Reverend Insanity

: Section 221: The freedom of the feather people

The silence of the whole game.

Huge sorrow, panic and confusion, covering the hearts of all the people.

Zhou Zhong is already among the Yumin, and only the remaining immortals. If even he is not there, and he becomes a slave to the Terran, how can the remaining feathers survive?

In today's five domains, the entire world is basically human.

The living space left for the alien race is small and small, and will become smaller and smaller.

In the middle of the week, because of the shock, the mouth was wide open and gradually closed. He looked up at Fangyuan, and his eyes looked like a monster. He asked, "Is this sacred shape a fake? How can a sacred zombie calculate this?"

Fang Yuan was a little stunned and didn't expect to suddenly calm down in mid-week.

Fang Yuan suddenly felt a little bad.

Beside Baiyunsheng, he is merciful: "Give up, mid-week. Although you have become a slave, I promise that you will never treat you badly. You will not limit your freedom during normal times. Only at critical moments. You will be able to contribute. The fellows behind you will live in my blessed land in the future. You can rest assured that I will never harsh them and abuse them. I will pay for each job. ......"

When Taibaisheng finished, he sighed deeply, and the temperament of the old man was somewhat attacked.

But in the middle of the week, he shook his head slightly.

The smile of Fang Yuan’s mouth disappeared and his face turned.

Then, he saw that Zhu Xian suddenly turned around in the middle of the week, facing the large group of feathers behind him. Hey, in the end.

"Everyone." Zhou Zhong's tone was very calm, but revealed a determination. His voice is not big, but it is heard in the ears of everyone.

He said: "I can't help you, this world is only Zhou Xianzhong, only Yumin Zhouzhong. There will never be slaves in the middle of the week. It's really awkward, I can't guard everyone. Only the rest." ,Goodbye!"

After that, he suddenly opened his wings.

The wings of the feathers are not as wide as the width of the eagle wings.芊芊 Weak look.

"In the middle of the week, why are you? Quick stop!" Too Baiyun was shocked and wanted to stop.

But how could he prevent a celestial being to seek death?

In the middle of the week, he slammed his wings and flew into the sky!

He rushed to the sky and shouted in his mouth: "I am in the middle of the week!"

"It’s a feather!!"

"Do not be a slave!!!"

this moment. Everyone’s eyes are focused on him.

He violated the agreement.

He stepped on the ground and was successfully calculated by Fang Yuan and became a slave to Fang Yuan.

However, Zhou Zhong is not willing to take the initiative to defy.

The channel-level killings on his body immediately broke out, and it was so strong that it was difficult to defy the anti-phagic damage and attacked the whole body in the middle of the week.

The slower the flight in the middle of the week. It’s harder for the wings to fly.

He flew in the air at this time, like an old man. Legs and ankles, but climbing the steep peak.

He smashed his body and crystallized quickly, and soon the whole person turned into a transparent glass crystal.

His wings have also become crystal-like materials, and they can no longer move.

But his eyes still look up to the sky. I don’t see Fang Yuan and Tai Baiyun’s eyes, showing endless courage and determination.

Then he slowly fell. Falling to the ground.

During the fall of the cockroach, his entire body began to break down and break down.

First is his head. Then there is the chest, then the wings, followed by the abdomen, legs and feet.

Before falling to the ground, he turned into a fragrant glass, trivial crystal fragments.

Too white and blessed.

The fragments of these crystal glass, as if they are flying in the wind, are getting more and more broken, and they are getting smaller and smaller, gradually dissipating in the air.

"Zhouzhong..." Too Baiyun’s mouth murmured and lost his eyes.

"Sure enough... this guy." Fang Yuan's face is blue.

He did not let Tai Baiyun resurrected in the middle of the week. A slave who is not afraid of being dead and who is unwilling to be a slave is of no value at all.

And in the middle of the week is Zhu Xian, to resurrect him, Xianyuan is not low cost.

Even if he was resurrected, there would be no fairy on his body, and his fairy blessings could not be swallowed. Instead, it is not as good as it is now, let him die directly. Immortal can not take the gas of heaven and earth, forming a fixed blessed land, only annihilation. After the annihilation, the traces of the whole body in the middle of the week on the fairy will be added to the Taibaifu land.

The death in the middle of the week made the whole feathers sink into silence.

The silence only lasted for a while, and suddenly the new feather king Wang Yufei shouted: "I feathered, I don't want to be a slave. Big guy, haven't you seen it yet? The two people's celestial beings are demons. I have long planned to wipe us out. They will never let us go. You choose the new Yumin Wang. I will follow the Zhouzhong ancestors and go one step at a time!"

Speak, he will squat on the spot!

"Wang!" The rioters of the feathers screamed in unison, and they shook the sounds.

"Yes, there are no feathers in the world who are slaves, only free feathers."

"Even if I die, I am free."

"The moment when the heart of confidence beats, there will be no slaves."

"Take our body and be a slave."

The feathers are either shouting, or roaring, or sinking, or ridiculing. Zhou Zhong, Yu Fei’s behavior, infected the Yu people, even at this moment, they have chosen to commit suicide!

