Reverend Insanity

: Section 286: The Dead Sea of ​​Xiancai

Such a huge array of battles, to break through, for at least a few months.

If you just tear a hole open, it will take about a month.

Fang Yuan's fingers bloom like flowers, and countless locusts danced around, breaking through the shackles in front of them, and the ears trembled with trepidation. The detectives rushed to the peak, and the octopus king of the yak was coming back soon.

time does not wait!

Race against time!

"It's this blow." In the eyes of Fang Yuan, suddenly the light flashed, and the air in front of him suddenly scatters the haze of mist.

Through the haze, he saw a corner in the giant squad.

Although the line of sight is blurred, it is faintly visible to see the scene of the scene in the giant squad.

Yaksha octopus king has returned.

Time runs out and must be withdrawn.

In such a short period of time, peek into the scenery in the array, to the extent that it has reached the limit of Fangyuan's ability.

If Fangyuan does not reach the master's level of wisdom, you can't do this.

that's enough.

Fang Yuan breathed a sigh of relief and immediately returned to retreat.

The ancient wild beast Yaksha octopus king in the hole, shuttles like a subway. Black oil around the greasy trench, let it be like a fish.

Fangyuan almost passed it.

This Yaksha octopus king returned to his place of residence and gave priority to scanning.

It feels a little bit wrong.

Before Fang Yuan dismantled the squad, leaving a lot of different flavors, the beast's sense of sensation made the Yaksha octopus king aware of something wrong.

It frowned deeply, more than a dozen giant pythons, and flexible octopus tentacles, flexible to move his body, constantly patrolling in the nest.

After a while, I didn't notice any suspiciousness. The atmosphere left by Fang Yuan gradually diluted. The Yaksha octopus king slowly subsided and returned to the nest.

Only this time, it no longer sleeps, eyes closed slightly, but always have a slit.

From time to time, its ears will tremble with the breeze in the hole, listening to any sound.

Seeing this, Fang Yuan’s worries slowly dissipated and carefully retreated until he retreated to the upper part of the octopus nest.

This Yaksha octopus king, who can stay in the den, seems to have the highest status. If you let it perceive a strong danger, maybe it will scream loudly, and all other members of the family who are fighting outside will be summoned back.

At that time, it will not be mentioned that the North Plains Immortals will also be suspicious and seduce. The action of Fang Yuan in the lair will be greatly restricted.

"Just here." After a while, Fang Yuan carefully selected a small corner in a few holes.

He hesitated for a moment, still urging Ding Xian You Xian Xian.

Although the giant squadron was set by the predecessors, it was already found that it had become an unmanned squad and had been in disrepair for a long time. The danger of taking the risk is not big.

In order to seek to get rid of the shackles of the stagnation, this risk is to take.

After all, the longer the time drags, the more dangerous the situation is.

Maybe the next moment, when he collapsed the 88-degree corner of Zhenyang Building, it would be exposed, and then all the world would come and chase him. Fox Fairyland will certainly not be able to keep it, and can only use the astrology as the only home.

In this case, the sooner you get rid of the body of the fairy, the better. After all, a world of full-fledged fairy tales can be carried around, which is safer and more convenient than any fox fairy land and astrology.

And the normal 蛊仙仙窍, every time can produce 仙元, the other source of the economy and the fighting power, are very beneficial effects!

The immortal is stimulating, and the emerald blooms.

The next moment, Fang Yuan disappeared in place and appeared in the giant array.

Outside the squad, the octopus king of the nightshade. But there is a gap between them, it is ignorant and ignorant.

"I finally got here." Fang Yuan was on a 12-point alert and quickly looked around. It was the corner he had just explored.

It is very dangerous to venture into a battle, and it is normal to encounter attacks.

However, Fang Yuan has not been attacked, which means that the squad is unsupervised.

He breathed a sigh of relief, but he was still very alert.

The unmanned squadron is still running. Perhaps in the core of the array, there is the will left by the immortals.

Just like in the 88-degree Zhenyang Building, Juyang Xianzun left a will.

This is a giant squadron dominated by Yu Dao, which creates a space.

In this vast space, there is a land of purple sand, and there is a yolk-colored sky.

The purple sand seems to be very fertile, densely packed with plants, and it seems to have come to the rainforest.

"Tai Shicao, Fengyuan Peach, Fairy Bean, Bloodstream Flower..." Fang Yuan hurriedly glanced at it and saw dozens of fairy materials.

Even if he is as steady as him, he can't help but shake his heart.

Although these fairy plants are mostly six-turn, and a small part is seven-turn fairy, the intensity is quite amazing.

"These fairy materials, the source of the five domains, are not limited to the ditch or even the North Plains. What is the creation of the sacred power here?"

How much manpower and material resources do you have to collect so many large-scale fairy materials?

And the fairy wood is not the cabbage on the street stalls. The collection of fairy wood is often separated from the battle and blood. The strength of the collector is not good, and it is impossible to do it at all.

Don't forget the five domain boundaries.

The strength is strong, and the higher the 蛊仙, the harder it is to penetrate the boundary wall.

