Reverend Insanity

: Section 218: Designing the feathers, the powerlessness of the feathers

The face of Yumin Yuxian Zheng Ling became very ugly: "Do you think that we have decided to eat us? In fact, why is it so aggressive? It is not easy for you to operate Xianxian. If this empty resource is destroyed by war, it is a pity. ?"

"You are threatening me?" Fang Yuan's red eyes reveal a fierce light.

"Of course it is not a threat, but what we said is also a fact, isn't it?"

Fang Yuan laughed in his heart.

If you change the other 蛊仙 to be threatened like this, you have to vote for the scorpion, and maybe you can call these two feathers. But they are too Baiyunsheng.

The immortality of the hands of Taibaiyunsheng is the best solution to the threat.

The two feathers and immortals do not know the existence of Jiangshan as the old fairy, so they said so.

According to Fang Yuan’s own meaning, of course, it is the life of two feathers. However, this matter is too white to rob, not Fangyuan. And too Baiyun gave birth to this person, but it was a good old man, and his temperament was somewhat kind and soft.

Therefore, Fangyuan did not open again, but looked at Baiyunsheng.

The two feathers and immortals also looked at Taibaisheng, waiting for the response of the Lord.

The mortal feathers looked up at the sky, with a strong sense of awe, watching the four figures floating in the sky.

Before, Fang Yuan and Yu Min talked, and the voice was magnificent, so these mortal feathers were heard.

The decision of Taibaisheng will greatly affect the fate of these tens of thousands of people.

Some of the feathers have begun to pray silently, some gnashing their teeth and some hurting.

Just boarded the feather fly of the Yumin Throne. Then he squeezed his fists and stared at the sky with desperation. He is a grassroots. Unlike the original Prince Dan Yu who was exposed to secrets, he did not have much knowledge. This is the first time I saw the immortal, shocking, but also has a deep sense of powerlessness.

From the appearance of this group of feathers, Tai Baiyun was caught in meditation.

The feathers were inflicted, and the Baiyun students were not expected.

These intelligent lives can communicate. If too Baiyunsheng put these feathers, then the disaster will be spent. If you don’t let go, you may be able to compile these feathers in your own land. But the risks and losses of fighting are difficult to estimate at one time.

No matter how he chooses, this is a big decision.

As Fang Yuan expected, too, Baiyunsheng was somewhat indecisive. At this time, he was eager to make an idea.

When he saw Fang Yuan, he also looked back and looked at it with the eyes of the source.

"Of course you have to fight!" Fang Yuan responded immediately.斩 截 cut iron.

"If you have a fairyland, you don't have to fear that the fairyland is destroyed. The only thing that is lost is the empty floating tea, Tiankuiyun, and other resources. These resources are going to be destroyed. Unable to reply."

"But you did not move these resources out of the robbery this time. It was originally prepared to withstand losses."

"Your main financial strength is Jiangshan, such as Xianxian, these resources are very small, even if all lost. It is no harm to come back."

"There are tens of thousands of these feathers, and they can all be trained as slaves. The feathers are born with clouds and road marks. They are good at flying, and the elites in the feathers are almost all flying masters! But these two feathers are immortals. Absolutely can't stay. Even if they don't major in cloud roads and kill both of them, they can get a lot of clouds and traces and add them to your blessed land. Isn't that what you want?"

This once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!

Both of them were injured and there seemed to be no means to escape.

As long as the clouds are not open to the public, this group of feathers is simply the shackles.

Once the two feathers were killed, their immortals fell into the white blessings. This situation is very special and rare.

Lost celestial beings, leaving the fairy tales, the fairy scorpion to be turned into a blessed land, you have to take advantage of the heavens and the earth.

Just as at the beginning, Fang Yuan took away the body of Vientiane Xingjun and deliberately ran to the depths of the earth to fall into the blessed land. As a result, when the land was planted, a large amount of ground gas was taken, a small amount of weather, the ground gas was evacuated, and the volatility fluctuated, causing a violent earthquake in the earth.

If the feathers of the people are dead, the fairy will fall into the Taibaifu land. To be completely transformed into a blessed land, it is necessary to draw the spirit of heaven and earth.

But Taibaifudi is different from the five worlds. It is controlled by Taibaisheng, and the heavens and the earth are not extracted if you want to extract.

How can Xianyu not be completely transformed into a blessed land?

There is a clear record in history. In this case, the fairy will be annihilated, and all the resources inside will be destroyed with the destruction of the fairy.

However, the various traces contained in the fairy tales are preserved and integrated into the outer world.

The outer world here is too white and blessed.

As mentioned above, the track marks are extremely precious and the cost of acquisition is extremely high.

If too, Baiyunsheng will smash the blessed land, but if he can inherit all the traces of these two feathers, then this business is definitely not profitable!

Fang Yuan secretly persuaded and persuaded, and at the end added another sentence: "Old white, you should not have the woman's benevolence, will spit out the fat to the mouth?"

Too Baiyun’s positive color, made up his mind, and returned to the voice: “You can rest assured! The stranger is not a pure human being. It’s not my family, its heart will be different. Then fight, kill them! And these feathers I will be kind to the prisoners."

When he agreed to do so, he wanted to do it, but he was stopped by Fang Yuan’s secret voice: "And slow! It’s rare to have such a good opportunity. Can you say that you can play it? Let me try again."

