Swallowed Star World

“Master, this is our world!”

Morosa said respectfully.

Looking at the City Lord Luo in front of him

“I see”

“I really didn’t expect this. I originally thought that the Origin Continent would be my new starting point and journey.”

“But there are so many vast worlds between the heavens!”

“But it’s okay this way!”

“Just what I want!”

Lord Luo was very happy.

He was not afraid to go to the Origin Continent, and he even yearned for it.

Because there, he might get new adventures and see more new scenery!

However, now, there is no need to spend a long time to go to the Origin Continent.

Just sit in the spaceship, and you can explore a higher realm and a more vast world through the communication network of the heavens!

Then practice these things with your own hands!

What could be better than now?


“With the help of the video, you can understand more details about the cultivation system in our world!”

“After reaching the Origin Continent like this!”

“You can face the unknown with the strongest attitude!”

Morosa was very happy.

He felt from the bottom of his heart that this way, his master would be more”safe”!


“The more wonderful the adventure, the more time it takes to settle!”

“Let me reminisce too.”

“”The past years.”

City Lord Luo chuckled.

After so many years, his own memory was a little fuzzy.

Now, it was just right to use the information in the video to review it!

After the subtitles appeared, it immediately turned into a dark background!

Then a vast and boundless continent appeared!

【Devour the starry world!】

【The most core area is called the Origin Continent!】

【As the name suggests, it is the origin of the world that devours the stars!】

【The entire cultivation system is divided into fourteen stages!】

【They are respectively apprentice level, planetary level, stellar level, cosmic level, domain lord level, realm lord level, immortal god level, cosmic master level, Lord of the Universe level, true god level, void true god level, eternal true god level, chaos lord, and god king level!】

【Among these realms, there is only one obvious watershed, which is the Void True God level!】

【Under the Void True God, the life span can be said to be endless, but it will be affected by the reincarnation of the original universe, and eventually fall into reincarnation and start over again! 】

With the exposure of a new supreme cultivation system, the creatures of the heavens are naturally very happy.

After all, not everyone has the qualifications to go further in a certain cultivation system!

This is because Ye Hao has given the seeds of the heavens!

But this one is not good.

Naturally, you can try the next one!

Maybe there is one that suits you! 237

Therefore, even the weakest world has great enthusiasm for cultivation!

Deeply looking forward to the exposure of each supreme cultivation system!

But this time, after seeing the brief information of the new cultivation system, I don’t know how many people directly gasped!

The leader of the Sky-blasting Gang: Yo Yo! God King! God King Tang San, I didn’t expect that you are actually the top existence of the supreme system, so scary!

Dragon Talisman World No. 1: Although I didn’t expect much from the cultivation system outside the Dragon Talisman system.

Dragon Talisman World No. 1: But I have to say that the name of this system makes people have no desire to practice!

The golden finger is down: Did you hear that?! Come out and get beaten! Apologize to the big boss of the Devouring Star Universe World!

Spare my life, my lord: Although it is a bit cruel to say this, the God King Tang San is at least a person who has appeared in the video.

Spare my life, my lord: I advise you to change your name, it is not shameful!

Qin Shi Huang: If it were me, I would never occupy such an empty name. You must know that virtue does not match the position!

Qin Shi Huang: Even if you insist on holding on to this name, it will only bring disaster!

One Punch Two Little Pancakes: How to say it, changing the name is indeed the most convenient means. The most important thing for a person is to listen to advice!

Sea God Tang San: Enough! How can you do this! Isn’t it okay that everything in the world has coincidences?

Sea God Tang San: Besides! The cultivation system was not created by me! Why are you holding on to me!

Be a man of virtue: Okay, if I hadn’t accidentally seen that you changed your name, I would really believe you!

City Lord Luo: The greatest advantage of human beings is that they follow their hearts!

Long Fu Yisheng: It’s okay. In front of the Supreme System, it’s not shameful to change your name. No one will laugh at you!

A certain”God King” was dragged out and whipped again because of the Devouring Star Technique.

However, when they saw Tang San quickly changed his ID.

Many creatures laughed so hard that they couldn’t close their mouths.

This was the first time they saw Tang San do something other than breaking the defense.

It was really hilarious to surrender so quickly!

The Great World

“No, I feel a little dizzy!”

“”The two seniors, please protect me!”

After seeing all the”details” about the Devouring Star Universe,

Muchen immediately smiled and said

“You kid”

“I’m already in the master realm, what’s there to be dizzy about?”

