Chapter 101 The Second Generation of Heaven and Tyrant, Killing in the World of Curse.

When people see this, they realize that it is not easy for Zenin Maki to return home.

For many non-magicians, home is a warm harbor.

But in the world of curse, in the three great families, it does not work.

Especially for Maki.

It was originally a very easy and normal thing.

Get the permission of the head of the family and come back to get the curse tools.

Now it seems that there are many obstacles.

The Zenin family is a big melting pot!

【"Maki, go back.——"】

【"Have you forgotten? We are forbidden to enter the taboo library."】

【In front of the library, Maki's mother shouted coldly】

【"The master of the house said yes!"】

【Maki took out the key to the vault and spun it between her fingers.】


【Fushiguro is not interested in the position of head of the Zenin family】

【His last name is Fushiguro, not Zenin.】

【But if I become the head of the Zenin family, it will be easier for me to act in the future.】

【in this way】

【Fushiguro could only accept it reluctantly.】

【Zhen"103" Xi walked into the Jiku with an indifferent look on his face】

【"Why? Why are you always like this?"】

【"Even just once, can't you let me be glad that I gave birth to you?"】

【The woman looked grim as she watched Maki walk into the library.


What kind of parent-child relationship is this?

Is this a family of curses?

In the world of curses, people can't help but feel their scalps tingling.

There are mothers who are ashamed of their own children.

Is this what a family of curses is like?

I think so.

Tian and the tyrant Zenin Jiner, who have zero curse power, have suffered discrimination since childhood and were even thrown into a group of cursed spirits to be tortured.

And Maki, who has very little curse power and is a girl, is not even qualified to serve the legitimate son.

It is her misfortune to be born in this family.

Curse High School.

Yuji was stunned.

"Is this how Maki-senpai’s family relationships are?"

"Fortunately, Fushiguro didn't go to the Zenin family."

Kugisaki Nobara:"Huh? In the words of Nanami-senpai, this is a shit family! Is this the Zenin family of the three great families? I feel sorry for Maki-sister for a hundred years!"

Zenin Maki:"That's it, moving the future into reality is the most real experience."

Panda:"The corruption of the three great families is the same as that of the upper echelons."

Inugami Spine:"Salmon——"

Seeing this scene, Kamo Kenji smiled bitterly.

Each of the three great families has its own problems.

The Gojo family is okay, with Gojo Satoru being the only one in power. As for the other two families...

Kamo Kenji was declared the legitimate son by the family because he awakened the family ritual. People like Maki, who have very little cursed power, and Mayi, who have mediocre talents, are not welcomed in the family at all.

Zenin Mayi:"It's not a good thing to return to the family at that time, you are such an idiot!"

【My mother is blocking me from going outside the library】

【Inside the Jiku is my father's Zen fan】

【Zenyuanshan sat on the ground with a gloomy face and said coldly:"Maki, the spell tool is not here"】

【"I anticipated that you would move the cursed tools ahead of time. Do you want to disobey the orders of the patriarch?"】

【When the man stood up, Maki's eyes suddenly widened.】

【Behind the man, Maki saw a familiar figure lying in a pool of blood.】

【"Why did you come? Stupid.——"】


【Maki was extremely surprised. She never expected that Mayi would come back, and……】

【Notice from the Director of Spells】

【Deemed Gojo Satoru the co-conspirator in the Shibuya Incident and expelled from the world of sorcery forever.】

【Any attempt to unblock Gojo Satoru will be considered a crime.】

【Zenin Osamu, Zenin Shinichi, and Zenin Naoya are carrying out the policy of the high-level officials of the Jujutsu】

【Identify Megumi Fushiguro, Mai, and Maki as the rebels who are trying to unseal Gojo Satoru】

【Kill him!】


【This is still the suggestion of Zen Fan】

【He wants to put an end to his two useless daughters. 】

As expected!

Gojo Satoru was sealed, and the world of curses was in complete chaos.

This is really a big show.

The audience was confused.

World Channel, everyone is discussing

"Those who want to unseal Gojo Satoru will become enemies of the Zenin family and the world of curses and will be classified as criminals."

