Reverse Growth Superstar

: One Hundred and Thirty-Five: The Rational Man

Anthony caught the ball from the team's point guard Tony Douglas on the right three-point line, and Link stuck in front of him, but Anthony did not slow down his pace.

He took two strides to the middle distance with the ball, and then offered Link a confrontation. Link was taken a step back by Anthony. Anthony took this opportunity to make an emergency stop in the middle distance and then made a very smooth jump shot!

"Damn it!" Link immediately raised his long arm to interfere, but he still seemed to be slow. Faced with Link's slight interference, Anthony didn't even blink his eyes, he was very calm.

Link looked back, and the basketball was hollow into the net. The audience sighed. This is Anthony's 27th point in this game! Link's score at this time was only 12 points.

"Go in again, Carmelo Anthony is in a very hot form today. He perfectly continued the fiery touch of the first four games. Link's defense today does not seem to have much impact on Cameron. The opponent is always a super scorer. what!"

"I think there is no problem with Link's defense today, but Carmelo Anthony's goal is really unreasonable. He has many goals against the defense, which makes Link very frustrated on the defensive end. "Hubby Brown shook his head, I hope the child's confidence will not be hit.

After Anthony scored, Hollins immediately called a timeout. Because with only 8 minutes left in the game, the Grizzlies are 7 points behind.

When Link heard the paused whistle, he waved his arms unwillingly. Today he has tried his best to defend Anthony, but that guy can score goals. Although when he was training with Kobe half a month ago, Link experienced what it means to "can't defend it."

But that is training after all, and it is still different from a formal game. Link was blown by Anthony in the official game today. This frustration made Link very uncomfortable.

"Kling's Link, the last time the Grizzlies played against the Nuggets, he shouldn't have annoyed Carmelo Anthony. Once he annoyed a super scorer, he couldn't eat it in the end."

"Don't jump to conclusions so quickly, the game is not over, and the Knicks are only leading by 7 points. This is not an irreversible gap, the Grizzlies still have a chance." Hubie Brown is still defending his favorite team. , He quickly looked at the Grizzlies bench, hoping that the group of guys could find a way to win.

"Mike, continue to strengthen your breakthrough and play aggressiveness! Only when you can score consecutively, your teammates will get a chance! Our offense is very uneven, very, very uneven, and most of our offenses are Individual singles, this is not allowed! You must first have a scoring threat, so as to create space for your teammates! Aggressiveness, give me aggressiveness!"

On the Grizzlies bench, it is different from what most people think. Lionel Hollins did not criticize Link, but instead scolded Conley bloody.

Today, the main reason for the Grizzlies' behind is not Link. Anthony's offense today is almost incomprehensible, there is no way to change defense. But Conley didn't sort out the Grizzlies' offense, which made Hollins a little angry. When the point guard can't sort out the offense and the team can only fall into individual singles, it's strange that the efficiency is high. Anthony is serious on the defensive end today, so Link's scoring is not as easy as last time. If Tony Allen falls into singles, the scoring is basically dependent on Meng. All Grizzlies, only Randolph's singles can be seen. But how can he stop the two scorers, Anthony and Stoudemire?

At this time, point guards need to create opportunities for everyone. However, Conley has been slow to do so.

Hollins knew that Knicks point guard Tony Douglas is a defensive gate and a strong heavy guard.

Douglas is 1.88 meters tall, only 3 cm taller than Conley. But the weight is more than ten kilograms higher than Conley! As a point guard of only 1.88 meters, Douglas weighed 92.5 kg! There is no doubt that this is his most important weapon on the defensive end.

But even in the face of such a large weight gap, Hollins could not stand Conley's inaction. Therefore, he finally lost his temper. NBA coaches are a particularly emotional group. When they think the team can do something but the result is not as expected, they usually explode in place.

Which NBA coach do you see who has never yelled on the sidelines?

Head coach shouting at players is a very risky thing. Unless you are respected like Popovich, you may be arrogant if you roar.

Especially point guards, as the brains of the team but questioned by the head coach, is a very shameless thing.

Look at Deron and Sloan, look at Rondo and Rivers, you know the consequences of the head coach shouting at the point guard.

But Conley was different. After being yelled at by Hollins, he was not angry, nor refuted. He just lowered his head, like a child who had made a mistake, without saying a word.

The atmosphere suddenly became a little embarrassing, and Link also knew that it was not Conley's fault that the team was behind now. So when the timeout was over and everyone was back on the court, Link leaned forward and stabbed Conley with his elbow.

"Mike, don’t mind. Coach Hollins is definitely not intentional. You know what he is. It’s not your fault. I have to take a lot of responsibility today. But don’t be discouraged. The reason why he is so angry is Because we need you."

After Link finished speaking, what he didn't expect was that Conley smiled slightly.

"Do you think I'm angry? I didn't speak, I was just thinking about how to deal with Tony Douglas. Don't worry Link, I am not a woman, I am not so easy to get angry. Besides, anger can't solve the problem. I will be active without the ball later. Run and I will pass you the ball. But before that, I might have to score a few points on Douglas."

Conley instead patted Link on the shoulder and ran onto the court. Link shook his head. Yeah, Conley may be a more mature person than himself.

Before crossing over, Link read an article on the Internet, which recorded a lot of strange NB league records.

One of them is still fresh in Link's memory-Mike Conley has never won a technical foul until now in his career.

Mike Conley had played in the league for many seasons, and he was basically a team starter, but he had never received a technical foul, malicious foul or expulsion. Such records can even be traced back to his high school games and college. game.

You rarely see Mike Conley complaining, and you can hardly imagine Mike Conley yelling at the referee or opponent. For some controversial penalties, he usually just shook his head, and then he would try to get close to the referee and discuss it during the rest of the game.

In this league where sitting on the bench and smiling will be called a technical foul, Conley's record impresses Link.

Yes, that guy is an extremely rational and calm person, and he will take care of everything. Link always felt that people underestimated this defender who had lived under the aura of others since he was a child, but now he realized that even he himself underestimated this teammate.

"The game is restarting. We don’t know what adjustments the Grizzlies have made but I hope it will work. Now they are behind by 7 points. With Anthony in such a hot state, the point difference may change at any time. To double digits!"

At the end of the timeout, Hubby Brin's commentary reignited the atmosphere of the scene.

Conley propelled the ball amidst the cheers of the Memphis fans, and Link ran to the right corner to open space. But this is not easy, because he has to endure Anthony's trash while running.

Anthony beat Link in stats today, he is extremely arrogant. But Link trusted Conley and he would turn the situation around.

Conley passed the ball within half of the time this time, and his eyes became murderous. The team's offense can't open up the situation now, so he first makes himself threatening. Once you have a scoring threat, it is not difficult to create space for your teammates.

Conley called Randolph for cover, but actually confused Doug Dallas. Before Randolph mentioned it, Conley used a cross step to get in!

"Damn!" Although Douglas is strong, his athleticism is average. Once he didn't respond in the first time, it would be difficult for him to keep up with Conley.

Conley went inside and no one from the Knicks helped defend him. After all, today, he didn't have much performance. The Knicks players are thinking, what can a small point guard do?

Conley didn't waste an opportunity and scored the ball with a steady throw.

He is very important to the team, he will not let his brothers down!

"The goal is scored. Mike's breakthrough this time is very resolute! But this is still an individual singles. Is there really no countermeasure for the Grizzlies?"

Hubby Brown was a little worried, but Link on the court laughed happily. This is not without countermeasures, this is the beginning of a smooth attack!

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