Reverse Growth Superstar

: Six hundred and twenty-nine: MVP is dangerous

Mills' long-range three-point strike ended the first quarter. Unfortunately, the San Antonio Spurs still did not overtake or even the score.

30 to 22, the Spurs entered the second quarter with an 8-point disadvantage. This is certainly not the result Popovich wanted. He originally hoped that the Spurs could open the score during the rotation. As a result, he couldn't even tie the score.

The Grizzlies' rotation players performed very well, and the depth of the bench that the Spurs are proud of did not show at all.

In just one game, the Grizzlies let the Spurs see what a true championship level is.

"Good job, you completely suppressed the Spurs. A few years ago, in the Spurs' eyes, we were challengers. But today, they are the challengers!"

Link happily stood up and high-five the players who left the court. He was able to suppress the Spurs to this point. To be honest, it was really amazing.

After all, only Link knows that the Spurs this season are fully capable of championship level. Although the season has just begun, the Spurs have not yet entered a 100% state. But Link was also very pleased to be able to suppress the Spurs under such circumstances.

Indeed, there is no second superstar in the Grizzlies. But facts have proved that sometimes the superstar group is not the best way to win. Having a group of like-minded teammates is more effective than collaborating with a superstar who is completely unmatched.

In just one game, many media who were not optimistic about Link and Grizzlies before the game shut up.

Although the Grizzlies left Vasques and Stevens, the main lineup was hardly reinforced, but they were still strong.

The Spurs struggled in the Federal Express Arena, and the old order seemed vulnerable to the new forces.

After the start of the second quarter, Link still did not play. Now the situation is just right, and Georgel intends to let Link rest for a few more minutes.

After the stamina Link came on the court, it was the beginning of the Grizzlies' opening score.

Faced with the Grizzlies' mixed lineup of main force and substitute, the Spurs did not play easily. Jimmy Butler has shown his enthusiasm on the defensive end in the first two seasons. With better experience this season, Butler's defensive contribution is obvious to all.

He and Iguodala supported the entire wing defense, and now even if Link does not play, the Grizzlies' wing defense is still top-notch.

The Spurs relied on their team's offensive struggling to maintain the score. Although the Grizzlies did not let the Grizzlies continue to pull the score apart, they were unable to get close.

After three minutes of playing in the second quarter, Georg took advantage of a dead ball opportunity and regained Link.

Popovich was standing by the bench and he found himself terrified. The old guy no longer remembers the last time he was scared because of a player.

Link is now physically fit, and the Grizzlies' strong wing thickness prevents Link from having to play more than 40 minutes per game as before.

Now, the point difference has been recovered by the Spurs and turned into 6 points. But everyone knows that the Spurs' pursuit ends here.

In the round after Link returned, he used his excellent judgment to destroy the Spurs' pass.

Although he didn't complete the steal directly and just knocked the basketball out of bounds, it still disrupted the Spurs' offense.

Subsequently, Duncan stormed the inside under Gasol's defense. That's right, Gasol is now defending Duncan. After seeing Duncan taste the sweetness of Randolph in the first quarter of the game, Georgel changed his strategy.

Georgel may not have such a keen sense of smell on the offensive end, but on the defensive end, his adjustments are always very timely. After all, he is a defensive coach.

No matter how amazing the "Rookie No. 21" is, he is still not at his peak. Under Gasol's tough defense, Duncan's steady turn over jumper also hit iron.

Popovich is anxious. If the goal was scored just now, the point difference will become 4 points, which is very close.

But if the goal is not scored, I don't know how much the point difference will become. Sometimes, an unremarkable offense is likely to be a turning point in the entire game.

After Link grabbed the rebound, he advanced with the ball. Leonard didn't dare to stick it directly. In the first quarter, he was already confused by Link.

Link still did not surrender the ball after reaching the three-point line. It can be seen that he wanted to organize this attack himself.

Link first handed the ball to Gasol, then ran past Gasol, hitting a hand. In this way, Leonard will be thrown away and Splitter will have to defend Link.

Splitter's heart was imaginary, and the scenes of him being cut off by Link and the big shots are still vivid.

