Reverend Insanity

: Section 226: 1 slap shot dead!

Ps: Look at the exclusive story behind "蛊真人", listen to your suggestions for the novel, pay attention to the starting point Chinese network public number (WeChat add friends - add public number - enter qdread), tell me quietly! If you say that this invades the seven celestial celestial beings in the blessed land, Fang Yuan is most willing to meet, is the cedar seed.

Because the cedar nuts are among them, they are obviously the lowest, and the combat power may be the lowest.

At the same time, Fang Yuan and Xuesongzi also handed over their hands. Once in a battle, the cedar son was chased by the force of the imaginary army.

It can be said that the cedar son is the master of Fang Yuan, and Fang Yuan has experience and knows the roots of the cedar seed.

"But this battle, but it can't be careless." Fang Yuan was so solemn, looking at the cedar tree in the mirror, getting closer and closer to the cloud house he guarded, there was no disdain and arrogance in his heart.

The lion is also full of strength, and Fangyuan is cautious.

And this battle, Fangyuan has many concerns.

The first concern is that this battle is not a single fight, but a big fight between the invaders and the blessed land. If Fang Yuan and the cedar son play against each other, will the other party send personnel to support? This is quite possible!

The second concern is the improvement of the strength of the snow pines.

In the blessed land, the invaders banned the use of the locusts. Cedarwood can enter here, with a fairy on it.

This secret is clear at a glance.

Because the cedar son is now fast and close to the side of the source, the use of genuine immortal killings.

"It seems that this war, we must first use the sneak attack to establish an advantage. After some support, the pressure I face will be reduced." Fang Yuan’s thoughts are rolling.

Calculate others. It is most flexible to use evil thoughts. At this point, Fang Yuan has already had a deep understanding.

The cedars galloped all the way.

The scene in front of me has not changed, and it has always been a white mist, full of eyes.

The wind brought by the rapid flight boasted his body. Let him feel very excited.

"This fairy 蛊 is different from the 蛊 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

In his fairy, there is an ice tract, but it is huge. And the normal size of a normal horse. The whole fairy owl has a heart-like appearance, and the ice sculpture is also like a living, chilly.

This is Bing Xin Xian.

Bing Xin Xian is certainly not the cedar seed, but the shadow of the Qin Baisheng. In order to invade the blessed land, he took the initiative to lend the snow pine nuts to enhance his combat power.

Qin Baisheng not only handed over to Xuesongzi, this six-turn fairy, but also several sets of immortal killings, with Bing Xin Xian as the core, covering offensive and defensive, advance and retreat, treatment and so on.

Cedar nuts are originally snowy roads, ice, snow roads are twins, intertwined. Almost without each other. Cedars use this ice road fairy and kill tricks, it is suitable.

Bing Xin Xian Yi dispels the coldness of the bones, but in the heart of the cedar seeds. It is a hot!

Before the attack, Qin Baisheng promised the cedar tree. If the target of the invasion was reached, then the ice sensation was paid as a reward and thanked to the cedar son.

Therefore, the cedar son is fully motivated. After invading into the blessed land, he scored positively outside the score.

I have to know him before. In order to chase after a wooden chicken fairy, even at the expense of the Ma family to compete for the title of Wang Ting.

There are such good opportunities now. Bing Xin Xian Yu is more suitable for him than the wooden chicken fairy. Of course he has to be tempted.

"Yunge!" Xuesongzi suddenly stumbled and screamed.

In the white fog that seems to be permanently unchanged, a towering pavilion suddenly appears.

The cedar son reacted and said: "I didn't expect my luck to be so good. I was really bumped into a cloud house!"

The task that Qin Baisheng gave him was to find twelve cloud cabinets in the twelve waves of clouds and to destroy them.

"If I can destroy a cloud house alone, it is a great achievement. According to the pre-war reward policy, I can get a considerable reward. But every cloud house has a wild animal guard, I still have to Be careful." Immediately, the cedars calmed down again.

Like hearing his voice, a wild animal jumped up from the cloud.

This wild animal is as big as a giant elephant, covered in brownish yellow, and the thick mane covers almost half of the body.

It was Fang Yuan’s cheaper from the astrology hole, and then he gave it to the wild beast of the scorpion.

The topaz lion screamed, and his body was shaped like electricity, and he went to the cedar tree.

"It's good." In the eyes of the snow pines, there was an excitement of war, but the figure did not advance and regressed, showing a cautious side.

The topaz lion did not hit a single shot, but was separated by the cedar.

The latter slammed long sleeves and pulled out a huge blizzard.

The wind and the snow roared, a little snowballs, big eggs, and squatting to the topaz lion.

This is not a murderous trick, but a sacred killing trick. Only the immortal killings can only be used in the current situation. Nothing can be used at all.

The topaz lion was blown to his eyes, and the cold chill was quickly filled, forming a thick white frost on his body.

The topaz lion trembled and smashed most of the frost and rushed to the cedar.

The cedars stared at the thick mane of the topaz lion and could not help but scream.

He is a murderer of this immortality, and the attacking power is not enough, but it is cold and thorough, affecting the movement and speed of the opponent.

The topaz lion is not big in the wild animal, but it is powerful and agile.