Where did Baiyunsheng not know the blackmail of Fangyuan, he immediately said: "There is a labor source for you."

The two secretly talked, only in a short effort.

Fang Yuan looked at the two feathers and immortals. He said: "It’s not impossible to let go of both of you. But you have to leave this group of mortal people to be our slaves!"

The voice of the two sides’s conversations was not concealed. Fang Yuan’s remarks immediately attracted violent turmoil and strong protests from tens of thousands of people on the ground.

"What? Actually want us to be their slaves?"

"If you lose your self-defense, you will lose your wings!"

"No, I will die. I will not be a slave to the Terran!"

"Don't be afraid, we also have the ancestors of Zhu Xian. They will not give up our descendants."

"This is absolutely impossible!" The two feather folks were discolored and immediately rejected.

Fangyuan is not unexpected.

Alien group. More purely human, often more united. It is basically impossible for the East Changfan to harm his relatives and accomplish his own affairs.

Man is the spirit of all things, spirituality first, and change of mind. On the contrary, the spirituality of the different people is less, the mind is simple, and the bad thoughts are far from the human race.

Of course, this is also related to the race.

Today. The five domains of the Terran rule are the most powerful. The survival of different people is very difficult. They are crowded around and are suppressed by the human race. There are few alien groups who can control precious resources.

No matter which domain, there are alien slaves sold, and there is a big market.

In the racial general, the Terran is in an absolute advantage, while the aliens are absolutely weak.

A group that is absolutely weak. If you want to survive, you must be more clinged to each other and support each other to fight against strong external pressure.

Therefore. The other two are not willing to give up the mortal feathers, and the attitude is tough, Fang Yuan has long been expected. And a deep understanding of their determination of two cents!

Fang Yuan was busy with the sound, too, Baiyunsheng showed a look of being offended and angry. Repeatedly according to Fang Yuan’s secret words: "Hey! You guys have broken into our blessed land for no reason, this is the invasion! You not only invade. You take the initiative to attack us, threaten us, and want to go out. Hey, don't pay a price, how can you do it? Of course, you two can also take these feathers out. As long as you are strong enough, we will plant it! Otherwise, the old man will pack you in minutes!"

Two feathers, how do you have such a skill?

If there is nothing, why should they and Fangyuan use their words to negotiate?

Although they can also use the immortal killing to recruit people to follow the will.

But now there is no protection for the holy city of Xianyuwuyu. It is necessary to spend a lot of time brewing.

In this case, it is basically impossible to copy the feats that escaped before.

Seeing that Fangyuan refused to let go, Yu Xian Zhou Zhong had to reiterate again that Xianyi is of great significance to Zhu Xian. If you really want to start a war now, it is not good for both sides.

"If we are two, we will avoid the war and specialize in bombarding this piece of blessed land. To a certain extent, the blessings of the blessings will be destroyed and the big winds will be triggered." Zhou Zhong said that the threat is very obvious.

They don't know the existence of Jiangshan.

With the help of the mountains and rivers, where the sacred land is destroyed, it can be repaired. It will never be destroyed to the extent that it causes a big wind.

Under the guidance of Fang Yuan, too Baiyunsheng was furious: "You dare to threaten me? Fight and fight! What are you afraid of? Really the old man is a kind of old man? The old man can clean up you in minutes!" A dear is not old. The temperament of the militant look.

Fang Yuan showed a look like a rat, but still not loose, want to negotiate.

In this way, he could not help the two feathers of Yumin to add a lot of hope for peace.

The two sides have been banging for a long time, Zheng Ling finally gave in, and proposed that he can compensate the Yuanyuan side for a lot of Xianyuan Stone.

They are two, and they are red-faced in the middle of the week. Zheng Ling plays a white face and sings a sum, but it is very tacit.

Fang Yuanwang is too white to be born, too, Baiyunsheng will turn up the big white eyes: What is the value of the tens of thousands of feathers? Let's play You can pack them in minutes!

The tacit understanding between Fang Yuan and Tai Baiyun was not lost to the other two.

On the ground, the feathers are arrogant. Angry and sorrowful and helpless, this is the cruel world, the sorrow of the weak.

Yu Fei Yang Tian Dawei: "Enough! We will not be a despicable slave if we die!"

This feeling of being discussed as a farmer by others as a bargaining chip for negotiations is really terrible.

"You shut up! Don't go to the immortality for no reason. You are the new king of the feathers, you have to think about the whole ethnic group. Do you want to bring my family into the abyss like this?" Roaring.

"Damn, hateful!" Yu Fei clenched his teeth, and his fists were filled with blue veins, but he obeyed his hand and defeated Dan Yu’s drink and fell into silence.

For Yu Fei, the rise and fall of fate came too fast, too suddenly.

Determined to become the king of Yumin, he has reached the ideal of his life. But the once towering goal, at this moment, seems small and dusty.

Zhu Xian is too strong and strong for mortals.

Even if you are hot again, you can't go beyond the gap of strength.

Ps: I wish you all a happy holiday in advance! Every day this month is a double, and I often think about exhaustion until late at night. If you can, please also support everyone. (To be continued) If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, the monthly pass, your support is my greatest motivation. )

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