Reverend Insanity

: Section 26: Dead

Fang Yuan haha ​​giggles, eight giant hands or fists sniper, or a palm cross-cut vertical, or fingers, or claws, showing a superb and courageous martial arts.

On the weekdays, the fat lady is playing the Wusha sable and thick, brave character, bullying and bullying other celestial beings. But in front of Fang Yuan, it gradually fell to the bottom.

Fang Yuan’s shadow is like flying, his movements are agile, and the fat lady is tired of coping with it. Only the merits of parry and no effort to fight back.

Suddenly, Fang Yuan was flawed and slammed on his body. His arms were like a grotesque climb, driving two strange claws like a drill bit, and suddenly smashing the two arms of the sand giant.

The sand giant snorted and lifted his fat belly and slammed at him.

Fang Yuan sneered in his heart, he had expected that the figure would move and move to the sky above the giants.

He slammed his left knee and slammed the head of the sand giant.

Not waiting for the recovery of the yellow sand, Fang Yuan's right foot is like a battle axe.


The yellow sand burst, the defensive killings were directly broken, and the fat lady vomited blood, falling like a meteor.

Fang Yuan tears open the yellow sand, as if a goshawk eagle squats down from the sky, engulfing the fierce wind, to put the fat lady in the dead.

The fat lady in the fall, seeing Fang Yuan chasing, his face with a look of horror.

She tried to open the distance from Fangyuan, but Fangyuan was faster!

boom! !

A fierce explosion, Fangyuan all the way from the high-altitude impact, directly hit the fat lady into the depths of the desert.

A large amount of yellow sand splashes, and a huge impact instantly creates a huge round pit. The radius has thousands of steps and is as deep as ten feet.

“Well?” Fang Yuan stood at the bottom of the pit and looked very different. I saw the body of the "Fat Niangzi" in my hand, and suddenly turned into a group of Lingsha self-destruction.

At the same time, the sky above the head came a chuckle of laughter: "The coward, let you try the maiden's attack and killing tricks - burying the dragon sand!"

The voice just fell, and the yellow sand around the round pit slammed down like a rushing flood, flattening the entire round pit.

Fangyuan can't dodge. Was buried in it.

The desert is as flat as a mirror, and the fat lady is overflowing with blood and sitting on a group of yellow sand. Hands clasped together, eyes rounded, crazy to kill the move.

On the mirrored surface of the desert, a sturdy dragon sand sculpture gradually emerged.

This dragon dragon sand sculpture. Surrounded by a circle. The faucet bites the dragon's tail and combines with the surrounding sands to form a powerful force that suppresses Fangyuan under the sand.

The original fierce battlefield has restored calm at this moment.

"Call!" The fat lady spit out a sigh of gas, wiped the sweat from her head, and relaxed her mind. "It's over. My Hidden Dragon Satay. Can form an unparalleled pressure, from all sides to the top. As soon as the enemy is trapped, it will not move, and eventually it will be crushed into a mass of meat. Once even a wild animal, the dragon is killed by me, not to mention a person?"

The fat lady muttered to herself, and the words worked very well. She quickly eased her emotions.

But at this moment, suddenly there was a loud noise from the depths of the earth -


"What sound?" The fat lady was stunned and nervous again.


The loud noise rang again, like a giant hitting the drums.

"Damn, it is the burial dragon sand!" The fat lady raised a 12-point vigilance. She stood up fiercely, but immediately it was black, her body was awkward, and she almost fell down from the floating yellow sand.

She did get hurt.

Fang Yuan tore up the Wusha, and the huge punching power hit her.

At the dangerous juncture, she used the killing and squatting to attract the attention of Fangyuan, while the real body was hidden in the yellow sand scattered all over the sky.

Subsequently, the fat lady used to kill and murder Longsha, and Fangyuan was trapped in the ground.

"Impossible! Even if it is a wild animal, it is also a hateful drink under my killing. If this killing is placed in Baohuang Tianzhong, at least three pieces of fairy stone can be sold!" Fei Niangzi said to himself.


Just then, there was another loud noise.

The original mighty dragon sand sculptures also shook, the cracks were full, and the fine yellow sand was sprinkled from the sand sculptures.

The fat lady’s heart was followed by a tremor. She looked round and stared at the desert under her feet.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The loud noise is coming again, and the frequency is getting denser. The earth is also trembled.

Fei Niangzi is dry and frightened. She feels that her own trap is not a person, but a fierce beast than a wild animal!


The dragon sand sculpture can no longer be suppressed and completely collapsed.

The desert is high and the sand is flowing down like a running water. A huge body is once again in front of the fat lady.

There is no moon in the night, the wind is stirring, and the scenery is faint.

The height of three feet, eight strange arms, the source of the green face, is born like a demon, bringing nightmares to the world.

Unlike before, he was covered in a layer of black armor. Hyperthyroidism, barbed at the corner. The armor is very thick, and the source of the corpse of Fang Yuan, which was originally strong, is even more powerful and powerful.

This is Fangyuan's defense killing trick!

If the fat lady has been for another four hundred years, she will recognize it: this is the five-domain chaos, the most popular defensive killing "fat". It is centered on five turns of not bad steel shovel, and the remaining hundreds of mites are supplemented, which can make the cockroaches of the cockroaches grow wild and form a hyperthyroidism. Not only is the product cheap and beautiful, the defense is good, and the locust war damage is easy to add.

