Reverse Growth Superstar

: Two hundred and fourteen: Xiaobaitiao can't stop

On July 1, 2011, the old labor-management agreement of the alliance officially expired, and the labor and management parties also conducted the last negotiation.

In the end, the two sides still had huge differences and failed to reach any agreement. NBA officially enters the lockout period, which is also the second of the four major professional sports leagues in the United States to fall into the lockout after the NFL lockout in March 2011.

During the lockout, the free agent market and trading market are closed, and players will not receive salaries. Even players can't use the team's training facilities for any reason, and the team can't hold any summer training camps, exhibitions, team meetings, and coaching meetings.

The entire nba, from coaches to players, has fallen into a state of "magnified fake".

Although he had known such a thing would happen, Link was still a little helpless. In the next six months, Link will usher in a period of no games to play. The Grizzlies' deal with Jimmy Butler and the contract extension with Link must also be postponed until the free agent market and the trading market are opened.

After the lockout began, the most obvious change was that many players chose to play overseas.

The UEFA Europa League and ba are the two major bases for players to choose to travel. Numerous NBA's main players have had an inextricable relationship with ba. This summer's ba has become particularly lively.

And under the arrangement of Jeff Austin, Link also went to major cities to start his business trip. Don't underestimate the commercial value of a first-year draft, if you are good enough, if you can attract attention. Even rookie players can flex their muscles in commercial activities.

Link still remembers that before crossing over, Lakers rookie Kyle Kuzma organized two trips to China. Although Kuzma's China tour is not as empty as when Kobe came to China, his popularity is also unmatched by other rookies.

Compared with Kuzma in the future, Link has yellow skin without losing his skills and appearance, which naturally made his China trip go smoothly.

When he came to China, Link was actually very impressed. This is the first time he has "returned to China" in nearly a year. Looking at the familiar street scenes around, Link still missed it.

Sitting on the bus, Jeff Austin has been telling Link about his China trip. In fact, the schedule of this kind of commercial activities is similar. During the day, go to some characteristic snack streets or restaurants to eat Chinese delicacies to narrow the distance with the fans.

It is similar to Thompson eating stinky tofu and Wade eating soy juice in the future.

But for Link, these are not problems. He was originally a "born and raised" Chinese, and eating Chinese food happened to have his appetite.

In the afternoon, I will go to some schools to participate in charity activities and play basketball with the children.

In the evening, a 1v1 streetball game organized by Nike will be arranged. Hearing this, Link suddenly became interested. Picking up the schedule and looking at it, sure enough, the opponent was Wang Wu You.

"This is about your schedule these days, how about it? Are you excited about your first trip to China?" Austin panted after reading a long journey.

"Excitement is fine, but there is a familiar feeling."

"Familiar? Aren't you born in America?"

"Uh, but I have been to China before, hehe."

While talking, Link's bus arrived at the hotel where he was staying. Before the car stopped, a large number of fans poured in!

Link looked at the fans in the dark outside the car window, and felt his scalp tingling! In Memphis, although he is also a star, to be honest, the population of Memphis is not enough! Link walked on the road swaggeringly, and it was impossible to gather so many people on the empty streets!

"Hey, did you see it? This is the legendary battle in China! Let's go Link, Chinese fans can't wait." Austin smiled triumphantly. The Chinese market he dreamed of was right now!

Link did not expect that his popularity in China seemed to be quite high. But thinking about it, there must be many Chinese fans who hate me, after all, I am an ab. This is the case with the Chinese, and sometimes neither is pleased. To be discriminated against in the United States, but also to be scolded in China. But sunspots are everywhere. At least these fans who are willing to come to see him, Link is still willing to treat them warmly.

Link stepped off the bus and waved to the fans. Standing in the middle at a height of 2.03 meters, he still couldn't see the end of the crowd.

"Everyone! Thank you! Thank you so much for your support, I am very happy!" When Link got out of the car, he blew out a sentence in Chinese with Beijing accent. This time, the fans around are even crazier.

If a superstar wants to be recognized by fans, in addition to strength, the sense of distance with the fans is also an important indicator.

No matter how good you play, but you can't integrate into the fans, naturally your popularity will not be too high. Even if you are only a small third-tier star, but you are close to the fans, you will be very popular.

