Reverend Insanity

: Section 74: Wisdom of the fog, killing machine

The space of the tree house is not big, but there are a lot of things inside, and it looks disorganized at first glance.

On the central floor, there is a dark yellow thick blanket.

Inside the house, against the wall, is an iron stove that burns wood, and there is a copper kettle on the stove. There is black ash in the stove and a small pile of unburned dry wood next to it.

Don't look at the summer, in the night in this mountain, it is still cold. Although the iron stove is small and rises to the fire, it can keep the warmth of the entire tree house.

The tree house has two windows, two or three hemp ropes around the outer edge of one side of the window, across the tree house, and then fixed to the outer edge of the other side window.

On the hemp rope, there were a few pieces of worn out clothes, and the clothes were patched, obviously adult clothes, with some moisture, not completely dried.

The afterglow of the setting sun shines through the window and shines in the tree house.

The light in the tree house was dim, and the iron axe on the corner of the wall and the handle of the hunting knife were wrapped around the animal skin. There are dark red blood on the blade.

On the other side of the wall, a piece of bamboo paper is attached, and a dagger is inserted in the center.

A boy's face is painted on the bamboo paper, and it is the face of Fangyuan!

All this shows that in the recent period, a person came to this hidden tree house and lived in seclusion. The purpose of this person is obvious, that is, the source of the painting on the bamboo paper.

A dagger inserted on the paper expresses his dangerous malicious image to the fullest!

Such a scene cannot be moved by the parties.

"What does this person want to do, why is it against me? No, maybe not me, but Founder." Fang Yuan’s thoughts in his mind violently tumbling.

Fang is the qualification of A, the only genius of the ancient moon family in three years, is the hope of the ancient moon family. If it can be cultivated, it is the family banner of the next generation.

But training always requires a process.

In this process, there are natural disasters and even more disasters.

The key to a natural disaster is not to talk about it. As everyone knows, Qingmao Mountain is not only a family of Gu Yue Shan, but also Baijiazhai and Xiongjiazhai. These two forces will never be happy to see that a traditional tyrant has successfully developed a genius in the ancient moon family.

Therefore, it is common to send assassins to assassinate.

In this world, there are few geniuses, and there are very few that can grow smoothly.

A qualified teacher is not without. Three years ago, the ancient moon family appeared. In the early years, it has also emerged many times.

However, the three great cottages on Qingmao Mountain have been added up in these years. Only one genius has been trained, that is, Bai Ningbing of Baijiazhai, which is now a three-turn repair.

This phenomenon alone is enough to illustrate many things.

"Is this person Baijiazhai or Xiongjiazhai? Is it necessary to start obliterating the ancient moon?" Fang Yuan frowned and stared at the portrait on the wooden wall.

"But why, on the map of Wang Laohan's animal skin, there will be a mark of this tree house? Is it that Wang Laohan is a dark line developed by other forces in private? No, this person is for me!"

In Fang Yuan’s eyes, he suddenly burst into a smear.

At this moment, he recalled a lot of pictures.

For the first time, next to the trap, he heard the conversation of the four young hunters -

A hunter said: "Wang Erge, I want you to say that you are also 19 years old. If you are so big, you should have a wife and a baby."

Wang Er said: "Hey, man and man, how can you covet this little beauty! One day, I have to go out of this Qingmao Mountain, go out and see the world, I will not be my man!"

The second time, after doing it myself, Wang Er’s abnormal calm. He bent his bow and pointed to the source. The other three are already begging for mercy.

The third time, it was Fang Yuan’s question.

"I ask you, is there anyone else in the home of this old man?"

One hunter replied: "There was a mother-in-law in Wang's headhunting, but more than a decade ago, he was killed by the wild wolf who broke into the village. Before his mother died, she gave birth to two men and one woman to the old man. But big Son Wang Da, hunting three years ago, died in the mountains. The Wang family is no one."

"I, I remembered! Wang Laohan actually has a wife, Wang Da's wife. But after Wang Da disappeared, the woman was also ruthless. In that year, the cottage also specially sent a chaste archway. However, I heard that, in fact, Wang Da’s wife wants to remarriage, and it was forced to die by Wang Laohan. The adult you killed Wang Laohan, it is to kill the Anliang and benefit the people.”

Another person rushed to appease: "Yes, good. In fact, adults, we also look at the old man early and not pleasing to the eye. Hey, what's so great, isn't it better than us to hunt? It's all mortal, make yourself It seems to be very special. I moved out of the village and came here to live. As a younger generation, we sometimes want to ask him for experience. He directly drives us away and does not allow us to appear near the wooden house again!"

Wang Laohan’s family, moved out of the village, and lived away from the group...

The eldest son, Wang Er, hunt three years ago and died in the mountains...

Wang Da’s daughter-in-law, who wanted to remarriage, was forced to die by Wang Laohan and won a plaque...

Wang Laohan will drive away the young people who ask him for hunting experience...

Wang Laohan’s heart concealed the map of the animal skin. On the bamboo paper handed to Fang Yuan, there was no painting of these three red circles...

Wang is very young, but he is very calm in the face of the teacher. At the same time, I don’t marry my wife, and my heart has the ambition to transcend the mortal level...

