Reverend Insanity

: Section 178: Founder wakes up

In the southern part of Fox Fairy, a small number of stone people still sleep in the ground, because there are a lot of blood poisons in the stone people, the underground homes of these stone people will produce bloodstone in a few decades. mineral. Hiding the underground grottoes of wisdom, the use of Jiangshan has been restored, the Zhilin is sluggish, but without treatment, they will detoxify themselves, and even have a chance to form a **** forest.

In the northern part of the blessed land, the area is narrow and it is set up as a support base for the long-selling spiders.

In the middle of the blessed land, it is still the Wandering Mountain. In the sacred palace, the souls of the East Changfan are held, and dozens of Oriental prisoners remain. A large amount of fairywood is stored in the warehouse. Thousands of pounds of oil and water, the huge dead egg of the heaven and earth sand gull, a large number of airbags 蛊 inventory. Near the Dangling Mountain, there are three Fangyuan stone nests, which are home to many Maomin slaves, who are constantly refining. As for the small batch of mirror Liu Lin before, it was destroyed and lost its vitality. The group of moths feeding on the willow willow leaves has no use value and was sold out by Fangyuan.

In this way, the three major resources of the smoldering dragon, the long-selling spider, and the arowana are all really built. Unlike the previous simple storage, so that the development of the three resources can be maintained while breeding, while selling profit, is already on the right track,

It is only now that these three major resources are hoarding inventory, and we cannot rush into the market.

There are also a lot of airbags in the warehouse of the Wandering Palace. However, Fangyuan can't be thrown into the market all at once to make a fortune, and Xianhemen is still staring at Fox Fairy. This kind of limelight is still rare, and it is sold slowly. In order to reduce the risk, the water will flow long.

After the construction of Fox Fairyland was completed, Tai Baiyunsheng left his speech to Fangyuan the next day.

During this period. He has made a lot of effort. Without his help, Fang Yuan had to complete such a large amount of work, at least half a month.

Even he not only exerted his strength, but also borrowed a piece of Xianyuan Stone to Fang Yuan.

Fangyuan originally had not many Xianyuanshi. In the early stage of reconstruction, there was a big gap in capital investment. Taibaisheng took the initiative to send Fangyuan a Xianyuan stone. Make up for this gap.

Speaking of it, now among the four people who signed the Snow Mountain Covenant. The opposite is that Baiyun has the strongest financial resources.

He developed very well in the East China Sea, and a large amount of resources were moved into the fairy tales, which made Xian Xian seem to have insufficient foundation and thin atmosphere. There is an unstable trend. This time, Baiyunsheng returned to the Fox Fairy Land, not only to help Fangyuan, but also to return to Beiyuan, to drop the blessed land, to capture the earth's atmosphere, and to meet the disaster.

However, the time of the disaster is still early, and it takes time to gain ground. When the disaster strikes, Fangyuan will certainly help him to help Baiyunsheng.

Taibaisheng left the fox fairy land. Hei Loulan still stays here.

Fang Yuan soon left the Fox Fairy Land and went to Zhongzhou.

There is no other reason - the Zhongzhou Refining Conference will be held soon!

Zhongzhou, Feiheshan. Xianhemen.

The clouds haunted the hanging mountain, and the cranes flew between the mountains and pines.

A underground chamber in Xianhemen, wet and dark, with moss on the stone wall. In addition to a stone bed in the room, there is no other furniture.

On the stone bed, there is a young sergeant lying down. His face was pale and he had no injuries. It is indulging.

It is the ancient moon Founder.

A locust, lying on the chest of the Founder, did not move.

Suddenly, the shimmer in the stone room flashed, and a fairy appeared.

His large sleeves fluttered, his face was like a jade, and his youth looked like the most eye-catching eyebrows. His eyebrows are green and slender, and the eyebrows are hanging down to the waist. Under the eyebrows, the eyes are faint.

"He Feng Yang Yang!" The locust lying on the chest of Founder immediately fluttered and danced, excitedly called the identity of the broken person.

This locust is the ghost of the soul of the crane.

"Adult, please take a shot, treat the soul of Founder, let my apprentice wake up." Tianhe is on humanity.

"Tianhe, are you still the answer..." Hefeng sighed and felt a little disappointed. He is more willing to take the crane to reincarnate, why?

Because the crane is a man, he was originally a subordinate of his crane, and he did a lot of things for He Feng, knowing the roots, is a personal talent. On the other hand, the ancient moon is square, it is too young, and there is the experience of being forced to sacrifice, and it is even more beautiful if the pair of cranes are in vain.

"Tianhe, do you know that the crane door that we got this time is perfect and extremely excellent. If you win the house before, you may not be able to adapt to it, but you will leave behind the sequelae. But now it is like, It’s just like this, it’s a blend of soul and flesh, and it’s a good way to get along. There are no drawbacks. It’s your luck, you can be born again, and you will once again regain the glory you once had. The opportunity has been given to you, why are you not? Hold on?" He Feng Yang advised.