At this point, the “Ma Political Commissar” Ma is the one who did the best. He not only integrated into the fans, but really integrated into Chinese basketball and life in China. As the saying goes, it should not be too ugly. Everyone knows that they came to China to make money, but how to make money, whether the Chinese are willing to make money for you, depends on the individual.

Link thinks that there is no need for him to pretend to be noble or big. Interacting with fans who like yourself is also a kind of enjoyment. Besides, without these fans, where does Link's commercial value come from?

Afterwards, Link signaled that the security staff did not need to separate himself from the fans so much. He brought the crowd infinitely close to him, and then patiently satisfied the fans' requests for photos and autographs.

Austin huddled in the crowd, but did not complain, but felt relieved.

Link this guy is a good boy. He hasn't forgotten that he also went from obscurity to shocking the entire league. He has not forgotten that he was once a part of this group of ordinary people.

From the bus to the entrance of the hotel, it was a short distance of 50 meters, and Link walked for half an hour. The time was basically spent on autographing photos.

In the end, Link walked backwards and waved with the fans until he disappeared in the elevator.

"You are good at it, you know how to make fans like you." In the elevator, Austin seemed very satisfied with Link's performance.

"Is there? I just try to respect everyone who respects me." Link shrugged, this is how he gets along with others.

After that, Link followed the process to participate in various activities. At noon, I went to the snack street to eat a lot of snacks. Of course, every time he walks to a place, there are countless cameras facing him two meters in front of him, which is actually quite unnatural.

But seeing Link devouring all Chinese food with chopsticks, even "dark dishes" like stinky tofu, Chinese fans suddenly felt that this guy seemed to be no different from us!

In the afternoon, Link performed "Go to your basketball dream performance" in a certain elementary school. A pupil's layup was sealed in place by Link mercilessly, which was regarded as Xiaoxiaopi. Of course, Link finally picked up the young player and dunked the basket, which was compensated.

After attending school activities, Link told Austin that he hoped to participate in more charitable school basketball activities in the future. For example, build basketball courts for schools in remote areas, and teach students in places where the popularity of basketball is not high.

Link knew that after Yao Ming became the chairman of the Chinese Basketball Association, he personally participated in the basic popularization of basketball. Yao Ming said it well that super geniuses cannot be cultivated and they must be discovered. The better the foundation, the greater the chance of discovery.

Link can't play for the Chinese team, so let's help Chinese basketball go better from the side.

Even if Link's feelings for China are aside, more charity is not a bad thing.

Austin took down all Link's requirements, and he felt more and more that Link, this guy, is more than just a gamer.

If a professional player can only play ball, it is impossible to achieve great success.

In the evening, the battle between Link and Chinese Streetball, and Wang Wu You came as scheduled. In recent years, Wang Wu You has participated in many similar business activities. Back then, Link was also very envious of his chance to play against NBA-level stars.

But I didn't expect that I now became the party to play against Wang There is nothing to say in this 1v1, Wang Wuyou is very serious, but Link is really not interested in this game. After all, the difference between the two parties is too much.

The difference between professional players and amateur players cannot be filled with hard work. What's more, Link is still a professional player who plays in the top basketball league.

Link let Wang Wu You score a goal, then scored five goals in a row, ending the game.

At nine o'clock in the evening, today's activities are all over. The fans dispersed, leaving only Link and his team in the arena.

"It's nine o'clock, are you sure you want to continue?" Austin looked at Link, this time his tone was serious.

"I'm sure, I was warmed up just now. If I don't practice, it would be a waste of this physical state."

Austin nodded, then waved at the staff. Two Spalding basketballs used in NBA games were picked up, which was brought up specially by Link!

With the cooperation of a staff member, Link still practiced spot shooting. Even if it is a holiday, he must maintain his state and continue to accumulate his little white bars!

The gap between two talented players is often opened up during the offseason.

"By the way, how did you arrange for the trainer? Jeff."

"Don't worry, I have several candidates. When the business activities are all over, I will arrange the best trainer and the most suitable training for you. And after this offseason, you will become a better one. player of."

Austin suddenly felt that Link's future development might be better than he thought.

A talented player may not succeed.

But a talented player who is willing to work hard and has emotional intelligence will never fail.

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