Reverend Insanity

: Section 81: 2 turn first step!

The footsteps were getting closer and closer, and soon the dark green trees on the edge of the steep **** were toughly separated. A tall man stepped onto a steep **** and appeared in the field of view of Fangyuan.

He has short black hair and every hair is straight and straight. Naked on the upper body, the tiger's back is bearded, and the skin is reddish.

He is nearly two meters tall and has a heavy chill in late autumn, but he feels like a moving stove. It seems that every time he breathes, he can raise the temperature around him.

There was a group of beasts hanging around his waist. There are foxes, hares, pheasants, and the old wolf who just left.

When he saw Fang Yuan, he gave a slight sigh, and then took a big step and passed by Fang Yuan.

"The ancient moon is Chishan." Looking at the back of the giant Han, the name of Fang Yuan’s heart emerged.

This person is a representative of the red one, and the second is a high-level repair. Speaking of it, his experience and the source are still somewhat similar.

This person is also a gift of talent. When he was a child, his strength was great. When he was ten years old, he lost his adult slave. At the age of twelve, he could pick up a heavy stone mill and play as a frisbee.

At that time, the people were generally optimistic and thought it was a qualification. However, after the opening ceremony, he was only qualified for B.

He was originally arrogant and arrogant. After this change, his heart changed and became calm. Although it is B, but in their session, it is a veritable first student.

After a year of study, I came out of the school and worked hard, and soon came to the fore. A few years later, he has become the elite of the family's second division.

Happiness cannot teach people the truth of life, often only painful talent.

"In the family, the teenager entered the school at the age of fifteen and entered the school. At the age of sixteen, he graduated from the school and formed a group of five to complete the family task. At the same time, he also had the qualification to inherit the family and separate the family. The cultivation is constantly improving, the danger of the task is constantly escalating, and the status is constantly improving. Some people are dead, some are alive. Some people are disabled, repaired to decline, and they are lingering. Some people have been smashed and become three Transfer to the teacher, promote the family and become a senior."

Fang Yuan’s eyes flashed and he thought a lot.

The more difficult it is for the teacher to practice in the future, the more difficult the promotion is, and the difficulty of promotion has skyrocketed. Coupled with the difficult and difficult living environment, it is really rare to be able to promote three turns.

"Speaking, it is almost winter. I have been in the school for almost a year. Each session has two major assessments. The first is the mid-year assessment, and the content is different for each session. The second is the year-end assessment. The content remains the same, all of which are in the battle of Taiwan. After the war, I can no longer live in the dormitory of the school and must move out."

Move out, where do you live?

Fang Yuan could not live with his uncle and aunt, and they would have liked it.

In this world, sixteen is an adult and begins to be independent. Plus the source itself has too many secrets and must live alone.

"The past life came out of the school. I just turned to the middle. In this life, the situation is much better. It must have been a peak at that time. However, it can be achieved without the cost of achieving such achievements with C and other qualifications. A lot of Yuanshi."

Fangyuan brows quietly wrinkled, and the stone in his hand is not much.

Due to qualifications, the Yuanshi spent on his practice is much more than that of Founder, Chicheng and Mobei.

He raised six cockroaches by himself!

In addition, the worms refining, warming the air, stimulating the white scorpion to add strength, etc., need to consume the real yuan. After the real yuan consumption, the recovery speed of C and other qualifications alone will inevitably fail to meet his needs. He has to use Yuanshi and take advantage of the natural real elements to supplement it.

Fortunately, he has spring and autumn crickets, and he takes cockroaches from the sacred flowers twice. Therefore, it does not need to consume a lot of stones. This made him a little better.

But then, he came out of the school, at least rented a house, and added some homes.

After the peak, it is the impact of two turns. This process will cost a lot of Yuanshi.

After the second turn, he also wants to refine the locusts, and each time it is a costly expense.

More than this, the more financial situation he has, the more he can afford it. What's more, even if he has survived this, he will continue to feed the mites and continue to practice.

Before the mid-year assessment, if he did not use the wild boar teeth to change a lot of Yuanshi, relieved a lot of pressure. Otherwise he can't support it now.

"Yuanshi, Yuanshi...the inheritance of flowers and wines, there is no Yuanshi supply, this is really a pity. Yuanshi, who has been extorted from the same class, is the main support. But after the students come out from the school, the school subsidies It will stop, and I can't continue to extort. However, the first assessment at the end of the year seems to get a hundred and fifty yuan stone rewards." Fang Yuan pondered in his heart.

If you can get the first, with this hundred and fifty yuan stone, his huge economic pressure can be eased a little.


Time is rushing, autumn is coming to winter.

On the stage of the school's performance, three platforms have been set up.

Next to the ring platform, leaning against the bamboo wall of the martial arts field, a shed was built, and a long table and a chair were placed.

The old school, the patriarch, and several other old families are sitting under the shed at this time.

There is a little snow in the sky.

Fifty-seven students stood in the field straight. The noses of each one are frozen and red, and with the breath, spit out a bit of heat.