“However, this world of Devouring Stars is truly vast!”

“The three thousand dimensional cosmic sea guards the continent of origin!”

“Although the lower planes that depend on the existence of the universe are immeasurable”

“But if we really merge them”

“Perhaps the area of our world must at least be matched by the endless chaos outside the universe!”

Emperor Yan shook his head.

He did not take Muchen’s joke seriously.

But then he became serious.

He carefully watched the introduction in the video and muttered to himself:

“What’s the use of big?”

“It mainly depends on how strong you are!”

“However, if you really want to control such a vast world”

“The power required and the pressure to bear are not small!”

Based on his current strength, even the Martial Ancestor had to admit that he might not be able to face the more vast world of Devouring Stars!

“I think”

“This Devouring Star Universe world may not be like ours and the Tomb of God world.”

“It is by relying on the power to control the world that one can achieve the strongest!”

“Although this sounds a bit insulting.”

“But that guy named Tang San, the so-called God King title seems to be the power belongs to himself, right?”

After hearing the words of Wu Zu

, Mu Chen pondered for a moment before speaking.

“Does the great power belong to oneself?”

“Do you remember that world that suddenly appeared and had a very powerful aura?”

“According to other people’s inference, that world might be ruled by someone with great power! If the speculation is true, perhaps the system that swallowed the universe world”

“It can bring us one step closer to the world!”

After hearing this, Emperor Yan first opened the communication network of the heavens and confirmed the information he needed.

Then he spoke!

The world

“So many universes!”

“There is even a continent specifically guarding the center!”

“The long, long years…”

“The vast expanse of land…”

After the Seed of the Heavens was bestowed,

Qin Shi Huang’s”ambition” had already begun to expand!

However, what really made him make up his mind was the sudden explosion of the universe controlled by Ye Hao, which directly ascended to the sky in one step! (To read the novel of Bao Shuang, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

From the discussion of the crowd,

Qin Shi Huang already knew that the reason why the universe suddenly became powerful was because the controller was extremely powerful!

As the controller of the Great Qin, Qin Shi Huang had absolute faith! He must bring the Great Qin to the peak!

“In the past, my vision was not enough”[]

“You can only see this small part of the planet!”

“But now that I have seen so many vast worlds, my horizons have broadened!”

“The future of Daqin!”

“Under my leadership, we must move forward towards higher places in the universe and planes!”

“One day, I will also ascend to the highest place!”

“Until then…”

Qin Shi Huang never told anyone about his ambitions!

After all, how could a mere”mortal” world be qualified to covet the position of those high and mighty worlds!

If he told others, others would only think he was wishful thinking!

But Qin Shi Huang always had such a belief burning in his heart!

Not only because of Ye Hao’s universe, but also because of the experiences of Emperor Yan and Wu Zu!

“That unknown being can make his universe so powerful that it surpasses all the other universes!”

“The Martial Ancestor Yan Emperor can grow from a lower plane to a giant in the universe!”

“Why can’t I! My Qin cavalry will guard this vast universe in the future! They will never be confined to a small planet!”

At this moment, the many cosmic seas that swallowed the star world seemed to have become the”model house” of the future Qin in the eyes of Qin Shihuang!

The origin continent is his Xianyang City!

The three thousand dimensions are the counties of the Qin Dynasty!…..(aiag)…

Douluo World

“Damn it! Why is this damn world called this?”

“Tang San , who was forced to change his name, did not dare to express his opinions directly on the Zhutian Communication Network.


But he couldn’t guarantee that those extremely terrifying supreme worlds would have the means to deal with him!

More importantly, with the name of”God King”, he would only be ridiculed more as the Devouring Star Universe world gradually unfolded in the future!

When he thought of this, the anger in Tang San’s heart piled up and overflowed, almost burning him out!

“Power! I need power!”

“As long as you have the power to make everyone fear you!”

“I can shut up all those who mock me and let them know what it means to die!”

“This vast world!”

“I should be the one in charge! I am the real God King!”

At this moment.

Tang San’s eyes were full of resentment!

After desperately recording the IDs of those who ridiculed him, he stared at the Devouring Star World, the vast and boundless universes, and spoke with a ferocious look!

“Just wait! Wait until I step into the true realm of the God King!”

“I will definitely try my best”

“Let you know my methods!”

Just as Tang San was muttering with great resentment,

Xiao Wu suddenly came to the temple.

“Third brother!”

“The other gods said that they had united and held a meeting”

“From now on we won’t call ourselves gods. Brother San, you’ve just changed your ID once, why not change it again?”

