Reverse Growth Superstar

: Five hundred and nineteen: Here comes the salter

"The Grizzlies lost their first consecutive season!"

"0.9 seconds lore, Kevin Durant pierced the Grizzlies' unbeaten gold body at home!"

"Successful against lore! Kevin Durant started the playoff war ahead of schedule?"

"56 wins and 12 losses, 3 losses in 10 days. Are the Memphis Grizzlies closer or farther away from the league record?"

Unsurprisingly, the day after the Grizzlies lost to the Thunder, news about the Grizzlies almost swept the entire basketball circle!

The two terms of losing streak and losing at home seem quite ordinary. But for the Grizzlies, that's out-and-out big news.

Durant and his Thunder have become the first team this season to give the Grizzlies a losing streak and home defeat. It is not easy to win such a significant victory on a team that is almost unmatched.

Durant won unanimous praise from the media, and some even said that Link and Grizzlies will end this year like yesterday's game. They will eventually lose to the Thunder like last year.

Kevin Durant is the most dominant third player in the West.

Competitive sports is like this. Once you lose, you have received too much praise before, and now you will suffer much denial.

After this defeat, the Grizzlies broke the record of the Mavericks and the Lakers, which was also looked down upon by most people.

The games at the end of the regular season cannot be compared with the previous ones, and it seems that the Grizzlies lose three more games.

Some people even think that the Grizzlies will most likely experience a three-game losing streak.

After all, the Grizzlies' opponents in the next game will not let them pass easily.

As a team that just won 5 consecutive victories, the New York Knicks are now in great shape. And Carmelo Anthony has also made it clear, "I don't care much about the other team's record, but I will definitely try my best to win the game."

If Durant is the small forward who hates Link in the West, then Anthony is the small forward who hates Link in the East.

The Grizzlies moved forward unimpeded throughout the season, but in the last quarter, it turned out to be extremely tortuous.

"The Grizzlies have a high chance of losing three games in a row. After all, the Grizzlies are currently experiencing low morale, and the five-game winning Knicks have high morale. The mental state of the two teams will be very different."

"This year is the New York Knicks' best record since the 94-95 season! At that time, the Knicks were in the era of Patrick Ewing. After waiting for nearly 20 years, the Knicks fans finally Wait until the revival. So the Knicks will not lose easily. Every step they take is glorious!"

"If the Grizzlies really lose three in a row, I hope they can adjust their mentality as soon as possible. The playoffs are coming. The Grizzlies must not play abnormally because of psychological reasons."

Link flipped through his phone casually and found that most people were more optimistic about the Knicks' ability to win.

Grizzly 0 can't help but curl his lips. He doesn't remember how long it has been since reporters have watched Grizzlies. After all, the Grizzlies have been winning before, and it is easy for the Grizzlies to slap themselves.

But it was only after one game, and everything went back.

Link put down his phone and prepared to go out.

As a leader, he should take responsibility at this time and lead everyone through difficulties.

Yesterday at the press conference, everything was said. So today, it's time to act.


Dave Georgel, as the defensive coach of the Grizzlies, has also dealt with players more often.

After all, the basis of the Grizzlies is defense.

Today, he came to the training ground early to prepare the equipment for the players. By the way, distribute the training plan to every trainer.

The Grizzlies lost the game last night, not only the players were angry, but the coaching staff were also very unwilling.

It is for this reason that Dave Georgel appeared in the training hall so early today. Hard work is Georgel's first choice to deal with unwillingness.

However, not long after Jorge arrived at the arena, he heard someone push the gate of the training hall.

At first, Georgel thought that the person who came was his colleague Elston Turner. As assistant coaches, they must arrive at the arena early to handle all kinds of trivial matters.

However, as soon as Georgel turned his head, he wrote the word "surprise" on his face.

The comer is not Turner, but Link, the top card of the Grizzlies!

"Link!? Why did you come so early!?" Georg couldn't help but look at his watch. It's only 6:50, and he didn't make a mistake of the time!

"Of course I'm here to train, Dave." Link smiled, and then began to warm up.

"Training? It hasn't arrived at 7 now! And you didn't realize that even Jimmy Butler hasn't come yet?" Georgel finished, and looked around.

Generally speaking, Jimmy Butler is the first to go to the training hall. But today, Link came earlier than Butler!

"I can't sleep anyway, I just get up early. Okay Dave, don't talk nonsense. Come and help me, I want to practice shooting after catching the ball."

Link beckoned and called Georgel to train with him.

Indeed, the Grizzlies suffered a terrible loss in these two games. But as Link said yesterday-the Grizzlies' goals will not change!


Link always leads by example in training today. Whether it is a cooperative project or a personal project, Link has trained very seriously.

When the training first started, it was obvious that the morale of the Grizzlies players was still a little low.

But after seeing Link being so serious, others were also greatly encouraged.

When we won, everyone came mad together. Now when we are going to carry it together, everyone will definitely not escape.

The Grizzlies have recovered very well, but the outside world doesn't know it yet. The media is still full of voices that the Grizzlies will lose three straight.

But Link is not in a hurry, and everyone will see it soon. Want to completely defeat the Memphis Grizzlies, but not a lore can be done.


Carmelo Anthony knows that this is the most likely year for the Knicks.

The New York Knicks have not been so strong for a long time. Indeed, the Knicks' 43-26 record is far from the Grizzlies. But at any rate, they are also the second in the East, just as they say!

When was the last time the Knicks played against the Grizzlies? That was four months ago.

Although it was a long time apart, Anthony was still impressed by that game. It was so profound that he remembered every data Link cut down so clearly.

With 28 points, 7 rebounds and 6 assists, Link made the Knicks faceless in that game. It also makes people question Anthony's status.

Is Anthony, who can't even handle a third-year player, still a superstar?

Everyone may forget that game, but Anthony will not!

Due to the particularity of this game, many reporters came to Madison Square Garden to interview before the game.

Originally, New York was a basketball Even if the Knicks did not perform well for so many years, the New Yorkers still insisted on the Knicks.

The holy land of basketball meets the focus battle again, and the attention of this ball is undoubtedly world-class.

In the training ground, Carmelo Anthony was interviewed by many reporters. The superstar who has successfully rectified his name this season, the most heard question today is, "Is it possible for the Knicks to give the Grizzlies a three-game losing streak at home?"

Whenever encountering this problem, Carmelo Anthony likes to show an unquestionable expression.

"If Durant can do it, so can I. As I said, I don't care about the opponent's record, but I care about the victory of my team."

The Knicks and Anthony undoubtedly want to sprinkle salt on the grizzly bear's wound.

But if the beast has healed, what use is salting?

Link was sitting on the plane to New York with his teammates at this time. One day was enough for the Grizzlies to lick his wounds.

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