Reverend Insanity

: Section 251: Bipolar Strait Song Jiadan

The East China Sea, the Song family base camp, heavy water and land.

"Grandpa, you have to be vented for others!" Song Yishi rushed into the study room, and turned to the eight-turn 蛊仙宋启元.

Song Qiyuan and the seven-year-old Zhuan elders are discussing the family affairs.

But Song Yishi just came in directly.

Song Qiyuan slowly turned his head and his face was lifeless. Instead, he was full of kind smiles: "My granddaughter, how can Grandpa be angry with you?"

Song Yishi is not strange, his grandfather knows this. In fact, if Song Qiyuan does not know the whole thing, then it is strange.

The young female niece had already thought of the answer before she came. She gritted her teeth: "Grandpa, you directly shot, caught him alive, and then let me handle it."

At the same time, I added: "I have to dig up the eyes of this old thief first, then pump him through the skin, remove the bones and carrion, let him not want to live, let him repent of everything he has done!"

Song Qiyuan nodded, without any hesitation, promised: "Good way. But..."

The sound is prolonged, Song Qiyuan’s words are slightly turned, and his face is embarrassed: “Grandpa is now on hand, something. It’s not like this time, why don’t you let Uncle Song Xia’s help you?”

Song Yishi’s eyes brightened, he forgot his own honor and disgrace, and he thought of something, and he couldn’t help but exclaim: “Grandpa, is it about going to Amano?”

Song Qiyuan did not marry her, admits admits: "Yes! The specific location of Dengtianye has almost become the secret of the East China Sea Fairyland. In the Tiantian wild, buried the legacy of the old and the strange. This time the grandfather wants to personally lead The family is immortal, and the Cai family and the family are contending with each other. Try to win the inheritance of the old and the strange."

It’s hard to be old, it’s the great master of the refining Tao in ancient times. In history, it’s the same as the old fairy, and the long-haired ancestors are the same.

According to historical records, it’s hard to be ridiculous. Because the refining and refining of the ancient times is nine days, the body is defeated.

Although Song Yishi was spoiled, but he was generally acquainted, he said: "Grandpa, if you go, let the two families fight the water! It is a matter of people. You don't have to worry about it. But only Uncle Song Xia is not enough, I also want Song Jiadan. Uncle took a shot and gave me the position of the old thief."

"Haha, granddaughter. Well, you are holding this warrant. Go to the Bipolar Strait and find your uncle Song Jiadan." Saying, Song Qiyuan threw a token.

Song Yishi quickly took over, with a happy look, turned and left, a greeting did not hit.

The Bipolar Strait is shrouded in a thick mist all year round.

In the air, Song Yi poetry hovered. In the face of the fog in front of me, it is somewhat guilty. I couldn't help but ask a middle-aged celestial beside him: "Uncle Xia, how can I get in?"

Song Xia is a fine man. Speaking and smirking: "Isn't the father handing you a token? Xiao Yi Shi, you only need to show the token, your uncle Uncle Jia has his own sense."

Song Yishi will raise the token in his hand.

In a short while, the fog in front of the eyes began to rotate slowly, showing a narrow passage that went straight into the interior of the bipolar strait.

Song Yishi and Song Xiazhen followed the passage. Stepping into the Bipolar Strait, I saw Song Jiadan.

Song Jiadan is the Zhidao Xianxian specially cultivated by the Song family.

He sat on the cliffs of the Bipolar Strait all the year round. The upper body is already aging, and the lower body is already petrified. The bipolar strait at the foot seems to be one.

"Uncle Jiada!" Song Yishi called.

Since she was born, she has seen only a few faces of Zhu Xian Song Jia Dan, but it does not hinder her admiration for the worship of Song Jiadan.

Song Jiadan is willing to sacrifice his freedom for the family. Since becoming a wise mind, I have been sitting here, with a special wisdom and inheritance, to blend with the heavens and the earth. Therefore, Song Jiadan’s calculations are very good. Every time there is a major action in the Song family, he will be asked to take a shot and calculate the divination for action.

In today's East China Sea, he is recognized as one of the best three wise men.

There are poetry and evidence: Bipolar Pan Jia Dan, Nan Gong Tibetan Huaan, and Long Shou turtle, Erhai Zhongxiang.

Song Jiadan has opened his eyes and looked at Song Yishi and Song Xiayu with no expression.

He wants to smile, but his face is already like a stone sculpture, his muscles are stiff and expressionless, even if he is open, his voice is extremely difficult and slow: "Little poetry, Xia Hao cousin, long time no see."

"Uncle Jia Dan, I am here to ask you to calculate the specific location of an enemy. Hey, this is his image, and the atmosphere I collected." Song Yishi took the initiative to hand over two locusts.

"Let me see the token first." Song Jiadan slowly said. Although he knows Song Yishi and Song Xia, he is selfless. To calculate it, he must first have the token of Song Qiyuan.

After the token was confirmed, Song Jiadan slowly opened his lips and gave a sucking force to **** the two mites in Song Yishi’s hands into his mouth.

He slowly closed his eyes and made calculations.

For a long time, he opened his eyes and his eyes were filled with doubts: "I can't figure it out."

