Reverend Insanity

: Section 188: Business is done in the West

This is one of the seven most famous natural wonders in the West Desert, with hundreds of thousands of miles of sand dunes moving. It seems to be a brush from God, brushing more than half of the West Desert, brushing a curve. On the curve of this fixed dune migration, there is no oasis, no beasts, no rocks, only yellow sand. No one can stop, even if it is eight turns, it is powerless.

The people in the West Desert named these moving huge sand dunes as Howduqiu, revealing the helplessness and confusion of the Ximeni people facing the natural Tianwei.

"How to cross the hill..." Fang Yuan picked up his eyes and flew straight toward the dunes.

He covered his body shape and crossed the ground battlefield from a high altitude. No one was aware.

Several of the Xiao Xian’s celestial beings are fighting in the middle of the hill. Of course, this is only the periphery, and the inner tiers are hard to explore.

Their opponents, after three huge submerged sand spiders, are wild animals.

After the submerged sand spiders are in the wind and wind, such as the fish, the giant body of the giant mountain is constantly producing the snorkeling spiders.

However, Xiao Jia’s side is also methodical.

As a leader, Xiao Huzao took the lead and screamed and immersed himself in the thrill of fighting.

Deputy Chief Xiao Shirang sighed and said in the past: "Head collar, the fire is almost the same, the effect of training has been reached, let the family's sergeant army withdraw first."

"You don't say, I have forgotten it! It's up to you to handle it. Hahaha, the physical strength of the three snorkeling spiders on the opposite side has also dropped by half. It's time to catch them." Xiao Hu is crazy and laughs three times, just about I shot, suddenly my eyes condensed, and shouted to the left, "Who?!"


But see a giant hand, wearing a sandstorm, the momentum is extremely strong, directly grabbed a dive spider.

Xiao Hu’s idiots are sloppy, but the timing of the giant’s hand is just right. The submerged sand spider happened to be forced back by Xiao Jia’s fairy, and the giant hand grabbed it from the back side, as if this head dive. After the sand spider, it was thrown into the net.

"Be bold! Dare to make a move on my Xiao family!!"

"The thief, even want to seize the fruits of our labor, can not be forgiven!"

"I shot, I won this person together, I Xiaohu is desperate to see, who is so daring!"

Xiao Jiaxuan Xian just wants to take out an angry shot, and actually finds another seven giants from the sand.


In the fierce battle of the fierce, the five singers of the five Xiao family were all horrified and defeated.

Only Xiao Hu, Xiao Shi let the two seven-turn, and two giant hands to fight half a catty.

"This is a seven-turn force!"

"The strength of the comers is very strong. The two leaders are angry with the shots. They all use the signature killings. Actually, they have not made meritorious deeds!!"

"The other party seems to have failed to do his best. This is the first time I saw this. Is it sacred?"

For a time, the faces of Xiao Jiaxuan's immortals all showed a dignified color.

"You don't have to be nervous, there is no malice under it. And look." Fang Yuan slowly flew out, he showed people with a real face, with a smile.

After everyone turned their eyes, they saw the wild animal and the sand-sanding spider. They had been killed and killed by the powerful giants. They were so sad that they could not struggle.

"This is alive..."

"This fairy murder is strong!"

Xiao Hu and Xiao Shi let them look at each other and see the vigilance in each other's eyes.

If you let them take it, it can't be so easy. Otherwise, the Xiao family will not send so many celestial beings to participate in the live capture of the snorkeling spider.

Fangyuan can achieve this level. First, because of the timing, the physical strength of the submerged sand spider has dropped a lot. Secondly, since the big core handprint has the second core, the power is enhanced and the potential is enhanced. This kind of earth-border wild beast after the sand spider has restraint effect.

After the source of the snorkeling spider that Fangyuan will catch, he will take the initiative to send it to Xiaojia’s fairy.

"Who is you? What is your intention?" Hearing the goodwill of Fangyuan, Xiao Hu was asked.

Fang Yuanhehe smiled: "In the next place, it is only an unknown name in the West Desert. It has always been fascinating. It was not until recently that it became a stagnation. This is going to be a WTO. This time it seems to be a long time with the nobility." Trade. Don't know who you are, are you interested in long-selling spiders?"

"Oh? Long hate spider?" Xiao Jiayu immortals listened to this, and my heart was happy.

The Xiao family owns the Xianli House Wanli Silk Gallery. The “Wanli” is just a general term, and the entire Xianyu House is more than a thousand miles long.

The function of this fairy house is extremely special. As long as there are enough spiders, you can spread it and build it everywhere. If you look at it from a high altitude, it is like a huge spider web covering the west desert.

In this Wanli silk gallery, the ground is silky smooth. Anything that is transported in the gallery will have an extremely rapid increase in speed.

Xiao Jia is one of the richest forces in the West Desert superpower. The main reason is that Xiao Jia owns this Wanli Silk Gallery.

Any fairy house is a combination of protection, attack, transfer, cure, investigation and so on.

