Reverend Insanity

: Section 322: Rebirth Grimace Red Lotus!

Legend has it that there is such a river in this world.

It runs through the beginning and the end, deepens the cause and effect, and flows everywhere in the world, everywhere.

With its watering, the world can function normally and everything can change.

This river is called the long river.

Here is the secret of heaven and earth, the hotbed of the serenity, and the numerous locusts of the genus.

The rivers of hundreds of millions of hectares are flowing freely and uninterrupted.

The river is full of water, the tides are rising and falling, and the waves are rolling.

Every drop of time is pale and colorless. But the billions of megabytes of light* collide and collide with each other, but they can evoke the most dazzling brilliance in the world.

This kind of brilliance is wonderful and difficult to describe in words. Fang Yuan has always felt that this is one of the most touching and beautiful scenery in the world.

When the nine-turned Xianyu House Supervised the Sky Tower, it gave a long-awaited blow. Fang Yuan was smashed and pooled, and it was difficult to escape.

The only option he left was to motivate the Spring and Autumn.

However, the six-turn Spring and Autumn Period has huge drawbacks. Every time there is a rush, there is a possibility of failure!

On Qingmao Mountain, Fangyuan successfully mobilized once.

On the Sancha Mountain, Fangyuan once again successfully mobilized once.

If you count the world of five hundred years ago, Fang Yuan has been urging the Spring and Autumn Period, and has succeeded three times.

Today, he finally encountered a failure.

The Spring and Autumn Festival failed.

Although his will entered the long river, but at the moment of his departure, the Spring and Autumn Period blew himself up and turned into countless pieces.

The will of Fangyuan seems to be the baby who lost the boat and fell into the water.

The long river of rolling waves can bring this will of Fangyuan in an instant. Devouring and destroying, completely melting, even the **** is not left.

"After all. Still failed?"

At the moment of death, Fangyuan has only the will to come. It is surprisingly calm.

No anxiety, no unwillingness, no regrets.

When I chose this road, I expected the possible outcome. This situation has long been in Fangyuan’s vision.

There is no way.

I have tried my best.

"If you give me another chance, I will still live like this. Hehehe, then it’s like this, my fairy adventure story. Just end here. Although there is no biography and inheritance, but... it doesn't matter. It is."

Fang Yuan’s will is quickly depressed.

He is very calm and even feels a kind of happiness.

If he still has a face, I am afraid that the corner of the mouth will rise and the subconscious will smile.

What are the regrets of dying on the road of self-seeking?

"Oh, huh... eh?"

The laughter in Fang Yuan’s heart came to an abrupt end, and the change occurred at this moment.

In the long and bleak long river, a grimace suddenly appeared.

The grimace is first to the residual will of Fangyuan, and it seems to be making a silent sneer.

then. The dark cheeks bulged on the cheeks, and the expression was very painful, as if it was vomiting.

A huge flower bone. From the mouth of the grimace*.

The mouth of the grimace was almost blasted, and the exaggerated opening of the mouth turned out to be directly at the base of the ear.

After spitting out the flower bones, the ghost face relaxed at once, and then began to look at Fangyuan with a wink and eyebrows, showing a funny but horrible smile.

And that is more of a flower, breaking the river and slowly blooming.

Time seems to stop at this moment.

in a blink. The flower bones are released and turned into a beautiful red lotus!

A faint red light was shot from the lotus heart. Take care of the location of the Spring and Autumn plague, so the time in the red light. Start backtracking.

At the same time, the grimace carrying the red lotus sinks slowly in the river.

Just like a movie rewind, everything that happened is going backwards.

It was like splashing water, and it automatically returned to the washbasin.

The will of Fangyuan has already dissipated almost the same, leaving only a little bit of points, which can be ignored. But under the glory of the red light, his will quickly recovered, and countless locust fragments appeared.

Then these pieces of locusts are put together and turned into a complete spring and autumn!

Spring and Autumn 蝉 carrying Fang Yuan’s good will and starting again.

The red light dissipated, and the red lotus turned into an instant collapse, and the ghost face was immediately smashed by the gloomy river, washed and cleaned.

As if everything is an illusion.

However, the Spring and Autumn Period has been forcibly restored.

It carries the will of Fangyuan, and Fangyuan only has the hope of rushing into the river.

Difficult... going upstream.

return to the past!


Astrology is a blessing.

The magic mist haunts, the blood is transpiration, and the three layers of the scorpion have been corroded and destroyed, and the surrounding surface has been turned into a shallow layer of poisonous mud.

Fang Yuan's face is solemn.

"The next step is the most difficult thing to deal with."

He took out a fairy and took it in his hand.

This smelting material is very strange and consists of mud and gas. The mud is spontaneously restrained into a ball.

Above is a light cyan suffocating, below is black soil.

Helium is the weather above nine days. Nine days old, there is a thick layer of suffocating air. When Zhu Xian wants to enter the nine days of exploration, he often has to break through the wall.