“They have already changed it!”

After the words fell,

Tang San suddenly raised his head and stared at Xiao Wu in disbelief.

Then he suddenly spat out a mouthful of blood.


While people were teasing a certain unlucky”God King”, the Devouring Star Universe world, which only revealed the tip of the iceberg, completely revealed his true face!

Countless points of light emerged, turning into a three thousand dimensional cosmic sea! Guarding the origin continent!

【Outside the continent of origin is the three thousand dimensional cosmic ocean!】

【The significance of the existence of the three thousand dimensional universe can be said to be a”trial”, from which powerful souls or the strongest ones are selected to enter the origin universe!】

【And the cosmic ocean surrounds the original universe!】

【Its shape is like an egg, and each cosmic sea contains an original universe!】

【And the small universe that exists in the ocean of the universe!】

【Throughout the long years, no creature in the original universe has been able to figure out how vast the ocean of the universe is!】

【Even the area of exploration is limited to the edge of the cosmic ocean close to the original universe!】

【The primordial universe will reincarnate every long period of time, and at that time the primordial universe and all the life born in it will be destroyed together!】

【Unless there is protection from creatures that have created a small universe!】

【The Devouring Star Universe world is centered on the origin universe, and the Devouring Stars method is universal! 】

With the previous”experience”, people are ready.

The Devouring Star Universe world will be more extensive than the Great Thousand World, which has countless lower planes and thousands of vast continents.

But being prepared does not mean that they can accept the images that appear in the video!

Logic: Damn it!

What is this!

The sea of the universe? Logic: Can the universe be described as a sea? Logic: Even if most of the sea of the universe is chaos and nothingness, the three thousand original universes are scary enough!

Trisolarans: Damn, it turns out that we are the bugs!

Jiujianxian : Looking back, I still think that the so-called galaxies and universes are vast enough.

Jiujianxian: Now that I have seen the Devouring Star Universe world with my own eyes, I know that the so-called vastness is just what I thought!

I am not called Bai Xiaofei: In a place like the Great Thousand World, ordinary people are not even qualified to walk through it.

I am not called Bai Xiaofei: There are even a lot of universes here!


Goldfinger is down: I have to say, this origin universe sounds awesome!

The three thousand dimensional universe sea constantly transports the strongest, isn’t that similar to the lower plane of the universe? Great King, spare my life: The concept is similar, but God knows how terrifying the existence that walks out of the universe sea is!

Dragon Symbol No.

1 in the World: So this is what a true God King is!

In charge of the Origin Continent, the three thousand universe seas guard it!

Dragon Symbol No.

1 in the World: It’s a pity that some people just don’t know themselves, holding a dung fork and think they are worthy of being called a God King!

Goulan Listening to Music: Hahaha!

I just went to see it, but they have changed their name!

Deep Blue Plus Points: Not bad, it’s quite discerning, I thought he was going to be stubborn to the end!

Just when people were shocked by the gorgeous scene formed by the three thousand universe seas and the daily persecution of a former God King.

In the video.

The blue planet appeared again!

【Swallowed Star World, Swallowed Star Sky Method】

【The starting point is Earth and planets of similar size!】

【The initial step on the path of cultivation is called the Apprentice Level!】

【The apprentice level is further divided into student level, quasi-warrior level, warrior level, general level, and god of war level!】

【This stage is mainly divided by the power that can be exerted!】

【Beginner students can exert a force of 200 kilograms, intermediate students can exert a force of 400 kilograms, and advanced students can exert a force of 800 kilograms!】

【When you can exert a force of 900 kilograms, you become a quasi-warrior!】

【Above the quasi-warrior is the warrior level!】

【The warrior level is divided into three stages: elementary, intermediate and advanced!】

【When reaching this stage, one has already entered the extraordinary realm, but can be killed by thermal weapons. Thermal weapons with greater power pose a greater threat!】

【In the warrior stage, with each level up, the strength will double, and the strongest can exert four tons of force!】

【At the Warlord level, they are no longer a threat to anyone with weapons! They can kill a thousand ordinary people with weapons all by themselves!】

【This level is also divided into three stages! The power doubles in each stage!】

【Ares-level, lifespan is already longer than that of ordinary people! His strength can destroy buildings, and he can swing his weapons at several times the speed of sound!】

【Just the aftermath of the battle, or even the process of fighting, will cause massive damage to the areas they pass through!】

【It can already protect against the damage of a building with more than ten floors collapsing! 】

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