Reverend Insanity

: Section 77: Poor

A wild boar that is as large as an elephant, inhabits the mud pit.

It has its eyes closed, half-squatting and lying down, a pair of tooth decay and dirt, and the snow is bright.

The light of the evening reflects its dark black fur. Its huge belly is white, and together, with every breath, it makes a loud noise.

Wild boar king!

Fangyuan is hundreds of meters away from it, but still walks cautiously at the downwind.

"I can kill wild boars now, but in the face of this wild boar, there is only a share of escape. Even if it is a general two-turner, it can't kill it. If you can't figure out the mites on it, maybe there will be a gully. Overturned."

Like the king of the herd, the locusts are usually found in the body.

In the body of the wild boar, it is generally awkward. Whitefly and flower buds are mostly. In addition to cockroaches, there are also pelts, or thorn caterpillars.

There are all kinds of locusts in this world. Some locusts inhabit the strong beasts and have a symbiotic relationship with the beasts.

When the beast encounters an attack, the mites on it will also feel a crisis, helping the beast to fight against the enemy.

This wild boar is huge in size and far superior in power to ordinary mountain pigs. Fangyuan is definitely not an opponent when dealing with it alone, not to mention one or more mysterious locusts.

However, Fang Yuan’s adventure came here, the main purpose is not to hunt the wild boar king. It is to avoid the vendetta of Wang Da as much as possible.

Wang Da knew that Fang Yuan had a map of the animal skin, and Fang Yuan stood in his perspective and would count it. I don’t want to go anywhere, but I’m going to the red cross mark of the wild boar.

Although the wild boar is dangerous, it is a beast after all, no one's wisdom. As a mortal, Wang Laohan can detect this place, but he can't do it. Why can't Fangyuan not?

It’s the opposite, it seems to be risky, and it’s actually hidden.

Gradually, the wild boar king has been left behind by Fang Yuan. If on the map, his route is a big circle, bypassing the red cross, forming a full arc, and finally reaching the hillside where several old people are sitting, and there is a mid-year assessment on the spot.

An hour later, a grass covered with grass, a rag of cloth was cut out of the thorns by a thorn, a teenager full of mud, carrying a bag and trekking to the slope.

This wolf-stricken teenager is Fang Yuan.

"At the end of the year, I came back safely. When I got here, there was a lot of security for the family. But it can't be careless." Fang Yuan felt a sigh of relief and slowly walked up the hill.

There is a simple shed on the hillside, and dozens of students are concentrated near the shed. The school's guards are counting the number of pig teeth in the students' bags. The old family who used to be here are only the old ones in the school, and others have disappeared.

“How is the atmosphere a little wrong?” Fang Yuan frowned slightly, feeling keenly that something big happened.

When he approached the shed, he heard the comments from the surrounding students.

"Is it heard? Just after an assassination, I suddenly died several times."

"Really fake?"

"Really, I came early, and I saw that the ancient moon was being carried by several old people and hurried away."

"The ancient moon Founder is too unlucky, and encountered such a thing in the assessment."

"Hey, you don't understand it. The goal of the other party is the ancient moon, and he is a qualification."

"I don't know if he will die?"

"If you don't die, you have to lick your skin. Maybe after the injury, the qualification will come down."


Fang Yuan’s footsteps were not only slow, but his mind was like a mirror, and he immediately guessed the truth about the matter.

"Wang Da wants to start with me and report the killing of the enemy. But after I found the tree house, I immediately changed the route and went straight to the wild boar king. Wang Da did not expect this, and I missed it and accidentally found it." Founder. His source of information is only those hunters, I don’t know that I have a twin brother. He regards Founder as me and wants to kill, but he is stopped by the guards who protect him. The problem now is - Wang Da Is there death?"

Fangyuan brows wrinkled. Wang Da successfully escaped, Wang Da was captured, and Wang Da was killed. All three situations will affect his next plans and arrangements.

After thinking about it, Fang Yuan decided to act according to the original plan.

The old face of the school is hard to see, and the Founder was actually assassinated. In the absence of any clues, he would never have expected that the party was blocking the disaster, but directly associated with Baijiazhai and Xiongjiazhai!

Fang is the only genius of the ancient moon cottage in the past three years, Baijiazhai and Xiongjiazhai naturally will not sit and watch his growth. It was normal to send a sergeant to launch an assassination and kill him in the bud.

Even the ancient moon cottage is doing this kind of thing. Secretly dispatched the sergeant to secretly attack the talented students in the other two cottages.

"The assassin has been killed on the spot, do not know how the Founder's injury?" The old heart of the school is hanging. At this time, the guards presented a piece of paper.