The black mud is the essence of the rich atmosphere under the ten earth.

It is difficult for the two heavens and the earth to coexist, but at this moment, the two heavens in this place have achieved a harmonious unity. Not only do peace coexist, but they are constantly changing. There is a constant black muddy suffocation, and there is constant suffocation into black mud.

Fangyuan's palm swayed, and the scorpion was quickly turbid, and the black mud smashed into a mess, forming a cloud of fog.

But without shaking, after standing for more than a dozen breaths, the black mud will settle down and the suffocation will be on it. There are also black and white, the phenomenon of mutual microcirculation.

"It is the most troublesome to deal with this fairy material. The ordinary refining and killing tricks can't be handled perfectly. Only the four strongest killing tricks that are recognized as the strongest, dealing with fairy wood - quiet sleep, electric snow, stunned thunder Stone drum. Wind mill, you can do it all at once. Unfortunately, I don’t have any of these four killings. To deal with the extremes of the earth, I only have to work hard. I have worked hard."

Fang Yuan’s thoughts flashed and his feet went down. The male body suddenly pulled out and jumped gently, and the whole person jumped into the turtle shell, inside the poisonous blood.


Fang Yuan showed sharp nails and cut the wound on the six strange arms. In his chest, back, etc., poke out the wound.

Blood refining and killing - blood swimming.

From these wounds, swim a trace of blood.

The blood is quickly incorporated into the deep purple poison. Immediately, these poisonous blood in the turtle shell cauldron, as if pulled, began to get in from the wound of Fangyuan.

When the pain came, Fang Yuan snorted.

There is no pain in the immortality. Fangyuan can feel the pain, and naturally it uses the method of mites. He needs to understand the extent to which the fairy material has been treated by perceiving pain.

The blood of Fangyuan and the poisonous blood in the cauldron of the turtle shells continue to blend, forming a cycle, and entering and leaving in the body of Fangyuan.

This process has become stable afterwards. Fang Yuan will take out the earthly scorpion that has long been taken out and swallow it.

With a bang, the earthly scorpion was swallowed by him.

This is the originality of his past life. The trick of **** refining. He named this the flesh blood method.

The earthly scorpion enters his body and is constantly washed by the blood, slightly dissolved in the blood.

These blood, through the wounds of Fangyuan's body, flow out of the body, sink into the turtle shell and sink into the bottom of the pot.

At the same time, other poisonous blood in the cauldron passes through the wound. Into the body of the source, and then wash the earth.

Time passed slowly. Three days and two nights passed.

Fang Yuan was injured and his face was sore and distorted. Eight strange arms are inserted into the poisonous blood, and the fangs are smashed, and the eyes are red and red, and the gasps are like cows.

"Also, there is still one night left, I will be able to completely deal with the earth's earthly scorpio, as long as this step is taken, the most difficult step in the process of refining and transforming Xianxian is to pass it over...呃!"

Suddenly, Fang Yuan’s painful expression froze.

Under the frowning brows, the glowing green eyes suddenly became confused and lost almost all the light.

In the process of refining Xianxie, it is necessary to maintain a high degree of attention at all times. How can he be so distracted?


He suddenly looked up and vomited a large mouthful of poisonous blood.

Immediately, he crashed down and fell into the poisonous blood in the huge tortoise shell, splashing a wave of blood.

The blood wave rushed out of the edge of the tortoise shell and splashed onto the grass. Soon a large piece of green grass was eroded into a dark red smoke.

"Master!" The starry spirit shouted, and the face was full of fear, and it was thrown into the turtle shell.

Suddenly, the blood of the source of the source of the source.

He thumped twice and immediately stood up again.

His confused face quickly faded, his eyes regained his temper, and his mouth muttered: "This is... is this?"

Hearing Fang Yuan’s self-talking, the astrological spirit could not help but worry more: “The master will not be stupid because of the failure of refining the fairy tales?”

Fang Yuan first looked at his own hands, then his eyes glanced at the turtle shell and the blood pool, and finally the focus of his eyes stayed on the astrological body.

“When is it now?” Fang Yuan asked.

In the heart of the astrology, I suddenly sneaked at but still replied: "It has been many days since I started to refine the fairy."

"Ha ha ha ha..." Fang Yuan looked up and laughed.

The starry earth is cold in the heart: "Well, the master is stupid! The refining of the fairy scorpion failed, and he was seriously injured. He didn't even remember the specific time, and he smiled so happy!"

The joy in Fang Yuan’s heart is not enough for outsiders.

"Reborn again!"

"Although the Spring and Autumn Annals are a failure, but because of a change, let me come back to life, from defeat to victory, will return to the past."

"I am still refining the deformation of the fairy... is it more than a year ago. The time is so short!"

"According to my heritage, so many cents are on my body, at least for hundreds of years. Just back more than a year ago, is it because of the failure of the Spring and Autumn Festival?"

"And, that grimace, red lotus, what is going on... What happened in the end?" (To be continued)

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