Reverend Insanity

: Section 296: The fear is the most terrible

Zhongzhou, Lingyuanzhai.

The mountains are lined with clouds. Deep in the bamboo forest, a waterfall is like a white silk, hanging down.

Feng Jinhuang sat quietly on the branches of a pine tree, silently watching the waterfall in front of him, tears falling silently.

During this time, the immortals sent by Zhongzhou to Beiyuan were already back.

But Feng Jiu Ge, but no news.

As far as Feng Jinhuang is concerned, his own biological father has no news and is in the outer domain. Naturally, he is fierce.

These days, Feng Jinhuang tea does not want to think about rice, practice is completely stateless, with tears to wipe the face, getting thinner.

Life and death.

This heavy word, in an unexpected season, slammed into the fragile heart of Feng Jinhuang.

Feng Jinhuang did not witness death through his own eyes.

Just when her own relatives face the situation like this, she loses all the indifference and all the calm.

But she is strong after all.

The bad news didn't completely beat her. Only in the corner of no one, she secretly wiped her tears.

On the surface, she practiced as always, but she did not know what her recent practice was.

A figure, like an ink painting, turned from a light to a thick, quietly and quietly behind Feng Jinhuang.

"Daughter." A familiar call came from behind.

Feng Jinhuang turned her head and saw her coming, it was her mother Bai Qingxian.

"Mother!" Feng Jinhuang couldn't help himself, and plunged into the embrace of Bai Qing's fairy, sobbing loudly.

Bai Qing Xianzi had a good comfort. Feng Jinhuang gradually stopped sobbing.

"Mother, I am so powerful, there must be nothing. Right?" Feng Jinhuang raised his face and looked forward to his mother.

However, Bai Qingxian did not directly in this matter, but comforted her. Instead, she shook her head: "Even if you are stronger and turn to the celestial celestial, there will be a day of demise. What's more, your father? People always want to die, Huang Child, don't cry. Let the mother tell you a story."

This is the story of The Legend of the People.

It is said that the ancestors want to rely on the ability of the Yu people to rescue the daughter who fell into the ordinary abyss.

However, the freedom of the feather people. It will not be bound.

The ancestors thought about the scheme and failed to perform. The feathers preferred to die, and they did not want to violate the freedom.

The ancestors were lost in confusion.

He can't find a good way. To save your children.

The eldest son of Tairi Yangshuo is like this, and the daughter Senhai is also the same.

At this time, the self in the heart of the ancestors said: "Man, you want to save your son, too Japanese, I have a way."

The ancestors thought that one could save one, and quickly asked: "Oh? What method?"

I laughed and said: "All things in the world will die. This is because fatefulness enters the door of life and death, and visits the path of fairness and sorrow. People are stunned, you enter the door of life and death. Let's go back to life and death, as long as you don't walk in the fateful track. On the way, step out of your own path. When you walk into the door of life and death, go out and form a new road, so that even if you succeeded in more than half."

"Then, you only need to take your son to Yangshuo, take the road you are taking, and leave the door of life and death. You can return to the world, where the sun shines. Your son, Tairi Yangshuo, can be free from death. Reborn."

The ancestors listened to the methods they had said, and some hesitated, but in the end there was no better way.

Therefore, he decided to let Senhai reincarnate in the ordinary abyss for a while, first to save his eldest son Yangri Yangshuo according to the method he taught.

The ancestors marched toward the door of life and death, walking and walking, one day met an orc.

This orc is very strong, his muscles are like stone blocks, and his teeth are sharper than swords. He took great steps and ran wildly in the wilderness, mourning: "Don't come over, don't come over! I am afraid!"

The ancestors felt very strange and asked: "Orc, what are you afraid of?"

The orc said: "I am afraid of my own shadow, it always follows me, I can't help it. I am afraid that I can only run around, tired and thirsty and hungry, I am going to die!"

The ancestors feel funny: "The orc, you have such a strong body, but afraid of the harmless shadow, are you born with a timid heart? What is this scary?"

At this time, a locust was drilled out of the orc's heart and laughed at the ancestors: "People, don't say anything. You don't feel scared because you didn't touch my fear, oh."

“Fear?” The ancestors stepped back and changed their faces.

When fear appears, the fear of the ancestors breeds fear.

He felt scared.

The fear is more arrogant, and then to the orc: "Let's let you go, little orc, you poor pity."

The orcs were freed and immediately fell to the ground, crying with joy.

And the fear has turned around and faced the people: "Man, you dare to look down on my fear, now I will let you suffer from fear!"

Saying, the fear is awkward and directly into the hearts of the people.

The ancestors felt the boundless fear.

I am afraid of this and I am afraid of it.

The fear makes him afraid of the wind. Every time the wind hangs up, the ancestors are screaming.

The fear of sorrow makes him afraid of the sun. The ancestors had to hurry in the night, often lost, and they plunged into the cave during the day, or hidden under the thick shade of trees.

