Reverend Insanity

: Section 260: Opportunities after playing bad

"Doing business with you is very enjoyable. Long hate spider trading, we Xiaojia hope to continue to the maximum extent. The token in your hand is Xiao’s trading order. With this token, you are Xiao’s Trading partners can enjoy more preferential policies. Details are recorded on the channel. Of course, you can completely reject this token." Xiao Shi gave way.

Fang Yuan was very happy to catch the transaction order.

In fact, he and Xiao Jia deal, in addition to selling long hate spiders to earn Xianyuan Stone, another purpose is this transaction order.

The West Desert is the most developed area in the five domains.

Each super power will issue its own trading order. But Xiao’s trading order is the most valuable aspect of it.

Because of all the super powers in Xi'an, Xiaojia and Tianjia have the largest business and the most trading partners. Fangyuan has to squeeze into the West Desert market, and it can be easily achieved with the Xiaojia trading order. Especially with other trading partners of Xiaojia, you can get along well.

Of course, this matter has its advantages and disadvantages.

Xiao Jiahe Tian Jia is the biggest competitor. After receiving the Xiao family trading order, he is close to the Xiao family. Fangyuan and the Tianjia over there, and even the immortals who have the Tianjia trading order, have a hard time doing business.

"With this transaction order, I can officially sell arowana and smoldering dragons. Every month, the benefits of Xianyuan Stone will once again break through the thousand mark. When the rest of the resources are restored, my monthly income will approach. two thousand!"

Fang Yuan did not hide his happy mood and smiled and accepted the token.

Xiao Xiaorang’s face also showed a smile.

Although in the view of Xiao Shirang, Fang Yuan is very mysterious, Xiao family after he appeared. Many investigations have not detected the identity of Fangyuan. However, Fang Yuan did not hesitate to accept the Xiao family transaction order. This is a move to get close to Xiao Jia. Xiao Shi let nature express more goodwill.

With a trading order. In the next few days, Fang Yuan walked in the West Desert.

By relying on the transaction order to open the way, even if it was the first time to meet, Fang Yuan also successfully made a few transactions of the arowana and the smoldering dragon. Most of these transactions are short-term transactions, and only one or two are long-term trades.

However, Fangyuan believes that as time goes by. With the increase in the number of transactions, this long-term trade will be more and more stable and more stable.

With joy, Fang Yuan left the West Desert. But when he just stepped into the Fox Fairy, he received a news that surprised him.

"What? Song Yishi is angry. Even the island of Lijiacun was flattened to the ground?!"

It turned out that Deng Tianye's hegemony became more and more fierce. At first, it was only three hegemony. However, when the situation was deadlocked, many other forces and celestial beings saw that it was cheap and they blended in.

In the process, Song Yishi met the magical Taoist daughter, the Seven Seas Snake Woman. It was ridiculed by the latter, and the irony of Song Yishi was worth only six hundred yuan stone. Poured dirty water to Song Yi.

Song Yishi ate a sullen loss. After returning, he came to the nameless island and wiped out all the mortals and herds on the island. He also ignited the tsunami and drowned the island five or six times. On this nameless island. Nature has no life.

For others, this is just a trivial little thing. Therefore, the vibration in Fang Yuan’s heart is difficult for ordinary people to understand.

"This way. What should Li Xiaoyao do? Song Yishi and Li Xiaoyao, who were originally a pair of heroes, because of my relationship, Song Yishi destroyed Li Xiaoyao's eight generations of ancestors, and if he killed Li Xiaoyao?"

Li Xiaoyao, a past and a young man, never had the chance to be on the stage of history.

"It’s a pity, I am still preparing to use Li Yunyao to connect with Li Yunyao. He is also a strong man." Fang Yuan secretly sighed because of his relationship, the future situation of the East China Sea has taken place quite a bit. change.

And this change will affect how wide and deep, and Fang Yuan has no bottom.

A few days later, something that made the source more shocking happened!

"What, the starry sky is broken, and countless cave fragments such as meteorites fall into the ground, causing forces of all sizes, countless singers of madness?!"

Fangyuan is speechless.

According to the memory of past lives, the event of a broken star in the sky will only happen hundreds of years later!

How did you get so much in this life?

"Is it true that, for my sake, the cheapness of Vientiane Xingjun and the fairy monkey Wang Shilei caused the Xianzhuang Qixingzi to wake up from the dream, and then let Shi Lei fall into the starry sky, and had to ask for help from the war." Qixingzi and Zhanxianzong battled, despite the geographical advantage, but the forces of the immortal sects were so huge that the seven-stars were not good, and they were detonated by the stars, and they were both scattered and scattered.

Fang Yuan guessed that it was all right.

In fact, this is the case.

Fang Yuan’s past life, Qixingzi has been in the dream of the stars and fairy gods for a long time, and must not be awake. Although Vientiane Xingjun died in it, Shi Lei inherited this opportunity, did not inform the martial art, but every time the gap opened, secretly sneaked into it, screaming.

However, after being awakened by Fang Yuan, Shi Lei was tragedy. He was escaped by the Seven Stars and had to abandon the skin and seek help from the Emperor Xianzong.

In the end, the battle of Xianzong did not force the seven stars.

