Reverse Growth Superstar

: One thousand three hundred and seventeen: Don't endure Laozi

Kobe raised his arms and looked grim, as if he had scored 83 points.

Although this is the Lakers game, although in everyone's mind, Kobe should support the Lakers.

But Kobe couldn't help but cheered excitedly from the sidelines.

It's a showdown. In fact, I have always supported Link.

Wade took off his sunglasses and stared at the court in disbelief.

"The Flash" has a career high of 9, 55 points.

With 55 points, Wade felt that he was invincible that day. He felt that he had already scored too many points that day.

He couldn't imagine how Link scored 28 more points on this basis.

Randolph and Tony Allen directly supported each other at the moment when Link made a three-pointer, because they both had weak legs.

Not only them, but all basketball fans around the world, now have a stunned expression.

After Mike Brin finished roaring, he found that his voice was muted.

He was yelling frantically all night today.

But being able to witness this miraculous game with your own eyes is worth it!

Before, everyone felt that 80 points in a single game were impossible.

But what Link is best at is to make the impossible possible!

He has created too many miracles, tonight, it is just a "routine."

The whole Staples was boiling, well, boiling when the Lakers were destined to lose the game.

In the entire history of the Lakers, this is very rare.

Those fans who originally came to cheer for the Lakers were completely impressed by Link's performance today.

Although Link is the opponent of the Lakers today, a great player deserves everyone's madness.

After Link's three-pointer hit, the point difference was stretched to 15 points. And the game time, only half a minute left.

The Los Angeles Lakers were completely sentenced to death, and they have no chance of even the slightest comeback.

The Lakers players are actually quite unhappy.

Who wants to be the backdrop for the historical night? Who wants to hear fans cheering for other teams at home?

James looked at Link sitting on the ground, feeling innocent and powerless all over his body.

He knew that he had completely lost.

Not only in this game, but in the confrontation of this era, he completely lost to Link.

83 points...This would be a shame for James throughout his life. This is the best proof that Link completely suppressed him.

James sighed, his expression solemn.

He still failed to seize the last chance to defeat Link.

He is destined to only become the Karl Malone of this era.

Well, Karl Malone, a superstar, surrounded by countless glory, has left a strong pen and ink in the alliance.

It seems pretty good too.

But one thing-he was not the greatest player of that era.

The greatest player, this is James' goal.

But tonight, all his illusions were shattered.

James gave up the illusion, but at this time, he did not intend to continue the struggle.

Link collapsed on the hard board after the goal. In the end, Howard and Dillon Brooks stepped up and lifted Linkla up.

Link is really weak. For the first time in the regular season, he experienced the feeling of physical exhaustion.

He looked up at the big screen at the scene, saw the unusual number "83", and grinned.

Unexpectedly, today I did so outrageously...

The Lakers called a timeout, and Frank Vogel planned to give up. By the way, also give fans and Link some time to release their emotions.

Vogel never expected that he actually won the lottery today.

But if he wins this kind of "award", he will definitely not be happy.

21 points, 18 points, 22 points, 22 points...

Who believes Link's score in these four quarters?

Vogel was the first to not believe it.

In the case of back-to-back fighting, the points scored in the second half were slightly more than those in the first half, and each of the four quarters had a steady gain of nearly 20 points.

Link is as stable as a high-precision instrument.

This really shattered Vogel's Three Views.

In front of Link, never say the word "impossible".

Think about it, if Link didn't fight back-to-back in today's game, maybe he could score 100 points!

That guy can do anything exaggerated.

Hearing the referee blew the whistle to suspend the game, Link walked towards the bench with joy.

At this time, he just wanted to collapse on the bench and wait for the end of the game.

He didn't even have the energy to celebrate his 83-point miracle.

But Link was just about to go to the bench, but was clung to by Dillon Brooks.

Brooks' eyes were red with excitement, and this kid might not have thought that he would be able to participate in this great night himself today.

"Too handsome boss, too handsome! 84 points, you are simply God of Staples!"

"Um..." Looking at Brooks who was yelling all over him, Link curled his lips.

Hello, you are heavy, okay? Also, I really want to sit and rest, let go!

Excitedly, Brooks finally let go. Link was just about to walk to the bench, but was dragged by Howard on the other side.

"I know you can do it, and I am honored to experience this night with you. No, I am honored to spend this season with you, Link!" Howard also gave Link a "truth confession".

Link wants to break free, but Howard is not so strong!

It's horrible to bully people with good physical strength.

Howard finally let go of Link, and Link hurried to the bench.

He is dead, his legs are weak, if he doesn't sit down and rest...

"I admire your performance today, Link! In this league, few people still have this spirit! This spirit of not setting limits on themselves is very important to all the new generation of players. In my last season, I set a good example for them, a good link!"

Link was almost on the bench, but Kobe, who looked serious, came up to join in the fun.

Link's mouth twitches, please let me go down and rest!

Link wanted to stretch out his hand to poke Kobe away, but Kobe grabbed the hand that Link extended, pulled it hard, and touched Link's shoulders.

After being hit so hard by Kobe, Link felt that he was almost gone...

"Please let it go, please let it go." Looking at the surrounding teammates and friends who were ready to come up and celebrate with him, Link felt deep despair.

When he was driven into desperation on the court today, Link did not despair. Link did not despair when he was physically overdrawn but still had to play difficult singles under the tight defense of the opponent.

Unexpectedly, after winning the victory, I was desperate.

Link and everyone embraced, smiled, and nodded one by one.

Finally, tired of a dog, he walked to the bench.

Link seemed to see the light of hope, and he wanted to stay on the bench for the rest of his life and not get up.

Link smiled happily and walked quickly to the bench. Just one step away, one step away, he can sit comfortably on it and wait for the game to be over!

But at this time, a huge figure turned sideways, perfectly "defending" Link and resting between Link and the bench.

When Link saw the huge body in front of him, he knew something was wrong.

Looking up, it turned out that it was Randolph with a hippie smile.

"Yes, Physical fitness is really not covered. As expected, my little brother, come, let us have a passionate hug, I want to share this great time with you! Hahahaha! "

Before Link could react, Randolph caught Link in a bear hug.

It was a double torture to rub Link's head while holding it.

Link didn't expect that Randolph had retired, but he still couldn't escape the fate of being touched and killed.

At this moment, Link mumbled something that everyone didn't understand.

But no one cared, everyone thought that Link was too excited to speak clearly.

But in fact, what Link has been sending out is the cry of life.

"Don't suffer from Laozi, don't suffer from Laozi..."

Why did my 80th night become like this...

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