Reverse Growth Superstar

: One thousand two hundred and sixty-six: MVP has no parallel imports

The rose bloomed completely in the Federal Express Arena, blooming so brilliantly.

Link watched Rose's performance off the court, feeling like he had gone through it again.

He seemed to be back in 2010 for the second time, back to the heyday of Derek Rose.

On the court, Donovan Mitchell panicked like a rookie. Every time Rose approaches, he doesn't know how to respond.

At this point, the game has reached the final attack of the third quarter, and Derrick Rose's personal score has accumulated to 41 points.

With 41 points, Rose's career second highest score.

Rose’s current career maximum score is 42 points. He has done it twice, both in 2011.

No one could have imagined that Derrick Rose could once again get the opportunity to refresh his career high score after experiencing such a big start and fall at the age of 31!

Rose is like a warrior who has been knocked down countless times, but in the end he still wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and stood up again.

On the final attack, Rose took possession of the ball from outside the three-point line. Mitchell is ready, but in fact, this kid's legs are already a bit soft.

Ross showed off his true MVP-level strength in front of Mitchell today, and Mitchell is quite embarrassed now. In the beginning, it was him who applied to defend Rose, and now it is him who is scumbed by Rose.

Rose's offensive today has never stopped. From the beginning of the game to the present, as long as Rose is on the court, he is always attacking endlessly.

Under the terrifying offensive of the former MVP, the Jazz was completely suppressed. At this point, the Grizzlies have achieved a 21-point lead. Winning seems to be only a matter of time.

Seeing Rose approaching again, Mitchell felt like he was about to stop breathing.

This bouquet of roses is really too boring.

Rose controlled the time, ready to consume the last ten seconds.

He is still calm. Although he is only one step away from breaking his career scoring record, Rose has not acted too aggressively.

At this time, Rose is like a killer with no emotions, he just scores, and everything else is forgotten.

Seeing that the time was almost up, Rose began to change hands continuously.

Mitchell, already panicked, fell completely into Rose's rhythm, and he passively followed Rose's center of gravity to swing left and right.

Mitchell had already lost before Rose began to break through.

After a crotch change, Rose suddenly speeded up and stabs Mitchell by surprise.

Seeing Rose successfully break through again, everyone in the Federal Express Arena began to cheer.

In the face of such a brilliant breakthrough, it doesn't seem to matter whether the ball is scored or not.

Mitchell tried his best to stick to Rose's side, not allowing Rose to easily reach the basket.

He knew he couldn't find his face anymore today, but in order to win, he couldn't let Rose expand the points.

As long as the Jazz finally wins, all the frustrations he has experienced today will be wiped out.

Both Mitchell and Rose are racing at high speed. This is a duel between speed and speed.

However, when Rose was halfway through, he suddenly stopped and braked and took a step back.

Because Mitchell rushed too hard, Ross took a big step away from this sudden retreat.

On the sidelines, Link has raised his arm in advance.

The mid-range retreat jumper, this action Rose repeated hundreds of times yesterday.

He will not miss it.

Rose took the shot calmly, and the basketball flew over Mitchell's head, making him desperate.

In the end, it's like trying to pinch the time on purpose. At the moment the red light on the backboard was on, the basketball jumped into the net!

Derek Rose scored at the buzzer and broke his career-high scoring record in 2011!

Now, Rose's career high score has been refreshed to 43 points!

"Derek Rose, he was like a bullet, shot through Mitchell's heart, and then burst fiercely!"

Hubby Brown shouted excitedly. This former MVP finally completed the redemption at the Federal Express Arena.

After the goal, Rose screamed. Link in a suit rushed up first and hugged Rose.

"You did Derek, you did a great job!" Link finally knew why every time he scored a great goal, his teammates would rush to hug him.

Sometimes this kind of excitement is simply impossible to control.

Rose also hugged Link tightly, and when he released it again, Link found that Rose's eye sockets were a little rosy.

On the face, there is a liquid that I don't know if it is sweat or tears.

Link touched Rose's head, and after so many years, he finally released his emotions.

Everyone knows that Rose is the youngest MVP in NBA history, but few people really know how terrifying this title is.

Michael Jordan was 25 years old when he took MVP, and James was 25 years old. Kareem is 24 years old and Kobe is 29 years old.

The former "Son of the Wind" Steve Nash did not get his first MVP trophy until he was 31 years old.

Now looking back at Rose, he was 22 when he got the MVP!

Known as the greatest star of the decade, Link was still signing a 10-day short contract with the Grizzlies at the age of 22.

It is really incredible to get the MVP at the age of 22.

Falling from such a high position, you know how unwilling Rose is.

He must have watched Curry, Harden, Irving, Lillard and other newly emerged guards on many bleak nights, shaking his head secretly, and then silently telling himself: "If I have not been injured, I might be able to... ...."

He did not succumb to fate and fought desperately against the world.

He also thought about giving up, retire altogether, and chose to leave like "Yellow Mamba" Roy did.

But in the end, he persisted.

Facts have proved that Rose's insistence is correct.

Tonight, he regained his glory.

Again, the champion may have parallel imports, but the MVP does not.

Excitedly, Rose returned to the bench with 43 points. At the age of 31, he has experienced so many ups and downs now.

These 43 points are not easy.

At this point, the Jazz are 23 points behind. In theory, they still have hope of winning today.

In this era of scoring explosion, it is not impossible to complete a 23-point reversal in the final quarter.

But now, no one cares about winning or losing the game. Derek Rose is the only protagonist today and the only object people care about.

Moreover, Link believes that everyone on the Grizzlies will definitely not let the Jazz destroy Rose's career milestone night.

Even desperately, this night must be perfect!

Sure enough, after the start of the fourth quarter, everyone on the Grizzlies was very excited.

Rose also put away his tears and continued to fight on the court.

Four minutes later in the fourth quarter, when Rose caused Gobert with a beautiful breakthrough and made two free throws, Rose rewritten his career high to 50 points.

50 points, this is by no means easy for any player. In the history of the NBA, there are only a handful of players who can score 50 points in a single game.

Today, the youngest MVP Derek Rose has become one of them.

After Rose scored 50 points, the game also entered garbage time.

After that, Georgel replaced Rose. In the Federal Express Arena, the fans chanted MVP.

In the past, only Link could enjoy such treatment here.

But today, Rose is absolutely qualified to be admired by everyone.

He is the MVP.

"A great night, I am very fortunate to be able to witness this game on the spot! I have to say that the Grizzlies are indeed a magical team. Randolph is here to turn back the prodigal son, and Link is here as a draft loser. Become a superstar. Butler, Dinwiddie, Jokic and other low-ranking rookies are also famous here."

"Now, the fallen MVP is actually reborn in Memphis! Do you want to be the best player in the world? Come to Memphis!"

Hubby Brown shook his head. In the past, Memphis was a scary city, and the grizzly bear was also called the tomb of the star.

But now, the Grizzlies are simply a dream factory for stars.

Link stood on the sidelines and looked at Rose waving with the fans, feeling very excited.

He just said that the Grizzlies would win today. He didn't expect that Rose actually created such a big surprise.

The "depth bomb" he dropped must have stunned those who were waiting to see the excitement.

Link took a deep breath, then sat back on his bench.

A resurgent Rose?

Well, the championship of the last season was taken on another insurance.

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