In the Zhutian Exchange Network, the Hongyun Qitian Gu has become the most”best-selling” item.

Although most people know that there may be many competitors, they all hold the mentality of”since I’m here, I’ve already come” and have posted a post for purchase, or privately chatted with Fang Yuan, Ju Yang and others.

At the same time, there are not many people who practice the Gu Master system. After all, the power of this system is basically on the Gu worm.

Yiquan Er Xiaobingbing: I tried it, and the power provided by the main god space can work, but I have to adapt every time I change to a new world, which is unbearable!

The leader of the Zhatian Gang: Just practice it casually, it is more convenient to buy Gu worms directly, anyway, the immortal essence of Gu Xian can be regarded as consumables! Dr. Chen

: According to the experimental results, if you want to practice the Gu Master system, you need to find a way to pry the Tao of your own world to form the same Tao mark as the Gu world, which is much more difficult than practicing in the Gu world.

Dr. Chen: But if you buy Gu worms directly, although you can’t use them many times, you can try to use the Gu worms as a tool to comprehend the Tao, or directly refine them into Tao marks!

Great Love Immortal Venerable: Thank you for the research manual, senior. Although the Gu in our world cannot be used directly, it can be used as a tool to approach the Tao for worlds with similar status.

Great Love Immortal Venerable: So if anyone wants to study or use Gu, you can find me and the other two Taoist friends to sign a rental contract! Everyone, see you on the trading channel!

Following Fang Yuan’s words.

I don’t know how many creatures poured into the trading channel.

After setting up a trading contract with the three venerables, I rented the Gu worm I liked and began to practice or comprehend……

Blue Star

【Congratulations to the host for successfully launching the Gu World and Gu Master Cultivation System】

【It is detected that the creatures in the XXX world are comprehending the method of Gu cultivation.】

【Returning the master’s skills】

【Congratulations host, you have been promoted to the first level!】


【Congratulations host, you have been promoted to the fifth level!】


【Congratulations host, you have been promoted to the Ninth Transformation Venerable!】

【Become the Immortal Lord of Inventory!】

【I knew at an early age that society was difficult, but I still wanted to soar among the clouds.】

【It’s hot outside, stay at home and watch the debate】

【I worked hard to make videos】

【Jinzhao Jianzhi Exchange Network, Inventory System Shocks the Heavens! 】

In order to be able to use Gu, it is more or less necessary to contact the Gu Master’s cultivation system.

Accumulated little by little.

The pure power superposition also allowed Ye Hao’s cultivation to rush to the realm of the Nine Revolutions Venerable!

Although there is no suitable Gu to use.

But with the celestial perception of the Wufu system, the rule perception of the Haotian system, etc.,

Ye Hao can easily pry the rules of his own world.

After all, Blue Star is just an ordinary planet.

It’s just a thought.

In Ye Hao’s body, the Hongyun Qitian Gu composed of”luck” that makes countless creatures jealous has condensed!

“Next, for me now”

“There is no need to read on, but its popularity is probably not lower than that of the Gu Xiu system….”

Playing with the invisible and intangible”Hongyun Qitian” in his hand, which only belongs to him.

Ye Hao spoke calmly.

With a thought, he returned to his home.

At the same time.

The video has begun to jump and the next video is played……….

【From low to high, take stock of the most powerful cultivation systems in the world!】

【Fifth on the world list】

【Three-Body World, Civilization Cultivation System!】

【In the Three-Body World, the definition of civilization refers to the stage in which humans have escaped from a barbaric society and moved from the law of the jungle to the implementation of the behavioral norms of civilized society!】

【Starting from the first level civilization that could not leave its own planet】

【The civilizations in the entire universe are divided into level one civilization, level two civilization, level three civilization, level four civilization, level five civilization, level six civilization, and level seven civilization!】

【[Representative of Level 1 Civilization: Earth Civilization]

As the narration ends, a blue planet appears on the screen.

