Reverend Insanity

: Section 273: Big fish eat small fish

A finger shark flew away.

Burning the devil is not a force to sing the fairy, but specializes in the inflammatory road, knowing that it is difficult to resist.

Her combat experience is extremely rich, and the sacrifice of the flame bird is of great value. Fang Yuan and others have seen a lot of intelligence, and the Burning Witch is no exception.

Inflammatory killings - five fingers chain!

In an instant, the Burning Witch has made the most sensible choice.

Her figure flew back, while the palm of her right hand opened, and the five fingers turned into five slender flames, like a whip, and like a chain, twisting toward a finger shark.

The five inflammatory chain eyes will be wrapped around a finger shark. At this time, the previous scene happened.

Around the body of a shark, the time suddenly became extremely slow.

One-finger shark is a sinister beast, relying on the adaptability of metamorphosis, and the deep traces of the earth's own roads, but it is less restricted.

Five chains of inflammation are intertwined. However, the one-finger shark swayed in a flexible posture, swam in a small gap, and succeeded in escaping all in an incredible manner.

Subsequently, it caught up with the Burning Witch and directly penetrated her forehead.

The small shark body, like a silver arrow, is worn out from behind the brains of the Burning Witch!

"Successful?" Su Baiman was surprised and happy.

The shark's eyes are so violent that he can't help but move.

Although the body of the sacred zombie does not have the Achilles heel of the common sage, it has its drawbacks. The mind is one of them.

The original thinking speed of Xian Zhuang is very slow, so it is necessary to rely on the wisdom of the locusts to generate thoughts in the mind and assist in thinking.

The mind of the Burning Witch was pierced, although it was not fatal, it was quite heavy.

"If I waited for four people to take the opportunity to attack and attack..." When the sharks had such a thought, the sharks turned and turned, and the electric shots went back, once again through the chest of the burning witch.

A smoldering fire burns and burns. In the blink of an eye, the hole of the forehead and the chest of the burning witch will be restored to the original.

Seeing such a scene, Fang Yuan is screaming: "A good killing can actually recover so fast!"

The burning witch took her chest and fixedly looked at the shark. She was hit hard. At this time, she smiled: "Hehehe, interesting! There are three centaulas, one can save time, one fairy You can speed up your time, and a fairy can change my perception of time."

Although I don’t know what the specific Zhoudao Xianzhen is, what is the ultimate power, but the Burning Witch has guessed it.

Before, a finger shark hit the flame bird and escaped the five-finger chain. The first one used the sermon, and the time was suspended.

As for the acceleration time, it is the point of the flame bird with the tip of the nose.

The flame bird can't last for a long time, and part of it is spotted by a shark, and the time becomes faster and reaches the level of disintegration. Subsequently, the disintegration of this point erupted, igniting the outbreak of other parts of the flame bird, and finally destroying the stable structure of the flame bird, causing the flame bird to blew itself, almost blasting the waters within a dozen miles.

Finally, a shark shark hole wearing the forehead and chest of the burning witch, is the use of the celestial celestial scorpion, affecting the sense of time of the burning witch, leading to the latter can not escape, this is the trick.

The shark can't help but frown and feel bad.

On the body of a shark, there are only three distinct immortals.

In a few rounds, the Burning Witch has already sifted the bottom of a shark.

All show the eight-turn celestial, extremely powerful combat rumors.

At the same time, it also shows that Xianyu is not as good as the killing of the fairy.

The aphid has a single effect, and the use of the scorpion alone is often caused by the bottom.

But "dreams have set sail ☆ clear and elegant" is the use of immortal killings, but not the same. The combination of countless locusts not only masks the core scorpion, but also makes it difficult for opponents to cope.

As the sharks expected, in the next battle, the Burning Witch changed the tactics.

She has divided five or six points, each life is like a life, a shark is tired of running around, seemingly offensive, he has actually been played by these points.

"The beast is a beast, not enough intelligence."

"If it is parasitic, it will be able to see through it, but it is a pity..."

"It seems that the battle has been set, and the Burning Witch has taken the initiative."