Cedars use this trick to remove the agile advantage of the topaz lion. But the topaz lion is a wild animal, and the fur is very thick.

Change to other wild animals, maybe you will be frozen to the flesh and blood. The topaz lion has racial talent, and this trick is restrained, but it is frozen to the fur.

Cedars are not close to war and like to fight.

Seeing the topaz lion attacking, he retreated.

Immortal killing tricks - ice trails!

He is facing the topaz lion and is flying backwards. During his flight retreat, the white fog freezes on the ground of this route. Form a road of ice crystals.

The topaz lion pursued in a straight line and ran on the ice crystal road, and the speed dropped sharply.

The cedar son flew all the way back. Seeing that he had opened a long enough distance, he laughed: "Good animal. Eat me a knife!"

He cocked his palm and slammed into the topaz lion.


The air instantly condensed into a huge ice skate. The ice skates flew from the sky, the speed was very fast, the ice blade was sharp, and it was cut on the back of the topaz lion.

The topaz lion screamed. The blood splashes and is immediately frozen into **** ice.

The ice skates are like a glass that is generally broken. The cold inside is from the wound, directly infused into the body of the topaz lion, and the offensive is a ring. People are overwhelmed and very savage.

The topaz lion roars in the sky, the sound waves burst, and the clouds are stirred. The limbs and paws rise and rise, and the speed is increased, and the dodge is more agile.

The topaz of the lion's lion is covered with a large number of locusts, which are specially cultivated by the scorpion.

Because it is a base camp operation. All the locusts on the topaz lion can play a role.

But the cold has already entered the body, and the speed of the topaz lion has dropped dramatically.

Cedar nuts firmly hold the upper hand. Constantly urging the immortal killings and fighting against the topaz lions.

The situation is getting worse for the topaz lion, and the wounds on it are getting more and more, and the speed is getting slower and slower. Even when coughing up blood, the cough is not the hot blood, but the cold blood.

"Ha ha ha. Happy, really fun!" Xuesongzi feel contented. Make a big laugh.

He gave Qin Baisheng the magical killings he had given him, almost all of them. Fully feel the power of the immortal killing. The wild beasts that used to be their own headaches, under the bombardment of the killings of the immortals, can only be exhausted and painful.

"The next step is the last stroke of the ice heart lock... Also try the power!" Xuesongzi suddenly did not retreat, and swooped over to the bottom of the topaz lion.

He is extremely fast, like a goshawk that preys on the sky.

The topaz lion has not yet reacted, and the locusts have already felt the momentum of the cedar seed suddenly aroused, and the body of the topaz lion rises with a light armor.

"Hey! The worms are small!" The tyrannical light in the eyes of the snow pines flashed, and once again, the palms were erected.


The ice skates slammed on the back of the topaz lion and shattered.

The light armor of the locusts, even a blink of an eye, did not hold on, and was smashed by the ice knives.

A deep visible bone wound appeared on the back of the topaz lion.

The lion of the wild animal mourned and finally could not support it and fell to the ground.

The cedars stepped on the back of the topaz lion and suddenly leaned down, clinging to the top of the topaz lion with the palms of both hands.


A slight icing sounded and sounded again and again.

First, a thin layer of thin ice appeared on the back of the topaz lion, centered on the cedar seed, and spread rapidly on the topaz lion.

Soon, this thin layer of ice was sharply thickened at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Not only that, but in the body of the topaz lion, there is also an extremely violent chill that spreads rapidly, freezing the flesh, bones and even the internal organs of the topaz lion.

The cedar son was pale and secretly shocked: "The power of this ice heart lock is indeed very strong. Even the wild animals can forcibly freeze. But the fairy tales that are consumed by the sacred roads are too fast too much."

When the cedars realized this, they wanted to let go.

But immediately, the greed in his heart rose up: "It is better to take the opportunity to catch this topaz lion. Let it freeze first, wait for the future to thaw, and then sell it to others. A living wild animal, this sale can be counted in Bao Huangtian. A big deal! Hehehe."

Just as he looked forward to a better future, suddenly the topaz lion at his feet exploded.

With a bang, a powerful giant hand firmly grasped the cedars who could not escape.

The cedar son was shocked: "What is this ghost thing? Ice armor!"

There is a thick layer of ice on his The strong hand holds the ice arm tightly. A crack in the road appeared on the ice armor.

The cedar mouth is upturned and reveals a sullen smile: "I just happened to test another change in this defensive killing. Ice armor, give me a burst!"

With a bang, the ice armor exploded, and a lot of coldness filled the four fields.

Fang Yuan’s strength giant was pushed by the huge impact force.

The cedar son took the opportunity to fly out, but the next moment his smirk freezes.

On top of his head, a powerful hand has long been ready to go. The cedar tree flew into the sky, and the ice armor had just exploded, and it could not be propped up again in time.

This force giant hand is like a fly swatter, swaying, smashing the cedar seed into a mass of meat and bones! (Good activity in the sky, cool mobile phone waiting for you to take! Pay attention to ~ point / Chinese network public number (WeChat add friends - add public number - enter qdread), immediately participate! Everyone has a prize, now immediately Pay attention to qdread WeChat public number!) (To be continued)

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