Reverse Growth Superstar

: Five hundred and seventy-eight: He has been preparing for this long enough

Sprains often appear on the basketball court. This is unavoidable even in the field courts where people usually play, let alone the more fierce NBA courts.

However, the sprain is also divided into severity, relatively mild, and can continue to play after a fixed fix. But for more serious cases, it usually takes about 10 days to recover.

In fact, a sprain is considered a very mild injury. At least compared with the Achilles tendon, cruciate ligament, and meniscus, a sprain is really nothing.

In the regular season, if a player sprains his ankle, he will miss 4-6 games at most, and the impact is not too great.

But now that Iguodala is sprained at this point, he is a little sensitive.

After all, the series is not better than the regular season, and there are only 7 games in a series...

"Andre, the environment here is good!"

When Link and his teammates went to visit Iguodala's house after training, the small forward who was brave in the Western Conference finals had a thick bandage on his feet. When walking, there is still a cane under his arm.

"Haha, come here often when the environment is good. How did you train during the two days when I was absent?" Iguodala asked about the team as soon as he met his teammates.

Although Iguodala has been in the league for 9 seasons, he has never played in the finals.

Only two teams can play in the finals each year, and only 20 or 30 people can play in the finals. Therefore, not everyone has the opportunity to show themselves in the finals from time to time.

Iguodala finally got a chance to play in the finals, but he had to miss a few games because of injuries, so naturally he was very unwilling. So when I came up, I asked about the team's preparations.

"Don't worry, Andre, we are in good shape. And you don't have to be so pessimistic. The Heat and the Pacers are playing more anxiously than expected. The finals should start late. Maybe you don't have to miss a game." Link patted Iguodala on the shoulder, and the Heat fell into a quagmire in the Eastern Conference finals, which is undoubtedly good news for the Grizzlies.

This year's Eastern Conference finals were very tragic. Before the game, people thought that the Heat could top the Pacers easily. After all, the Pacers lacked their star, Daniel Granger, this season. Also, there are no big players in the team.

The Heat eliminated their opponents 4-0 and 4-1 in the first two rounds, while the Pacers' scores were 4-2 in the first two rounds. In comparison, the Heat's promotion is much easier than the Pacers.

It seems that the Pacers can't cause any trouble to the Heat.

However, in the first game of the Eastern Conference Finals, James and his team were deflated. During the game, James scored a large triple-double with 3 assists and 3 blocks. But the young George didn't give up too much. He played 47 minutes and made 7 of 16 shots. He scored a team-high 27 points, plus 4 rebounds and 5 assists!

His performance is like a real superstar!

In the end, this game also relied on James' layup lore in overtime, and the Heat barely passed. This shows how fierce the two sides fight. The Pacers are more powerful than the Heat imagined.

However, this kind of lore cannot happen in every game. In the second game of the Eastern Conference Finals, the Heat overturned.

Although James scored 36 points in the second game, the Pacers turned the Heat to the ground with no shortcomings in five positions. At most, the Pacers even led the Heat by 13 points! The Pacers successfully grabbed a victory at the American Airlines Center and gained home court advantage.

When the total score of the series became 1 to 1, James knew that this year's Eastern Conference Finals would not be as easy as it used to be.

As a result, the two teams have played until now, the total score of the series has become 3 to 2, the Heat temporarily lead. But whether the Heat can end the game in the next game is not necessarily so.

James didn't know why the 24th named Paul George suddenly became so alive. In fact, even Link didn't know why. George's performance in the Eastern Conference finals this year seems to be even better than in the original history.

Link didn't know. George was really serious when he said "maybe we can meet in the finals".

As a college teammate who entered the league in the same year as Link, watching Link start to climb step by step, George is naturally not far behind.

This year, I have reached the Eastern Conference finals. Of course George does not want to admit defeat!

Go to the finals to compete with Link, this is George's motivation!

Link now very much doubts whether history will change and whether the Heat will really be blocked out of the finals.

But one thing is certain, that is, Iguodala can get enough training time.

In the afternoon, the Grizzlies players had already played at Iguodala's house, and Iguodala also got a chance to speak with Link alone.

He walked to the second floor balcony, looked at Link who was looking into the distance, and called out.

"Why are you alone here?"

When Link heard the voice, he turned his head and smiled relaxedly, "You have a nice view on the second floor. It's full of large forests."

"Isn't it the same in your house? By the way, if I can't come back, who is the coaching staff going to start?" Iguodala is most concerned about the situation of the team. Absent, and delayed the team's chance of winning.

"Need to say? Of course Tony played the starting line for you." Link said, looking at Tony Allen who was organizing the card game in the yard.

"Well... In this way, you have to face the tightest defense. They can even send two people to stare at you. Whether it's the Heat or the Pacers, defense is not easy."

