Reverend Insanity

: Section 209: No. 2

"Now I can be sure that He Fengyang is showing me good things." Fang Yuan has produced a clear understanding.

He Fengyang took the initiative to invite Fangyuan and went to Feiheshan to see.

What is Feihe Mountain?

It is the mountain gate of Xianhemen. Although the symbolic meaning is greater than the actual meaning, the connotation of this statement has been expressed very clearly.

Back to the fox fairy land, Fang Yuan’s subtle attitude of swaying the crane, suddenly smiled silently.

And Feng Jinhuang gambling, Fangyuan and Lingyuanzhai established trade. This courageous sale is even higher than Xianhemen.

However, because of the tiger skin of the Zhongzhou Refining Conference, it is witnessed by everyone. Even Xianhemen can't pick up any excuses to stop this unusual transaction.

Fox Xianfudi and Lingyuanzhai hooked up, which gave Xianhemen a sense of crisis.

In history, the example of Lingyuan Zhai's enchantment is the most among the ten factions. Such as thin green, Feng Jiuge, etc., are examples of people's hearts.

Not long ago, under the premise of recovering the failure of Fox Fairy, Fang Yuan also showed a strong refining rumor, and Xianhemen finally decided that the other source should be based on Huairou.

Therefore, the attitude of the cranes and the other source has changed.

The things of Founder should be true. He Feng Yang’s move, no doubt, is a good indication of the other party’s source. More to win the door, the other source to start lure.

For him, Fang Yuan detained Fang Zheng, Tian Ting will certainly break the Fox Fairy. Among them, the Wandering Mountain, if not destroyed by Fangyuan in advance, will definitely receive its own hands. Fox Fairyland cannot be removed, and Heaven may not see it. It will be left to one of the top ten ancient factions.

As for which ancient school, it is necessary to look at the results of the factional competition within the heavens.

obviously. The heavenly celestial celestial being on the top of the crane gate has a lower power. It may not be great to recapture the Fox Fairyland in the competition.

Even if you take it back, there is no Wandering Mountain, and the value of Fox Fairy Land is greatly reduced.

No matter how it is calculated, this is contrary to the interests of Hefeng Yang and Xianhemen.

Therefore, He Fengyang informed Fang Yuan of this matter, and it is also the maintenance of the interests of oneself.

"Now I am nominally a vassal of Xianhemen, but it is between the Lingyuanzhai and the Xianhemen. This time, suddenly my external pressure suddenly reduced by half."

Fang Yuan exclaimed.

In fact, Fang Yuan has long been planning such a situation.

He previously ignored the challenge of Feng Jinhuang and later actively communicated. Promise the challenge, what is it for?

I want to use the power of Lingyuanzhai to counter the strength of Xianhemen.

Fang Yuan reached the previous planning goal, but it is not him who plays a key role. It’s the courage to confuse yourself!

Fang Yuan robbed the fox fairy blessing, causing Feng Jinhuang to be stunned and discovered the real role of the dream wing fairy. It is precisely because Feng Jinhuang used the dream wing and tasted the benefits, only to be more daring. If not. How can Lingyuan Zhai make Fangyuan easily take advantage of the situation?

The other party is not a fool!

Yes, Fang Yuan deliberately tied for a draw. In order to show a gentle attitude, to the people who are spiritually fast.

For Fangyuan, because of this gambling. His own situation in Zhongzhouyu has undergone an unprecedented improvement, which has greatly reduced his pressure and has more energy to plan other plans.

of course. Once Fangyuan destroyed the secret exposure of the 88-degree Zhenyang Building, the situation in Zhongzhou must suddenly collapse. Fang Yuan will scream everyone and die.

For Feng Jinhuang. Although she was defeated in the gambling, she was the biggest winner.

In the future, with the help of the courage, with the help of the dream wing fairy, she will make rapid progress, surpassing almost all the speed of the immortal, and rapidly accumulate growth.

"In the past life, I killed Feng Jinhuang, but in this life, at the moment, I have achieved her." In this regard, Fang Yuan feels a lot deep, not enough for outsiders.

"Fangyuan, things have been done, there is no other thing, then I will leave." Taibaisheng came to leave.

He walked around Beiyuan these days, looking for a suitable place to fall to the blessed land.

Originally, I had already found a good place, and I had to drop the blessed land, but at the crucial moment, I was called back by Fang Yuan.

"Thank you a lot this time. The location you chose is very good. Don't worry about adjusting the world. When the disaster comes, I will help you." Fang Yuan is alive to Taibai.

Too Baiyun nodded and said goodbye to Fang Yuan, using the Star Gate to go to Beiyuan.

After Fang Yuan got a star-like blessed land, Star Firefly has a huge reserve, and the establishment and opening of the Star Gate is not as tense as before.

Fang Yuan came to the Chamber of Secrets and saw the ancient moon Founder again.

Has the ancient moon Founder been killed by He Fengyang? Why are you still alive?

It turned out that this is just a trick arranged by Fang Yuan.

