Chapter 77: Abnormal Orthopedics? Who can control Mingming’s habit?


【[A beautiful sorcerer who lives for money]

Wow –

Nani – the world of sorcery, everyone’s eyes light up.

Mingming’s image with shaved hair appeared on the screen.

Mingming in the eyes of the audience before.

Shamatte hairstyle.

Others’ ponytails are put behind their backs

“”Unique” she put it in front of her face.

It can be said that it blocked most of her face, it was so weird.

When she was in junior college, Mingming’s hairstyle was normal, but later it became like this…

When her long hair fell down and her beautiful face was revealed.

Everyone found that she was indeed a beautiful sorcerer.

The system’s comments were also very accurate, and she was indeed born for money.

Spells junior college.

Youyou was very excited

“Too beautiful, sister!”

Meiming made an elegant gesture and smiled:”A beautiful sorcerer who lives for money, hey – don’t be too straightforward!”

Ange:”Miss Meiming is standing on the standpoint of money, she is so elegant.” Ieiri Glass:

“Boys are tired of watching it, there is the famous scene of Senior Meiming.”

Gojo Satoru grinned:”It won’t be the famous scene of Miss Meiming counting money!”

Meiming stretched out her index finger and shook it


Counting money is too vulgar.

It should be admiring the numbers on the passbook or bank card.

What is a miser?

Ye Mo Zhengdao:”Meimei is also in Shibuya in the video, and she is also fighting.”

Meimei:”It’s all because of the reward, principal.”

Youyou:”Sister is right!”

The newly enrolled Itadori and Kugisaki were a little confused.

Itadori Yuji:”Is Miss Meimei like this?”

Todou Aoi:”Bro-this is the weirdness of the sorcerer.” Tagon

‘s beach area.

Rohu and the others saw that it was a woman, and they were not very interested.

Unless, she is an opponent!

Besides- in the future of this Shibuya incident, only Zhenren is left among their four major natural disaster special cursed spirits.

Rohu and Hanami don’t think that Zhenren will find such a woman.

In this regard.

Zhenren shrugged a little bored:”Ha-I thought I would find Yuji Itadori. 30″

Nosozo on the side supported his chin with one hand and tilted his head

“Mingming-senpai’s opponent in Shibuya might be me”

“This feeling is very strong”

“After all, he is my senior from our student days with this body!”

【Ebina Jinji】

【The curse master, wearing a green hat and with ugly facial features, blocked Mingming’s way.】

【Curse Master – Ename Jinji】

【Dozens of chains wrapped around his right hand】

【At the other end of the chain is a cursed spirit that looks like a dog】

【If you don’t look carefully, you might think it’s a leisurely dog walker outside.】


Mingming sighed slightly

“Is this the kind of person I’m fighting against in Shibuya?”

Youyou:”An ugly curse master is not worthy of being my sister’s opponent.”

【Metropolitan Subway】

【On the way from Meiji Jingumae Station to Shibuya Station】

【The lights on the railway tracks are dim】

【Curse Master-Ename Renji came over excitedly】

【”Mingming, right?”】

【The scene changes】

【This curse master who doesn’t deserve a name crawls on the ground like a stray dog.】

【His broken right leg made it impossible for him to stand up.】

【The gushing blood made it crawl out a bloody path】

【Behind him, Mingming, carrying a silver giant axe, walked with graceful steps.】

【The curse master panicked】

【He never expected that the gap in strength would be so huge.】

【The opponent is just a woman!】

【After all, he is a first-level sorcerer!】

【He can also handle the quasi-special grade curse spirit.】

【Today, I fell into the hands of a woman.】

【It’s nothing, it’s just that the gap in strength is too big. 】

In the world of curses, people were shocked.

A big question mark appeared on everyone’s face.

Instant kill?!

Not even a picture was given.

Is this curse master who doesn’t deserve a name too weak?

Or is Mingming too strong?

At the beginning, the curse master swore.

I thought it was a tense and exciting battle.

Unexpectedly, it was a ruthless instant kill.

Just because Gojo Satoru was sealed, a curse master of this level dared to join in the fun in Shibuya?

Tsk tsk…

Seeing this, everyone’s eyes showed a little sympathy.

He really didn’t know how high the sky was, and he was just giving himself away!

