Reverse Growth Superstar

: 278: An exciting way to celebrate

Jeremy Lin sat on the bench panting. In the first quarter, he scored 12 points in a single quarter, helping the team lead the Grizzlies by 4 points. But only Jeremy Lin knows how tired he was in the first quarter.

12 points in a single quarter were completely forced out, because he couldn't find a passer! The Grizzlies blocked the pass. Jeremy Lin had to bite the bullet and even go head-to-head with the fierce black and white bears just to get two free throw opportunities when there was nowhere to go.

In the first quarter, he was able to win fouls and score some difficult goals. But what about the next game? Can every section be played so well? Jeremy Lin didn't know anything about it.

So when he heard the loud noise of the buzzer, he was quite nervous. This started too high-profile, and I don’t know how to end it later.

After Link came on the court, he jumped on the spot a few times. The first quarter just ended, after Randolph left the field, the team's offense was suddenly misfired. Guy is still a wave today and failed to carry the banner of offense.

So now, it is up to oneself to take over the attack.

Although Jeremy Lin knew that his performance in the first quarter was forced out. But the commentators didn't know, they thought that today would be Jeremy Lin's scoring night.

"In Staples, Jeremy Lin nearly scored 40 points. So, don't question his explosive scoring power, this guy may really hit a high score today. 12 points in a single quarter, maybe just the beginning "Kenny Smith is still looking forward to Jeremy Lin’s more explosive performance on the commentary stage, as do most fans.

But the initiative of the game has quietly changed the owner. Psychologically, Jeremy Lin does not have the advantage.

In the second quarter, the first team turned into the Grizzlies. Link was very positive this time and gave Conley a ball-free screen just after halftime.

Conley broke through with the screen, but within two seconds of walking out, he passed the ball back to Link. Because of the cover, Bill Walker went after Conley, so Jeremy Lin is now guarding Link!

"Here! The first matchup between the two today!" Everyone was excited, and today's highlight finally appeared!

Link did not hesitate, he directly held the ball with his back and Jeremy Lin made a formidable effort! Jeremy Lin is 1.91 meters tall and Link 2.03 meters. If he doesn't fight for his height and weight, is it possible to fight for speed with him?

This is the NBA. Your opponents will never let go of any of your weaknesses.

The rest of the Knicks are not too dare to help defend, after all, Link's passing ability is well known. As long as there is a gap, he can pass the ball.

As a result, Link used his back to push all the way to a step behind the free throw line, and then calmly rolled over and shot a jumper!

I have seen Link defensively over the past few days, and suddenly saw his long-lost turn over jumper. Grizzlies fans raised their arms excitedly.

Link did not let them down. In the next second, the basketball went into the net and the fans with their arms raised were able to shout loudly!

Low-key to low-key, but now Link is an offensive kaleidoscope. Except for the things that cannot be done depending on physical fitness, other things can be done.

"Link's scoring was too easy. This dislocation did not bring any pressure to Link. Link's personal sixth point today. Is this the beginning of his challenge to Jeremy Lin?"

Jeremy Lin felt the pressure, and it was obvious that the Grizzlies had deliberately started looking for themselves on the offensive end. The purpose of this is to consume him as much as possible.

When a player consumes too much energy and energy on the defensive end, his offense will naturally be affected.

Jeremy Lin continued to advance with the ball, and today was really a tough stubble. 12 points in a single quarter is just a beautiful illusion in the abyss.

This time, Jeremy Lin chose to open the gap by passing the ball. But after the basketball was hit in Stoudemire's hands, the guy didn't know what was wrong with him.

Since returning from the funeral, Stoudemar’s front sight seems to have forgotten on the plane. The shooting percentage in the last two games is very urgent.

This time, facing Randolph's interference in CIC, Stoudemire struck again. It seems that Stoudemire will not be at ease to lay hands with Jeremy Lin. He first came to New York for money and status.

He wants to be the king of New York, a popular figure like a rock star. Therefore, Stoudemire will not be willing to be a blue collar every time.

It's a pity that his shooting ultimately only added a rebound data to Randolph.

