Reverse Growth Superstar

: 216: Body Shape Transformation Plan

The streets of Los Angeles after four o'clock in the morning are quiet, empty, and without temptation, allowing people to stay focused.

When Link trained with Kobe for the first time, he might not have thought that he would be killed. He actually contracted the "quirks" of training in the early morning.

He was sitting in a taxi, thinking that Nowitzki was unmatched in this year's playoffs. Who doesn't want to be an unbeatable player? Link also hopes that he can hit Nowitzki's height as soon as possible.

As long as he can fill up the small white bars as soon as possible and work hard to improve himself, Link believes that he can become a superstar!

The taxi drove for a long time because the training hall was not in downtown Los Angeles. In order to maintain privacy, in order to avoid being disturbed by reporters and fans, and in order to allow Link to stay focused, Brickley deliberately found such a place.

There are fewer and fewer high-rise buildings outside the car windows, and houses are getting scarcer. It was not until on a hill that the taxi driver finally stopped the car.

Link looked out and saw that there was indeed a gym on the top of the mountain. God knows, which genius thought of building a stadium in this place. But it is undeniable that this is indeed a good place. After getting off the bus, I went to the city and saw the beautiful street scene of Los Angeles in the early morning.

Link didn't have time to admire the scenery. He rushed to the entrance of the training hall, only to find that a young white man was already waiting for him. If Link is correct, he is his personal trainer this summer, Chris Brickley!

"Link, it’s nice to meet you. I’m Chris Brickley. Just call me Chris. I thought you wouldn’t contact me today." Brickley enthusiastically fights with Link. After greeting, Link also shook hands with each other amicably.

"Sorry to disturb you so late, I just think early morning training helps to improve concentration."

"Sorry? Hahahaha, you're not sorry to me. For 24 hours, Link, I'll be there on call." Brickley worked hard because he knew that such an opportunity was not easy to come by.

For the trainer, connections are very important. The wider the network, the more customers naturally.

Brickley can be known by Jeff Austin mainly because he and his college teammate Richard Pitino are friends. And Richard Pitino's father is the famous NCAA coach and Rick Pitino who has coaching experience in the NBA!

Pitino is very optimistic about Brickley's ability, and Brickley was only recognized by people in the basketball circle. Otherwise, how could Austin know him?

Now that Brickley trains Link, he is actually building contacts. If Link thinks his training is good, he would recommend Brickley to more people.

So, Brickley is very clear. No matter what Link asks, he must do his best to fulfill it. Early morning training? No problem, this is just a piece of cake.

Accompanied by Brickley, Link walked into the rented training hall. The rent is 10,000 dollars a week, and Brickley’s salary is 8,000 dollars a week. In other words, the cost of Link’s training for a week is 18,000.

However, the facilities of the training hall are very complete, including basketball courts, gymnasiums, swimming pools, etc. Compared to the cost of Olajuwon’s training camp of 50,000 a week, Link feels that this is worth the money.

As long as it can be promoted, how about spending 18 thousand a week? After all, as soon as the labor negotiations are over, Link will be the one who will get ten million contracts.

"It's not bad here? I've been looking for it for a long time, because many popular training halls have been booked in advance. You know, every summer, there are countless players who come to Los Angeles to train. Although it is a bit far away, no one disturbs. We can spend a whole day polishing ourselves here, and when the new season starts, you will have a new look."

"Um... this place is not bad. By the way, I don't know if Jeff told you that the first thing I want to remodel is my body shape. I want to gain a little weight to about 105 kg, you have a way Is it?" Link said, looking down at his stomach after eating and drinking for more than a month.


"In fact, I have formulated a detailed weight gain plan for you. That means that from now on, you have to listen to me when you eat and drink. I think you ate a lot of food when you were in China, but if you If you want to start gaining weight, you must say goodbye to those things. Gaining weight is not about increasing fat, but increasing muscle. Therefore, you must avoid talking."

"No problem, I have eaten enough." Avoiding such things, Link has long been used to it. For the entire season that just passed, Link was jealous. When the boiled chicken **** spit up, Link is still eating.

