Reverend Insanity

: Section 70: Using White Stork

In the dark night sky, the moon hangs high like a silver plate, swaying the moonlight like water.

In the summer wind, the dense forests gently stretched the green foliage, and the waterfalls flowed, but they could not cover the noise of the sandalwood.

Fangyuan stepped on the green grass and quietly approached a mountain pig.

The mountain pig is burying his head, squatting and smashing the mud on the ground, looking for worms in the grass and soil.

Wild boars are omnivorous animals that not only eat worms, but also eat bird eggs. They are good at preying on rabbits, mice, and even toxic organisms such as snakes and scorpions.

Fangyuan slowly approached the wild boar from behind.

In the bright moonlight, the fur of the wild boar is black and visible. Its body is strong, its limbs are short and thick, the bristles on the back are long and hard, and the ears are also hairy, very sparse, such as a needle standing upright.

It has four limbs on the ground, and each foot has four toes, but only the middle two toes touch the ground. Its tail is thin and short, and it is sometimes smashed to drive away the flying mosquitoes around.

Suddenly, it stopped the arch soil and slammed its head, and its pair of pointed small ears trembled quickly.

Although Fangyuan stopped in time, the mountain pig still found him, turned quickly and made a loud warning.

Fangyuan is also not surprised. Wild animals are not as alert as livestock. Especially wild boars, they have a very sensitive sense of smell and can find nests that are often well concealed.

Even if the mountain pig did not hear the movement, when the source is close to a distance of 100 meters, it can smell the smell of Fangyuan, and can also detect the existence of Fangyuan.

Although Fang Yuan now has five locusts, spring and autumn cockroaches, wine worms, moonlight 蛊, Xiaoguang 蛊, white 豕蛊, but the equipment is not reasonable, not complete.

If there is a scent that locks the scent, and a sneak peek that hides the footsteps, you can completely approach the distance of the mountain pig ten steps.

However, if you add such two cockroaches, then the source will have to raise seven mites. The consumption of Yuanshi is too big to support.

The average sergeant can only feed the number of four or five locusts. Therefore, often the teacher is not a single person, but a five-person group, and at least three people.

Within the group, there will be someone responsible for the investigation, someone responsible for the march, someone responsible for the attack, someone responsible for the treatment, and someone responsible for the resistance.

Fangyuan kept on foot and continued to approach the mountain pig.

The mountain pig whispered, and a white mane was clearly erected on its neck, which is a symbol of its excitement.

Finally, when Fangyuan stepped closer and broke the bottom line of the pig's heart, the mountain pig's forefoot was leveled three times, then the four legs were stretched and the head was lowered, and Fangyuan rushed over.

Its upper canines are exposed and flipped up to form two white fangs. Under the moonlight, the fangs flashed cold and spurred the source.

Fang Yuan does not have any defensive mites at all. If it is punctured by this fangs, the stomach will be pierced and the belly will be smashed. At that time, it will be seriously injured.

"Moonlight 蛊." Fang Yuan looked calm, heart-thinking, the moonlight in the right palm suddenly absorbed the real yuan, emitting a blue moon, and the moon in the night sky.

The wild boar rushed over, Fang Yuan right palm to everything.

With a bang, the moon blade flew out and hit the face of the wild boar, suddenly flying blood.

The wild boar screamed and angered, and the momentum was faster. In a blink of an eye, it rushed to the front of Fangyuan.

Fangyuan jumped agilely to the side, rolling, rolling!

The wild boar rushed straight from his side, and slammed into a small tree behind Fang Yuan.

The small tree was as thick as an adult's arm. It was hit by a wild boar and immediately devastated. The entire trunk broke and it was two long.

Fangyuan stood up and quickly approached the wild boar while his right hand was connected to the moon blade.

The blue moon blade crossed a straight line in the air and shot the mountain pig.

On the dark gray fur of the mountain pig, several slender wounds were added immediately. The wound was deep and the scarlet blood continued to flow out.

Fang Yuan uses the high-order real element to drive the moon blade, which can suddenly cut off the hardest skull of the human body, but to the wild boar, it can only cause skin injuries and endanger the bones.

A small mountain pig is so tough, the harsh environment of the world can be seen!

The wild boar whispered and rushed to Fangyuan again.

In the process of running, the **** wounds are constantly pulling open, and the hot blood is like no money flowing out.

Fangyuan re-applied, and then turned over and escaped its impact.