"What?" For a time, whether it was Song Xia, who was full of expectations, or Song Yi, who was determined in his heart, was very surprised.

"Uncle, you are one of the strongest three wise men in the East China Sea, how can you not count it?" Song Yishi called.

"Small poems, don't be too embarrassed." Song Xia's face is serious. "The cousin of Jia Dan, the other party is just a six-turned rehearsal from Beiyuan. According to your wisdom, you can't count it?"

Song Jiadan is still faceless, his voice is low and slow: "I wonder if there is something strange? I am only seven, but some are false, but it is a boring compliment of the good guys. From beginning to end, I am nothing but The little worms in the great heavens and earths only recognize some of the harbingers of the wind and rain. Compared with the world of heaven and earth, I am as despicable as the ants. Compared with the heroes of the world, I am partial."

Song Xia smiled bitterly: "Cousin, you are still so humble."

Song Jiadan: "I am not humble, but I am integrated into the world all the time. Whenever I go further on this path of wisdom, I will be able to see more and more mysterious beauty. The more I know the mysteries of heaven and earth, the more I understand. My own smallness. So this is not humility, but seeking truth from facts. Self-knowledge."

Song Yishi is unwilling to say: "You can't figure out if you can't figure it out, then you are the smartest person, you still have to give me some good advice."

Song Jiadan was silent for a moment, and this said: "I can't figure it out. There are two reasons for it. The first reason is that the other party is not in the East China Sea. The second reason is that the other party has a means of wisdom, obscuring my calculations. Or there are other Zhidao Yuxian helped him and offset my calculations."

Song Yishi and Song Xiazhen face each other.

These two reasons are somewhat ridiculous.

The first reason is that the old thief of the astrology is not in the East China Sea. Where can I be? Now that the tide has ended, can he still return to Beiyuan?

The second reason, how can the astrology be countered by the wisdom of Song Jiadan? If someone helps him, then this person is at least one level with Song Jiadan? Is it the ancestral Huaan of the Nangong family, or the hand of the dragon head turtle in the Erhai?

"Uncle Jia Dan. You count again. Maybe you are not sure!" Song Yishi asked.

Song Jiadan directly refused: "No. The family has major actions. This time we will fight for the legacy of the old and the strange. I have to recharge my batteries, retain the means, and calculate the action in a few days."

"The original Uncle Jia Dan did not do your best!" Song Yishi heard the voice outside the voice, dissatisfied with the authentic.

"Well, you can go out." Song Jiadan slowly closed his eyes.

Song Yishi was aired aside, and she bit her teeth and hated her. Reluctantly turned and left.

It is the centennial plan for family development to seize the hegemony of Deng Tianye and compete for the inheritance of the old and the strange. And chasing the astrology. It’s just a private matter.

Although Song Yishi is favored, he also takes care of the overall situation and his family is not a person who does not know how to be serious.

Zhongzhou, Fox Fairyland, underground caves.

Fang Yuan is bathed in wisdom and halo. The eyes are closed, and the stars in the mind are eager to shine. Silently inferring something important.

Last time, he used the wisdom halo. Continuously calculated the immortal killings, the stars and the stars.

Therefore, Fangyuan now has as many as six kinds of sacred sects.

Nebula grinding disc, star snake rope, six magic star body, star shift, sparkling star, and extravagant star.

Among them, Xing Huo, is a mobile killing trick, and shines in the relevant actions of Song Yishi. The appearance of the star-speaking is the fairy-tale reconnaissance and killing of Fangyuan's exploration of the Nanzang track of Xianzhuangsha.

The predecessors of these two killings are only remnants. It is the sages in the inheritance of the starry path of Vientiane Xingjun. The enlightenment recorded in the light of the Emmanuel, or the failure in the process of calculation, can no longer continue to carry out perfect killings.

Fangyuan’s starry realm is just ordinary. If it is an ordinary case, these remnants are only a reference value for him.

However, after he had nine turns of wisdom, he used wisdom and halo, and his inspiration was infinite. He simply overcame the shortcomings in the realm of the Star Road and stubbornly perfected the killings.

"Unfortunately, in a short period of time, I have perfected the star-studded and extravagant stars. It is the limit. After all, there are only three of my star roads. Of course, the main reason is that my star path is too low. .Ok?"

At this time, there was a push cup change in Fangyuan Xianyu.

The message loaded in the sputum, from 琅琊地灵 琅琊地灵 finally completed the relocation of 琅琊福地, you can lend me his set of 仙蛊! ”

Fang Yuan is overjoyed.

This time, he went back to Zhongzhou from the East China Sea in order to wait for the news of the land and then relocate the astrology.

In Fangyuan’s plan, the astrology is very important.

Once the truth of his crime in Beiyuan is exposed, he will be desperate.

At that time, the fox fairy blessed land, it must be fierce. If he is still a fairy, Xianyuan can not produce himself, then the astrology is his only secret base.

However, the location of the astrology and blessed land, Hei Loulan is known. Hei Loulan knows that Lishan Fairy will also know.

Fang Yuan was cautious. Now that he has become the owner of the astrology and blessing land, he naturally wants to relocate the blessed land to a place that only he knows. (To be continued)

Ps: 22 points second!

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