Popovich did not expect Split to prevent Link, as long as the Brazilian can find a way to slow Link's breakthrough speed, Leonard will naturally take care of everything.

Link was blocked by Leonard and Splitter, the Spurs' overall defense is still very smooth.

Just as Popovich was about to cheer for his team's defense, Link threw the ball back without looking back.

Marc Gasol received the basketball one step behind the free throw line and made a jump shot easily!

"Excellent passing vision, and not looking at people passing the ball. The position of everyone on the Grizzlies is in Link's head. He doesn't even need to look at it to know where to send the ball!"

Mike Brin looked at Link's data, and it didn't take long to play in the second quarter. He already had 8 points, 3 rebounds and 3 assists.

That guy, he won't be the first game of the new season, so he will make a triple-double...


In the American Airlines Center, the Heat fans have forgotten the pain of this summer and cheered for their team again.

New season, new starting point. All Heat fans believe that the omnipotent Big Three can complete their revenge.

Last season, the Heat's dream of two consecutive championships was shattered, and it must be said that this is indeed a pity. But 2 crowns in 3 years is also a remarkable achievement.

Whether it can complete the achievement of 2 crowns in 3 years depends on whether the Heat can complete the redemption this season.

At least today, in the opening game facing the Bulls after Rose's comeback, the Heat showed unshakable strength.

The high-profile Rose has been away from the game for a year, and Chicago fans are looking forward to their "contemporary Jordan" to lead the Bulls to turn the tide. But the fact is that Rose was in a terrible first game after his comeback.

He made 4 of 15 shots and 1 of 7 three-pointers. He only scored 12 points in the game... Rose's performance is definitely not MVP level.

It can be seen that Rose is working hard, and he also wants to find who he once was. But today, Rose is frightened. If it weren't for the red No. 1 jersey, people even wondered if the guy on the court was Rose.

Perhaps it is because of the fear of injury and the fear of leaving the field again. Rose did not show his sharp breakthrough today, but made jump shots from the outside again and again, choosing to score without confrontation. 7 three-pointers in a single game, which is impossible in Rose's MVP season.

Rose is not good at shooting, and his touching jump shots made the Bulls' offense a mess. Thibodeau is a defensive coach, his offense depends entirely on Rose. Now Rose will not attack, and the Bulls will not attack.

In the end, the Heat easily killed the high-profile Bulls at home. Rose left the field with a dismal shooting rate of 26.7%. No one knows whether the Windy City Rose will continue to bloom.

No matter how sad Rose is, no one cares anymore. The time after the game is over belongs only to the winner.

LeBron James was sought after by the fans in the center of the court. James played 38 minutes in this game and scored 23 points, 6 assists and 8 rebounds in an James was in a good mood. Although ESPN selected Link as the top 50 star in the 13-14 season, he was a little unhappy. But now, after proving his own strength, James feels that he feels a lot easier in an instant.

"Congratulations, LeBron. They won the first game and the Heat are still unstoppable this season! But,"

Hearing the reporter say "but", James immediately became vigilant.

"However, Link has a triple-double of 32 points, 11 rebounds and 10 assists in the Federal Express Arena. The Grizzlies also beat the Spurs by 15 points at home to get a good start. Your old opponents seem to be unwilling. Show weakness. What do you think of Link's triple-double performance? Do you think Link will threaten your MVP status this season?"

The reporter's words made James not smile.

30+ triple-doubles in the first game? That guy Link is going to start a full war from the first day of the new season!

Last season, including the playoffs, Linkman also "just" took 5 triple-doubles. Although it is already very impressive, but 5 triple-doubles in a single season is not an exaggerated record.

As a result, this year, Link did a triple-double in the first game, and the dominance of the game has risen to a degree.

"He did a great job, but this season is still long, wait and see."

James finished speaking, turned and left the court.

Heat No. 6 licked his lips, and the joy after the game was wiped away.

It doesn't matter if you lose ESPN's top 50 stars in the new season, but if you lose the MVP...

In the first game of the season, although he won the ball, James has already felt tremendous pressure.

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