Reverse Growth Superstar

: Five hundred and thirty-nine: Remember, it's forty-three to nine

James Harden is now full of numbers from Link's mouth, and this number will ring in Harden's ears all the time, reminding Harden at any time of the huge gap between him and Link.

McHale spit out and drew a tactical board while talking, but Harden felt that he couldn't hear a word, and his mind was 6-2, 6-2.

"Slow down the rhythm! Let's play slower and be patient. Don't be too anxious, you have to hit the success rate!" McHale's arrangement is equivalent to self-face, after all, it is him who made the players play fast in the beginning. It is him who makes the players slow down.

I have to say that McHale's on-the-spot scheduling ability is really bad. When the lineup is not as good as the opponent, the head coach still can't think of a solution, which is undoubtedly very fatal.

On the other hand, the Grizzlies players relax a lot. In the first few rounds, they didn't let the Rockets take advantage. Link's wonderful shots made the Rockets' morale even more so.

Randolph is in a good mood and dealing with a draft pick is easy for him. So, the **** bear stabbed Link with his elbow when he was resting, "Hey, what did you whisper to Harden kid just now?"

Link wiped his sweat, his expression still serious, "Nothing, I just want to make every point he loses unforgettable."

After all, the timeout is over and the game continues.

Randolph glanced at Harden in the other half and sighed. Darling, Harden has nowhere to run today.

Harden didn't believe that he couldn't even score a goal in a sport in front of Link. At any rate, he averaged 25 points per game. How could he say that he was prevented from being killed?

Harden has all thoughts about it. When his individual score surpasses Link, he will go to Link's ear to report!

Link did not relax because he led by 11 points in the half quarter. When the Rockets took possession of the ball, Link was the most serious defender immediately.

He lowered his center of gravity, bent his knees, his eyes focused, just seeing such a guy standing in front of him, the attacker would lose half of his confidence.

The Rockets really slowed down, not as rampant as before. Harden was not in a hurry, and fought Link stubbornly.

Finally, under Asik's off-the-ball cover, Harden showed a hint of catching space. Jeremy Lin saw the opportunity and hit the ball from the three-point line to Harden, who cut into the penalty area.

Link tried to chase the defense, but Harden changed hands very cleverly in the air, avoided the block and scored a layup!

The players on the Rockets bench were happy, and Harden finally scored a sports goal on Link. And this is also the Rockets' first sports goal today.

Looking at the Rockets' posture, people who don't know think they are now in the lead.

Harden's confidence soared, he really can score! As long as you don't go head-to-head with Link, it is not difficult to score.

Harden gave Link a triumphant look, and now the gap between them was only 2 points left. After scoring two more goals, Harden promised that his voice would be heard by Link as soon as possible!

Of course Link saw Harden's smug expression, but he was not angry, and even wanted to laugh.

Death was approaching, and he was still triumphant.

In the next attack, Link didn't shoot and the Grizzlies didn't score. The Rockets got a chance to get closer to the point difference. Harden did his part and rushed to the forefront. He couldn't wait to tie the score between himself and Link to a 6-6 tie!

The layup just now made Harden completely confident. You may be late to score, but you will never be absent! Now, Harden is about to make up for the vacancy left in the previous six minutes!

Harden received a pass from Jeremy Lin and quickly ran beyond the right three-point line. The bearded man raised the basketball above his head, planning to use a fake shot to hit Link. But Link was unmoved, not jumping at all! Just stick to Harden's body conscientiously.

Seeing that the chance of counterattack was running out, Harden anxiously went straight to Riza with the ball.

But Link kept blocking Harden with his strong body, and Harden couldn't get in at all!

No way, Harden had to hand the ball back to Jeremy Lin and let him reorganize the attack.

Harden thought he could catch his breath after passing the ball, but it turns out that he was too naive. Even without the ball, Link did not let Harden relax.

He kept pressing, as if they could kiss each other face to face. Wherever Harden goes, Link will tirelessly chase and press.

This is the intensity of the playoffs!

Harden was no longer proud of it now. In the previous 6 minutes, Link did not try his best to defend! Now, it's the state when Link is fully defending!

Harden was seen to die, and Jeremy Lin is not the kind of adventurous player. He basically does not pass the ball that is not sure.

