Reverend Insanity

: Section 79: Breaking through the remains of the sixth

Time is like a white pass, summer is coming to autumn.

In the martyrdom, Fang Yuan once again stood in front of the huge stone blocking the road.

As the weather got colder, he wore long-sleeved plain clothes. But his body is no longer as thin as it was a few months ago.

His chest, arms, legs, and abdomen all have distinct muscle groups.

These muscles do not bulge like stones, but present a streamlined shape, with a body that gradually grows taller, and white skin, giving people a sense of youthfulness and vitality.

"Since three days ago, Bai Hao has never been able to enhance my strength. That is to say, I already have the power of a pig, which is the goal of the wine drinker. Today, I will push this piece again. Round stone!"

In the eyes of Fang Yuan, the mans flashed, the right leg stepped forward, and the left leg was behind, forming a lunge.

He put his hands on the surface of the round stone, took a deep breath and slammed hard.

Under the push of his hands, the boulder first moved very slowly, then slowly started, and finally gradually rolled forward.

The road blocked by the boulder is a ramp up. It is processed by a wine drinker into a round ball-shaped round stone, which is most suitable for rolling. I am afraid this is also his intention, that is, he wants the successor to push the round stone and roll it up.

"Ten steps, twenty steps, thirty steps..." Fang Yuan pushed forward step by step, while silently calculating in his heart, "I pushed forty-five steps last week, and I was forced to give up. This time, I don't know how far I can launch?"

Forty steps, forty-five steps...

After a while, Fangyuan broke through the original record. But he is also tired enough.

Forty-six steps, forty-seven steps...

Fang Yuan clearly felt that by this step, his physical strength is already running out.

Forty-eight, forty-nine steps...

He struggled and made two more moves. Finally, I couldn’t move anymore. He was sweating all over. After rubbing his shoulders and legs against the round stone, he gasped a few mouthfuls.

"Do you want to give up?" Fang Yuan couldn't help thinking like this. This is a ramp up ramp, and he has to consume a lot of energy on his way back. After all, the round stone has to roll down, and in the process, he has to resist.

If you let go directly, the round stone will roll faster and faster, he does not want to dodge, and is crushed into a mud of mud by the round stone.

But after thinking about it, Fang Yuan felt that he was not willing to take a few steps.

The fifty step.

He suddenly felt that the pressure from the boulder was suddenly light. It turned out that the boulder had already rolled onto a flat step.

Fang Yuan pushed a few more steps and bypassed the boulder. He found himself coming to a secret room.

This secret room is about the same size as the secret hole of the stone. Fangyuan temporarily named it the second secret room.

There is nothing in the chamber, and the walls are all strange red soil, with dim red light. On the other side of the chamber is a rough gray stone door. It should be the work of the wine rusher under the rush.

Fang Yuan rested for a while, and did not immediately open the stone door, but found new discoveries.

He found a piece of ground in front of the stone gate that looked wet.

"Don't you say..." Fang Yuan’s mind suddenly came up with a thought. He crouched down, stretched out his hands and pulled open the soft, moist soil.

The second place to hide flowers!

Fang Yuan smiled and carefully opened the petals and took out the mites soaked in the golden flower liquid.

The real yuan was reminded, and it was refining in an instant.

This is a jade scorpion, which looks like a bed bug, flat and wide, with a small head, and the light green body has an elliptical shape with a layer of jade glow.

"After I got the day, I was still pondering, and from where I got a jade skin, so that I could be promoted to become a white jade. I can’t think of the wine drinker who has already prepared for me." Thinking about the impact of this jade skin.

This is already the sixth locust of Fangyuan.

Although he had five locusts before, none of them could only be used for defense. With the jade skin, he finally filled the loopholes in defense.

Sometimes defense often means attack.

This is not difficult to understand, take Fang Yuan itself, he passed the day, the power rose to the power of a pig. It is reasonable to say that such a force can make him smash the softer stones in a punch, but Fangyuan has never done this before.

Because he knows that his defense is not enough, the punch will go down and the stone will break, but his fist will be blurred.

Now that he has the defense of Yupi, he can fully exert his strengths.

Of course, the impact has a good side and a bad side.

The jade scorpion is of high value and its defensive performance belongs to the locust in a turn locust, but it is not easy to feed, it will swallow two or two jade every ten days.

The market price of jade is more expensive, and it is not the source.

Founder also has a jade plaque, but he has a patriarch behind his back and supplies him with jade. Fangyuan wants to get jade, only to buy, but it is too easy to show the horse.