Fangyuan became a stiff, hard hair like iron, stimulating the effect of hair nails, better than the body of ordinary immortals.

Fang Yuan relies on the body of the hair armor and the fairy, and directly resists the burial of the dragon sand, without any injury!

This killing has been published for more than four hundred years in advance, and the fat lady can't recognize it, but it does not prevent her from assessing the value of this killing.

"This defensive killing is even stronger than my performance of Wusha. I have to sell it to Baohuang Tianzhong. I have to sell two pieces of half-element stone!"

In this regard, the fat lady fights again: "Hello, I am a Mo family, chasing a thief, the result misunderstood you. I am now sure that you must not be guilty. This is a misunderstanding! I don’t know each other, we..."

Fang Yuan sneered: "Hehehe, a little bit of meaning. Mo's 蛊仙. If you kill, you must not have a sense of pleasure."

This is the first time that Fangyuan has opened since the war. His voice was hoarse and ugly, and the fat lady couldn’t help but shudder.

Mo Jia is the giant of the West Desert, the giant of the Hengba side.

However, Fang Yuan is rampant and does not put Mo's family in his eyes.

The fat lady sinks into the bottom of the valley: "Where does this come from, the magic repair? The strong combat power is the six-turn first-class. The temperament is so fierce and arrogant!"

Then the fat lady saw the side of Fang Yuan, and suddenly a pair of wings illusion emerged. This wing is shaped like a batwing and is dark and wide. Slamming!

The bat-wing phantom disappeared, but it drove the body of Fangyuan as an electric shot.

"Fast! This is a killing trick specially used for mobile!!" The fat lady's pupils shrank and decided to escape.

She screamed, and the fat face of the round could no longer cover the horror.

Seeing that Fangyuan is approaching quickly. The fat lady slammed out of the glare of the yellow light. Huang Guang drove her body to violently retreat. Escape in the direction of lightning.

Fang Yuan once again spurred the move to kill the "light bat fly", but even caught up.

A few breaths of time, the fat lady disappeared into the sky.

"The fat lady is planted big, and even the killing of the sand and the sand is used, it must be a big injury. This guy is really exaggerated, actually the fat lady is directly ran away!" In the distance, the fox imaginaryly hides Deep in the sand, holding your breath. Do not dare to reveal the slightest flaw.

"Escape is very fast." Fang Yuan snorted and stopped on the battlefield. Constantly search with reconnaissance.

The fox’s imaginary atmosphere did not dare to breathe, and it felt that the volatility of reconnaissance raided his hiding place three times and five times.

Fangyuan searched for a long time, no effect, and this left here.

"It’s finally gone. Hey, it’s not right! Why is it so uneasy in my heart!” Linghu just wanted to drill out and kill the enemy. Suddenly, he changed his mind.

The time has slowly passed and it is already in the middle of the night.

A figure is like a ghost, falling from the sky, it is Fang Yuan.

He just deliberately left, circled a circle, flew over the clouds and secretly monitored the bottom. But after waiting for a long time, I didn't see any figures.

He snorted and finally gave up the search and rushed to the Shajin Oasis.

"Good insurance, good insurance! This devil is really sinister and deceitful. Fortunately, Xiaoye, I am cautious, and almost his way." Linghu crouched deep in the sand, scared to take a cold sweat.

In the darkness, his eyes twitched again: "What exactly is this demon head with the feet? Where does it come from? What is the purpose of ulterior mob?"

The curiosity of the fox is big: "But the reconnaissance means of this devil can obviously not find my trace. Should I follow him and see what he wants to do?"

However, he immediately thought of the return of Fang Yuan and his return. The thought of suddenly sprouting was poured down by a cold water.

"This devil is not only fierce and cruel, but also sinister and insidious. I will save it. Anyway, Xianyuanshi has already arrived..."

Linghu dispelled this idea and dared not venture into the desert and drill directly into the ground.

He has insufficient combat power, but there are many moves. The speed of drilling the ground is not slower than the flying of the common fairy.

He directly chose the opposite direction to Fangyuan and left here.

Fangyuan returned to the Shajing Oasis again.

The oasis is brightly lit, full of noisy sounds.

Although Fang Yuan deliberately stayed away from here, the battle between the immortals and the immortals was not small, causing panic among the people.

Regardless of these people, Fang Yuan once again found Han Li through the inspection of Yun.

He played a 12-point vigilance while hiding his tracks while secretly urging the company. This time, he was smooth sailing, and there was no accident.

When the two people's luck is connected, Fangyuan sees Han's meteorite luck and shrinks rapidly at an alarming rate.

Then megalithic air transport was covered with cracks, and the blast broke.

After a few breaths, Han Li’s luck fell to the same smog as the mortal.

Then, the grayish thin flue gas turned black quickly.

"Not good." Fang Yuan saw here, his heart sank.

At the same time, Han Lizheng and his returning parents ate together.

He was very hungry and was squatting in his mouth.

"Slow down, kid." His mother smiled lovingly and cared about her son.

"Hey, hey!" Suddenly, Han Li grabbed his neck and his eyes were round and he was stunned!

"Little scorpion, fast, spit it out!" The parents were shocked and confused.

But in the end, Han Li was not rescued by them.

he died. (To be continued.)

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