No way, Jeremy Lin had to call a pick-and-roll, and then he hurriedly stopped the jumper. Unfortunately, Conley didn't let Jeremy Lin do as he wanted. The Rockets' offense just saw hope when it was slapped by the Grizzlies.

Before Harden knew what was happening, Link passed by him and headed straight for the front court.

The Rockets wanted to play slow, but the Grizzlies deliberately pulled the rhythm fast. The Grizzlies knew that the Rockets' withdrawal was not timely and terrible. Therefore, basically only the black and white bears are left to protect the rebounds, and the others are sprinting with all their strength!

Harden's good wishes were shattered in just one round, and it seems that the gap between him and Link is only 2 points. But Harden wanted to tie the two points, but it was very difficult.

Link cut inside empty-handed, and when Harden followed, he suddenly ran back and shook off his defensive beard.

Conley sees the time and pushes the ball with one hand, and Link takes the ball and throws it!

Although the Rockets averaged 106 points per game in the regular season, they ranked second in the league, but the Grizzlies’ offense is more prosperous.

Harden didn't even bother to raise his hand to interfere this time, because he knew that giving Link so much space would be useless to interfere.

Link's CIC is still easy, and the Rockets still have no resistance.

Randolph shook his head. Link has already scored 8 points in a single quarter. It seems that today will be another high score night belonging to Link.

It's only the first game of the playoffs. Does it need to be so cruel?

After the game, the Rockets did not stir up any waves. The Grizzlies firmly control the rhythm, and the points difference has been hovering around 15 points.

Link continued to score goals, and Harden's defense was almost nothing for Link.

McHale even tried to use the "mad dog" Patrick Beverly to defend Link, but Link was even mader than Beverly. Beverly is always only 1.85 meters tall. Once Link starts to fight back, the "mad dog" has to become a husky.

Finally, McHale accepted the fact-the Rockets simply couldn't find a player who could defend Link!

The points difference is getting bigger and bigger, and Harden’s ears, the numbers in the Link report are getting more and more outrageous.

10 to 4.

15 to 5.

20 to 5.

32 to 7.....

Until the ninth minute of the fourth quarter, Link held the ball again. Harden was completely stupid at this time, and he was exploded into scum on both offense and defense.

Harden's offense today was so poor that he has only scored 9 points and his shooting percentage is only 31.6 percent.

Facing Link's offense again, Harden had no confidence at all. And most importantly, Harden could not comfort himself. Because every time Link scores today, he will report a number to Harden. As a result, Harden is unforgettable with each of his goals.

It was as if Link was holding a small knife, instead of wiping his neck directly, he slashed Harden with one knife, and successfully avoided all the vital points.

Harden was in pain, but he just couldn't die!

In a daze, Link broke through with the ball. He didn't even use excessively complicated movements, just an acceleration after a trial step, and Harden was thrown away.

After Link entered the penalty area, Greg Smith's defense was obviously hesitant. It seems that he listened to Link's opinion and did not come to die!

Smith has already been buckled once, and he doesn't want to "make a score twice."

In this way, Link easily dunked with one hand without encountering obstacles.

In the stands, the reaction of the fans was very calm. Because of this kind of ball, today they are not surprised.

"Link dunked successfully and the point difference was widened to 22 points. The Rockets called a timeout. After the timeout came back, the game should be in garbage time."

On the court, Harden saw Link walking towards him, and he had an urge to escape. He knew what Link was going to say to himself, but he didn't want to listen!

Harden had just turned around to flee to the bench, but Link followed in two strides.

"It's 43 to 9, 43 to 9, James Harden. Come on, you still have 9 minutes. That's good, I will give you a chance for the next Let you tie The score between us. Come on, I'm looking at you, keep up. Remember, it's 43 to 9!"

Link nodded and emphasized while breaking his thoughts.

The final "43 to 9" was also deliberately emphasized.

Harden quickened his pace and walked away from Link. Watching Harden flee, Link smiled contentedly.

That guy's confidence should have been completely destroyed. Not only the confidence of this game, but the confidence of this entire series!

As long as Harden can't play, how difficult is it to hit the Rockets 4-0?

Link walked off the court, high-five with his teammates, and then sat on the bench. He knew that he didn't need to play anymore.

With 43 points, 10 rebounds and 8 assists, Link took a little more than three quarters to give the Rockets a big gift.

I hope this game, Morey will like it.

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