Reverend Insanity

: Section 85: Blood and cold blood! !

"It seems that their brothers are really not very kind." The drug whispered.

"This source is too cruel, so I treat my younger brother like this." Many people frowned unpleasantly.

"Fangyuan is too ferocious, blackmail our Yuanshi for a whole year! Now he has his brothers like this." The students gnashed their teeth, and Fangyuan’s coldness now ignited their enemies.

"Founder, stand up, stand up! knock down Fangyuan." I don't know which student called.

"Down the source, knock down the source!" In an instant, countless teenagers began to respond.

"This source, it really is an annoying guy." Mo Yan snorted, some gloating.

"Founder, come on, stand up! Defeat the devil of Fangyuan!"

"Founder, stand up, we are quite you."

"Founder, come on, come on!"

The excitement of the crowd, the shout of a sentence, passed to the ears of Founder.

Call! call! call! call!

Fang Zheng was so gasping, these sounds came into his heart and brought him an invisible power!

The past of the scene reappeared in his mind.

On the street, the people pointed and pointed.

"That is Fangyuan, the future genius, can't be underestimated!"

"Who is behind him?"

"Oh, it should be the younger brother of Fangyuan. I don't know what the name is."


My uncle and aunt laughed: "Fangyuan, now the entire cottage is discussing your latest poems! Very good, my father and aunt are proud of you."

Fang Yuan waved his hand and his face was dull: "It’s just improvisation, and it’s a sentiment."

My uncle and my aunt nodded again and again, and the other side said: "Learning to learn your brother, if you have half of your brother's excellence, we are not worried."


Under the moonlight, the courtyard is deep.

The patriarch Gu Yuebo looked at Founder and said softly: "Founder, be confident. You must discover yourself and believe in yourself."

"But the patriarch is an adult..."

Gu Yuebo patted his shoulder and encouraged: "The shadow in the heart, it is difficult for others to solve it for you. Only by yourself, I look forward to that day."


The eve of the year-end assessment.

Shen Cui stood under the light and looked at Founder with affection: "Don, I believe you will get the first. I have always believed this! Come on!"


Parting time in the morning.

My uncle and aunt stood at the door and said: "Founder, after the end of the year, you will leave the school. We can see you growing up, we are very happy! Go, let everyone look at the excellence of A!"

and also……

In the setting sun, in a dimly lit corner, a female sorrow cried in tears: "The subsidy is only three yuan stone every time. I was taken away by Fangyuan. I only have two left. My moonlight is fast. Can't afford it."

Founder is soft: "This is my Yuanshi, lend it to you."

The female acquaintance took over Yuan Shi, her eyes were tearful: "Founder you are so good, please be sure to defeat your brother, so that he can no longer be a bad school!"

Founder is silent.

A group of classmates did not know when, appeared in front of him.

"Founder, you are a qualification, you can do it."

"Fangyuan is too odious, has been bullying us. You are our only hope."

"Founder, from today, we are all following you. We all support you!"

"Everyone..." Founder looked around and looked at a pair of eagerly obsessed nephews, and was moved to say nothing.



Everyone has been looking forward to me.

Classmates, grandfather and aunt, Shen Cui, and patriarchs!

Everyone is waiting for me, they are watching me, they all support me...

How can I lose? How can I fall here? How could this be!

Hey, hey, hey, hey.

The heartbeat sounds like a giant drum striking in the chest, and the eyes of the Founder are shining.

I can't fall here!

I want to break the shadow, I have to stand up! !

Founder's fists clenched tightly, and the pain left him at this moment. He felt that there was a male lion in his chest, awakened from his sleep, and opened his mouth and began to growl!

The hot blood boils in his body.

Stand up and stand up!

Break the shadows and break the darkness!

"Ah, ah!" Founder screamed, his body began to appear green and bright jade.

"What is that?" The crowd was quiet.

"It turned out to be jade skin!" I don't know who called.


The students broke out and shouted.

"Founder, come on!"

"Founder, we are quite you!"

In the end, there is only one slogan - "Stand up, stand up!"