"Do you say..." Fang Yuan’s heart was moving, and there was speculation.

He originally thought that this is a legacy of the sacred power, but now it seems that such a huge handwriting, I am afraid that not one can achieve, at least a group of woven.

This group must also be huge.

Because of the small group of woven, two or three Zhu Xian, there is not so much money and energy!

Looking at it again, wherever the line of sight is, countless layers of fairy wood are stacked, and Fang Yuan is shocked.

"This huge wealth is simply unimaginable! It is enough for me to refine Xianxian dozens of times in the future, hundreds of times! Perhaps five hundred years ago, the North Plains Zombie Division has harvested this huge spiritual resources. Only then will they jump up and take the lead of the East China Sea Zombies."

The coffin here is almost like a warehouse, stacked directly together.

The total value is difficult to estimate at one time. Fangyuan only knows that this number is very large and huge.

If you rely on your current monthly rate of two thousand celestial stones, to accumulate, it may not be possible to spend this millennium.

After all, it is necessary to count the loss of practice.

The higher the practice of Zhu Xian, the more horrible the disaster.

"However, compared to countless fairy materials, this huge scorpion is worth more!" Fang Yuan's eyes flashed in the eye.

His ambition is very big, his knowledge is very broad, and after he reacts, he realizes the preciousness of this giant battle!

In this array, countless fairy materials from the five domains coexist harmoniously and do not interfere with each other.

"Fortunately, I did not rush to tear down this giant squad, otherwise I regret it. With this squad, I can plant countless kinds of fairy materials, which is even better than Xian !!"

Fang Yuan can't help but admire the singularity of the stagnation here.

The fairy zombie is dead, and the predecessor can actually arrange such a battle, to some extent replace the role of Xian.

"However, this defensive array is weak and can't move. It's far less convenient and safe. Um...the purple sand here doesn't seem to be awkward."

Fang Yuan leaned down and reached out and grabbed a handful of purple sand.

These sands are very fine. Some of the fingers along the source of the source, swaying down, like the particles made of crystal, in the process of falling, have been swelled and radiated.

"But what I am looking for can regain the new fascination, and where is it?" Fang Yuan completely throws away the purple sand in his hand, always mourning the main purpose.

He was not in a hurry to collect the fairywood and began to fly slowly in midair to start a search.

Time passed by, and the color of Fangyuan’s face slowly dissipated. The feeling of inappropriateness became more and more intense.

"I'm not right!" He stopped and squatted, suspended in midair, overlooking the fairy wood under his feet.

Once again, he found an unnatural place.

"It's too quiet here. There is no wind in the wind, no silence than my immortal."

"And in many places, there are many flaws. For example, the fairy bean needs to grow in the clear spring water, but it grows in the purple sand here. There is also a place where Fengyuan peach grows. There must be a snaketail monkey. Every fairy The materials have a harsh living environment. There is only a fairy plant, and no insects are found."

In the eyes of Fang Yuan, there was a flash of cold.

He lowered his height and landed on the ground again, trying to collect a Taishi grass.

The next moment, Fang Yuan's body was shocked.

When Taishi grass grows in the purple sand, it is safe and sound. However, once it was pulled out by Fang Yuan, it immediately withered and turned into a fine sand.

And these sands, and the purple sand at the foot of Fangyuan, are exactly the same, exactly the same!

“How could this be?” Fang Yuan blinked his eyes and tried to collect other fairy materials.

As a result, once the fairy material is separated from the sand, it will turn into purple sand.

These fairy materials are very problematic and are no longer available!

"Weird! Weird!! The reason why Xiancai is called Xiancai is because they have a rich track mark on their bodies. It is a trace of These fairy materials are withered and turned into purple When I was in the sand, there was no movement at all, quietly..."

A chill, rising from Fang Yuan’s heart.

If the fairy material is so, then the body of the fairy zombie with the trace of the road can also be regarded as a kind of fairy wood. Is it also to be assimilated by this vast purple sand land?

Look at these innocent fairy woods, the flowers and trees, the source seems to have seen the dead bodies of one by one!

From another angle, here is the corpse of the fairy wood!

The feeling of badness in my heart is getting stronger.

Fangyuan immediately rose to mid-air and kept a distance from the purple sand.

He looked at the sky again.

"The giant squadrons here must be very weird. I don't know how to touch the purple sands. I am afraid that it is not enough. The change of the fairy wood should be related to the whole squad. Before I understand it, I will act as soon as possible. Find the knack for getting rid of the stagnation and then leave quickly!"

Ps: I just heard the news that the thief had died of illness. I read the last chapter again and I couldn't help but burst into tears. I hope this is a fake news. Hey... Life is alive, fate is impermanent, or cherish each other, and cherish the happiness in front of you. I hope that the thief will be happy and happy in heaven. Also, readers, I love you, may we go down together and go to the end of life... ╰ ╮ ╮ 吅 吅 由 由 由 启 启 启 启 启 启 更新 更新 更新 ╮ ╮ 未 未 未 未 未 未 未 未 未 未 未 未 未 未 未 未 未 未If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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