Reverend Insanity

: Section 196: Failure is valuable

Zhongzhou, Tianting.

The sky is clear and bright. The white jade carving of the palace group, scattered with crystal light.

Eight turns to the main tower of the Xianjian Tianta, slowly pushing the door of the Chamber of Deputies.

He walked into the hall with a cane.

For a time, more than 20 people who were sitting in the hall turned their heads and looked at him.

"Supervisor Tianta, this has been bothering you for a hundred years..."

"To complete this repair of the fate of Xianyu, please sleep quietly. Heaven needs you to be a veteran."

"Is there any unexpected situation at this refinery conference?"

The imperial wills broke the silence and opened their mouths.

The Supervisor of the Tianta Tower opened his turbid eyes and slowly glanced around for a lap, setting his gaze on the high will.

The next moment, the main opening of the Superintendent Tower: "You should wake up after refining the nine students. This year's Zhongzhou Refining Conference is about to come to an end. To repair the fate, there must be some preparation."

The will of the refining nine students nodded and slowly stood up.

Then, he said: "To repair the fate, I can't do it with me and the Supervisor. I need two eight-turn power. I don't know which one can shoot?"

"My body is smashing the ancient wild animals in the Tianhe River and can't shoot."

"My sleep has been long enough, but the soul is still studying the nine-turn fairy, and now it has reached a critical point..."

"I am coming, maybe this time I wake up, I can meet a few deep winds in the depths of the ground."

The wills exchanged for a while, and finally two wills decided to wake up.

"That's the way it is." Refining the nine willingness to nod to the main tower of the prison tower, and immediately flew into the sky.

Accompanied by him. There are two other wills.

These three will fly to the sky and go straight into the gate. It disappeared immediately.

The Superintendent Tower turned and left, behind him. The door of the chamber was slowly closed again.

Three days later.

Zhongzhou, Maozushan.

Four figures appeared in the sky above Maoshan Mountain.

They all converge on the breath of the eight turns of the fairy, overlooking the mountain at the foot.

It is the four immortals from Zhongzhou Tianting!

"Mao Foot Mountain..." The white-haired boy looks like a smelt of nine sorrows, and exclaimed, "Unconsciously, Zhongzhou has passed another hundred years."

"Get started. This time I wake up, the time is tight, I still have a lot of things to do." Bi Chentian, who is red and green, urges.

"Alright. Then let me take the shot first." Bai Yushui is the only female fairy in the four, her hands stretched out, and suddenly a thousand miles of white fog gradually floated.

Then, Bichentian suddenly blinked, and in the eyes, he shot two beams of light, and directly shot the foot of the mountain.

This Maoshan Mountain seems to be ordinary, the mountain is short, the resources are scarce, and even the small and medium-sized forces in the surrounding area are too lazy to occupy. But at the moment. It was revealed by Bichentian’s signature immortality, but it was different.

The air violently fluctuates, producing numerous flaws.

The entire Maoshan Mountain produced a slight tremor.

The fairy tales attacked by Bichentian, this is a powerful horror. At this time, it has no effect.

The third shot of the Supervisor of the Tiantian Tower was immediately the final shot of the refining nine students.

Four, eight, and ten cents each had one hand, but it was not enough. Zhu Xian has been expected. Then the second and third rounds continued to shoot.

When the sixth round was finally reached, the refining nine students gave a light drink. A key blow was made, and finally the quantitative change caused a qualitative change. Produced an effect.

Maozushan disappeared in place, and a blessed land was displayed in front of the four immortals.

"This is the unbeaten blessing of unbeaten inheritance!"

Bi Chentian looked a few times and smiled: "The failure of Fan Yi is more than the last time. It seems that the scale of the Zhongzhou Refining Conference is getting bigger and bigger."

White sputum water removes the handkerchief and rubs the sweat on the head: "Every time you open it, you have to pay such a great effort. You can't completely reinvent this blessed land when you refine your life?"

"Difficult, you don't know the master of this blessed land, but you can't help the sculpt of the zu."

The main tower of the Superintendent Tower nodded: "Tian Ting has already attacked this piece of blessed land for thousands of years, and can only extract 30 unbeaten traces from it. Unbeaten inheritance will accumulate to the top every time, there will be thirty-six unbeaten road marks. We took 30 roads in advance, leaving six road marks left, which can only be reserved for those who participated in the conference. Even if they want to win, they will not be able to win."

Refining the nine students and adhering to the road: "This piece of blessed land is exceptionally special, and it has no connection at all. It is not that I can't break this blessed land, but it is forcibly destroyed, but it is difficult to reproduce the wonderfulness of this blessed land. Under this, we can only do this. To attack this piece of blessed land, it is not only the need to refine the Tao, but also the power of the law. But unfortunately, whether it is a refining or a law, it can be cultivated to eight turns. It is very rare."