"Everyone... I heard your shouts." Founder hit the ground with a fist, and a steel tooth was almost bitten. The pressure on Fangyuan did not seem so strong. He really slowly and step by step. It’s up.

The shout is more lively.

"It’s really bloody!"

"It’s going to turn over."

One by one, the teachers shouted and shouted, and began to move.

"Yes, Founder, that's it! Stand up, stand up, throw away the past, throw away the shadows, stand up, you will be a brand new you!" The patriarch's eyes are savage, in the heart for the Founder silently cheering .

"It’s actually jade skin..." Fang Yuan’s eyes hang down. He closed his feet and watched Fang Zheng stand up step by step. The radiance of jade skin reflected his face into a green.

Founder has always hidden the jade skin plaque, and there is no publicity, so others have never known.

"Founder is standing up!" The cheers are like a mountain torrent, bursting open.

"Stand up!" The patriarch's eyes were burning, and he couldn't help but stand up from his seat. At this moment, he saw the resolute rise of a genius of genius! He saw the bright future of the ancient moon family!

"I am standing up, my brother, I want to beat you!" Founder's eyes burned the flames of this fighting spirit. His whole body was covered with crystal green light, like a layer of sly jade armor!

"Wow, this defense, even the moon blade can not be worn. It seems that the party is going to win." The drug red raised his brow and blew a whistle.

"It is true. Even if Fangyuan has a small light-increasing moon blade, playing on this layer of jade light defense, at most, it will cause the double consumption of the real yuan in the square. In the consumption of the real yuan, Fangyuan is not the opponent of Founder. After this battle, Founder will rise!" Qingshu smiled faintly.

"The Founder actually had a jade plaque, and now I think about using it. It seems that the strong assault of Fangyuan had beaten him. But now, the victory is already beckoning to him." A slight gaze flickers.

Time seems to be at this moment.

On the platform, the brothers stood face to face.

The distance between the two is such a close, and it is so far.

Founder’s face is determined, and Fang Yuan’s face is still indifferent.

"Brother..." He looked at the square calmly, and a sneer hanged in his mouth. "If you want to beat me, you are still far away."

He raised his right fist high and stretched his right arm, almost pulling a bow.

"Brother, you lost!" Founder looked at the fist raised by Fang Yuan, and his heart was a little funny.

As long as you have enough real money, even if you have a small moon, you can't break this layer of jade defense, let alone your fist? Unless you use the flower buds or the brute force, you will greatly increase your strength. But even then, you need a defensive locust...

Fang Yuan did not speak, and he made the most direct response with his fist.

The next moment, the right fist whistling in the air ~ ~ slammed the square of the cheek.


A loud bang, blood splattered, jade shattered into pieces, scattered like small cracked small lenses in the air, and then disappeared.

"What?!" Founder suddenly suffered such a huge blow, a burst of hair, his neck was almost discounted, and retired.

Fang Yuan followed, stepping forward, this time raising the left fist, stretching backwards, then slamming up!

boom! !

The other half of the Founder’s cheeks also suffered heavy blows, and the head slammed back high, and the blood and the cracked jade light scattered together.

咚, 咚, 咚.

He stepped back three big steps, and his ears blew up, hitting him with a ten-fold vertigo.

"How... it will be like this!" He was black in front of his eyes and fell to his head -


Founder fell to the ground, his body dissipated green, and suddenly passed out.

The shouts, the cheers came to an abrupt end.

The happy and excited expression of the students also condensed on the face, and it was too late to switch.

The entire performance field was dead.

Fang Yuan’s double fists are full of flesh and blood, and can even see the pale phalanx. Drops of bright red blood hang down and drip on the platform.


A cold winter wind blew, freezing all the blood.

Fang Yuan’s hair tip shook slightly in the wind. He stood straight on the ring. It seemed that the person who was seriously injured by the double fist and half was not him!

His indifferent gaze, still calm, slowly glance around.

Everyone is silent.

In the shed, the patriarch stood still and stared at him with a stunned look.

"Sorry, let you down." Fang Yuan gently said.

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