"I used to feed the white pheasant, and I need to kill the wild boar regularly. This is already a lot of trouble. Now with this jade skin, do you want me to go mining everywhere?" Fang Yuan smiled, a new problem was placed. In front of him.

The jade skin will be collected and temporarily warmed up in the open air of the body. Fang Yuan will slowly push the stone door.

Shimen is heavy, and if Fangyuan does not have the power to strengthen the white, it must be pushed. But now, with Fang Yuan's hands nudging, the stone door slowly opens.

The scene outside the door is displayed in front of Fangyuan, and his vision suddenly expands!

It is no longer a narrow ramp or a dense cave, but a spacious underground stone forest.

Fangyuan is a little visual inspection. It is only a preliminary estimate. The area of ​​this underground stone forest is at least 30 acres! On the earth, a standard football field is only 11 acres.

"I should be in the mountains of Qingmao Mountain now. This space should be formed naturally." Fang Yuan looked up at the surrounding stone walls.

The stone walls of this space are all more than 16 meters high, and the top is naturally stone wall.

From the top wall, hang down a huge dark red stone pillar. Each stone pillar emits a slight red light, and the surrounding stone walls are the same. Just like the martyrdom and the secret hole, the light in the space is dim, but it is enough for Fangyuan to see something.

Fang Yuan looked at it at once, and the stone pillar of one root was like a long tree, and the branches were removed, leaving only the lonely trunk.

The surface of the stone pillar is not smooth, and it is filled with black holes that are deep and dark. Countless stone pillars are large and small, hanging down, forming an inverted mountain rock forest.

Nature is such a magical work.

Fang Yuan is well-informed and not surprised, but his eyes are fixed on these black holes on the stone pillars, and the brows are getting wrinkled and tight.

He has some intent to understand the arrangement of jade plaques by the wine drinkers.

"If I expected it to be correct..." Fang Yuan turned his right hand and shot a moon blade.

The blue moon blade draws a straight light in the air and is precisely injected into a black hole on the stone pillar.

There was a sharp and angry cry in the black hole.

With a bang, a gray monkey flew out of the hole and suddenly rushed to Fangyuan.


Fang Yuan shot three moon blades.

The monkey can't borrow power in the air, but the tail is extremely flexible, and it is even swaying, which actually drives the body to tumbling in the air. After avoiding the two-month blade, I was finally hit by the third moon blade, plopping and falling to the ground, without breath.

It died, and it didn't flow a drop of blood.

I saw the gray body suddenly petrified, and in a moment, from the flesh and blood to a stone monkey statue.

The posture of the statue, the look on the face, as before the death of the monkey, fell to the ground and looked so vivid.

After the two breaths, the surface of the stone monkey bursts with a cracking sound, and the crack quickly spreads its entire body from the inside out, and then slams into a small piece of stone from a complete shape.

"Sure enough, it is the underground beast group of jade-eyed stone monkeys." Fang Yuan approached his armpits, opened the gravel pile, and took out two green beads from it. These two beads are the two eyeballs of the jade-eyed stone monkey.

After this strange creature dies, it will turn into a gray gravel. Only a pair of eyeballs will form two jade beads. Each jade bead is very heavy, at least one or two.

This means that as long as the eye-catching stone monkey is killed, the food problem of the jade skin can be solved.

"But I not only need to feed the jade skin, but also need to continue to inherit the inheritance of the wine drinkers. The next clues of the wine drinkers should be somewhere in this stone forest."

Fang Yuan frowned, and this was troublesome.

He tried to move forward a few steps, a pair of eyes closely watching the stone pillar.

When I reached the seventh step, on a stone pillar closest to him, inside the dense stone cave, gradually lit up a pair of green eyes.

Suddenly, a drop of cold sweat flowed from the forehead of Fangyuan.

He hurried back to his feet, and countless green eyes in the black hole, and dimmed.

Obviously, each pair of eyeballs represents a jade-eyed stone monkey.

The jade-eyed stone monkey is ingenious, and Fang Yuan has killed one, and he has used four moon blades.

On a stone pillar, there are at least hundreds of eye-catching stone monkeys. The whole stone forest, I do not know how many such monkeys.

With the current strength of Fangyuan, he was besieged by four monkeys. If you count the defense of the jade skin, Fang Yuan alone, can be up to twelve eye-catching monkeys.

Fortunately, these monkeys usually sleep in black holes. When they are hungry, they will lick the stones around them. Stone pillars are both their home and their food. Unless they are close to ten meters or they are proactive, they will not come out.

In the words of the earth, it is a group of house monkeys.

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