The school’s old man took the paper and read absent-mindedly: “The mid-year assessment, the results are as follows...The ancient moon and the sixteen wild boar teeth in Chicheng, the ancient moon and the north of the fourteen wild boar teeth...”

The attention of the surrounding students was involved.

The results are clear at a glance.

Ding and other students, although working together, can only capture three or four wild boar teeth. The students of C, B and B are mostly eight or nine. More than ten pig teeth are excellent results.

The best is the ancient moon Chicheng, reaching sixteen. The second is the ancient moon desert north, as for the Founder, there are ten.

Gu Yue Chi Cheng looked good, he took the opportunity this time, met two wild boars, so the fishermen benefited.

The ancient moon desert is very unscrupulous, and even the ancient moon Chicheng was pressed.

The school owner then announced: "I will announce that the first assessment is..."

"Slow!" Fang Yuan came out at this time.

"Fangyuan, you are late. The assessment has ended for an hour. According to the regulations, the wild boar teeth you have seized will be counted less as punishment." Gu Yue Chicheng immediately called.

Fang Yuan ignored him, opened the bag behind him, then grabbed the bottom of the bag and hung it in public.


Dozens of white flowers of wild boar teeth quickly piled up at his feet.

"This!" Chicheng time opened his mouth.

Mobei and others look at the eyes are a glimpse.

"How can there be so much? This is too much!" The old school looked at Fangyuan, and looked with a trace of suspicion. "Fangyuan, are you hunting?"

Fang Yuan hugged his fist and replied: "Only I only hunted more than a dozen. But I found a bag accidentally. It may be hidden by the hunters. There are many wild boar teeth. I thought about it. The mid-year assessment is for us in one day. Within, as many people as possible get wild boar teeth. There is no explicit stipulation that the wild boar must be killed, so it is brought."

As soon as this statement came out, the audience suddenly became noisy.

"How can you do this?"

"This luck is too good!"

"This is too fake, will it be a missed question, then cheating?"

The school’s old man stared at Fangyuan tightly and looked at it for a while. This was announced: “This assessment, Fangyuan first.”


The atmosphere in the main house is quite dignified.

Gu Yuebo sat in the main position, and the remaining ten old family members sat in two rows in turn, and their faces suppressed anger.

"Gu Yue Ji Ji, you are the first treatment teacher of our family, I asked you what is the situation of Founder?" The patriarch Gu Yuebo asked one of the oldest.

The ancient moon medicine Ji is an old woman, carrying her back and wrinkles like a bark.

She coughed twice and slowly said: "The Qiqi patriarch, the situation has been stable. Founder has no life, but he is still sleeping. His qualifications have not declined."

"It’s not good to drop." Gu Yuebo took a long breath and asked the old prisoner on the left. "Is the assassin's situation detected?"

The old man of the criminal court did not have the qualification of the ancient moon medicine Ji, and immediately stood up from his seat and bowed slightly: "I found out, 35 years old, male, unknown identity, suspected to be a magician, with two locusts. A shadow insect, a love does not leave."

Gu Yuebo nodded: "It seems to be an assassin, love to leave ... two turn first poison ah ~ ~ can kill three of my family's sergeant, it is not surprising."

"The patriarch, this thing still needs to be checked! It is not Baijiazhai, or Xiongjiazhai is a ghost!" Gu Yue red screamed, his eyes seemed to be fire.

"The shadow insect, love to leave... This is not like the secret of the secret cultivation of Baijiazhai and Xiongjiazhai. Maybe it is the foreign magician who wants to attach to the cottage. After being instructed, it is loyal to the table. Founder. No matter what, anyway, the other two cottages absolutely can't get rid of the relationship." Gu Yue Mochen cold voice.

These two powers are old, although they usually do not, but once foreign enemies appear, they will abandon their own stereotypes and be closely united.

Gu Yuebo nodded, and he himself thought so.

Wang Da disappeared for three years, and there was no news. He died in the hearts of the villagers, so his identity became a fascination.

No one knows this at the top of the ancient moon. They usually don't care about the death of a serf. Everyone has focused on Bai Jiazhai and Xiongjiazhai.

At this time, the school was old and came in.

"The patriarch is an adult..." He said with a look of sorrow, just opening his mouth, Gu Yuebo replied: "The school is old, you don't have to worry, the Founder is not a big problem, and the qualification is still A."

The school’s old man suddenly had a loose face.

“Right, is the other trainees still safe? How is the score of the students in this assessment?” Gu Gubo asked.

The school family answered the truth truthfully. When he said that Fang Yuan had gotten the first place because he accidentally picked up a bag of wild boar teeth, Gu Yuebo blinked.

The hall is also a quiet, the family seems to be aware of it, quietly observing the surrounding, the atmosphere of the original intense hatred has become somewhat subtle.

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