Reverend Insanity

: Section 192: Fang Yuan’s open provocation

It is like hearing the inner voice of the firework faucet. Fangyuan continues to ridicule and even increase the intensity: "Yes, it’s this look, it’s such an emotion, anger, angry, so that you can come up with all your strength to fight with me. As a result, such an opponent makes me a little bit interested. Remember, you must come up with it, otherwise you are the shame of Wanlongwu! Hahaha."

Looking at Fang Yuan's finger at the firework faucet, he was so arrogant.

For a time, the teachers on the court were unable to speak.

Is this too arrogant? !

A group of people in Wanlongwu gritted their teeth, and they were arrogant. Fangyuan was more arrogant than them.

The firework faucet must be smashed up, and the eyes of Fangyuan are eager to spurt.

Unlike the imagination of outsiders, Fang Yuan is a heroic external manifestation, but in reality he is very alert and alert.

"Unlike the news from the outside world, this firework faucet did not actually major in refining the road, but changed to Yandao. When he was in Wanlongwu in his early years, he was a refining sergeant. It was indeed expelled from the school, but because of one The adventure, but he made him inherit the inheritance of a certain Yan Dao. During this time, he was lucky enough to become Yan Dao Xian Xian, and then squinted into the embrace of Wanlongwu. Wanlongwu naturally will not let go of a fairy In fact, the combat power has already secretly included him in the door. It was just at the refining conference. Seeing that he had a sorcerer’s realm, he quickly called him to participate in the refining conference. He attempted to seize the top few and robbed more for the martial art. interest!"

"The fireworks faucet's refining tract is beyond my grasp. The previous life is the second place in this conference. The realm of the refining sect is not to be repented. Especially in the tenth battle, he smashed the same smelt in one fell swoop. The three masters. The fierce singer. Such an enemy must be attacked in advance. If this opportunity is abandoned, according to the memory of past life, he can hardly contain it."

However, although the firework leader is already a fairy, there is no sound. It hides identity for mortals.

His 蛊仙修, of course, can not hold other 蛊仙, but everyone knows it will be fine, and no one will poke him.

Zhu Xian maintains his own mystery and helps to maintain his rule.

There is another reason: if you lose to a mortal in the refining conference, it would be too shameful.

Why is Zhu Xian lost to mortals?

The mortal defeats the example of Zhu Xian. In fact, it has not been common in previous smelting conferences.

Because refining is not a fight, it is a technical job. The main reason is that Xianyu is the only one, and the wife is too difficult to refine.

There is no immortality as a benchmark, and Zhu Xian and the mortal are compared, only relying on refining the shackles.

Everyone can refine. To a large extent, it does not reflect the difference between Xianfan.

Therefore, in general, if you participate in the refining conference, you will not blew your identity.

"Get started." Fang Yuan urged the elders of the evil spirits.

"Get started!" The firework leader yelled, and he couldn't wait to put this arrogant source directly under his feet.

The elders of the evil spirits endured the oppression of the two, and insisted on the bite: "According to the rules, the time has not arrived, it is not good to start the race. There are three interest rates... three, two, one. Good, motivated to isolate the battlefield, close the entrance. Open test questions !"

In the first seven games of the refining conference, because there are too many participants, they can only take turns to play.

Now in the eighth game, the number of people has decreased drastically. Each contest site only holds one game. If you miss this opportunity, you can only recognize it as an automatic waiver.

Load the locusts of the test questions. Also very particular about it. This kind of channel is a slap in the face, it is the handwriting of heaven. Have extraordinary confidentiality.

The questions in the middle are not saved. It is controlled by Tian Ting at that end. When the game is about to start, this will bring the real test questions over.

When the test questions came out, the scene was quiet and silent. Everyone was holding their breath and staring at the test questions. The static needles in the field were audible.

The eighth question: Requires refining a singer, five transliteration, the person who has successfully refining and the fastest, for the winner, can enter the next round of the test. The remaining teachers are all eliminated.

Give materials: fairy grass, forget the stone, four turn indifferent one, three turn three 缄 six mouths, four turn sinking two ... do not allow the use of other self-contained materials.

Give the refining party: six different silent parties, three indifferent content, and one hook.

Everyone frowned.

The difficulty of this question is nearly ten times that of the seventh game!

Not only did ten different parties be given, but this requires the sergeant to be unique and to choose from which to apply. Moreover, the materials provided are limited and do not allow the use of self-contained materials, but these materials do not meet the requirements of any one of them.