"If I can't get it, you don't want to get it!" With such an idea, the Seven Stars detonated the stars and the sky, and the celestial celestial beings were scattered.

Thus, the incident of the star-studded shards fell to the ground two or three hundred years earlier, and was staged in the land of Zhongzhou.

After getting this news, Fangyuan did not know what to say.

"Beiyuan has been broken by me. The 88-degree corner of Zhenyang Building has fallen, and Wang Tingfu has been destroyed. Now the East China Sea has changed, and Li Xiaoyao has disappeared. Now Zhongzhou has also undergone a drastic change, and the starry sky has collapsed in advance. This trend will continue, and Zhongzhou and the East China Sea will be completely different!"

Now the entire Zhongzhou is shaken by this big event.

Countless Zhu Xian, Yan Shi, super powers, large, medium and small forces, all swarmed toward the world of Dongtian debris.

What Zhongzhou Refining Conference has been left behind by Zhongzhou Yishi.

In this regard, Fang Yuan smiled bitterly.

It’s not a time when the stars are broken. If it is delayed for two or three hundred years, Fangyuan will benefit a lot.

Because at that time, the five domains were in chaos, the dreams were outward, and the heroes and heroes emerged endlessly. The old superpowers were self-sufficient, and it was most beneficial for Fangyuan’s dispersal.

But now, the five-domain war has not yet opened. Zhongzhou was dominated by the heavens, and the ten ancient schools of Zhongzhou firmly controlled the entire Zhongzhou.

Fangyuan can fully foresee that the initial chaos will only last for a short period of time, and will soon be dominated by the top ten schools of Zhongzhou. The true beneficiaries will undoubtedly be the top ten ancient schools in Zhongzhou and the heavens behind them.

The development of the next thing, it really does not come out of the source of the estimate.

Even the changes in the situation are even faster than expected by Fang Yuan! The ten ancient schools of Zhongzhou stabilized the situation and quickly reached an internal agreement, expelling all other forces and celestial beings, and let Fangyuan profoundly realize the enormous power of the ten ancient schools of Zhongzhou.

"It's a pity that the stars are in the sky, but unfortunately the seven stars, but unfortunately the dream." Fang Yuan sighed.

Starry sky is also one of his long-term plans. Now, with this change, this huge interest has not been with him.

But the development of the next thing is beyond the expectation of Fang Yuan.

A letter from He Fengyang, along the hole, passed to Fang Yuan.

In the letter, He Fengyang represents Xianhemen, and even invites Fangyuan to explore the world of stars and caves!

"Don't you say?!" Fang Yuan's eyes were soaring, and his guess made him stand up on the spot and couldn't help but smile.

After the laughter, Fang Yuan immediately fell into sinking: "I can't care too much. Although the possibility of traps is small, I have to check it before I promise..."

Two days later, Fang Yuan came to a valley in Zhongzhou.

This unnamed valley has a lot of resources and is inconspicuous, but because it has fallen into a rather huge piece of star-studded caves, it has been joined by the top ten ancient factions, surrounded by a large number of miles.

Once there are other 蛊仙 stepping into this range, kill innocent!

Fang Yuan did not dare to arbitrarily arbitrarily, and He Fengyang personally greeted him and greeted him all the way into the valley.

There are more than a dozen Zhu Xian in the valley, which are from the top ten ancient schools in Zhongzhou.

"Kid, when you go in, you can put a bright spot on it."

"Looking long-term, young people."

Seeing that He Fengyang led Fang Yuan to come in, the rest of the celestial faces were not good-looking, and they all opened their mouths, threatening or advising.

"Is it a source?" A white female fairy, the more out of the crowd.

"It turned out to be a white fairy." Fang Yuan's eyes were slightly condensed, his look remained unchanged, and he took the initiative.

Bai Qing fairy nodded to the source, the language temperature and the authentic: "You are a character often mentioned by the little girl, this time vying for the ownership of the hole, and I hope that you will have more mercy, and there will be reciprocation in the future."

Even if Fang Yuan has repeatedly and spiritually fasted, the transaction is courageous and he has not seen Bai Qing Xianzi.

But now it is related to the safety of her daughter Feng Jinhuang, Bai Qing fairy has to come forward, and Fangyuan talk, let Fang Yuan sell her face.

The party originated from the plan and immediately did not hesitate to accept it: "It has been very pleasant to cooperate with you, and Bai Qing adults relax their hearts."

Bai Qing Fairy nodded with satisfaction Many other 蛊仙 are cold.

On the side of the crane, the cold light flickered.

"Go in. Others have entered, and you are the highest, the last one."

Fangyuan nodded and walked forward.

In the valley, the sight is peculiar, as if it is a mirage. In the original bushy valley, there is a blue sea of ​​water ripples. The scenery is not bound, like broken paintings, intensively inlaid together.

This is of course not a mirage, but a broken world of caves.

Seeing Fangyuan step by step, we must step into it. Hefeng Yang does not feel at ease, and cares: "Don't forget the place I confess to you, you must take it down!"

"Do not worry." Fang Yuan raised his hand and did not look back. In the eyes of the public, the figure completely entered the sky of the debris. (To be continued)

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