The oldest speaker of the school: "In the blink of an eye, the year is over. During this year, you have been trained in the school. You have already had the qualities of the teacher. Tomorrow, the end of the year will test your learning results! By then, Not only the patriarch and several old people will come to the scene, but also your predecessors, your seniors will look around and pick out the outstanding people and absorb them into different groups."

"Tomorrow your performance will greatly affect your future. The first place in the assessment will not only have 150 rewards, but also the right to choose locusts! Now, start you. In the school, the last time it was repaired!"

After saying this, the school owner always nodded to the sergeant standing by.

When the middle-aged female teacher received the instruction, she followed the list and read the first name: "Gu Yue Jinzhu!"

A young girl with a look of tension came out of the crowd and walked over to the teacher.

Yanshi reached out and touched the girl's abdomen. After closing her eyes, she opened her eyes and announced: "The ancient moon gold beads, one turn in the middle. Next, Gu Yuepeng."

One after another, go up to the test, go down and fall into the ranks.

They have different expressions, or are lost, or happy.

The worst result is naturally the first step. Without exception, they are all qualified teenagers.

Most people's cultivation is a mid-level. Some of these people are qualified in Ding and so on. Most of the qualifications are C.

"The ancient moon is Chicheng." The middle-aged female teacher named the name.

Among all the peers, the shortest ancient moon, Chicheng, stood up and walked out.

After a test, the middle-aged female teacher opened his eyes: "The ancient moon and the red city, a peak!"

Tested to this day, this is still the first smashing master.

The old people in the room were all beggars.

Some old people recognized it and whispered: "This is the grandson of the ancient moon, and it is no wonder that there is a qualification for B."

Outside the shed, the teenagers are also whispering.

"Chicheng is a peak, and I don't know if it is Mobei. They are both dead."

"Can rise to the peak, are people of B, A, etc. Hey, we are so bitter haha, such as Ding, C, etc., are envious."

"Hey!" Gu Yue Mobei snorted and looked at Chicheng's proud appearance, he felt uncomfortable.

Gu Yue Fang Zheng secretly pinched his fists, his lips groaning, seemingly sighing.

"The ancient moon is deserted in the north." Soon, the detective teacher shouted.

Mobei, with a horse face, walked out quickly.

"The ancient moon is deserted in the north, and it turns to the peak." Under such a voice, he walked back again, and on the way, he glanced at the ancient moon and the city.

The test continues, and the snow in the air gets smaller and smaller and eventually stops.

The air is cold and fresh.

"The ancient moon Fangyuan." The middle-aged female teacher shouted at this time.

Fang Yuan no expression, went up.

After a while, the female sergeant opened her eyes, and some of them accidentally looked at Fang Yuan and shouted: "The ancient moon is a source, a peak!"

"A turn of the peak, have you heard the mistake? Fang Yuan actually repaired to such a degree?" The teenagers were amazed.

"Hey, he took the dog and transported it, and there were worms to help warm the air. Although it was only C, but compared with B, A, etc., it still does not fall." Some teenagers are authentic.

In particular, some teenagers who are also qualified by C, the sour and sour self-consolation: "There is nothing. The worm can not refine the true Yuan of the second turn, Fangyuan will not have this advantage."

"Although it is the peak, but after all, it is only C and other qualifications, not enough to worry." Mobei and Chicheng looked at Fangyuan, and quickly shifted their view, looking at the Founder who is still standing in the ranks.

In their minds, Founder, who has a qualification, is a competitor.

"Brother, you really made me a little surprised. But then, you can be optimistic..." Founder looked at Fangyuan step by step, his eyes brightened, showing a very looking look.

"The ancient moon is square." The voice of the female teacher is late.

"Is that genius?" For a time, the old people focused on the Founder.

The Founder became more and more popular, he could feel the pressure of these eyes, which made him nervously nervous However, when he saw the patriarch Gu Yuebo smiling at him, he The tension in my heart suddenly vanished.

He went to the middle-aged female teacher.

The female sergeant closed her eyes, then slammed her eyes open and shouted in amazement: "The ancient moon is square, repaired - two turns to the beginning!"


The teenagers suddenly broke out with a noisy sound.

"What, even reached two turns?!"

"It is a genius of qualifications."

"Great, so Mobei, Chicheng, Fangyuan have been smashed by him."

"This Founder!" For a time, both Mobei and Chicheng were shocked to see Founder.

"Hehehe, actually even higher than the previous life..." Fang Yuan lowered his eyes and smiled. He was not too surprised. He just noticed the positive look below and faintly guessed the test result.

"In the end, it is a qualification."

"My family's hopes."

"It’s still a patriarch’s training...”

The old people pay tribute.

For a time, Founder became the focus of attention.

Half a year ago, Gu Yuebo handed him a jade pimple, making him the first person to be promoted. He did it!

"The patriarch, I have not lived up to your expectations. I have done it! From now on, I will do more, get more recognition from the bosses, and get more recognition from people around me. Brother, you have been I am behind me, you are no longer the shadow of my heart. My ancient moon is just no longer the old moon square!"

Founder’s heart shouted in excitement, and his eyes sparkled with a splendid brilliance.

This kind of brilliance is called self-confidence!

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