Reverse Growth Superstar

: One hundred and ninety-eight: 2 amazing teams

May 2, 2011, Staples Center. The "killing god" Kobe Bryant, who has scored 36 points, is holding the ball outside the three-point line. All Staples fans are waiting for Kobe to contribute a lore!

There are 3 seconds left in the game, the Lakers are 1 point behind, and Kobe controls the ball. This seems to be a script written specifically for Kobe. According to the "script development", he should score a lore, stop the Texans from advancing, win the first game of the Western Conference semifinals, and express the Lakers' determination to win three consecutive championships.

However, Kobe's difficult three-pointer eventually missed. The electronic buzzer sounded, and the whole Staples was in an uproar. The defending champion Lakers lost!

"No, God, Kobe Bryant missed the lore! This means that the Dallas Mavericks, with a maximum of 16 points behind, defeated the defending champion and won the first Western Conference semifinals! Dirk Nou Witsky blasted 16 points in the second half. The German and his team are very ambitious this year!" Mike Brin yelled in surprise on the commentary stage. No one could have imagined that Dirk, who has always been "weak", and the Mavericks who have always loved to lose chains at critical moments, could actually fight tenaciously at Staples to the end.

16 points reversal, the Dallas Mavericks gave the defending champion a sense of crisis! Nowitzki led the Mavericks in five starts and all scored in double figures. On the Lakers' side, except for Kobe and Gasol, everyone else played very average.

Watching the Mavericks players ecstatic on the court, Mike Brin is trying to remember what happened in the past two days. In this year's playoffs, too many incredible things have happened!

After the first game of the Western Conference semifinals was played, the results were different from everyone's imagination. In most people's minds, the Lakers, who are struggling for three consecutive championships, will definitely reserve a seat in the Western Conference Finals. The veteran powerhouse Spurs may play fiercely against the Grizzlies, but they will still be the winner.

As a result, in the first game of the Western Conference semifinals, both popular teams lost.

Kobe just missed the lore, ruining the great situation. And yesterday's game between the Spurs and the Grizzlies, Link's 25 points and 10 assists also dented the Western Conference No. 1 player.

These two games can be said to be equally magical. The Grizzlies relied on strong perseverance to stabilize the situation under the situation of the Spurs' crazy counterattack, and completely ended the game in the last minute and a half of the game.

On the Mavericks side, 16 points behind at halftime, it was because of everyone's efforts that they came back little by little.

The amazing qualities of these two under-optimized teams have caused chaos in the entire Western Conference.

On the court, Kobe reluctantly walked into the player channel. He looked at his knees, then sighed deeply. Seeing this situation, Mike Brin quickly took out Kobe's data sheet today and found that Kobe didn't score any penalty points today! Only 4 of the 36 points came from free throws, and the rest were basically jump shots!

Yes, Kobe has been facing huge injuries this season. In today's game, Kobe basically did not break through. He scored 36 points just by shooting, and Mike Brin is scary to think about it.

But Mike Brin did not praise Kobe for this idea. He thought of another topic worth discussing. "Maybe, the two teams that will eventually participate in the Western Conference finals this year will be beyond our imagination."

"What did you say?" Kevin Haran asked in surprise beside Mike Brin.

"I mean, the victory of the Mavericks and the Grizzlies yesterday is not just accidental. The Lakers and Spurs, two high-profile teams, actually have big problems. The Spurs have insufficient internal reserves. There is no new blood. They can't prevent the Grizzlies from attacking inside, and it is difficult for Parker and Ginobili to kill the game under the Grizzlies' terrible outside defensive chain. The Spurs lineup is completely restrained by the Grizzlies!"

"On the Lakers side, Kobe's condition is a big problem. He barely broke through today and scored by shooting. Kobe can score 36 points today, but it is impossible for Kobe to score such high points by shooting in every game. Kobe's knee This whole season has been tortured. Can an unhealthy Kobe really withstand the impact of the Mavericks? I think it’s too difficult. The Dallas Mavericks are definitely one of the most underrated teams this season."

After Mike Brin finished, Kevin Harlan did not refute. Just relying on the "incompetent" Grizzlies and the Mavericks who always lose the chain at critical moments can kill Kobe and Duncan? Harlan was still a little unacceptable.

After all, since 1998, only in 2006, Kobe and Duncan were absent from the Western Conference Finals. This kind of attendance in the Western Conference finals is enough to illustrate the abilities of Kobe and Duncan.

A Western Conference final without Duncan or Kobe, Kevin Harlan is really not used to it.

But I have to admit that Mike Brin is right. The victory of the Grizzlies and Mavericks is not accidental, they are really likely to change the pattern of the entire West!

What the outcome will be, Harlan can't wait to know the answer.


Link has been very popular in Memphis recently. After all, he has become the most successful rookie in Grizzlies history, not one of them. His title will somewhat embarrass Thabeet, who has already begun vacation, and Mayo, who has become a substitute.