"Adults..." sent the soul to move, and the voice was low. "Please forgive me for obsessing. If I really win, I am afraid I can't even face myself. Founder, his is my apprentice. Like me, this is his future. If I win, I will not be able to face my own heart. Please fulfill me, adults, read what I have served you for many years."

"You!" There was a anger in the face of He Fengyan.

He has not been very happy recently. In order to save Jiugong He Xiaojiu, He Fengyang has been asking for people and spending a lot of money, but it has had little effect.

Now, even the subordinates of the past must be willing to go their own way, not listening to his advice, not letting him wish!

This method of winning, although powerful, has its premise. Can not rush to win, it is best to let the soul and the long-term contact to be won before the election.

When Tianhe’s master intended to win the Founder, he placed the soul of the soul in the open space of Founder. The time passed for so long, and the conditions for the victory were ripe, but the crane was changed.

This means that if the cranes of the cranes still want to win others, it will not be feasible in a short time. It will take a while to get in touch with the flesh.

As for the Oriental Changfan to win the East Yu Liang, it is also part of the secret sorcerer, stored in the body of the East Yu Liang, the means are clever, the Oriental Yu Liang did not notice any wrong.

He Feng Yang’s quite unsatisfactory and distracting these days, I immediately wanted to drink the crane.

But the words in my heart have never been said, because Hefeng Yang can't help but think of himself from the person of Tianhe.

Has he ever been the same as Tianhe?

In order to save the little nine, I am willing to go my own way, even willing to sacrifice myself. At the beginning, he faced a desperate situation. It was the three long-term tigers of the Xianhemen who helped the men and helped him.

When I think of it, the crane wind sighs and sighs: "Whether it is worth mentioning. Since you insist on doing this, I will be able to fulfill you. This is what you have done for me in the past, to compensate you. If you want to win again in the future, Please ask me to take it again, it is not free."

After that, He Fengyang waved his sleeves and slid to the face of Gu Yuezheng.

After this action ended, Hefeng Yang suddenly disappeared into place.

After a few breaths, the ancient moon was as solid as ever, and woke up from a coma.

"You wake up, apprentice!" The soul was so excited that he flew in front of his eyes.

Gu Yuefang is ignorant: "Master, Master, where are we?"

"Of course, it is in the crane gate, stupid apprentice." Tianhe, the man laughed.

"How can I be here?" Gu Yuezheng's eyes are still missing, muttering in his mouth, suddenly a chill, his face is horrified.

He thought of the blood pool, attacking the fox fairy land, but he grew up with the horror memories of the bleeding vine.

"Ah!" Gu Yuefang was making a scream and subconsciously retreating.

As a result, the back of the head hit the hard stone wall. He tilted his head and fainted on the spot.

Tianhe Shangren: "..."

Three days later.

Xianhemen officially announced that the ancient moon is waking up.

Once again, the ancient moon Founder in front of a disciple, but has a five-turn repair.

In the morning class in the morning, the head of Xianhemen was appointed as the elder of Xianhemen in public.

For a time, the martial art shakes!

The former founder's competitors, such as Sun Yuanhua and others, were stunned, and the disciples and elite disciples were all alone. The elders talked a lot.

In order to facilitate the Raiders of the Fairyland, the celestial beings of Xianhemen were forced to rise to five degrees. The identity of the disciple is no longer suitable for the Founder.

The new status, the new identity, and the ancient moon Founder just adapted, there is a sense of disappointment.

He walked on the road. When he met every disciple, he had to say hello to him. There are many elite disciples who are older than him.

Sometimes, when I saw Sun Yuanhua’s former competitors, they were also respectful. Many beautiful female disciples often revolve around the Founder, some look at the Founder with water, and some sweetly call the Founder Elder.

Compared with other elders of the sects, Fang Yuan is too young to be unique. The legendary experience has attracted the attention of many female disciples, and even fell in love.

Even if it is Founder himself, sometimes seeing other elders, they will forget their identity, and they will be awkward at the scene of the disciples of these

Fortunately, around the Founder, there are also Tianhe people to help. At the head of Xianhemen, from time to time, he summoned Founder and asked him if he had any difficulties in life. He asked for warmth and made the ancient moon Founder quite flattered.

What makes the ancient moon party happy is that the martial art's preferential treatment for the elders is dozens of times higher than that of the disciples.

These cranes are seen in the eyes, and they clearly understand the intention.

Before, the sects of the sects deliberately sacrificed the Founder and took his life to increase the possibility of Raiders. At this time, it is necessary to restore the loyalty of the Founder to the sect.

Founder is not a source in the end, the age is too small, the world is not deep, and there is no sense of this layer of intention.

In fact, he has never complained about Xianhemen. As a result, after becoming an elder, he has more sense of belonging to Xianhemen.

For the horror memory of the fox fairy land, he has subconsciously avoided, not thinking about it. Only sometimes in the middle of the night, dreaming of the scene in the blood pool, recalling the pain of the past, he will wake up with cold sweat. (To be continued)

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