Fear is also a fear of the leaves of the ancestors, so the ancestors are far from the jungle, and any tree can make him scream.

The fear of sorrow makes the ancestors afraid of the snake. As a result, the ancestors and their own weaving straw ropes are discarded.

After that, fears make people fear the rain.

Whenever it rains, the ancestors can only shrink and timidly look at the sky and rain, fearing extreme fear.

The ancestors wanted to go to the door of life and death, but after they were afraid of it, they were struggling and they were not far away.

When fear knows the purpose of the ancestors, it makes people fear death.

The ancestors did not dare to go to the door of life and death.

Because of entering the life and death gate. It is from life to death.

The ancestors fear that they will die and can only stay in place.

I sighed and sighed: "People, in fact, death is not terrible. What is really terrible is the fear in your heart."

"Yes!" Fear listened to this and proudly said, "Only I fear myself, it is the most fearful!"

Bai Qingxian finished the story, and Feng Jinhuang in his arms was silent for a long time.

Bai Qingxian looked at her daughter in pity and said: "Huanger, no matter what the result. Please be strong and face death! Death is not terrible. Everyone will die, that is, nine turns of immortals can not be excused. Your father may be dead, maybe not dead. One day, I will die. You will also face death. Do not be knocked down by the fear in your heart."

Feng Jinhuang's petite body trembled.

She earned it lightly and broke free from her mother's warm embrace.

Her eyes still shed tears, but at this moment there is a strong color.

She looked at the white fairy, and bite her teeth slightly: "Mom, I understand! I am going to practice, there is no more fear in my heart, no matter what, I am no longer afraid. I have to face it, face any possibility. Things. I am Feng Jinhuang, how can I lose face to my mother?"

"Hehehe. It's a good boy." Bai Qing fairy hides the sorrow in his eyes, and his face shows a happy smile.

In fact, she was also panic in her heart.

The disappearance of Feng Jiu Ge has a very big impact.

Lingyuanzhai recruited Fengjiu, and became the leader of the top ten schools in this generation. The remaining nine factions have suffered more or less suppression.

This is the characteristic of the society of personal practice power system.

Expand your personal influence to the maximum.

Now Feng Jiu Ge is not there. The spirit of the fast-paced powers has plummeted, and the remaining nine factions have risen. As soon as you are eager to move, Zhongzhou is undercurrent and will be violently turbulent in the future.

This is true outside the sect.

Within the sect, the days of Bai Qing Fairy are also not good.

Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes.

There is a martial art, there is an infighting.

The disappearance of Feng Jiu Ge, the group of forces that had been suppressed at the bottom of the year, suddenly looked up.

Feng Jiu Ge is really too strong, so that Bai Qing Fairy is almost forgotten, and many people in the martial art who oppose themselves.

These days, these people worked together and crowded the white fairy.

Bai Qing Fairy loves Feng Jiu Ge, and of course wants to leave Beiyuan and go to the rescue. But she was patient and pressed, and she was holding on to this strong impulse.

She has children, Feng Jiu Ge is so powerful, there is no news, she can not act rashly.

Once she has gone by herself, what about Feng Jinhuang?

"She is still just a child!" This is the voice of Bai Qing Fairy.

In the eyes of almost every parent, his child is always a child.


The headless body of the Black City is still lying on the mud.

His soul mourned, and he could not break free in the hands of Hei Loulan.

Hei Loulan killed the Black City and stepped on the head of his biological father. Now, the soul of the Black City has also been detained, and will certainly suffer from torture and torture in the future.

The burning witches smashed to the ground and provoked a sacred killing.

A fiery little hand appeared out of thin air and grabbed the belly of the Black City.

The fiery red hand was easily melted into the body of the Black City. After a while, when it flew out, it had already held a bead in his hand.

"This is the fairy of Heicheng. I will take it out temporarily. It can only last for seven days and seven nights. When the time limit is reached, my immortal killing will collapse. The fairy will be integrated into the heavens and the earth to form a blessed land. It is a pity that the locusts in the fairy tales, regardless of Xianfan, have all been destroyed."

The Burning Witch said, handing this flame bead to the hands of Hei Loulan.

Hei Loulan took it silently.

Both Fang Yuan and Li Shan Fairy were secretly surprised by the means of burning the devil.

The Burning Witch smiled and said: "Don't look at me with this kind of vision. Hehehe, this method of taking the blasphemy is not my skill. But when I was in the East China Sea, I accidentally discovered the inheritance of the empty fairy. He got his method of taking the shackles, and then created this sinister sect."

The Burning Witch is an extremely rare master.

When it comes to this realm, it is easy to bypass the class, and the means are extremely comprehensive and rich.

"Well, let's talk about your business, Fang Yuan." Li Shan fairy is directed at Fang Yuan, and there is a cold smile in his smile.

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[To be continued] This text is provided by the sailing update group @情不知所赫j". If you like this work, welcome to support the author. 】

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