Fang Yuan and Tai Baiyun were secretly transmitting voices and analyzing the situation.

It can be said that the battle has come here and has lost its suspense.

For a shark, the real opportunity is the first few rounds. If the burning witch does not figure out the details, it may be possible to kill a shark.

But now the Burning Devils detect the details, change the tactics, and immediately turn over the battle.

Unless there is an external force, the battle has not changed.

"The current external force is only Shark Devil and Su Baiman. But the two of them really have the courage to take down their heart and deal with an eight-turn power?" Fang Yuan smashed the couple and found them. The two people blinked and hesitantly, and they shook their heads in secret.

The real fighter, the moment when the Burning Witch’s mind was pierced.

But the shark has lost the opportunity.

Although he is called the devil, he lacks the adventurous spirit of being unwilling to take care of himself. It may be that the Zombie has been relying on the alliance for too long and lost the strength of single-handedness. It may be that the family is taking the lead and there are many concerns.

Both the shark and Su Baiman are like this. As a source of foreign aid, too Baiyunsheng, it is even more impossible to be strong.

In constant communication, Fang Yuan and Tai Baiyun have been negotiating, seeing opportunities and looking for opportunities to retreat.

"Two, please also help! The Burning Witch's points are divided, my couple can't tell. If there is a means, please split the sham for a shark, and point out the true body of the Burning Witch. So Today, there is a turning point in the situation." At this time, Su Baiman suddenly passed the voice, and he was really interested.

At the same time, the sharks also added: "If the two can make meritorious deeds, my husband and wife will pay a lot of money and never regret it!"

Fang Yuan didn't want to think about it, but he smiled back and said: "Su Baiman's adults look at me and wait for it. The two are changed to seven years. It is a year of immortality. The means are rich and the foundation is deep. I wait for the back of the project. Ways, where do we have any means?"

Too Baiyunsheng also shook his head: "I am only good at treatment, this kind of investigation, love can help."

Su Baiman no longer spoke, and the shark defiantly looked at Fang Yuan and Tai Bai Yunsheng, and looked unhappy.

Fang Yuan’s heart was cold, and he gave birth to contempt for the shark and Su Baiman.

In all fairness, the means of burning the witches is not without hope of detection.

But the shark and Su Baiman did not.

Because the other party is an eight-turn power, once the hands-on help one-finger shark, it is bound to provoke the anger and counterattack of the Burning Witch.

The shark demon, Su Baiman bogey to burn the devil, do not want to be hands-on, want to reserve a room, so I want to use Fang Yuan, Tai Bai Yunsheng as a gun.

How can Fangyuan be stupid enough to be used by others?

Therefore, his return is quite meaningful.

Both sides understand the people, the sharks and Su Baiman see the source and see it, and they are no longer persuaded.

"Now it seems that the really terrible thing is to burn the devil!" Fang Yuan stared at the battlefield in the distance, and the taboo look was unobtrusive.

In the rumor, the Burning Witch has a big killing trick called Burning Heaven.

In the past, she fought in the North Plains and the eight-turned tycoon, and seized the sovereignty of a nine-day fragmentary world of Taikoo.

Burning the devils into anger, smothering and killing the heavens, directly destroying the entire world of debris, destroying all creatures and causing annihilation.

I can't get it, don't even think about it!

Hundreds of Heavenly Kings tried their best to make a calculation. In the end, the bamboo baskets were filled with water.

The North Plains Zombie Alliance has been attached to the right path, and it is a magical act that burns the devil. Therefore, after burning the world of the nine-day world of Taikoo, it attracted the public anger of the right way.

As a result, the burning witches withstood the pressure, did not fear, and even threatened, whoever noisy, will burn the base camp of anyone.

Since the other side has been able to burn and burn a blessed land, it is obviously a breeze.

The right way, the sound of a sigh, I found out that they took this arrogant burning witch, there is no way!

At eight turns, Megatron. If you really give up the noodles and grace, and carry out sneaking harassment, but the forces will feel a headache.


Even if the other party is a fairy, it is an eight-turn power. Although the combat power is not as good as the normal eight-turn, it must not be underestimated.