Although the mountain pig is strong and strong, it has a shortcoming, that is, the ability to change direction is weak. The faster it is, the less likely it is to change direction, and as a result, almost every impact goes straight. As long as the teacher is timid, it is not difficult to escape.


Every time the mountain pig rushes over, Fang Yuan will pick up a few moon blades. Let it add new wounds to the old wounds, it is more angry, and the blood is getting more and more.

After so many times, its movements slowed down, and the sound of screaming revealed a weakness.

"Little light."

This time, Fangyuan not only spurred the moonlight, but also mobilized the real yuan and injected it into the small light.

After the moonlight refining, it has been living in the palm of the right palm of Fangyuan, turning into a pale blue crescent line. After the refinery of Xiaoguang, he also lived in the right palm, forming a milky five-pointed star pattern.

At this time, the dark green real element was poured into the two gongs at the same time. The moonlight blew out the blue moonlight, and the small light swelled out a milky white huaguang.

The milky white light blended into the moonlight, which was originally a small group of moonlight, suddenly doubled.

"go with."

Fang Yuan's right hand slammed, an enlarged version of the moon blade, and instantly flew out.

The moon blade that is used only by the moonlight is only the size of a palm. But with the addition of a small light, the entire volume of the moon blade has doubled and the attack power has doubled!


The moon blade shot the neck of the mountain pig, instantly immersed in its dark gray fur, and then flew out three or four meters from the other end, quickly dissipated in the air.


The wild boar stood in the same place, and stood a little stiff, and then the blood spewed out like a red red fountain.

It crashed to the ground, and most of the heads were cut off, and the rushing blood rushed away, leaving only a small piece of flesh.

A strong **** smell suddenly came.

Fang Yuan did not dare to neglect. He pointed to the wild boar that fell to the ground. The white pelicans originally living in his open space immediately turned into a milky white light and shot into the wild boar.

Fang Yuan stood in the same place, and his face was nervously guarded. Although the map of the hide shows that this area is safer, there are always accidents in nature. What if the beast is attracted by this **** smell?

After a moment of effort, the white swayed back.

The entire mountain pig has lost more than half of it, leaving only the gray-black fur, or the dirt under the fur. As for the wild boar meat, most of it was eaten by white pheasant.

But the strange thing is that the white pheasant eats nearly a thousand times more pork than his own body, and its body shape has not changed.

Even the blood is not contaminated by a drop, it is still the shape of the milky ladybug.

"Eat this meal, after five days, come back to kill the pig." Fang Yuan collected the white pheasant, but did not go straight, but took out the knife and cut off the two fangs of the wild boar.

There are three things in the wild boar that are worth a little money.

The first is pork, the second is fur, and the third is tooth decay.

But now wild pork has been eaten up almost by the day. The fur is also devastated by the moon blade, even if it is taken down, it does not mean much.

Only this pair of fangs has some value. It can be used as a food for some aphids that feed on teeth, or as a locust.

After Fang Yuan hid the pair of fangs in the secret hole of the stone, he returned to the dormitory.

He didn't sleep directly, but he sat on the began to practice.

In the open air, the Yuanhai wave is born and destroyed, and the tide rises and falls.

Fang Yuan is now a middle-level teacher, who uses the worms to refine and obtain high-order real elements.

Therefore, the ordinary peers, their real yuan is the middle-level green, and the real element of Fangyuan is the high-order dark green.

However, after hunting a mountain pig, Fang Yuan is now empty in the real yuan, leaving two thirds.

A turn of the division, the combat power is not very strong. Or the environment of nature is too bad. Although the moon blade can break the bone, but killing an ordinary mountain pig, Fangyuan must use 20% of the high-order real yuan.


He closed his eyes and his heart was devoted to the air.

In the open air, a dark green real element is thrust upwards and infused into the white body.

The white cockroaches suddenly burst into dazzling white light, and the white light shines on the body of Fangyuan. If you look at it from the outside, Fang Yuan’s body is from the inside out, exuding a faint white light.

Every inch of Fangyuan's skin, every piece of muscle, is bathed in this white light.

A sensation of numbness and itch, the heart of the source. White light transforms the muscles of Fangyuan, letting force blend into his body bit by bit, and then stationed, never to pass.

However, after a while, this feeling of numbness became pain. This kind of pain starts with the numbness of the electric shock, and then it becomes the pain of using the blade to linger every muscle!

Fang Yuan quickly stopped the day.

Everything is too late.

White peony can not be overused, and it takes about a quarter of an hour every day. After this time, it is painful and more and more intense.

If you force it again at this time, maybe it will kill people directly!

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