"This is the Zenyuan family!" (To read the exciting novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Tsk tsk——"

"From this perspective, compared to magicians and cursed spirits, cursed spirits seem to be more united."

"The human heart is unpredictable. Even the omniscient magician Tengen cannot see through the human heart."

Non-magician channel.

Ordinary people are shocked to the point of their scalps numbing.

In the magician channel, there is some shock but not much.

Maki is even more indifferent.

All this is within her expectations.

Zenin Maki:"Yes, that's it."

Zenin Mai:"I knew this would happen."

Nishimiya Momo:"Little Mai, you shouldn't have gone back."

Itadori Yuji:"My death sentence is nothing to say, but Principal Yaga, the sealed Gojo Sensei, and the unsealed Gojo Sensei can all be regarded as criminals. This is too much."

Fushiguro Megumi:"If Gojo Sensei was sealed, all this could really happen." Gojo Satoru

:"The juvenile depot allowed Yuhito and Sukuna to have a relationship, as expected! The senior executives should have been killed at the beginning!"

The senior executives are numb[]

"Don't mess around, Gojo!"

Under the watchful eyes of the crowd,

Zenin Osamu and Zenin Maki fought fiercely in front of the Zenin family's kiku.

【"Secret, the love of falling flowers!"】

【The Love of Falling Flowers is a move that attacks all objects it touches.】

【I saw that the Zen fan was surrounded by rolling magic power. He combined this move with the sword-drawing technique.】

【A fatal blow that gathers all the strength of the body】

【Facing his daughter, Chanyuan Shan has a real killing intention】

【"Maki, do you know why the previous head of the family chose Naobi instead of me?"】

【Zen Temple Fan holding a samurai sword said coldly.......】

【"Because you are a beastly bastard who would kill your own flesh and blood!"】

【The voice fell】

【The two figures rushed towards each other like lightning.】


【The sound of metal colliding with metal follows.】

【Maki chops hard with the cursed dragon bone】

【Zenin's sword has been broken into two】

【The next moment, a figure flashed before Maki's eyes like a ghost.】

【The broken knife left a dark cut on Maki's head】


【"The knife is obviously broken……"】

【Maki was extremely surprised】

【The blow just now made her half-kneel on the ground, completely losing her fighting ability】

【Looking at his fallen daughter, Chanyuan Shan said to himself:"Why can't I become the head of the family?"】

【"That's because as my heirs, you two sisters are useless."】

【"You thought you could cut off my sword and then you rashly engaged me in close combat, so you are a loser!"】

【"Ridiculous and ridiculous!"】

【Under the spotlight】

【Zenin Shan dragged Maki with his left hand and Mayi with his right hand and walked towards the darkness. That was the dwelling place of the Zenin family's cursed spirits, it was hell!】

【The two sisters dragged a long trail of blood on the ground】

【"I want to make it clear to you two that I failed to become the head of the family because of you two useless bastards."】

【"My brother's technique has a short history, so there is no need to argue whether it is a technique that has been passed down from generation to generation."】

【"As a magician, I am inferior to my brother in only one respect."】

【"That is... the incompetence of children!"】

【"How can children hold their parents back?"】

【Zenin Fan threw Maki and Mayi into the group of cursed spirits like throwing away garbage.】

【There are many cursed spirits from level 2 to level 5.3 or lower imprisoned here.】

【This moment】

【Maki could clearly hear the complaints of these cursed spirits.】

【"Who are those two women?"】

【"Can we attack?"】

【"No, that man is here!"】

【"I really want to go out and play!"】


【Ignore the voice of the cursed spirit】

【Maki's eyes were fixed on the man in front of her.】

【He doesn't deserve to be called a father.】

【"These cursed spirits will tear you apart and devour you, so what if Heaven and the cursed bodies can do that?"】

【"We sorcerers use our cursed powers to evolve our bodies and fight. Maki, your pitiful cursed powers are no match for those of non-sorcerers."】

【"Farewell, my child, the stain on my life!!!"】

【The Zen fan that turned away never looked back.】

【Didn't even leave a glance】

【The stains in life should be erased!】

【In the huge training room, apart from the evil spirits, there were only two people left, Zhenyi and Zhenyi.】

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