousness of the soul. But after becoming a zombie, I have to sleep for three days. The soul is divided into three souls, soul refining, soul resurrection, but most souls. The Taoist divisions all focus on the first two aspects. Now think about it, it should be that the sleep of the soul itself is very good. You don't need to invest too much in this area."

After the seal of the Spring and Autumn Period, Fang Yuan’s understanding of the soul road has deepened.

Next, he counted the accounts in recent months.

He traded twice with the scorpion, and scored a total of sixty senyuan stones. But he also used a lot.

Bao Huang Tianzhong acquired thousands of stars and firecrackers, bought the killing spring rain, cold yarn, sixty-nine stars, bought a lot of smelting materials, a large number of scorpions, and bought a group of old Mao people. After that, in order to seal the Spring and Autumn Period, I bought Ozawa and Matsushima. A total of twenty senyuan stones are spent.

In the hands of Fang Yuan, there are still thirty and a half cents of Xianyuan Stone.

But don't look at so many Yuanxian Stones, the price paid by Fang Yuan and his own Qingxian Xianyuan.

Estimate the fairy squad. He can only be personally involved. After the first trade with the scorpion, his Qingxianxianyuan has only nine left. The second calculation of the Qingxian Xianyuan, the loss of six green celestial elements, the optimization of the spring and autumn 封 seal scheme also consumes one, and now only two green celestial elements.

It is necessary to optimize the scheme for the Spring and Autumn Period. The previously estimated cost is twenty-three celestial stones. After optimization. Dropped to twenty. In general, it also saves two pieces of Xianyuan Stone.

There are only two green sages left, which is very dangerous. Once the encounter is unexpected. Fangyuan can only provoke two killings and killing me, and it is difficult to cope with the situation of dramatic changes, especially the attack of Xianhemen has become closer.

Fang Yuan used fifteen pieces of Xianyuan Stone and transformed it into his own Qingxianxianyuan.

So come. His Qingxianxianyuan rose to seventeen. And Xianyuan Stone fell to 15 and a half.

Now the Spring and Autumn Period has broken through the empty crisis. It has been temporarily lifted. The dilemma was also opened because of the alliance with Hei Loulan. The transaction with the scorpio, earning a large number of celestial stones, is the source of Fangyuan's power to solve problems.

The situation, which was originally terrible, has been somewhat relieved. Just like the darkness of the sky, the layers of dark clouds, but after the continuous efforts of Fangyuan, gradually open the gap, revealing the bright and warm sunshine.

Now in front of him. It is another problem, and this problem must be solved as soon as possible.

That is feeding the fairy.

Where to feed. Fang Yuan is not worried. However, feeding Xianxian is a serious problem.

To sum up, there are many immortals in Fangyuan's hands, including Chunqiu, Dingxianyou, disaster-raising, Leshan Leshui, Wandering Tianya, Pingbu Qingyun, Jingshen, Lianyun, and women's hearts.

Ordinary Zhu Xian, often not even a fairy. There are as many as nine cents in the hands of Fang Yuan.

This is a huge happiness, but also a huge burden.

Spring and Autumn are good, it feeds on the rivers of the long river, and can also be seen as no feeding.

Dingxianyou Fangyuan had been feeding a Qingxianxianyuan more than a year before Zhongzhou time, which can support six years. However, when Zhongzhou came over for a year, it did not mean that Dingxianyou had only passed one year. The time of Wang Tingfu’s land, the time of Fangyuan’s fairy tales, and the time of Fox’s sacred land are many times faster than those of Zhongzhou.

And the figure for six years is only a theoretical figure. The more times Fangyuan urges the number of immortals, the more time this time will shrink.

Now the Dingxian Tour, although it can still support a period of time, but the distance to feed again is also faster.

The rest of the fairy is trouble.

These Tianyuan sources have found key information.

The food for the disaster-stricken scorpion is the black blood of the six-headed snake of the wild animal.

Leshan Le Shui Xian Xian, you need to draw a lot of mountain gas, water gas, and many smile stones.

Wandering the world, you need tens of thousands of Nether Jellyfish, and thousands of deep sea lightning squid.

If you are in the blue sky, you need the dragon scales of the wild beast and the eyes of tens of thousands of windy birds.

The feeding of the net soul fairy must receive the flesh and blood of the giant silkworm cocoon.

Even if you transport the fairy scorpion, you need the sand and soil of the ancient sacred beast habitat.

As for the heart of the poisonous Taoist woman, the spirit of the earth has also said that it is necessary to feed the woman's heart. This cultivating and cultivating, the more the heart of the woman who feeds, the stronger its power.

"In these locusts, the disaster-stricken scorpion will soon be fed, and it should have been fed. It is now obviously weak. Leshan Le Shui, the Wandering Tianya Sin Temple, is part of the Xianshui House near the water tower. These years are hidden in Wang Tingfu. It’s also a full meal of hungry. The net soul, the serial transport, the woman’s heart, and the pacing, all sleep in the true secrets. In the past many years, the giant will only feeds with half of the resources. Now they are all out of the true biography. The mystery, completely awakened, is now hungry, and more needs tonic."