The four people were silent for a while, and the main tower of the Superintendent Tower said: "Fortunately, this time the fate of the fate is restored, and 50% of the power can be displayed. Before the comparison, there will be a qualitative change! In the future, you can search for more fate fugitives. Speed ​​up the repair of Xianyu."

"Speaking, this fugitive found a few people? Has it been executed?" asked Bichentian.

The Supervisor of the Tianta Tower replied: "There were several discoveries. The southern Xinjiang and the North Plains were beyond the reach of the two. The two sides of Zhongzhou are already being processed."

"Human Chu Chuan" records that people zu climbed the giant tree and walked out of the ordinary abyss, but left his daughter Senhai reincarnation.

People zu want to help, but can't think about it.

He has achieved extraordinary achievements and can no longer enter the ordinary abyss.

People zu see here circle, after all, is not the way. I decided to start again and go out to find a way to save my eldest son, Tairi Yangshuo, and the fourth daughter, Senhai.

He set off again and began his life path.

On this day, he met a Maomin on the road.

Maomin stopped him and looked very happy: "Man zu, I am looking for you."

People zu is very strange: "I don't know you, what are you looking for?"

Maomin explained: "It is like this. People, zu, I am the leader of the world's Mao people. The smelting of smelting is not comparable to that of the people. But I have recently encountered difficulties in refining. I want to make success, but It is impossible to determine whether it is a success or a failure."

People zu originally wanted to continue on their way. But he thought to himself, if the head of the Mao people really made a success. Then, with this success, can I save my eldest son or four daughters?

So people zu stopped and communicated with Maomin: "Then you are looking for me, what are you doing?"

The Maomin carefully took out a donkey.

This dragonfly is like an ordinary small stone, wrapped in the fluff of hòuhòu. Maomin said: "I don't dare touch it. If it is successful, it will be. If it fails, I will touch it, I will You will completely lose yourself. But people are different. You are different. You can embark on your own life path, and you will prove that you have your own embarrassment. Once you have your own embarrassment, you will not lose yourself if you encounter failure. So I want to ask you to help me identify it."

People zu heart joy: "It turns out. I can help you, but if it is successful, please give it to me. I am in a hurry."

Mao Min said: "Oh! This is no problem."

The man zu reached out and touched the locust in front of him. He made a wish to the locust: "Please bring my four daughters Senhai back to my side."

The next moment, the locusts broke open.

"Failed." Mao Min looked depressed. "It seems that I have produced a failure."

The courage of the man zu flew out: "Man zu. You are too failed. I want to leave you."

After that, the courage to leave the people zu, flew away.

Maomin was excited at this moment: "But it doesn't matter, I can improve the party. People zu. You wait for a while, I will refine it."

People zu want to catch up with courage and let it come back. But people zu want to succeed and save their children.

He thought about it. Still decided to wait for the leader of the Mao people, watching him smelt.

Mao Min refines the second cockroach. Handed over to the person 冇zu inspection.

People zu touched it, made a wish, and the locust was broken.

"This is still a failure." Maomin shouted, very sad.

The belief in the human zu flew out: "Man zu, you are too failed, not worthy of my nostalgia."

After that, the beliefs also left the people, and flew away.

People squatted and wanted to chase, but Mao Min took him: "Don’t worry, don't worry, I figured it out, this time I will be able to make a success!"

When people saw the belief, they had already flown far away, and they couldn’t catch up. They sighed and said, "Mao, you can make it, I believe you for the last time."

Maomin’s third locust, the result is still a failure.

Then the power smashed out: "Man zu, you are too failed, you don't deserve to have me."

After he finished, he was full of bitterness and knew that chasing was useless. He could only watch the power fly away.

But at this moment, his own self in his heart suddenly flew out, biting the power.

The power screamed and was bitten down, and it was faster to run. A slip of smoke has disappeared.人zu, Maomin is stunned.

I flew back and proudly said to others: "Any failure is valuable. People zu, I have repeatedly failed, absorbed failure, and become strong. Just took a bite of power, from now on, You have your own strength! I can actually be stronger, swallow any locusts, and have all their power!"

People zu shocked.

Mao Min’s head screamed with a big slap in the face: “I know how to make a successful refining, that is, through failure. The more I fail, the closer I am to success! I understand, I understand.”

He cheered and flew, and left the people.


According to the textual research of the heavenly immortal, this unbeaten blessed land is the head of the Mao people. Maozushan is the place where the leader of the Mao people once settled.

After the death of the leader of the Mao people, he left behind a legacy.

Collecting the failures of others and smelting them into failures. If you accumulate enough, you will be able to condense the success of the track.

After the discovery of the heavenly court, he will carry out most of its strategy, and based on this, he will carry forward the Zhongzhou Refining Conference and help the unbeaten inheritance to quickly accumulate the failure. Then use the extracted successful track marks to repair the fate of the fairy.

This is the cause of everything. (To be continued) [This text is provided by Kaihang Update Group @刘靖] If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my greatest motivation. )

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