The persecution was too much, and the Burning Witches spread out to play. These forces, the great cause of the family, the "dreams have set sail ☆ clear and elegant" filled, entangled, and they are suffering.

The bottom line is afraid of no bottom line, and the rules are afraid of not being rules.

After this incident, the Burning Devils became famous in Beiyuan, and the North Plains Zombie completely raised their heads to be a human being. No one can bully. Until the Burning Witch took the North Plains and went to the East China Sea to find opportunities, this made the North Plains Zombie fall into a dilemma.

It can be said that the Burning Devils alone brought the North Plains Zombie into a strong and brilliant.

Nowadays, the Burning Witches fight against a finger shark, and even the signature killings are useless. Obviously, they are easy to use and their combat power is unfathomable.

What is more ridiculously suspected by Fang Yuan is that the Burning Witch seems to deliberately use the tactics of the squad, in an attempt to lure the sharks and others to take the opportunity to further find excuses to make a living.

Although the shark is not fooled, the Burning Witch has relied on this measure to differentiate the Fangyuan and the Shark.

One finger shark, the ancient wild beast, and the three celestial celestial beings, the burning witches to deal with, not only well, but also successfully calculated the sharks, Fangyuan and other people on the edge of the battlefield.

It can be seen that the Burning Witch has a strong fighting power and is profound in wisdom.

This kind of enemy is precisely the most difficult to deal with.

In other words, from a turn of the teacher, slowly climb to the eight-turned immortal, there is no stupid generation, each is a true power of both wisdom and strength.

As the battle progressed, the face of the shark and Su Baiman became more and more gloomy.

As early as the beginning of the battle, they secretly used the means to send a letter of assistance to report to the Zombie headquarters and ask for support.

But now, the battle has been going on for so long, and it’s time to come over. As a result, none of the reinforcements appeared.

The Burning Witch is not a reckless comer. As early as before, the joints have been opened and ready. This made the shark and Su Baiman ineffective and helpless.

The shark can even guess that the Burning Witch has reached an agreement with the top of the Zombie headquarters to reach an interest distribution agreement!

For a time, the sharks and Su Baiman sink to the bottom, the fighting spirit is getting lower and lower, and the anger in the chest is gradually extinguished with time, revealing the cold and cold chill.

Big fish eat small fish, small fish eat shrimp, this is the normal state of the practice.

The sharks and demon couples who have always played the role of big fish, in front of the Burning Witch, are the small fish that have been swallowed.

Eight turns!

How can we be enemies?

What's more, burning the Witch is not just such power, but also matching wisdom!

For Sharks and Su Baiman, there is no hope of struggle.


The shark devil uttered a long sigh, and suddenly he said: "Yes, burn the devil, please stop. We have a couple of people, for the sake of the overall situation of the Zombie, let you lead, Raiders Yulu Fudi it is good."

"Oh, huh ~ ~ shark magic, you can know how to advance and retreat, very good." Over the battlefield, came the laughter of the burning witch.

The laughter just fell, the witches in the battlefield were faked, and they all turned into a flame, burning and burning.

Without the target of the attack, one of the sharks was in the same place, and some were overwhelmed.

The shark sighed again, licking his lips and making a squeaking noise.

One of the sharks was calmed down, the fish tail was lightly licked, and the other end was plunged into the sea and quickly disappeared.

Obviously, it is back to the long river.

The shark dew exposed this hand and called the Fang Yuan, an outsider, to be taken aback.

The extent to which sharks affect a shark is quite significant. In time, perhaps it is possible to tell the sharks to control the eight-turned beast.

At that time, the three celestial celestial scorpions in the sharks will naturally fall into the hands of the sharks.

The burning witch turned out to be the real body. She looked at the shark demon deeply, and immediately turned her eyes to Fangyuan.

"You are the astrology?"

"It is down."

The Burning Witch then declared in a strong tone that could not be rejected: "From now on, you have been recruited by me. Next, you must do your best, and you must not slacken!" [@杨洋0909生日快乐】 is not yet to be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to () vote, monthly pass, your support, is my greatest motivation. Mobile users please read.

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