Whether it is the 88-degree Zhenyang Building, the near-water tower, the Superintendent Tower, the Chishang Shenzhou, the Xuanbing House, and so on, it is such a war fortress.

Xiaojia is laying around the Wanli Silk Gallery, allowing merchants to circulate in it, making a big profit. But there is one thing, the operation of the Miles Gallery will consume a lot of spiders.

Wanli Silk Gallery is the economic lifeline of Xiaojia, so Xiaojia collects a large number of spiders every year to maintain the Wanli Silk Gallery.

This time, Xiao Huzai and Xiao Shi let the team come to live to catch the sand-sand spiders, just to catch the family base camp, raise them up, every time, put their blood, cut their flesh, and gather family sorcerers, large quantities. Refining the spiders.

Although Xiao's own business, to meet some of the needs, but there are still gaps, need to buy a large number of spiders to the market.

And the larger the number of spiders, the more species, the more beneficial to the laying and operation of Wanli Silk Gallery.

Of course, Xiao Jiayi was very interested, and Xiao Hu was immediately asked: "How many long-term hate spiders do you want to trade?"

Fang Yuan laughed and reported a number. The light of joy in Xiao Hu’s eyes flashed away.

Fang Yuan added: "I can provide you with so many spiders every month."

Xiao Hu is in love with the color.

“As for how to trade...” Fang Yuan said, “Is your Wanlisi Gallery not the best way? Give me a node token near here, I will be on time every 30th. Come to the node, put in the goods, and take the money."

"Then your goods, how to sell it?" Xiao Shi let the words.

“No hurry.” Fang Yuan waved his hand. “You should first look at the quality of the goods and talk about the price issue.”

Fang Yuan gave a sample and called Xiaojia Yixian to be very satisfied.

These long-selling spiders are derived from the handwriting of the North Plains super-powerful people. It is strange that Xiao Jiaxuan is not satisfied.

Fangyuan immediately quoted.

After a bargain, the two sides set the price and completed the first transaction on the spot. The payment was first paid by Xiao Hu’s family for the family, and Fang Yuan also got his wish and got a node token.

After the transaction was completed, he also stayed and turned away.

Xiao Hu, a group of people, returned to the Xiaojia Base Camp and immediately reported the matter to Xiao’s elders.

After learning about the incident, the elders of Taishang nodded slowly: "Xiaohu did a good job this time, and the task contribution will be doubled."

Xiao Hu is so addicted: "It’s just an adult. This person’s appearance is sudden. Six turns of stagnation, but there are seven turns of strength! Does the adult know his origin?”

The elders of Taishang did not care to smile: "There are a lot of people in the West, and there are many people who can't live in seclusion. This is not something I can understand. It is not surprising that the immortality cannot be produced by the immortal. Since we are sincere in doing business, we will continue to cooperate and look at it. My family will always have a need for the spiders. If the cooperation is pleasant, I may wish to issue him a Xiao family transaction order."

"Adult, don't we investigate him?"

The elders of Taishang thought for a moment, Shen Shen said: "I know what you mean, since the other party can supply for a long time, there must be other blessed land. Um... a little investigation can not be used to look at the ordinary attitude For him, it is imperative to compete with Dong’s family and seize the market in the northwest. Wanli Silk Gallery should be laid as soon as possible.”

"I understand, too big elders." Xiao Hu is obsessed with the elders of the elders, closing their eyes and raising their minds, and immediately convinced them, respectfully, and silently retreat.

A few days later.

Zhongzhou, floating on the banks of the river, listening to Tao Xuan.

As a large-scale force, Tingtao Xuan is a semi-hidden sect. At this time, it is a city.

This is one of the venues for the seventh session of the Refining Conference.

At this point, another round of trials has just ended.

There were many arguments in the audience, and they were amazed, and countless eyes were concentrated on Fang Yuan.

Fang Yuan was wearing a black robe and his face was masked. He was still dressed before, and he was slowly went off the court.

Many people's eyes are moving with him. Others will be shocked and stare at the rankings on the wall.

At this time, the first name was engraved with the name of Fangyuan!

"The magic road repairs the source for the seventh time in a row, winning the first! Powerful, too powerful, this is at least the performance of the master!"

"According to his strong strength, he went to the eighth most famous nightmare of the refining conference, and he has great hopes to pass."

“When can I have this strength?” In the crowd, Hong Yi looked at the back of Fang Yuan’s departure and wished for it. I don't know why, others are resentful of the magical style of Fangyuan. Hong Yi is a disciple of the Zhongsheng Academy of the Zhengdao School, but he is not disgusted by the source of the other.

Although Hong Yi had a good road and great potential, but the work was too sparse, and he was eliminated in the second game.

"You said, will Fangyuan go all the way to the finals?"

"Young people, now expect the finals? Hehehe, too early and too early!"

"Yes, the Zhongzhou Refining Conference, I don't know how many dragon snakes, the water inside is too deep and deep. The previous seven games, but only a small half of the schedule. The essence and the wonderful, are in the second half of the refining conference. what."




[To be continued]. If you like this work, welcome to support the author. 】

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