Even soda, wine, ice cream, snacks, these things, I dare not touch them. At first, Link did not feel comfortable, but after being an NBA player for more than half of the season, he has become his basic survival skill.

"Very well, then let's start with the transformation of the body. After that, you have to take time to adapt to your new muscles and new weight. Our task is heavy, Link, first, let's start warming up."

In this way, Brickley began his training on Link. A renovation plan that started at five o'clock in the morning has just kicked off.


One morning in mid-August, Link and Brickley woke up early as always.

Link went straight to wash up after getting up, while Brickley went to prepare breakfast for Link. That's right, for the convenience of training, the two of them have already lived together... I have to say that as a well-known personal trainer, you can really get on the basketball court and get off the kitchen.

After Link took care of himself, Link's breakfast was already on the table.

5 eggs, a few slices of turkey and a burger. Burgers are not junk food. As long as the meat is not fried, it can supplement starch, calories and vitamins.

Brickley's breakfast is the same as Link, not just breakfast, he has eaten the same things as Link for the past half month. In fact, he didn't need to do this at all. Link said more than once, "You can eat the food you want."

But Brickley insisted on having dinner with Link, and his explanation was very simple, "I'll be with you, and it will be easier for you to persist."

In terms of diet, Brickley is indeed quite strict. It's no wonder that every Chinese player's body will change dramatically after coming to the NBA. Because let alone training, just eat the top, the professional level of the two sides is completely different.

In the CBA, it is the norm for players to drink and drink. But in the NBA, even eating is part of training.

After breakfast, Brickley accompanied Link on a morning jog. After a brief warm-up after arriving at the training hall, I started to work hard in the gym.

Last season, Link's slightly weak confrontation ability did make him suffer a lot. I won't talk about all kinds of being hit and flying. When facing players like James, Link is basically crushed.

Therefore, just gaining weight is not enough, and strength has to follow. In the afternoon, there is ball training. The content of the training is not complicated, and the main purpose is to allow Link to adapt to his body with increased strength, weight and muscle in time.

Finally, there is pool training. Training in a swimming pool has many benefits. You can use the resistance of water to give yourself more load. Training in the water is less prone to mechanical damage. The buoyancy of water is good for joints and so on. This kind of training allows players to withstand the least physical damage under high load.

After the pool, shooting practice. Keep the touch, this is what Link does every day. It is not uncommon in the league that a player's shooting percentage plummets in a certain season. Although Link has Hill's ability bonus, if you don't train carefully, it will also overturn.

After training every day, Brickley will accompany Link home. Bored, the two of them played games and watched movies, never going to nightclubs and similar entertainment venues. It can be said that the two have a "burning passion" two-person world in Los Angeles...

Brickley was surprised. He didn't expect the concentration of a young player like Link to be so good. Los Angeles is a colorful world, not everyone can insist on not being tempted.

Link was also surprised. Brickley, as a trainer, struggled just like himself. It seems that every line requires hard work to achieve results.

Efforts may not be successful, but the most basic condition for success.

After going home, it was dinner, which was the part that Link hated the most. Because at night, Brickley will arrange boiled chicken breast for Link...

Of course, it also deserves to have thick rice and vegetables.

However, compared with the Chinese food more than a month ago, it is indeed too shabby.

Of course, the effect of eating in this way is also obvious. Now, don't say that Link is a little belly, there is not even any extra fat, and the body is completely restored to the level of the competition.

Tonight, Link received a call after dinner. The caller Link is very familiar, it is Kobe.

Bryant said that he would like to see Link tomorrow. Recently Kobe had just returned to Los Angeles after participating in a business event, so naturally he wanted to meet these friends who trained in Los Angeles for the first time. If you can, you can also arrange a few games by the way.

"I have time tomorrow. You can come here anytime. Of course, don't bring wine or invite me to dinner, I can't eat it..." Thinking of the waxy chicken breast, Link wanted to cry without tears.

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