"The Grizzlies have a chance to tie the score. Stoudemire's shooting options are too fascinating. Jeremy Lin is eager to organize an offense, but Stoudemire ruined it all." Kenny Smith shakes After shaking his head, if Anthony returns from injury, the Knicks offense may become more chaotic.

Link walked away from the three-point line unhurriedly, looking the same as in the first quarter.

But just as Bill Walker relaxed his vigilance, Link suddenly cut in, scared Walker hurriedly moved his battered knee.

Walker had just followed Link's footsteps, but Link turned 90° without warning, cutting from the bottom line to the top of the arc outside the three-point line.

Walker's reaction was slow, and when he caught up, he happened to run into Gasol's off-the-ball screen. Now Link was completely emptied.

Seeing that Link was in the open, all the players on the Grizzlies bench raised their arms in advance. Training with Link every day, they know better than anyone how high that guy's open shot rate is!

Link came out and Conley delivered the ball just in time. For the rest, just hold your breath.

Walker rushed out to make up for it, but when he jumped to block, the basketball was already in the air.

After Link took the shot, he still raised the hand that shot the ball. Before the basketball was in the frame, Link turned around in advance and threw out three fingers!

"What is Link doing!? Are you celebrating the goal in advance!?"

Before Kenny Smith finished speaking, the basketball was hollow into the net! Link scored 5 points in a row, and the Grizzlies overtook the score in just two rounds!

At that moment, the federal express arena was boiling! Just now, the fans and the players on the bench celebrated the goal in advance, and now Link has come again.

This kind of thing has only been done by a madman like Arenas before! Unexpectedly, this scene can actually be reproduced in the Federal Express Arena!

Link let out a sigh of relief the moment he heard cheers after turning around! He turned around early when he saw that the basketball's flight trajectory was very positive.

Don't look handsome on the surface, but in fact Link was panicked! If the goal is not scored in the end, it will be embarrassing.

In the future, Nick Young and Kemba Walker celebrated the goal in advance and the embarrassment of not scoring the goal, Link did not want to experience. Fortunately, the cheers represent the goal, so you can feel relieved now!

This way of celebrating is really exciting!

"He is too confident. Link has really completed his transformation this season! He is becoming more and more like a star. Whether it is strength or temperament, he is becoming more and more like a star player who is not easy to mess with! Celebrating goals in advance? Dare to say, few people in the league dare to play like this. After all, it is very embarrassing to play it badly."

Link's two consecutive goals greatly boosted the Grizzlies' morale. Correspondingly, Jeremy Lin is under great pressure now. He was afraid that he could not continue the score, he was afraid that he would be suppressed by Link.

Subsequently, Jeremy Lin continued to try his own layup. But this time, Gasol didn't violently crash into it, but instead covered Jeremy Lin's basketball.

The change in strategy was effective. In the end, Jeremy Lin's layup knocked out and he did not win a foul. The Knicks’ offense is like a shooting star, bright when it crosses the sky, but it's just a flash.

"The Knicks still didn't score a goal. They were somewhat weak in follow-up. The Grizzlies didn't stop their footsteps, they continued to attack!"

This time, Gasol held the ball with his back in the middle distance. Everyone thought that he would try to single out "boxing champion" Tyson.

However, Gasol did this only to lead the champion out of the penalty area.

After the Knicks' penalty area was cleared, Link waited for the opportunity to cut into the basket, and Gasol tacitly sank the ball in. Link jumped directly into the air to receive the basketball, facing Stoudemire's block, dodge the block with a beautiful lever, and score easily.

"The tie rod layup after the empty catch was very difficult, but Link still made the ball perfectly. Gasol showed that he is different from other centers. His coping ability is really excellent. This kind of ability, you can't find it in Bynum or DeAndre Jordan. That's why he can become a member of the Western Conference Stars."

The Grizzlies scored 7 points in the second quarter, and Link's personal score also exploded to 11th. And Jeremy Lin, who has 12 points in a single quarter, is only 1 point away! It is only a matter of time to suppress him.

D'Antoni quickly suspended the game. He could see that Link wanted to take control of the game from Jeremy Lin! He wanted to score points with Jeremy Lin!

Will Lin Madness, who didn't even suppress Kobe, really dissipate in Memphis? D'Antoni did not dare to take risks, he had to let the storm he created continue to wreak havoc.

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