More critically, the location of the red circle marked on the map of the hide is a hidden habitat. There are obvious signs of human activity here. At the same time, this person’s source or Founder has a strong malice...

If the clues of this article are separated, it is not easy to be noticed. But once connected, it’s gone!

The more Fang Yuan thinks, the more he feels that the layers of fog that are shrouded in front of him are getting thinner and thinner.

The afterglow of the setting sun shines through the window and shines on his face, thick as if it is a touch of blood.

There seems to be a kind of deadness around, is there someone behind who has been peeking at myself?

Suddenly, Fang Yuan’s eyes were bright and his eyes seemed to penetrate the time. He saw the truth!

"Wang Da, not dead."

At this moment, his eyes are brilliant!

"Not only did he not die, but he was also a coincidence and became a magician!"

The mortal is not without the qualifications of practice, but the family system has always been the master's practice method, and is strictly controlled in the hands.

But things in the world have never been absolute.

Mortal people can also have examples of being a teacher, such as encountering hope in the wild, and opening up an empty space. For example, inherited a certain force inheritance, and for example, obtained the private teaching of a family member and so on.

However, such a sergeant has never been tolerated by the family, and at most it can only become a thug of the family. Therefore, they are not willing to become a unique singer, and the conditions of practice are extremely difficult. Over time, in order to compete for resources, they have to burn and rob, and this has entered the magic.

"Because of certain chances, the most likely thing is to get a legacy on the body of a certain teacher. Wang Da became a teacher three years ago. In order to hide his eyes and ears, he released the false news of death, actually No one has ever seen his body. After Wang Laohan’s family knew this, he moved out of the village and risked being attacked by beasts and left the group in order to continue to cover up the truth.

"But there are some differences. Wang Da's wife disagreed, maybe he wanted to report the ancient moon cottage. The Wang family had to kill the wife and deliberately released some rumors that seemed to be fake. What do you want to remarriage? Death and the like, the truth is firmly concealed under these rumors."

"Wang every few times, will go home to live. Wang Laohan will drive away those young people who come to the door for advice. After Wang Er and his brother Wang Da get along, the fear of the teacher gradually disappeared, naturally gave birth to himself. I have to be a teacher and a ambition to go out!"

"Because I was worried that Wang Da’s behavior would leak out, Wang Er did not take his wife at such a big age. Wang Da could not always live at home, so Wang Laohan painted three red circles on the map of the hide, these three Every place should be such a hidden residence. In the three caves of the Rex Rabbit, Wang Da lived in these residences and lived in the gap between the three great cottages."

The meaning of these three red circles is finally clear at this moment!

Red often stands for eye-catching and important. For Wang Laohan, this is the residence of his eldest son. Therefore, Fang Yuan wanted Wang Laohan to draw a map. He did not draw these three red circles on bamboo paper in order to protect his eldest son. I also painted a few red crosses and wanted to report the killings.

"Maybe at a fixed time every year, Wang Da will go home and live for a while. After he came back, he saw that his family was dead. After the secret inquisition, I found out, so the wall was nailed with my dagger, just to Find me revenge!"

With the experience of past lives, Fang Yuan can almost be sure that this is the truth.

If other forces want to assassinate Founder, it can be more secretive. There is no need to develop a dark line of mortals like Wang Laohan. After all, Wang Laohan lives at the foot of the mountain, not in the ancient moon.

"I don't think I got a killer of a magical road for a map of the hide. This world is really wonderful." Fang Yuan could not help but sneer.

He first killed Wang II ~ ~ after killing Wang Laohan, Wang Jiameizi, is to get a more direct map of the hide. Wang Laohan is the first hunter in the nearby village. His map of the hide is of course the most valuable.

At that time, I thought about it: Three mortal lives, what a great thing, killing it and killing it.

In this world, everyone has the right to live, and anyone can die.

I didn’t expect it now, but I’ve got a magician!

In this regard, Fang Yuan did not regret the slightest, but was grateful.

If he was kind and soft at the time and wanted to get a map of the king's skin, Wang Er, Wang Laohan, and Wang Jiamei would be great resistance. In order to protect the secrets of Wang Da, they will never take out the real thing.

Wang Er’s combat power has been able to kill a general high-level sergeant. Wang Laohan is old and hot, and if he is really stifling, it is even bigger than Wang Er’s threat.

Even if he got the real thing, Wang Laohan will inform Wang Da of the details, and the Wang Assembly immediately learned the accurate information of Fang Yuan. No matter how he handles it, he is in the dark and the source is firmly in his hands.

"Fortunately, you kill yourself when you start it! In any case, you have always controlled the situation in your own hands. In this way, even if you don't get the real thing, you will not lose it, you can grab other hunters. And you will kill it." Wang Laohan and the girl, let the king spend time collecting their intelligence. Needless to say, the two young hunters who survived must have been killed by him." Fang Yuan knew it.

There are only a few insiders, Wang Da will not start with Jiang He, Jiang He will die, and the family will send personnel to investigate. And if the two hunters are missing in the mountains, they are very good. Jiang He will not expose this kind of thing for his own evaluation of the family, but will cover it for Wang Da.

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