"Oops, don't stop them? A group of mortals, hey! Too Baiyun, you can quickly shoot, use people like Xian Xian, this wealth can not be lost. I want them to die or not." Fang Yuan cold.

But too Baiyunsheng has been slow to see the movement.

"Too Baiyunsheng, what are you doing?" Fang Yuan looked back and suddenly was shocked.

I saw too much white clouds and my face was struggling to hesitate. He struggled with each other. "Fangyuan, there are two voices in my mind. One voice tells me that I should be rational and domesticate these feathers as slaves. A bigger voice tells me to give up. These feathers are true to the feathers and cannot be humiliated, even with love, they are an insult to them!"

Speaking of this, in the eyes of Tai Baisheng, there is a tear!

"Damn!" The yin in the eyes of Fang Yuan is fleeting. Concealed and undetectable.

If these feathers are domesticated as slaves, it will be of great help to Fangyuan’s Xi’an plan. But at the crucial moment, too Baiyunsheng was really soft.

Fang Yuan couldn’t help but yell: "There is a shortage of erection!"

Immediately, he stretched out a strange arm and suddenly grabbed the shoulders of Bai Yunsheng.

Words into your mouth. But it is another content: "But it, Laobai, you said it is good. This group of feather people is the true feather people in "The Legend of the People". Don't hesitate, let them be righteous for freedom."

"Fangyuan..." The face of Taibaisheng’s face suddenly eased. Gratefully looking at the fairy in front of me, and some shy, "It is difficult for you to imagine this strategy, but ultimately because of me..."

Fang Yuan interrupted him: "Don't say it. People have their own insistence. Although I don't agree, I understand. For you to be a Baiyun, I will support you."

"Fangyuan!" Too Baiyunsheng choked, almost falling into tears.

Fang Yuan Shen said: "Do you know why these two feathers will be counted? Oh, do you remember the wisdom that I got from the East Changfang?"

"You mean?" Too Baiyun gave birth.

Fang Yuan said with emotion: "The means of wisdom is really hard to defend. Fortunately, the wisdom of the world has always been rare. I have now had a complete inheritance of wisdom. This means cannot be prevented. Laobai, although you have spent Earth disaster. But please wait a moment, don't rush to the East China Sea. I will plant a variety of wisdom means for you to deal with other wisdom."

Too Baiyunsheng heard the words and was very moved. He saluted Fang Yuan: "There is work!"

"Haha, they are all family. Why bother to thank you." Fang Yuan waved his hand and did not care. The eyes turned to the ground again.

In a short effort, the feathers on the ground are all self-sufficient. No one even sneaked into it!

Fang Yuan’s face flashed a touch of movement.

Yu Fei’s dying to death reminds him of a person in the depths of his memory.

To be precise, he is also a Yu Yumin.

When Fang Yuan was still a mortal teacher, as an assassin, he repeatedly killed Fang Yuan.

Knowing you better than your friends is often your enemy.

Fang Yuan remembers that in a difficult battle, he discovered the secret of this powerful assassin who repeatedly stabbed himself and tangled. He is not a pure human being, but a feather man!

"You are a feather? The wings have been cut off? It is sad." Fang Yuan used words to strike.

"Hehehe, this pair of wings is my own cut." Yumin assassin laughed with evil spirits, "Do you know why?"

Fangyuan's slight discoloration: "Why?"

"Ah, because the elders in Yumin Village always praise me, what is the rare genius of the feathers in a hundred years, what will be the pillars of Yumin Village in the future, what are the flying masters? What annoying! The elders are always Tell me, I am a feather, I belong to the village. I want to leave the village to see the world, not only because he dissuaded me, but even the whole village’s feathers stopped me. Oh, I know they are afraid of me going out and leaking. The location of this village attracted the slave race hunting team of the Terran. So, one day, I was overwhelmed and broke my wings. Then on the same day, I killed the feathers of the whole village. "Where to say The face of the feather assassin is a proud, slightly smiling voice.

"What?!" Fang Yuan was shocked.

The feather assassin shrugged indifferently: "You have also seen the "Ancestral Mystery", and the feather people are all advocating freedom. My heart of freedom may be ten times more powerful than the ordinary feather people. The identity of the people binds me, then I will shed my wings. In the village where I grew up, the villagers bound me, then I will kill them. Because in this world, no one can limit my freedom."

Fang Yuan's face was heavy, and his heart was filled with twelve points of alert. At that time, he had not yet entered the magic road, so he cursed and said: "You crazy!"

"Ha ha ha." Yumin assassin laughed, "Thank you for compliment!"

At the end, he said: "In fact, you and I are the same kind of people."

"Who is **** with you?!" Fang Yuan's young face emerged with an angry color, screaming and slamming up.

Ps: Sorry, this chapter update is twenty minutes late. In fact, it was up at six in the morning, and it was already written, but suddenly I came to the inspiration for "The Origin of the People", so I made a major change. "The Ancestors of the People" is a myth of my own creation, and it is not easy to be inspired. Therefore, every time I am in this situation, I will cherish it. In the next chapter, there is the "Ancestral Mystery", and I would like to ask for your understanding and support.




[To be continued] This text is provided by the sailing update group @情不知所赫j". If you like this work, welcome to support the author. 】

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