"Fortunately, I will pacify and pledge to the land. I borrowed his hand to feed me, not afraid of being starved to death. If the mountains and the mountains are like two cents, I will also throw too much Baiyunsheng to let him go. God." Fang Yuan thought about it.

This is so, the burden of feeding on his shoulders is never easy.

Feeding Xianyu is not just a question of Xianyuan Stone.

This world is not like the earth. The earth is a commercial society. Basically, as long as there is enough money, everything can be bought.

However, in the world of Yanshi, the economy is not developed, and there are many monopolistic businesses and countless scarce resources. Xianyuan Stone is indeed hard currency, but it is not omnipotent.

For example, the six-headed big snake, the Yunlong, and the ancient wild animal world, the sand gull, are all difficult to meet, and they are powerful and powerful.

Although Bao Huang Tianzhong will also sell the flesh and blood, bones, etc. of the wild animals, but the number of times is small, once put into the market, it will quickly sell out.

Even if it is earth and water, it is not easy to extract.

Bailian giant silkworm cocoon, smile stone, etc., are very rare things, and Bao Huang Tianzhong is also rare.

On the contrary, it is the feeding of the woman's heart. Although it is a little troublesome, the difficulty is low.

The key point is that time.

Fangyuan did not have enough time to slowly prepare for these foodstuffs.

Therefore, he had to openly acquire these rare resources in Baohuang Tianzhong. Although this will be costly, it will leave a lot of extravagative clues to Zhidao.

However, Fang Yuan is now bearing the name of the Eight-armed Immortal. Within a short period of time, no one will think of the Fox Fairy.

Even if it is linked, Fang Yuan has to do the same.

After all, the survival of Xianyu is much more important than being suspected!

Of course, he had already asked about Zhai Di Ling, He Loulan and Li Shan Fairy, but unfortunately they did not get the desired result from them.

Zhai Di Ling once had a smile stone, but it has been consumed in refining.

A few years ago, Zhu Xian returned from the East China Sea and sent a group of deep-sea lightning squid to Lishan Fairy. But there are only more than one hundred, just for viewing. Later, Li Shan fairy was neglected to take care of them, causing these squid to die.

However, this news gave Fang Yuan a wake up.

East China Sea……

In the past life of Fangyuan, during the mortal period, he successively swayed the five major domains, wandering the world, and spent some time in the East China Sea.

The richness of the resources of the East China Sea is the first in the five domains. Even if it is Zhongzhou, it is difficult to match.

Moreover, in the past few years, the East China Sea has been in turmoil, and there are many opportunities to profit from it. The expected benefits are also large.

If Fang Yuan is not damaged by the Wraith Mountain, and Baiyunsheng is the easiest to succeed, his first choice is the East China Sea.

I also thought of the impressive Blue Market, the Blue Dragon Whale, the Rainbow Island, etc. Fang Yuan made the next decision.

He summoned Baiyunsheng: "Old white, how is the recent practice?"

Too Baiyunsheng smiled slightly and said: "Okay, it’s going very well. I used to repair the cloud land and give me three celestial stones. I also restored a few rivers and made two more. Xianyuan Stone. After buying the defensive killing Jiuyun ring, it took two. In Baohuang Tianzhong, it acquired the floating ball tea seed and spent a piece."

"Floating tea seeds are very common. You have spent a piece of Xianyuan Stone. It seems that you have purchased a lot. But your choice is correct. I have also visited your blessed land. More. The floating ball tea grows slowly and floats in the air. It just makes you grow your strengths and avoid weaknesses. After a few years, the floating **** and grasses flourish, you can search and sell." Fang Yuan commented.

"It's just like this~ Too Baiyunsheng shot a thigh. "After a certain size of floating ball tea, I plan to migrate a group of jade hummingbirds to build a blessed land. ”

Fang Yuan looked at Taibaisheng and said: "The jade hummingbird is a strange animal. The price of the jade hummingbird group is not cheap."

Taibaiyun calmly answered: "I have already thought about it. In the future, I will use the mountains and rivers to earn Xianyuan Stone and learn Lishan Fairy. I believe that my mountains and rivers will not belong to the Lishan Fairy."

Fang Yuan nodded: "If you have a hometown, you will be very popular when you go there."

Taibaiyunsheng sighed: "Unfortunately, I am not convenient to show up now, Wang Tingfu is shattered, we are the only survivors. Now it has been regarded as the primary object of doubt by Beiyuan Zhuxian. If exposed, the consequences are unimaginable. Also, as a key witness, Ma Hongyun has disappeared and seems to have been secretly captured by a certain immortal. Perhaps we have now been targeted by certain immortals."

"So I think that the East China Sea will be a good place for you." Until now, Fang Yuan only said his purpose.

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