He deliberately cut off the arm of the ancient moon Founder, installed the dog's limb, and made the illusion of torture and insult.

In fact, this broken arm is left here. After He Fengyang killed the Founder, the source of the Baiyunsheng who was called back by Fangyuan was used as a fairy, and spent a considerable amount of Xianyuan. The Founder is resurrected.

He Fengyang has no doubt about him. He also has limitations. I don’t know if there will be such a fairy in this world.

In his view, Founder's flesh and soul are completely destroyed in front of his own eyes, and he is indeed dead.

If you change to other immortals, I am afraid I will think so.

This is common sense.

But this world is very big, there will always be all kinds of strange fairy tales, fairy tales and so on. Just like people, they don't know that people are limited, even if they are immortals.

I am omnipotent and omnipotent, even if it is a nine-turn sacred fairy, even the ancestors can't do it. To do this, maybe there is only one great existence, that is the world!

Fang Yuan throws a channel locust to the Founder, and his face is mocked. "You take a good look. This is the crane gate that you are grateful to Dade, and your kind master. If it weren't me, you are already dead. ""

"Impossible! I won't believe your lies!!" Founder screamed, but after all, he took the channel locust into his hands.

Among the locusts, it is natural to record the scene of He Feng Yang’s killing of Founder and the dialogue with the crane.

After the party was finished reading, the channel locusts were immediately crushed into pieces, and the whole person fell into an extremely angry state. He screamed and looked distorted, pointing his finger at Fangyuan and roaring at him: "Impossible! This is fake, you are forged. I absolutely don't believe, I will never believe it! You lied to me, you Lie to me!! Unless I see it myself, I hear it myself and get the teacher’s response!"

"You will confirm this with your own eyes. But... not now." Fang Yuan turned and left the Chamber of Secrets.

He closed the door and re-entered the darkness in the secret room. Founder roared again and again in the darkness, frantically pacing in a limited space, punching and kicking the wall, hysterical.

After dealing with the Founder's affairs, Fang Yuan sang at the Zhongzhou Refining Conference.

He eliminated the real refining powers ahead of time, which made the conference later easier than the medium term.

In the end, Feng Jinhuang scored sixth. Fangyuan entered the finals.

He ushered in the strongest opponent of this conference - Yu Mu stupid.

In this one, Fang Yuan was defeated neatly.

Even if the title of the test is no different from that of the previous life, Fangyuan has a huge advantage in the foresight.

But the other party - Yu Mu is stupid - is a real master of the refining road.

This realm is terrible.

Even if Feng Jinhuang has a dream wing fairy, it will not easily reach these realms. The more the genre's realm is, the more difficult it is to advance.

Throughout history, there are only three people who have surpassed him.

The entire Beiyuan, only four people recognized today can compare with him, that is, the North Plains refining road can.

Fang Yuan knows that even if he has the advantage of knowing the test questions, he can't win Yu Mu. This is the gap in strength.

Speaking of it, this Yu Mu stupid and Fang Yuan dress up is almost the same, also a black robe, covered in the body, with a large mask on his face.

Fang Yuan won the first five years ago. Without any surprise, his strength is truly unfathomable.

Fangyuan took the initiative to admit defeat and was accused by many people. After all, it is difficult to express the realm of the refining road. Yu Mu is really strong, and Fang Yuan is quite strong in the eyes of the world.

Such a behavior of not admitting defeat, so that the audience is very dissatisfied with the finals, once rumored to say that Fangyuan does not fight to admit defeat, this is the dark curtain of the conference!

Anyway, got the second source, reached his original purpose, and printed a successful track mark on his body.

Afterwards, the top ten ancient factions such as Xianhemen successively sent people to contact Fangyuan in an attempt to acquire the traces on him.

This successful track is impossible to capture and transfer. Even Heaven has done a lot of work, but unfortunately no success. The top ten ancient factions naturally did not have the mind to seize, only talk about transactions.

Anyway, Fangyuan has such a powerful refining method (still greatly overestimating Fangyuan) and let him refine. If you refine the six-turn fairy, you will consume this successful track, in exchange for a zero failure rate.

Regardless of the high price of the Zhongzhou Ten faction, Fangyuan refused.

Returning to Fox Fairy, he made the final preparation for refining the fairy.

Fang has been consciously raising smelting materials from the plan of refining and transforming Xian.

Because there is a successful track mark, Fangyuan only needs to raise a refining material. This has greatly reduced his expenses.

This is the case, and the source of the source is properly raised. Many of the fairy materials that have been obtained from the Beiyuan Auction Conference have been sold and exchanged. If some materials obtained from the refining conference are not filled in time, there will be a gap.

The difficulty of refining the fairy tales can be seen.

Fang Yuan is only preparing a piece of material, and the accumulated resource reserves in his hands are almost empty.

If there is trade such as courage and ignorance, if there is no successful track mark, Fangyuan will never be in danger and make such a desperate attempt. (To be continued) []

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