Reverend Insanity

: Section 36: Hei Lou Lan Sheng Xian (below)

From the eyes of Hei Loulan, it screamed with dazzling brilliance.

Brilliant and concise, forming a light column like the essence, running through the clouds, direct two sounds!

The sound of the bang rang, the sound of the sound was broken, completely eliminated, and could no longer be generated.

The light column flashed, and the black Loulan closed his eyes. The whole process was extremely short and only lasted for a long time.

This is the light of difficulty!

Hei Loulan used the fairy 蛊 排!

The power of Xianxie is really extraordinary, and Fang Yuanfan kills the ice and stardust, forming a sharp contrast.

Hei Loulan calmed down for a while and opened his eyes.

The two rows of hard-light columns flashed and disappeared, and two sounds were destroyed.

Fangyuan secretly vibrates: "This kind of power is not a simple use of the difficult fairy, but with the Fan. Through the eye attack, the light of the difficult light is more solid and more precise. In other words, this is black. Loulan has developed a fairy tales with the core of the fairy plaques as the core!"

Black Loulan is extremely talented, and it has not been long before it was solved.

This makes Fang Yuan feel incredible, but the facts before him are better than any eloquence!

At this time, Hei Loulan blinked again, and then destroyed two sounds.

But this time she closed her eyes and closed her eyes, leaving two blood from her eyes. Her eyelashes trembled and her body trembled. In the palm of your hand, the row that is tightly pinched is difficult to smash, and there is a crack and a whistling sound.

This rush to develop the immortal killing trick is not perfect, has a strong drawback.

"There are still two pieces of sound!" Black Loulan ignored it, biting his teeth, and once again forcibly opened his eyes and slammed the last two fights of the natural disaster.

Hey, hey.

Her bright eyes burst and burst at this moment, followed by two blood springs, spewing out from her empty eye sockets.

With a bang, the plaque in her hand was also broken and smashed, and the shards became a little radiant. It leaked from the gap in her fingers and disappeared completely.

Black Loulan is completely blind!

Although she is a strong and powerful martial art, her resilience is amazing.

However, the eyeball injury is forced to urge the fairy to be difficult, and the track marks remain in the eye socket, making her unable to recover.

The six-turn platoon was difficult to be smashed, and it was destroyed and became a swan song.

Hei Loulan is absolutely incomparable, has a heart of glory, pays a heavy price, but directly eliminates the natural disaster, and now only the land robbery!

At this moment, Fang Yuan could not help but praise in his heart: "Decisive!"

Ten must rise to the celestial, and the disaster of the land is extremely terrifying. To make matters worse, there may be strong enemy disturbances. The great life and death pressure of the giants, let the black Loulan have to abandon the difficult fairy, and their own pair of eyes.

This is a decision that ordinary people cannot do.

So abandoning, the black and blue of the heroic heart, the amazing momentum is fully demonstrated.

The weather hangs down, like a Qinghui Waterfall. The earth is rising, like a golden fountain. The deep hòu accumulation accumulated in the black Loulan has also turned into a huge popularity, which has exploded.

"This is the popularity of the ten permanent bodies?" Taibaisheng was stunned in the distance.

The popularity of Hei Loulan is more than the sum of the popularity of Fang Yuan and Tai Bai Yunsheng.

The popularity of the ten permanent bodies has always been abundant, and ten of them are the main factors.

Despite the mental preparation, it still shocked the viewer.

At the third gas phase, the giant uranium is quickly formed, and the black Loulan is wrapped in it.

At this point, she entered the second phase of gas.

Hei Loulan wholeheartedly balanced the three qi, the little family tempered to recover, and she could not pull out to the enemy in a short time.


The glaciers are cracked and the world is shaking.

At this moment, a giant python suddenly slammed like a thunder, and a giant violent temper jumped out of the depths of the glacier.

With a bang, the violent landing, stepping out of two deep pits, the icy ice around the deep pit splattered everywhere.

The violent slaps the chest, the head snarls, the sounds and sounds stop the clouds, and the tumultuous clouds are all stagnation.

It is like a snow, the eyes are red and bloody, and the roots of the monkey hair are like ice thorns, straight to the sky. It is hundreds of feet high, as big as a mountain, so powerful and fierce. Fangyuan is like a small beetle in front of a cat.

"The land robbery has arisen! It turned out to be the ancient wild animal robbery! This is the land robbery that can be encountered in the seven turns of the immortal." Too Baiyun gave birth to a heart.

In the heart of Lishan Fairy, there is a resounding name: "Icefall God!"

Fangyuan face sinks into the water, and the shadow of the ice waterfall is huge. This is a seven-turn force. If you still live in Xianyu, it will be even worse, and it will be harder to fight against it.

Hei Loulan wholeheartedly balanced three atmospheres, the black city did not show up, Lishan fairy, too Baiyunsheng lurking in the distance, the situation is extremely sorrowful, Fang Yuan's eyes are fierce, and both palms are shot on the chest, stunned Start the cards in advance.

Immortal killing

Million me!

The fists are spurting, and the vastness of the river is like a river, and the sea is arrogant.

A few breaths, tens of thousands of Fangyuan force virtual shadows, appeared in the debut, around the square source body, in all directions, heaven and earth, formed a spherical position.