In other words, the sergeants must refine the indifference, the three sputum or the sinking, and get more smelting materials. Using these materials, re-processing, and finally into the five-voiced silent.

Or, the participating sergeants can use the means of wisdom to combine these squads and improve them together. Based on the materials provided, the eligibility criteria are derived. this is okay too.

However, these two methods, of course, are the most effective and desirable. Therefore, the second kind of sorcerer who needs a strong intellectual saga, can reach this step, and also has such a profound saga, is quite rare.

More critically, this test also considers time.

Which one can be refining first will be able to win and others will be eliminated.

As a result, the psychological pressure is great. Especially at the last pass, it is very likely that the teacher will not be able to withstand the psychological pressure and cause mistakes.

The firework faucet saw this question and almost spit it out.

What is this ghost problem?

The firework faucet almost wants to marry the mother!

He is actually Yan Dao Xian Xian, and he is best at refining inflammatory mites. This sound path locust is obviously not within the range he is good at, and the handling of several key smelting materials can not be used in the way of fire!

This is quite embarrassing.

Before Fang Yuan yelled, let the firework leader make his most powerful smashing and killing the madness and flames.

The firework leader is angry, and he intends to use this killing trick to humiliate Fangyuan.

But now this topic, how to use the mad **** flames? Burning and playing?

This topic is completely restrained against his firework leader.

For example, only 10% of the 10% refining and smashing. Even the 蛊仙级蛊, there are places that are good at and not good at it.

This topic happens to be the place where the fire faucet is the least good at the middle.

Of course, the realm of the refining master is not imaginary, and the firework leader is absolutely capable of refining the locusts.

But the key is the emergence of Fang Yuan.

The true strength of Fangyuan is enough to threaten the fireworks leader. The same level of the strong, one point of strength reduction, you can decide the outcome, not to mention the firework leader, which has weakened the whole 20%!

"This guy, it is a good time to pick up. Luck is really good for his mother! No, I must beat him!" The firework faucet secretly vowed, glanced at Fangyuan.

The next moment, his eyes swelled up and almost fell to the ground!

Fang Yuan has already shot, and has begun to refine!

How can this be?

How could it be so fast?

You must know that the prescriptions and materials given in this question are not matched. The sergeant either reorganizes the locusts, rebuilds the materials, or integrates the squats to calculate new ones. In short, in the end, we must make five turns and sneak out.

Therefore, this requires the teacher to carry out in-depth thinking, constantly deducing in his own mind, considering the failures that may occur in the refining and refining, thus integrating many programs and organizing a most refined refining plan.

This process of thinking is very important.

The solution that is thought out must be low risk. The risk is too high, the failure is much more, the material consumption is increased, it is not enough for the next refining, and the materials that are not included can be used.

At the same time as the risk is low, it is required to consume less time. You spend too much time, others have already completed it, and even if it is successful, it will be eliminated.

It is difficult to have both low risk and low time consumption.

Careful consideration is needed, and the rankings are constantly being compared in order to select the optimal solution.

Even the masters of the refining squad, such as the firework leader, have estimated that they have to spend half a fragrant time.

However, this is the source of this, how can it be refining as soon as it comes up?

“Is there anything wrong?”

"He really is so confident?!"

"Stupid, if you want to do something good, you must first sharpen your tools. It should be right to think calmly."

The squadrons who competed in the same field smashed Fang Yuan’s eyes and concentrated their attention and began to think deeply.

Fang Yuan took the lead and the progress was extremely fast.

The other sergeants did not start refining. Only one person in the entire field started to work. Naturally, most of the off-court sergeants focused on him.

The admiration spread.

"It’s really a dazzling way of looking at people."

"Proficient too skilled! It is an instinct to go deep into the bone marrow!"

"But is this really good? If you want it, you can't reach it."

Fang Yuan certainly knows the truth that the speed is not up, but he also knows the content of this test.

In the past life of Fang Yuan, after he achieved the **** sacred fairy, he also played the idea of ​​the smashing conference.


Because during the refining conference, even if the magic road can be publicly participated, even if it is wanted, it can be registered. The right way is not to be pursued.

At that time, Fang Yuan’s hand was empty without a fairy, and he was trying to raise the fairy material for refining the fairy. The whole process was really difficult and desperate.

In comparison, although this life is the body of the immortal, the economic situation is many times better.

In order to collect the refining celestial materials, Fang Yuan thought about almost any method. He found that the refining conference would be an opportunity to get a lot of fairy materials. (To be continued)

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