【”You know what my technique is, right?”】

【”It’s just [Controlling Crows]”】

【”Very weak, right!”】

【”So I trained hard from a young age to be able to fight even without relying on magic.”】

【”All this was not in vain, I can easily defeat you to prove it”】

【Mingming took graceful steps, approaching his prey step by step】


【Not so easy to mess with】

【Dragging his crippled body, the curse master panicked】

【The more plain the woman’s words were, the more dangerous he felt.】

【Even though I only have one leg, I still have to kneel down and beg for mercy】

【”Spare me my life, I won’t be involved in this matter”】

【The curse master’s face was full of fear.】

【He wanted to continue begging for mercy but was stopped by Youyou.】

【Sadness sits on the dog-like cursed spirit】

【Make a shushing gesture】

【”My sister hasn’t finished talking yet, don’t disturb her”】

【Under the spotlight】

【Mingming twisted her slender and graceful figure, and the sound of her footsteps echoed back and forth on the silent railway tracks.】

【Her self-narration continues】

【In the eyes of the master, the value of the master does not lie in the technique.】

【”do you know?”】

【”Everything has limits”】

【”Whether it is physical ability or the use of spell power to strengthen the body, it is impossible to improve endlessly.”】

【”I am so depressed!”】

【”Because of frustration, I once again looked at my own technique, which transformed me.”】

【”Become a first-class magician——”】

【Wonderful, really wonderful】

【My sister’s opening remarks were perfect and impeccable.】

【Youyou applauded loudly.

Youyou, who witnessed this scene, did the same.

After seeing his sister finish speaking, his applause and the applause in the video can be said to be stuck at the same point, perfectly consistent.

In the world of spells, applause was thunderous.

Elegant, so damn elegant.

Defeating the evil curse master, the beautiful spell master Mingming deserves such applause

“”Hurry up and applaud!”

Youyou looked at Yuji and Kugisaki, who were both confused, and raised her eyebrows to signal.

The two looked at each other, then said”oh” and applauded enthusiastically.

In the video,

Youyou is undoubtedly Youyou, a sister-control Youyou.

While clapping herself, she also asked the begging curse master to applaud.

Such a wonderful speech by her sister naturally deserves applause.

What else can the begging curse master do?

He can only applaud.

【”It’s time to kill you!”】

【”I just want to say something to kill time.”】

【”I’m sorry for letting you live a few more seconds!”】

【Curse Master:”???”】


【The curse master was panicking.】

【”terribly sorry!”】

【”I won’t do bad things again, let me go… give me a way to live!”】

【The curse master fell to the ground with his hands, begging for mercy sincerely, which was in stark contrast to his initial arrogance. 】 (To read the violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【Mingming ignored it and turned to look at his brother.】

【”Youyou, what do you think determines the value and weight of life?”】

【”Of course it depends on how much use it has to my sister.”】

【Youyou replied enthusiastically】

【Mingming smiled, very satisfied】

【”And you?”】

【Turning to look at the curse master begging for mercy】

【”Me? Uh… this……”】

【The curse master didn’t know how to answer】

【Those who take lives at will cannot immediately state their standards.】

【”Curse Master——”】

【”The meaning of life for me is the potential for realization”】

【Under the attention of the crowd, Mingming raised a wicked smile】

【It seems like she is the villain.】

【As soon as the words fell】

【Mingming picked up the huge axe and chopped it down suddenly】

【that’s all——】

【The curse master fell under the axe of the dark, and fell in a pool of blood】

【Fast, accurate and ruthless】

【The curser in front of me is someone who takes lives at will, and there is no need for any sympathy.】[]

The audience couldn’t help but take a deep breath at the beautiful and heroic sorcerer.

The world of sorcery makes non-sorcerers’ scalps numb.

This is the profession of sorcerer.

Everyone gave a thumbs up and could only say that it was a job well done. It was elegant without any drag.


You said that the speech just now was dragging.

Please, that was a manifestation of elegance and a way to pass the time.

It takes time to show elegance.

Seeing this, it is not impossible to rescue Gojo Satoru in Shibuya.

There are only two known opponents left.

The special curse spirit – Zhenren, and the thousand-year-old demon guarding the prison gate – Nose.

Technical college, it cannot be said that there is no hope.

Technical college of sorcery.

Mingming smiled faintly:”Okay, who will my next opponent be?”

Youyou:”Killing the opponent in seconds does not reflect my sister’s strength at all.”

Yuji was stunned.

“Senior Meimei is so awesome!”

Kugisaki Nobara:”Idiot, after all, Senior Meimei is a first-level sorcerer, and this title cannot be bought with money.”

Fushiguro Megumi:”Indeed.” Gojo

Satoru put on his sunglasses and laughed:”This is Miss Meimei’s fighting style.”