In order to prevent the war situation from being too fierce, and resulting in insufficient time, Fang Yuan had been urging Xiandao to kill me many times before coming to Beiyuan.

The formation of the force of the shadow of the army, he is stored in his own fairy, the power of the virtual shadow can be maintained for a period of time, and is not a living, not affected by the death of Fang Yuanxian.

Fang Yuan released a part at the moment and immediately pulled back the momentum.

The icefall shrine was originally ready to rush, and now sees the force of the hovering force of the sky, it immediately opened its mouth, revealing sharp teeth and fangs, tightening the muscles and choosing confrontation.

The wind and the snow roared, Fangyuan looked indifferent, his body was like a stone, and he reached out to the ice waterfall and slowly pointed his finger.

Immediately, the three armies moved together and shouted to kill the sound.

Tens of thousands of powers and shadows of the army, like a flood, sparked waves, and went to the ice waterfall.

"So the power!" Taibaisheng looked at the heart and waved.

He was not the first time to witness the killing of me. As early as when he was in the blessed land, Fang Yuan had seen it once when he smashed the wild beast.

But that time, Fang Yuan only consumed a Qingxianxianyuan and played a million shadows.

Now, it is the tens of thousands of troops who have rushed to kill the army and have a vast and arrogant atmosphere.

The army rushed to the ice waterfall, and suddenly divided four parts on the way.

One is around the left, one is around the right, one is around, and the last is straight.

The icefall gods are fierce, do not retreat, and rush forward. Fang Yuanli’s imaginary army, such as the arm of the arm, swayed under his heart and thought, and spread like a giant net, covering the icefall god.

"Kill! Kill! Kill!" The power of the shadows roared again and again, just like an ant, launching a siege to the icefall god.

The icefall gods rushed to the right and left the right, killing countless power and shadows but never breaking through the seal of Fangyuan army.

"Under the heavens, there are even such powerful killings! Together with the accomplishments of the masters of slavery, it is no wonder that Fangyuan has been so valued by Xiaolan." Seeing such a scene, Lishan fairy surprises again and again.

One by one, the virtual shadow, constantly flew out of the fairy. There are more than 100,000 military strengths in Fangyuan Xianyu, and this has only come out of 80,000.

These forces are illusory, the most common are only the arms, followed by the four arms and six arms. The more arms, the stronger the combat power.

The icefall gods violently roared, and fought against the huge body, fierce monsters, and the body of the ice thorns, so that the forceful shadows were stunned and burned.

However, the disintegration of the boxing gas, loss of part, the residual will re-aggregate, and once again condensed into a forceful shadow.

This change has greatly delayed the speed of the loss of the sub-source military.

Throughout the process, Fang Yuan’s mind was eager to consume. Commanding tens of thousands of troops, the speed of consuming pleasure is so terrible that in just a few dozen breaths, the number of times that Fangyuan urged Leshan to be happy is close to ten.

"Weird, this icefall god, although it is an ancient wild animal, but not only there is no fairy, but not even a mortal! This is the wonder of the earth disaster from where?"

Fang Yuan saw the truth of the icefall gods, no fairy, no even vanity, so the threat of this ancient wild animal was greatly reduced.

"In this case, it is time to solve you!" Fang Yuan mouth corner, a fierce eye in the eyes, he personally played, rushed.

Behind the light bats flickering continuously, the speed of the square source skyrocketed, like a meteor. The sound is fierce and fierce, and the sound bursts along the way, he will cross a long distance after a few moments, such as the devil's coming, rushing to the top of the icefall god.

"Come on, group support!" Fang Yuan is excited in his heart.

Suddenly, forty-five of the cents in the immortality were launched together.

Qunli has been completely integrated into the Wanhua system by Fangyuan. At this moment, it has spurred it and immediately triggered a new change in Wanyi!

Hundreds of imaginary shadows, dissipated, their power in the power of the group, all concentrated on the side of the source Fangyuan held up a right arm, according to the ice waterfall **** The skull is squatting, squatting.

A bang.

His entire forearm, just slammed on the head of the gods.

The powerful anti-seismic force of the giant scorpion caused Fang Yuan’s forearm to burst directly, the bones shattered into dregs, and the flesh and blood became glutinous.

And the head of the icefall god, there is a huge hollow. Immediately, the crack in the cavity spreads like lightning and the entire dagger.

The entire head of the icefall **** shattered!

Seeing this scene, whether it is Lishan fairy or too white clouds, they are scared that their eyes will fall off.

Even Fang Yuan was greatly surprised: "What happened? Actually, the whole capital was blown up? No, this is an ancient wild animal!"

The murder of me is his own independent improvement. The group force is added by himself. Naturally, he also knows the strength of the group. At most, the ice-splitting gods broke their blood and they were not hit by the entire capital.

"Be careful!" At this moment, too, Baiyunsheng finally couldn't help but show up and shouted loudly.

Fang Yuan looked back and saw that the pupils had contracted.

Even in the case that Fangyuan did not notice, the giant fist of the icefall gods was quietly approaching, such as the viper attack, lightning down.

Fangyuan can't dodge, and is beaten by the giant punch. (If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation. )

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