The humans on it have continued to reproduce and eventually become the top of the food chain. They develop technology. They use their own creations to explore the earth and the universe, can roughly use nuclear materials, and even plan at a normal level of civilization.

Human civilization that cannot perfectly control the energy of the mother planet is not yet a true Level 1 civilization. It was not until the era of the technological explosion that humans developed space technology.

They have the most advanced space battleship fleet, equipped with”infrasonic” nuclear bombs, and have developed”antimatter” bullets!

In the end, they even have a curvature spacecraft that can exceed the speed of light!

It can be regarded as officially stepping into the pinnacle of Level 1 civilization!………

In the Zhutian Communication Network, many creatures were excitedly studying the”functions” of the rented insects.

But as the new cultivation system was exposed, people also hurriedly opened the video.

But as they watched, many people showed confusion in their eyes.

Qin Shihuang: This Earth…What is it? People in the whole world actually live on the earth?

Qin Shi Huang: What is technology? It can actually allow ordinary people to go to the sky and into the earth?

God of the Wind: They are just a group of mortals, but if they can control the so-called spaceship, I even feel that the strong men of the previous low-level systems will be bombed to death!

Goldfinger is down: Fuck! Three-body! Doesn’t this thing involve the power of the universe? It can actually be called a low-level system?

Goldfinger is down: And what is the civilization cultivation system? It can’t be a complete technology tree, right? Exploding

Heaven Gang Leader: @Qin Shi Huang, the earth is the home of mankind! You also live on the earth!

Goulan Tingqu: No, the earth in this Three-body world, the technology explosion is a bit too much, right?

Goulan Tingqu: They have light-speed spaceships, but they are still only a first-level civilization?

Xiao Yanzi who loves to refine pills: That’s right, if the first-level civilization is like this, then why can’t the seventh-level civilization go to the sky?

Ye Tiandi: The earth civilization of our world has always been bound to the planet, so by analogy, it is also less than the first-level level?

I am Li Feiyu: I always feel that this civilization cultivation system is showing something extraordinary! Although I don’t understand it!

Colonel Chu: If the description is true, then this civilization cultivation system is probably the most precious of all low-level systems!

Colonel Chu: It may be able to elevate the civilization you are in!

I don’t know how many time travelers there are.

Comparing the”Earth” before I traveled through, I began to compare it horizontally with the Earth in the Three-Body World.

Then I sadly discovered that the world before I traveled through could not even reach the first-level civilization standard of the Three-Body World!

There are also many creatures who have never been exposed to this knowledge.

A burst of heat rose in my heart!

The first-level civilization is like this, so if the complete cultivation system is announced, can my civilization also skyrocket in civilization level?……..

Three-body World

“see it?”

“We may even have light-speed spacecraft in the future”

“They are only first-level civilizations.”

“This universe…”

Shi Qiang held a cigarette in his mouth.

He looked at the vast starry sky above his head.

He felt cold all over!

When he first saw the introduction to Earth’s civilization, he was very happy.

He felt that it was an honor for Earth to be on this mysterious communication network of the heavens.

However, after learning the cold”truth” of the universe,

Shi Qiang was scared! In the vast starry sky, how many civilizations like the Three-Body Problem are there? How many are stronger than him?

Earth has always been a first-level civilization.

Is it qualified to stand on the opposite side of these civilizations?

“universe…Level 1 to 7…”

Compared to Shi Qiang,

Logic’s eyes were full of light!

He muttered to himself.

Recalling what he had heard from Ye Wenjie about the inspiration of cosmic sociology!

He suddenly laughed

“So that’s how it is, so that’s how it is!”

“This is the truth of the universe!”

At a certain moment, the image of the universe suddenly bloomed in Logic’s mind!

It turned into a dark forest!

He laughed wildly! Shi Qiang started to get scared!

“Wallfacer logic, I am your wallbreaker!”

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