Reverend Insanity

: Section 87: Attitude is the mask of the heart

Fang Yuan has already seen the deep meaning behind this move. This is a small temptation from the patriarch.

He glanced at the martial arts field, and the three best teams in the family were here. They are the Qingshu group representing the patriarchal family, the Chishan group representing the red vein, and the Moyan group representing the desert.

If you are an ordinary student, joining any of these three groups means that you have a big backing on the list and your future is bright.

But for Fang Yuan, it is the opposite.

In the minds of the family's top, he has been labeled as a force. If you venture into these three groups, the trouble will be big.

For example, he joined the Chishan group, and Chijia naturally understood that he did not recruit Fangyuan. The first thought is that Fang Yuan is obviously a chess piece from someone else's family. What is the intention to join his own team?

Then the idea is that the mysterious forces that recruited Fangyuan in advance have broken the rules. Now that Fangyuan is on his own side, then the old family will think that he has recruited Fangyuan in advance. So isn’t your own side a black pot? No, you have to buckle Fangyuan, monitor him, investigate him! Get the solid evidence and pull out the mysterious backstage.

But the real situation is that Fangyuan is not backstage!

"Once I join one of these three groups, I am offended by one of the three biggest forces in the family. Absolutely not! Oh, I originally wanted to join the group of Jiang He in a low-key way. But Jiang He’s group Behind it, there is also the shadow of the old house of the criminal court. Now, under the eyes of the public, I am madly joining, and it is extremely inappropriate." Fang Yuan could not help but hesitate.

The patriarch Gu Yuebo smiled more and continued. "Fang Yuan, if you don't choose, then I will assign you."

The old people around him watched quietly, and they looked motionless, like a statue.

"Hey, what started to force me?" Fang Yuan blinked and immediately guessed the words below Gu Yuebo - not to plug Fangyuan into the Chishan group, or to plug into the Moyan group.

Gu Yuebo naturally knows that he has not recruited Fangyuan. For him, this move can not only eliminate his own suspicions, but also weaken the political enemies and expose the mysterious forces. A trick to the east, seemingly simple and deep, shows his political skills in the past.

"No, you can't let Gu Yuebo assign. It seems that I can only choose a miscellaneous group." Fang Yuan is about to speak.

Just then, a voice came from the crowd: "It is better to join our group. Our team is missing an offensive point."

who is it?

For a time, everyone looked at them and followed the sound.

The person who talks is not tall or short, and the dark yellow complexion makes him look sick. A pair of triangular eyes, flashing at the moment.

"It's a sick snake, the ancient moon corner is three." Someone said his identity.

“The ancient moon corner is three? It’s just a miscellaneous group, without any background!” The patriarch and the old man’s eyes all showed disappointment.

"Angle three..." Fang Yuan's eyes flashed a trace of unobservable dark mans.

He and this ancient moon corner three, the roots are not yet born, and the memory can not remember whether there is such a character.

Why does Corner 3 open and invite yourself to join? Is it because you have won the first assessment?

How can it be!

Only when childish is like a square, will there be such a naive idea.


Since it is the opening of the three secrets and the initiative to invite, then for the current situation, it is not a breakthrough.

"The family's top management should be very disappointed. Hehe." Fang Yuan thought of this, the corner of his mouth could not help but show a faint smile, eyes hanging down to cover the fine mans in the eyes.

"Then I will join your group." Fang Yuan agreed to come down and blocked the next words of Gu Yuebo.

"Is this source stupid?"

"With the excellent teams that don't join, you have to join the sick group!"

"There is something wrong with your brain, the character of this guy in the corner three, huh, huh..."

The students and the teachers in the field all talked about it, and looking at Fang Yuan’s eyes is like watching a fool.

The faces of the patriarchs and the old men could not help but sink.

Today's temptations have been stirred up by an ancient moon corner! No... Maybe this corner is also the chess piece in the game. Anyway, take a look at this ancient moon corner three!

Three days later.

The snow has been going down for a day, and at this time it is getting smaller, and a piece of white snow flies, flying in the air with the wind.

Up and down the Qingmao Mountain, covered with a layer of white clothes. Many branches are bare, only evergreen pine trees and green spear bamboos, do not change their true colors, bullying frost stands proudly.

A group of five people ran on the snow.

The one who is headed, the body is not tall and not short, and the face of a yellow face is the ancient moon.

As he ran, he looked sideways at the side of the square that had been silent, and a gentle smile appeared on his face: "Fangyuan, you don't have to be nervous. Although this is your first time to perform a family task, but the task The content is relatively simple. You can follow us and learn by doing."

"Good." Fang Yuan faintly responded, his eyes looking straight ahead, his face calm.

It is already winter.

Running on the snow, the cold winter wind is even stronger. Breathing a bite is like eating a smoothie, and the chest is cold.

Fang Yuan’s face was white, and it was reflected in the white snow, which was even paler. In the process of running, Xiaoxue continued to fall on his short black hair, on his shoulders and on his brow.

Different from the past, Fangyuan has changed clothes.

This is a set of dark blue military uniforms.

Long sleeves on the upper body and trousers on the lower body. There are bamboo leggings on the calf and bamboo mans shoes on the feet. There is a royal blue headband on the forehead, and the end of the headband runs in the air as the source runs.

At his waist, he has a wide-brimmed belt.

The belt is navy blue with a piece of copper on the front. The copper piece is engraved with a "one", which is very conspicuous.

This is the costume of Yanshi, which shows the identity of Fang Yuan as a teacher.

The teenagers have been studying in the school for a year, and they are qualified to wear it after they come out.

This dress is of extraordinary significance. Once worn, it represents the transcendence of the mortal class, from the despicable, into the noble, and in the entire human society. Although the turn of the sergeant is only the end of this high, but from now on, any mortal who sees Fang Yuan must take the initiative to avoid, respectful salute.

The eyes of the ancient moon three can not help but flash This set of clothing worn on the side of Fang Yuan, with his indifferent expression, suddenly showed a cool and capable temperament.

In the running, he continued the other source: "We are performing tasks outside, often fast. Running is the normal state, are you still used to Fangyuan?"

"Fortunately." Fang Yuan cherished the words like gold, and took a look at this ancient moon corner with the corner of his eye.

The gentle smile on the corner of the three faces can not help but remind him of the myth of the people.

In other words, the ancestors used the rules and rules, collected strength, and left wisdom, leaving only three locusts, one suspect, one believe, one attitude.

The ancestors seized the attitude.

Attitude is based on the gambling contract, surrendered to the hands of the ancestors, telling the people: "People, you catch me, I can only admit that I am unlucky. From now on, I will use it for you. You just take me. When you wear it, you can play my role."

Attitude is like a mask. The ancestors wear their attitudes on their faces. As a result, they can’t wear them. Even if they are tightly wrapped with ropes, they will always fall off.

"What is this all about?" The ancestors were very puzzled.

I smiled at the attitude: "I know, man, you have no heart. The attitude is the mask of the heart, you have no heart, how can you wear me?"

The ancestors were so stunned that he had already given his heart to hope.

He is already unintentional.

Unintentional people can't wear attitude masks. In other words, a person with a heart, attitude is a mask.

"The gentle attitude is just the mask worn by this ancient moon three. What is his real heart?" Fang Yuan thought.

This person called the "sick snake" corner three while observing the source, Fang Yuan is also observing him secretly.

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