"If that's the case, don't we still have Nick Yang? By the way, Sean can still play, although he hasn't played for a long time..." Link's eyes swept over Yang Shaoxia and Ba Teal.

"This is what I worry about, and I'm afraid they will lose sight of one another. You know, in the finals, any defects will be infinitely magnified." Iguodala shook his head, facing the finals for the first time, inevitably a little too nervous.

"It's okay, I trust them. By the way, don't we still have Jimmy. Although he is not as good as Tony in defense and not as good as Nick in offensive firepower, he does not have any obvious shortcomings."

"Jimmy? Is he ready to play in the finals?"

"Are you ready?" Link turned his head and looked at Iguodala seriously, "Jimmy has been preparing long enough for this day."


More than a week has passed since the end of the Western Conference Finals on June 3, 2013. And the Eastern Conference Finals was really dragged into the tiebreaker!

After losing the sixth game, James walked to his teammates, shook hands with them, and talked a few words. The message he wants to express is very clear, "Get ready for the seventh battle."

In the battle of life and death, if you win, you will enter the finals. Losing, the whole summer will be full of regret. Whether the defending champion or the Pacers, the truth is as simple as that now. Everything ended in Miami, where the Heat achieved the best record in the regular season.

As a team without superstars, the Pacers are already a victory at this point, and they have nothing to lose. Of course, they have also won the respect of everyone.

Before the game started, Link specifically called to greet George. As a friend of George, he certainly hopes the Pacers can win. Although, this means that they are about to become opponents in the next round.

On the other end of the phone, George looked very excited, "Don’t worry, Link, my teammates and I have been packing for 8 days, and we are ready to beat the Heat and head straight to Memphis! Soon, we will meet on the court. Up."

Hearing this, Link was not surprised. If the Pacers didn't even have this courage, how could they have played such an outstanding season without Granger?

In the evening, Link also paid close attention to the game. After all, this will determine who is the last obstacle on the way for the Grizzlies to win the championship.

Earlier today, the Grizzlies medical team has made a comprehensive assessment of Iguodala. After the latest evaluation, Iguodala's comeback time has also been determined, and he will return in the third game of the finals!

Compared to the initial prediction of missing 4-6 games, this is already a very good situation.

Therefore, Link must watch carefully how the two teams fought in desperation today. Soon, he will face them without the help of Iguodala!

The Pacers attacked at full speed at the beginning of the game. The firepower was very fierce, but the effect lasted only 5 minutes. The rapid offense also caused the Pacers to increase their mistakes, and the Heat began to counterattack. At 4:18 in this quarter, James made up with both hands, allowing the Heat to hit a 9-2 attack wave and successfully surpassed the score!

Wade and Bosh had a sluggish performance in the first few games, and they will find the feeling if they talk before the game. Bosh is still in the same state today, making only 1 of 8 shots in the first quarter, but Wade has improved and made two shots after the opening. With 1 minute and 45 seconds left in this quarter, Wade was a quick break after steals, stepped past Stephenson in the frontcourt, dunked with both hands and tied the score.

In the second quarter, the Heat continued to heat up. In this series, in Ray Allen's previous three-pointers, the state of "Gentleman Ray" is suspicious ~ The Heat even let Mike Miller take his place today.

But in the second quarter, Ray Allen suddenly broke out. He hit three consecutive three-pointers, allowing the Heat to gradually widen the gap. Bosh also hit a three-pointer in the middle of the section, and the Heat also led by double digits with this three-pointer.

After Hibbert made three fouls and took a break, James stepped up his attack on the basket. The Heat ended the section with a wave of 11 to 3 and opened the gap in one fell swoop!

It was 15 points behind halftime, which is not a lucky thing for the Pacers. Link also became serious. Once the Heat came back, the offensive firepower was simply unstoppable!

With 15 points behind in the first half, some Pacers fans still felt that the game was not over. But they did not expect that the Pacers collapsed in the second half.

It wasn't long after the third quarter that George and Hibbert were so excited that they fouled 5 times. Without Hibbert, the inside barrier and George, the best defensive wing, James can do whatever he wants.

The points difference kept being opened, and Link's fist became tighter and tighter. Today, James has abused George! Although dragged to the tiebreaker, James still showed why he is a great athlete.

With 5 minutes and 58 seconds left before the end of the game, James gave a high-five with Beckham who was watching the game, and then walked back to the bench. At this point, the Heat are already 23 points ahead, and this tiebreaker has entered the garbage time ahead of schedule!

After 30 seconds, George also came off with six fouls. Link turned off the TV, and he realized that his palms were all sweaty.

Once the Heat is fully fired, the Pacers are not enough! And this terrible opponent, in the end, stood opposite Link and the Pacers.

The finals are finally coming, and Link will eventually face the strongest opponent!

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