Because in people's expectations, they should have played Link's role at this time.

All of Memphis is discussing Link, and people are guessing how far he can grow. Countless fans rushed to the streets, holding a sign outside the Federal Express Arena, begging Chris Wallace to keep him this summer.

The rumors about Link's transfer became as hot as Chris Paul, he has become a star!

But in San Antonio, Link is not very popular. There is no doubt that Link has become one of the most hated players in San Antonio. Because of his double-double data, the Spurs are in a crisis of promotion.

On May 3, the second game of the Western Conference Finals between the Spurs and the Grizzlies officially opened. Today, the Spurs' GDP combined scored 45 points, helping the team win back a city at home. But even so, Spurs fans are still unhappy. Because today, the Grizzlies only lost the Spurs by 4 points. If the Grizzlies didn't miss several key shots in the last moment, the Spurs would have to overturn.

Link has 17 points, 7 assists and 4 rebounds, and his good performance continues.

The next day, the Dallas Mavericks beat the defending champion 93-81, and the Lakers lost all two home games! Nowitzki scored 24 points and 7 rebounds. Gasol was taught to be a man. The Lakers made 2 of 20 three-pointers and made only 10% of their three-pointers. On the west side, the situation is still going against what people expected.

On May 6, the Western Conference semifinals continued. The Mavericks continue to win at home. Nowitzki made 4 of 5 three-pointers and scored 32 points in one fell swoop! The German has had the experience of being overturned in a 2-0 lead, so he will not allow that to happen again.

Gasol scored 13 points in the game, shooting only 38.5%, and continued to be taught to be a man. The Lakers are behind 3-0. Unless a miracle occurs, the defending champion's dream of three consecutive championships will be broken!

One day later, the Grizzlies beat the Spurs 91 to 88! Randolph scored 25 points and beat Duncan, who had only 13 points, showing his terrifying offensive power. Link has 14 points, 8 assists and 6 rebounds, as always. The Grizzlies kept up with the Mavericks and again inflicted heavy losses on the Spurs.

On May 8, the depressed Lakers were trampled by the Mavericks 122 to 86. The Mavericks went crazy. They made 11 of 15 3-pointers in the first half, tying the NBA playoff record. The audience made 20 of 32 3-pointers and tied the record. "The Jets" Terry was even more surprising. He made 6 of 7 three-pointers in the first half and scored 20 points. He made 9 of 10 three-pointers and tied the NBA playoff personal record!

The veteran striker Peja Stojakovic was equally magical, 6 of 6 three-pointers in the game, and the Lakers were shot to death!

So far, the Mavericks swept the defending champion and successfully advanced to the Western Conference Finals! This Lakers also embarrassedly became the seventh defending champion in NBA history to be swept in the playoffs. What's even more disgraceful is that the Lakers occupy 3 seats among the 7 defending champions that have been swept away...

The Mavericks performed magically and shocked the world. Of course, Mike Brin said well after the game-"Don't be shocked too early, because next, more surprising things may happen!"

Sure enough, on May 9, the Spurs knelt again! In Game 4 of the Grizzlies vs. Spurs series, Tony Parker scored 100 shots in the first half and scored 19 points on 7 of 7 in the quite a bit to lead the Spurs counterattack momentum.

But in the second half, when Hollins decided to let Link go to help defend Parker, the game changed suddenly. The Spurs played for nearly 5 minutes in the second half without scoring, and the Grizzlies played a wave of 14-0! The Grizzlies' resolute defense and determination were not defeated by Parker's 100 shots in the first half.

Instead, the Spurs were stopped by the Grizzlies' tough defense, and there was no rhythm in the second half. The Spurs shot only 37.8% in the second half, and in the end they also defeated the Grizzlies 86-104 in Memphis. The Grizzlies scored no 20 in this game, but five scored in double figures. They successfully defended the home court by relying on team offense and perseverance defense!

Link has 13 points, 9 rebounds and 3 assists. His data in the next few games has declined compared with the magical first game that created team history. But no one thought that this guy was just a flash in the pan. Everyone knows that when Hollins needs him to score, the Chinese can score 20 points per minute.

Just like Hill last year, he almost disappeared when he went downwind. But once the team goes against the wind and needs him to stand up, he is obliged!

So far, the Grizzlies have led the Spurs 3-1. Although there are also examples of counterattacks in the NBA postseason playoffs when they are 1-3 behind, but based on the current situation of the Spurs, it is not realistic for them to counterattack the Grizzlies.

Randolph asked and wanted from the inside of the Spurs, but the Spurs' offense was repeatedly overturned by the Grizzlies. The fact that the lineup is restrained is not something the Spurs can work hard to recover. Not surprisingly, the Grizzlies and Mavericks will break everyone's expectations and join forces in the Western Conference Finals as a dark horse!

The Grizzlies are going to the Western Conference Finals! I believe that now, there are still many people who can't believe the truth of this incident.

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