Reverend Insanity

: Section 333: Zhidao Master

East China Sea, Yulu Fudi.

As in previous lives, Fang Yuan and Tai Baiyunsheng, under the leadership of a Jinglan Youxian Zhasha Nanjiang Temple, crossed the portal of Yulufu and entered it.

"Taibai brother, let's meet again. Hahaha!" The shark demon saw too much Baiyunsheng, and he was very enthusiastic.

He took the initiative to meet and patted the shoulders of Bai Yunsheng intimately.

Although the time of Taibaiyun’s birth in the East China Sea was not long, but with the sake of the people, Jiang Yanshan, as the two Xianxuan, left a lot of names.

Before, too, Baiyunsheng helped the sharks and his entourage to explore the jade, and his people brought great help to the people.

The shark demon greeted him and turned his gaze to Fang Yuan’s body: "I must have this, is the white-brother in the letter mentioned in the letter to the friend of the wisdom of many stars Chen Dao? Since it is the friend of Taibai brother, it is my shark magic Friends!"

"The mountains are scattered, I don't dare to be." Fang Yuan nodded, with a smile and modesty.

He is tall and straight, with a fan-wool towel, handsome and handsome, a handsome young boy.

His skin is very white, his nose is high, and his eyes are like a deep pool under his eyebrows. At this time, Fang Yuan’s mouth is full of laughter, beautiful boy, and Yushu’s wind is pleasing to the eye.

Fang Yuan's past life became a star elephant, but this world has turned into a multi-star.

The power of meeting and meeting each other is far more powerful than the meeting of past lives. Sharks and other people have not found out the true face of Fangyuan in the past, and this world is even more impossible.

Mrs. Su Baiman, the shark's demon, stared at Fang Yuan's eyes and said: "I heard that you are a major in wisdom and minor in the Star Road. I was recommended by Mr. Tai Bai. I wonder if I can show my talent here?"

Fang Yuan used to pretend to be a star elephant, and claimed to be a foreign star: minor in wisdom. But in this world, Fangyuan’s Zhidao realm has reached the rank of master. Although there is no wise mind, the qi is also very good. So simply change the genre of major and minor repairs.

Fang Yuan nodded and replied to the sharks and others: "The test of Chen is better than that of Chen. It is also a matter of course. Um... that will reveal a small hand and give you a comment."

The source of the previous world was very modest, but what he said in this world was very polite, but his expression was arrogant.

Sharks and Su Baiman looked at each other and couldn't help but look forward to it.

Taibaiyun’s heart is filled with worries and does not leak.

The list of the monks is sullen. The arrival of Fang Yuan made his position in the ranks in jeopardy, and the interests were seriously violated.

For a time, everyone's eyes were concentrated on Fang Yuan.

Fang Yuan mouth with a smile, one hand behind the back, holding a fan, leisurely fanning on the chest.

He looked up and looked around.

At this time, it is still the battlefield to kill the ice and rain. So look around, a white ice and snow.

Every once in a while, there will be heavy ice and rain, forming countless snow monsters, bringing great troubles to everyone.

Fang Yuan only watched for a little while, and said: "I am fine."

Sharks and other people were greatly surprised. They thought that Fangyuan was brewing what kind of killing tricks, but I didn’t expect it to be so fast!

Su Baiman complimented more politely: "If you really want to repair it, so in a quiet situation, you have already figured out the flaws in this battlefield. It is really amazing."

"No, not." Fang Yuan waved his hand and smiled. "Mrs.'s words are heavy. To calculate the flaws in this battlefield, I have to pay a few weeks. It is not this."

When even the sinister asked: "What is your calculation?"

Fang Yuan calmly answered: "I figured out some of the footsteps of the battlefield. For example, we are in this battlefield killing, called the ice and rain."

When I heard this answer, all the immortals were all stunned.

Immediately, the shark wrinkled his brows and his eyes flashed. He was violent in nature and was about to attack, but he was secretly stopped by Su Baiman.

蛊仙卜单嗤 laughed and said: "Chen Dao, is this a play for us? Who doesn't know the name of this battlefield killing, called the ice and rain. I can't think of your low spirit, but the courage is so big, actually dare to play sharks. Devil and Su Baiman two adults!"

Su Baiman smiled and eased the atmosphere: "Bu single-mouthed. Thinking of coming to Chen is just a joke, his real means are to be displayed."

Fang Yuan shook his head: "Mrs, I am counting this."

Su Baiman looked awkward and his eyes slowly and gloomy.

"What?!" The shark magic snorted, no longer resistant, licking his eyes and coming forward fiercely.

At this time, too Baiyunsheng stepped forward, blocking the front of Fangyuan and stopping the shark.

He bowed to the sharks, and smiled and said: "The sharks are adults. It is the fault of the next. I have not said clearly that my Chen Dao brother is such a temperament. I have been talking for half, saying half, and I have been worried for a long time. ”

"Oh?" The shark's face was slow and stared at Fangyuan.

"Oh, my brother Chen, you will tell me everything you have calculated." Tai Baiyun was so troubled.

Fang Yuan haha ​​smiled: "You, I counted is the origin of the battlefield killing. But it is not only the ice and rain. Under this ice and rain, in turn, the battlefield, the eight maze, and the soldiers do not move."

"The battlefield, the eight labyrinths, and the soldiers do not move... Is this true?" The sharks were suddenly attracted by Fang Yuan’s words, and their eyes were light, staring at Fangyuan.