Ieiri Shoko:”The video shows Senior Meimei perfectly, it’s like the real Senior Meimei appeared in the video.”

Iori Utahime:”Meimei works really hard, from an assistant supervisor to a first-level sorcerer.”

Meimei:”Really, I’ve been working hard for money, Utahime!”

【In the dark railway track, a familiar figure appeared in Mingming’s eyes.】

【”Oh no——”】

【”It’s you!”】

【Looking into the depths of darkness, Mingming’s tone was slightly surprised.】

【”Miss Ming, long time no see”】

【The noose wearing Geto’s skin slowly walked out of the darkness】

【”You sent assassins to kill me, how dare you say that, Xia Yu-san”】

【Mingming seemed calm on the outside, but he was actually very shocked on the inside.】

【There is no doubt that the man in front of me looks like Xia Youjie.】

【Why are you still alive?】

【Did Gojo Satoru fail on Christmas Eve?】

【Or was it Gojo and Getsu who did all this together?】

【This point was immediately denied by Mingming】

【Gojo Satoru alone can kill all the people in this country】

【There is no need to join forces with Xia Yu, and there is no need to play such tricks.】

【That can only mean that the summer oil in front of us is not the real summer oil.】

【”Getu-san, I was more optimistic about you than Gojo-san.”】

【”The slightly empty smile is very cute”】

【”It’s a pity that I have to kill you now!”】

Mingming, holding the giant axe, looked solemn.

“Oh no—”

“In the video, I didn’t know that the classmate in front of me, Geto, was Nozomi.”

“Thanks to the system video, this secret was exposed.

Gojo Satoru smiled generously:”You are really good at guessing, Miss Ming”

“There’s nothing I can do about it. You and Geto are the strongest team in the high school.”

“Besides, I denied it very quickly.”

Mingming didn’t expect that he would run into a thousand-year-old demon like Nozomi in Shibuya.

Or rather, he did expect it, but he didn’t expect it to happen so soon.

Nozomi has a thousand-year-old plan, and it seems that he can’t handle it.

Mingming, who witnessed all this, had a very clear understanding.

To deal with this thousand-year-old demon, at least special-level ones are required.

Miss Jiujiu, Gojo, and Otsutsuki-san.

However, she was not panicked at all.

Because, Youyou was there.

The people in the high school were looking forward to seeing the ability of the old demon Nozomi here.

Tagore’s beach area.

Seeing this scene, Nozomi smiled slightly.

“Intuition is right.”

“”I met this body of my senior from my school days.”

Zhenren, Louhu and the others were looking forward to Gojo’s performance.

To be more precise, it was Nose, but they were used to calling him Gojo.

In the world of sorcery, people have their eyes on Nose.

How powerful is this sorcerer who has survived for a thousand years by replacing the brain and seizing the body?

It is certain that he is definitely not as strong as Gojo Satoru.

Otherwise, he would not have gone to such great lengths to seal Gojo Satoru.

【”I’m so sorry, Geto-san!”】

【”Miss Ming, I’m sorry too!”】

【”I have to take action against my former senior schoolmate!”】

【Under the watchful eyes of the crowd, [Geto Summer Oil] used the cursed spirit manipulation technique】

【Special grade specific plague curse spirit – Herpes God!】

【A head of gray hair, a mouth full of white fangs, and a pair of slender arms on a huge body seem a bit out of place.】

【The extremely ugly cursed spirit appeared in everyone’s sight】

【Mingming was slightly startled】

【Curse Spirit Manipulation Technique, could he really be Geto?】

【Seeing this, everyone understood】

【The noose can take over other people’s bodies and use other people’s skills】

【”Miss Ming, although I failed in the Night Parade of One Hundred Demons last year and used up all the cursed spirits, the quality did not decline.”】

【”I’ll wait for you on the railway. I’ll play with you after you exorcise it!”】

【He waved to Mingming, and the figure of the rope slowly disappeared in the darkness.】

【In a moment!】

【The dark subway tracks have undergone a dramatic change】

【Mingming, Youyou and the special-grade specific plague curse spirit-herpes god came to an abandoned cemetery】

【This is the field expansion!】

【There is some trouble!】

【The guaranteed effect of the domain binds Mingming in a coffin.】


【”elder sister——”】

【Youyou is very worried about your sister】

【But only for a moment】

【The next moment, there was a loud bang.】

【Breaking out of the coffin】

【Showing an elegant fighting posture:”I haven’t encountered an enemy that can threaten my life in several years!”】

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