Fang Yuan leisurely fanned down the fan: "I can calculate by my shot, how can I have a fake?"

Sharks and Su Baiman immediately secretly voiced.

The shark devil said: "Mrs. If this wisdom is more accurate, then his wisdom will be amazing!"

Su Baiman greatly agrees: "Yes! Before we asked a few Zhidao Zhuxian, it is very difficult to figure out the difficulty of killing the battlefield. I don't want this person to be quiet, so I quickly gave the answer."

The shark devil sank: "This will be seen again. Maybe he just believes in the mouth, pretending to be a mystery? Is it wrong, what is the use?"

Su Baiman thought for a moment and vetoed: "I don't think it is very likely. Once, Baiyun was born with a strong temperament. He praised this person. If this person really has a realm of Zhidao, it is understandable to calculate the battlefield. Second, we can verify this. With the step-by-step strategy, you can prove his answer. If he wants to lie to us, it will not be so unwise, give a content that is so easy to judge right or wrong."

"Well, what the lady said is reasonable."

Just as the sharks and Su Baiman secretly communicated, Bu Dan had already waited, and the other source sneered: "Chen Dao, you are so savvy, good content! As long as the ice and rain are not broken, how do we know that you count? Is that right?"

Fang Yuan’s heart sighed, and this single singer stepped on his past life and framed it. This world seems inevitable.

Fang Yuan didn't want to make extra-budgets, but there was no way for him to take the initiative to meet him.

At this time, the shark demon laughed: "Mr. Chen, Bu Dan is unreasonable, but also hope not to blame."

"Although it is unreasonable, it is also a fact. What I have calculated, it will take some time before it can be verified." Fang Yuan nodded and admitted.

Su Baiman smiled softly: "I don't know why, although Mr. and I met for the first time, I always felt that I had already seen Mr. I felt an inexplicable feeling of kindness and trust. So even though I can't verify it for a while, I still I believe in Mr.."

"Ha ha ha, many people have said this." Fang Yuan said a lot, not modest.

But it does not need to be modest.

This is the effect of meeting each other.

The shark demon again said: "Mr. Chen, I am trapped in the ice and rain, and asked Mr. to help. I cracked this move early, and I can see the next layer as soon as possible to help Mr. verify the calculation. The content is Mr. Zheng."

Fang Yuan haha ​​smiled: "Shark Devil, this is a bad word. I just calculated, confident, for me, there is no need for verification. It is just that you do not trust Chen, you need to verify."

After a slowdown, Fang Yuan said: "Since I want to help, then I should talk about it, isn't it?"

The shark devil frowned, and Fang Yuan’s attitude made him very unhappy.

After all, Fang Yuan is only a six-turn, and he is already a seven-turn, six-turn and seven-turn attitude, which is considered an offense.

Fangyuan’s predecessor, the Pakistani Shark Devil, wanted to join the East China Sea’s headquarters, so he was polite to him. But in this world, Fangyuan has gained inheritance from the trenches. Where do you need to join the Zombies?

The shark demon Raiders are good for the land, and Fang Yuan naturally wants to take advantage of it, so that he can get more benefits.

After some discussion, the sharks opened a high price.

Fang Yuan accepted it with pleasure and began to work.

Although he does not have a star, he is different from his previous life. At this time, he is already a realm of Zhidao. Even if you use Van Gogh, you can play countless tricks.

More crucially, this battlefield has been cracked in his previous life.

Therefore, the natural effects are immediate and the sounds of exclamation and admiration are triggered from time to time.

In the past life, Fang Yuan only looked at the battlefield to crack the ice and rain. However, in this world, Fangyuan has handled it with ease and put all the energy into learning.

No matter whether it is past life or this life, Fang Yuan has no battlefield in his hands.

He has a strong interest in any battlefield killing.

As time went by, Fangyuan’s understanding of the battlefield of ice and rain was increasing and deepening.

What is the core of the ice and rain, what is the number, and how many of them help, and the source is gradually understood.

Only how these locusts work together, how many kinds of ways of operation, and the source is not fully explored within a short period of time.

Every once in a while, there are ice rain and snow monsters attacking, but the sharks and other people take the initiative to maintain a stable environment for Fangyuan.

Fangyuan did not make mistakes in previous to increase the power of ice and rain. On the contrary, because of repeated and correct cracks, the battlefield killing can be weakened.

As for the single, he has been stunned and frustrated, and dare not fight with Fangyuan.

The source of wisdom and wisdom that Fang Yuan showed was many times deeper than the previous life. The previous World Bu was still heart-wrenching, but this time he saw a huge gap between himself and Fang Yuan, and he was disheartened and disheartened.

In the end, when Fang Yuan almost exhausted the hoarding star, he stopped slowly.

The ice and rain frozen ground has been dismantled by 60%, leaving only 40%.

"Why did Chen Shu stop?" The shark asked urgently.

Fang Yuan smiled and said: "If you want to speed up, you will not be able to reach it. I am also a little tired. Come here today."

The shark is angry in the heart, but there is a demand for Fangyuan. I can’t take it. I just have a smile on my face: “Mr. said yes, it’s a good rest. So, when Mr. is a guest, please come to my shark sea. How is the guest? My shark banquet is unique in the East China Sea."

The rest of the immortals are inevitably exclaimed, and they cast their envious eyes on Fang Yuan.

Fang Yuan nodded and looked calm: "There are some people who have worked hard for the Sharks." ☆ (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support, which is my biggest Power.)

- I feed my own bag of salt


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